(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

dun scare me suelynn...cos i am in wk 9 now....really scared of ms.....

went to see doctor last sat he say my stomach got alot of wind 8wks plus pregnant looks like 4-5 mths pregant haha...

so ginger water really helps to remove the bloatness....

maybe i shld go and try.....


hi all...

Congratulations to all the mum to be..

I just joined the group and 10 wks 4 dys pregnant... Would love to chat with you all...


HI Raycia,

Not scaring you hahah... just getting you prepared, and it will pass if it does hit. Not everyone gets it though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yes I find warm boiled ginger water helps. I would boil a big pot and drink it the whole day if I was not at the office. It also doesn't cause the bad taste you'd have in the mouth eating other stuff. I am off Vitagen for example, leaves my mouth sour and bland after I finish the drink.

Meanwhile, I've got Duphaston phobia too, need to psyche myself up before eating it everyday and night. But doc says have to take it till week 12. Can't wait for the day I can stop taking it.

Thanks ladies for sharing your stories and experiences. Much appreciated. Certainly gave me the strength needed to go forward. Was about to throw in the towel...

Bliss: Have heard of pregnancy pop drops but don't really know what they are and where to get them. Please let me know. Thanks.

Serene: Will definitely try the cone. Thanks.

afrternoon ladies

Bliss well said excatley what I think the was in tears all the time during last trimister itchy skin cannot sleep grumpy all the time, and fed up!

I think I am getting over ms (11 weeks tomorrow) but always at one in afternoon I get that horrible mettalic taste in mouth, I find that soda water is the only thing that helps,

raycia i also look as though I am 5 months pregant, so would this be from wind, what kind of foods would be causing this!

Suelynn, the ginger water consists of only sliced ginger and water, right? How long do you boil it for? Does it taste a little hot (as in spicy)?

hee hee missbluey i read this thread to help me pass time. but will walk to toilet every hours and check some wedsite regarding pregnancy. just keep my self busy lo. if not i also will dose off.

Welcome Ritu.

Irma, left the parra out for you. If you feel really bad and can't take it, best to tell the doctor and I am sure they will give you sick leave. And you can arrange with them thereafter to let them know that you have run out of sick leave because of your last m/c. Surely they will do something to help. Take care and hang in there.

Hi mummies,

The ginger water helps relieve both nausea and bloatedness/wind. You will see that one of the ingredients in the PopDrops should be ginger too. What you can do is slice the ginger or cut a chunk and smash it with the heavy knife then boil in water. The longer you boil and the more ginger you put in, the spicier it will become, so whichever level you can take it at comfortably. Actually you can add honey/sugar for it to taste better, but if you drink a lot of it, perhaps less/no sugar is the healthier option.

For me what I found caused wind was soya products (any drink/curd/tofu etc), beans (don't like them anyway), chilli (my absolute favorite - but somehow just cannot stomach it this round, causes really uncomfortable bloat and really stinky farts, so much so that I can't take it myself - yikes!)

re: ginger

is ginger water different from ginger tea? feel like trying those instant ones, lazy to boil. but i love to eat ginger ever since i was doing my confinement. but sadly my mil doesn't know how to make full use of ginger during cooking. imagine fish with ........ garlic??!!!

re: dozing off during office hrs

i can't really nap in office during lunch time, don't know where should i rest my head. haha. i find dozing off is more 'natural' for me, lol.

re: raw food

this is a no no for me, i so afraid i will have tummyache. don't even dare to eat stingray too. hubby forbids me to eat la la (clam shells - my fave!) & sotong. but mil allows me to eat crabs, funny hor? but i had sotong secretly for my #1, my boy is ok leh. maybe after my 1st tri, im going for sotong! hehe.


ya lor! my 3rd tri was the worst! can't slp, insomnia. teared when i saw hubby snoring loudly beside me. kept perspiring. can only sleep on my left, back always ache. looked so bloated from water retention which ended up i looking auntie, partly b'cuz of my damn short hair. when gynae said i was 2cm dilated in my 38th week during a routine appt, i quickly said YES! i want to deliver!

pregnancy pop drop & yummyearth are sweets or lozenges? meant for preggies huh? nv hear before.

hi Ling,

sorry i didn't know u r spotting, then u dun exercise la must rest well ok. remember must really rest in the bed. sometime the hormone medicine that u take can be the cause of the MS. r u taking any hormone medicine right now? if u taking then may be after u take e medicine u try to sleep for awhile. and at night u take it b4 u sleep.

Hi ladies, hope MS is subsiding for most of you. Mine have subsided, no vomiting but still feel bloated & light headed.

me almost into 12 weeks,gg for my appmt tonight. *cross finger*

Ling, pregnancy pop drop can get it from here


aven, yes 3rd tri was really fed up!

missbluey, you are feeling the same as me. i cried every night when my hb is sleeping so soundly. i was staying at my parents place that time as i got so angry and always ask myself "WHY can everyone sleep but not me when i'm soooo tired!"

it happens every night! wanted my hb to massage for me but due to his work he dozed off the moment he lie down on the bed.

i can't go hawker center to eat too. everytime must tabao cause is sooo hot there. and i got angry again when my hb and mom take their own sweet time to finish their food. hahaha!

thinking back is very silly but really tough period. really wish to get baby out but too bad i was overdue which is the most terrible thing.

