(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Dear all,

Thanks for keeping me in your prayers, I really need it. Looks like baby boy really has this rare condition (altho d success rate is high)... unless miracle happens.

Will try to stay positive n happy ;)

Hope all mummies n babies will be healthy.


hi lilysnow -> tested using 4 bb clothes. so far all stains had been removed except one badly stained clothes, even though it did remove the stain completely but it did lighten.

So i guess close to 80% it did work. tks for the valuable information. definitely using coloured blench does not work.

Who is in charge of the updating info here hahaha....

Im expecting a boy AGAIN....


you can store the stock in normal chiller for up to 1 wk.

for freezer is up to 1 month.

for chiller you can store in tumbler or plastic container

for freezer, i normally store in those clear bags which you can find in NTUC .. you use those when you buy fruits

refer to this http://littlegastronomy.blogspot.com/2008/03/making-chicken-stock-step-by-step.html

i normally do / freeze 2 bags at a time and use them within 2 wks

if you scared they be spoilt then you don't boil that much chix stock. and to consume them within few days in the chiller.

i read that boy not easy to conceive. normally conceive on 1 of our fertile day. if you get girls means that conceive on other days outta fertile day

Good morning ladies.... hope everyone have a nice weekend...

went for detail scan on tues, bb confirm is a girl... so i have one boy and one girl.. hehe

Gitz, my girl conceive on fertile day le... hmmm..

Irma, aiyo... u takecare...

Lin, rainelle- I already start using aloe vera for him once it happen.

Rachel- Dun worry everything will b well for u n ur boy.

MissBLuey- Dun worry kids r lyk tat. Mine boy when he was 6mths old keep non-stop havin fever oso duno wat happen so dun worry. As long as he stil can play n eat shd b fine.

Peck- My boy is finenow bt still havin nightmare every night. Turn here n there e whole night, gosh tat makes mi haf sleepless nights too. E cut is still there so keepin finger crossed whether gt scar ant. As for sarong, waitin for hubby to dismantle it coz they dun allow mi to do so. No one dare to put him in coz if they dare, think I will scream...

Hi mummies,

Just went for my detail scan this noon.. bb confirmed is a boy as the lady who done the scan mentioning that my bb is ego as he open his leg so wide that we easily spotted his dd.. hehe.. so its 100% confirm.. so happy :D

this time rd, #2 is quite quiet.. hope is normal? Cos my #1 last time kick non-stop n flip non stop whenever we see her in the ultrasound.. but didi seems opposite.. he's v still throughout the scan.. maybe only kick a few times.. can any mummies advice?

even at home, the movement also not as much #1..



just to update:

my son was admitted into kkh late this morning. his ear infection haven't totally recovered though on the road to recovery, hence his fever was quite high last night. even stronger fever med wasn't much use, let alone normal ones. hubby brought him to see pd this morning as the fever returned, shooting up to 39 degrees, pd inserted the bullet into son's anus & suspected he may have Kawasaki disease, referred him to kkh. anyway, we already thought of going there for blood test if his fever still persists. did xray, lungs are ok. urine test passed. but did blood test showed got infection. so now doc increased his antibiotics dosage to 7.5ml, hopefully the infection can be cured & his fever will eventually disappear. now waiting for his fever to fully disappear before he can discharge.

MissBLuey- Take care of urself too. Let hubby stay wif him in e hospital at nite, u better rest at home. Wif antibiotic sure can cure de unlike mine tat time they say too young cannot give any medication at e end stay lyk chalet without any help from e doc.

Anyone gt pain at ur chest? I haf been havin pain more to e right side of my chest nearer to my right cleavage. It can b real painful if i move or slp onto my right side.

jolene -> maybe u can try traditional medicine like "jing feng shan" for your boy to eat. got instructions to follow for small boi to be taken. it will help to calm him down ..

missbluey -> take care of yourself n boi. do not think so much now. with the antibotics i believe ur boi will recovery.

will send prayerst to both mummies ....

tiger baby: thx for the update. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

peck: thx.. feeling alot better now, just that still having the not-so-nice voice.. nasal not cleared yet n occasion coughin.

back to work already today.. so sad.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

missbluey-> Must take care of yourselves. Dun overtired yourselves and you also need more rest too. Dun worry. The doctor will sure find a antibiotic to cure your son infection.

Missbluey-> I search the internet and it indicate that it will normally be cured after 2 days of treatment. Dun worry, your son will be fine

Lilysnow >> We share the same gynae.. but my ds appointment is next Friday afternoon and afterwhich seeing Dr Loh @ TPS.. Can't wait cos i changed the appt from this wk to next wk.. actually y don't you change to TPS..cos the waiting is terrible @ Clinc D.. sometimes with playful and screaming kids really drives me mad..

Our EDD just 2 days difference.. maybe we might just meet @ the delivery suite you never know.. i can imagine how we make our gynae running here and there to assist delivery.. heeehee..

thanks ladies!

im really touched by your concern that i nearly teared. =)

anyway just some info on Kawasaki disease:

Kawasaki disease (also known as lymph node syndrome, Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome[1], and Kawasaki syndrome) is an autoimmune disease that manifests as a multisystemic necrotizing medium vessel vasculitis that is largely seen in children under 5 years of age, which affects many organs, including the skin, mucous membranes, lymph nodes, and blood vessel walls, but the most serious effect is on the heart where it can cause severe aneurysmal dilations in untreated children. Without treatment, mortality may approach 1%, usually within 6 weeks of onset. With treatment, the mortality rate is less than 0.01% in the U.S.[2] There is often a pre-existing viral infection that may play some role in pathogenesis. The conjunctival and oral mucosa, along with the epidermis (skin), become erythmatous (red and inflammed). Edema is often seen in the hands and feet and the cervical lymph nodes are often enlarged. Also, some degree of fever is often noted.


* High-grade fever (greater than 39 °C or 102 °F; often as high as 40 °C or 104 °F) that normally lasts for more than 5 days if left untreated.

* Red eyes (conjunctivitis) without pus or drainage, also known as "conjunctival injection"

* Bright red, chapped, or cracked lips

* Red mucous membranes in the mouth

* Strawberry tongue, white coating on the tongue or prominent red bumps (papillae) on the back of the tongue

* Red palms of the hands and the soles of the feet

* Rash which may take many forms, but not vesicular (blister-like), on the trunk

* Swollen lymph nodes (frequently only one lymph node is swollen), particularly in the neck area

* Joint pain (arthralgia) and swelling, frequently symmetrical

* Irritability

* Tachycardia (rapid heart beat)

* Peeling (desquamation) palms and soles (later in the illness); peeling may begin around the nails

* Beau's lines (transverse grooves on nails)

* may find breathing difficult.

i really pray it isn't this disease, sounds serious lor. so far, doc didn't say anything yet. already did mucus (nose) & swab test, still waiting for the results. hopefully, my son will be able to go home tmr. currently, his temp is so far so good. almost 24hrs then got fever again (last fever was @ 3am morning), though it reached 39.2 during this noon but it was brought down quite fast as compared on last fri.

but hor, my son hasn't passed motions for the past 3 days. this is the 3rd day liao. told the nurse there but you know lah, what can they do? smile weakly to you nia. -.- or is it perhaps he don't eat much, that's why no bowel movements? he was so cranky earlier, maybe he wanted to pass motion but there's nothing, only keep farting which is rather smelly. really poor thing lor.

yes, my hubby & maid are doing the night shifts. i took over the daytime shift. can't really sleep well @ night. my son's opp "neighbour" is on drip, the boy is near to 1yr old, really very poor thing sia.

still waiting for son's mucus & swab test (that's what they called), should be out tmr. pray the results are normal.

Missbluey, your boy fever has come down faster and is a good sign. Don't worry too much ok. Try to rest more at night and when your son is back home you will have more energy to take care of him. If fruits is allowed, try giving him some to help in bowel movement.

Missbluey, infection takes awhile to clear. Your son has been having fever for days meaning body has tired out from fighting. Don't think so negative ok! Once my son pd told me that we will be surprise by children immune system. Can have fever for days but fever can be gone out of a sudden. Since now more antibiotic is given, infection will clear faster [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


pray that all will be fine for yr boy - continue to shower him wif TLC since it muz hv felt lousy to be unwell for so long. He will be his cheerful mode once this ordeal is over. U take care too.


tks for all the info..will try them out...and see if it wrks for me....


Do u see yr son gt the urge to pass motion bt it doesnt come out?? Cos tat time my son aso..cos he drinks very little water n he doesnt pass motion bt yet he always tell us he want to poo...so we went to the TCM counters to a small tube...mus tell them it is for how old...cost i tink 80cents....so u jus pump alittle liquid into his anus...and the poo will cm out almost instantly...bt u hv to hold his butt cheeks so that the liquid stays inside for a while...bt cannot always use la..unless constipated...

Dun wori too much...i am sure yr son will get well soon...

my rate of weight increase is gg up... put on 2kg over the past 2.5 wks... so far put on 4.5kg in total le... but recent weight gain like very fast..!


any ideas how to remove the dirt and fungus imagine him drinking and prb. the cause of the sickness...who know?? inside the straw in the water bottles kind?? Jus saw my son's water bottle straws r yuckss!! cant Cant seem to find the replacement straws aso.....tried buying the pigeon the super slim brush bt it cant go inside the straw.....

Missbluey - hope that your son recover soon. if your son is not drinking much, mayb can check if he can take some diluted honey/yakult, mayb can help bowel movements.

Jolelle - when i want kkh to confirm pregnancy in nov, i asked nurse and she said SF Loh doesn't go TPS anymore leh....said he prefer to stay at clinic D coz nearer to the IVF dept. then he can cut down on his walking distance and save time woh... i'll check again tmr.

Last time when i was at TPS, i also have to wait quite long for SF Loh, like an 1hr, mayb coz its saturday morning.

How long is your usual waiting time at TPS?

Hi All...

I was feeling the movements of the baby since last few days but since yesterday morning i haven felt anything... Is there something worng with the baby>? Am too worried... Does this happen to anyone of u ?

Ritu, ermm.. dun tink too much.. mi these two days oni felt min. movement fm bb.. so i'm getting abit paranoid abit too.

ritu: dun worry... mine, a day b4 the scan, bb was moving whole day apparently.. then aft that, not so much.. its norm.. dun worry ok.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

missbluey: really hope your son gets well soon..


Hope yr son will recover soon..you also need to rest as much as you can so that you can take good care of him when he is discharged.

If he is on antibiotic for long period of time, it will be good to let him take some probiotic when he recovers. It was recommended by my PD when my gals were prone to viral infection and had to be on antibiotic most of the time. Probiotics will help to cleanse and strengthen her digestive system so that kids can absorb nutrients and build up their immune system better.

missbluey: Praying for your son to get well soon.. Agree with bebe75, you've to get more rest so that got energy to take care of him. must take of yourself and baby inside you also

JoJo: I am going to week 22 for my pregnancy, but my weight also increase alot suddenly. Only 1 weeks, i see a different of 1kg plus liao. scarely. So far also gain 4.5 to 5kg. hopefully it will not keep increasing at this rate.

anyone plan to have pre-natal massage? Now already started to have back pain, especially if i go out the full day.

limbox: same..but usually if you're opting for malay lady to massage, they would do around 5mths going to 6mth..when the bb is stable enough.

jalgal: thanks for updating [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] no updates on my end yet. gender still unknown.. but i'm very likely going to change my gynae to a twins specialist at KKH. let you know when its confirmed.

Hi Missbluey,

Will pray for your son, he seems to be making good progress with fever coming down. Everything will be ok.

Lilysnow and Summerbel,

Does the stain removal formula work for other stains, other than milk? Think the color of my new Thyme maternity pants came off and my whites have light patches of color. Could you please let me know what the formula is again.


Should be ok, the little movement, during my scan there was no movement too and the sonographer had to keep bouncing the device on my stomach to make baby turn after she told me to lie on my side to make baby turn etc. Asked her if it's normal, and she says, it's better that there's not much movement so that they can do the scan properly :p

Re Weight Gain:

I must be one of the chart toppers! Completing week 22 tomorrow according to BabyCentre but already put on 10kg! The weight gain was extremely fast in the last week, like 1kg per day! Then again I did eat quite a bit the last week. And unfortunately many people I meet tell me I'm quite big for 4.5 months [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jalgal: welcome back..hope you enjoyed your trip.

niway, tiger baby did some udpates few days back.... may want to re-check or update fr there? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ok azureoct,

Hi all,

i m back from my holiday, i went to ho chi minh for 4d3n. quite a rare place for holiday. bcos my mom wanted to go so ask my hubby n i to accompany her. Just for ur info if u wish to travel on air is better to get a refer letter from the Dr. lucky i call up 1day b4 my flight to check n e nurse told me to get the letter from them so i rush down to the clinic.

i went for my detail scan on 23 Jan. was very happy bcos the result was good n the sonographer was a very nice lady. she keep commenting all part of my bb is very good n excellent. she wil say like " em... here is the heart ok all very good n the shape is excellent." em.. the blood flow was good. "here is the hand is good all finger r there.' here is the stomach ok nothing wrong. excellent. 'baby size is ok great.excellent. here is the baby's face. look good no clif lips excellent. i really feel good n excellent [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]haha after hearing all her comment. i think she is very nice. atleast she make me so release. also i manage to snap on my babygal side view. n sono comment bb's nose very shape then i super happy lo cos my hubby nose not shape but my nose is shape so i wan my bb to look like me. the sono give me 1 print out of my bb side view cos she said is hard to get n bcos of my hubby birthday that day so she print it out for me. hubby was also very happy but he went it later after the measurement so he said so fast he also dun know wat to look for but as long as he heard all very good n excellent he is happy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my gal was very "Kuai" during the scan so very fast the scan finish le. went back for gynae for the result. gynae only take 2-3mins to explain n say "ok everything is fine. baby seem to have a long leg. any question?" then i say nothing. then he just say see u next month.....haha so fast.

Hi Irma,

ya i know thanks tiger baby for updating the chart. i have read all the achieve that i missed. i think should be alrite with the update.

welcome back to sg jalgal! =) hoped u had fun!

SueLynn, i'm oso big for 4.5mth.. hahaha.. think increased 6-7kg since preggy..

MissBluey, u must take good care too.. dun worry too much about ur boy, everything will be fine for ur boy..

jalgal, i'm seeing dr irene chua now. btw, u may want to sort the table by due date.

this morning i went KKH for the 3rd time to complete my DS. the past 2 times, bb wasn't in the correct position to scan for nasal bone. thank God this morning she was finally in the ideal position and everything's ok.

my suggestion to those who has not gone for DS - try to avoid the end of day slots... otherwise u will have to go back on another day should bb not cooperate. ;)

Tiger Baby, end day slots for DS not good ar? mine is scheduled on 3.15pm tis thur.. can't be earlier coz i'm seeing gynea at TPS in the evening..

hope all is well with bb.


Hi Tiger bb,

i wanted to sort the table by EDD but there will always have changers for the EDD. that' y some of the mtb name is on top althose her edd is later. i will change it once again but after that will just remain the same untill the ADD.anyway the EDD is just estimated n will change base on baby's growing rate.