yummyearth is organic fruit sweet. very nice. can order from spree. children also can eat.

pregnancy pop drop is for pregnant women to help in MS.

this is the offical website


those who is keen in getting i can help to get at a cheaper price but can't promise cause i got an wholesale account but didn't order before.

haha missbluey, i tink ur mil is funny. fish taste much better with ginger lo.

hi Ritu,

welcome to the club..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ling, pregnancy pop drop can get it from here


aven, yes 3rd tri was really fed up!

missbluey, you are feeling the same as me. i cried every night when my hb is sleeping so soundly. i was staying at my parents place that time as i got so angry and always ask myself "WHY can everyone sleep but not me when i'm soooo tired!"

it happens every night! wanted my hb to massage for me but due to his work he dozed off the moment he lie down on the bed.

i can't go hawker center to eat too. everytime must tabao cause is sooo hot there. and i got angry again when my hb and mom take their own sweet time to finish their food. hahaha!

thinking back is very silly but really tough period. really wish to get baby out but too bad i was overdue which is the most terrible thing.

yummyearth is organic fruit sweet. very nice. can order from spree. children also can eat.

pregnancy pop drop is for pregnant women to help in MS.

this is the offical website


those who is keen in getting i can help to get at a cheaper price but can't promise cause i got an wholesale account but didn't order before.

No worries and thanks for your advice, jalgal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Have been bedresting for a month liao. I too am suspecting that the Duphaston I am taking makes the MS worse. I certainly feel worse after my twice weekly hormone jabs.

Congrats Shen, so happi for you. Hope all of us will get out of the MS phase soon too....

me gg into 12 weeks too .. next wed going for oscars test and gynae checkup ..

I still experiencing bad MS and it is getting worse. Still no attetide to finish all the food but take in smaller meal and increase in the intake. Cant wait to see my bb next week .. lol


thats sound very scary. 3rd tri is worst then 1st. OMG now i very scare liao..... i always tot after 1st tri everything will be fine. haiz.... pregnancy really not easy..... WE WOman soooooo wei da.....


that mean good.... the medicine got effect for ur body. just tell urself. after 1st tri when you not need to take the duphaston and the jab u will be better... look forward... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

congrat.... to all who is going to 12 week..... so happy for u all...


last time i heard that eating white colour veggies will give you wind. like cabbage, that kind of thing. not sure how true, but i had pretty bad wind in 1st tri too for #1. luckily for #2 not so bad, but i think foods with chili disagree w my tummy. hee.

yah.. read about ur experiences for the 3rd trimester make mi shiver.. going into my 12th week next week.. will be seeing the doc next sat and blood test.. hope everything will be all right.. so looking forward to see my baby.. :D


those Duphaston will certainly trigger more MS symptoms, which is why my gynae din prescribe to me this time. I hv to eat some dry crackers or bread before i brush my teeth or drink anything every morning to curb the queasiness. Hv smaller but more frequent meals, actually not good to keep lying down cos food cant digest well, but in yr case, may hv to prop yrself higher with more pillows. After some trials n errors, u will notice some food tend to cause more problems for u, like in my case, will be cabbage and rice at night, and also no more food after 8pm. Cos i end up vomiting my rice and dinner even at 11pm.

For those who are scared off by the 1st tough pregnancy, mine happens to be the reverse. It was a breeze for me for my #1 throughout, slight MS even in 1st tri, not even with the homrmone pills, second tri even better cos dun feel pukey at all and tummy is still small, I think it helps that i din put on too much weight, except the last 1,2 months of pregnancy. And i also deliver on full term, in fact 5 days over my EDD.

But with #2, its a complete story. So there's a chance that yr subsequent one will be MS-free!


yar u r right, those cabbage, beans, pulses, will cause more flatulence or wind.

Re: Ginger tea

I hv been taking the instant ginger tea with some hints of lemon or peppermint tea, works somewhat for me, so for a convenient fix, no harm trying.


those Duphaston will certainly trigger more MS symptoms, which is why my gynae din prescribe to me this time. I hv to eat some dry crackers or bread before i brush my teeth or drink anything every morning to curb the queasiness. Hv smaller but more frequent meals, actually not good to keep lying down cos food cant digest well, but in yr case, may hv to prop yrself higher with more pillows. After some trials n errors, u will notice some food tend to cause more problems for u, like in my case, will be cabbage and rice at night, and also no more food after 8pm. Cos i end up vomiting my rice and dinner even at 11pm.

For those who are scared off by the 1st tough pregnancy, mine happens to be the reverse. It was a breeze for me for my #1 throughout, slight MS even in 1st tri, not even with the homrmone pills, second tri even better cos dun feel pukey at all and tummy is still small, I think it helps that i din put on too much weight, except the last 1,2 months of pregnancy. And i also deliver on full term, in fact 5 days over my EDD.

But with #2, its a complete story. So there's a chance that yr subsequent one will be MS-free!


yar u r right, those cabbage, beans, pulses, will cause more flatulence or wind.

Re: Ginger tea

I hv been taking the instant ginger tea with some hints of lemon or peppermint tea, works somewhat for me, so for a convenient fix, no harm trying.


u all still can log in & chat? i have to go thru my email cuz i rec notifications if anyone posts a reply in this thread. i think the forum is under maintenance, can't see the Jun 2010 thread at all.

anyway, mil forbid me to take cabbage during confinement, she said can cause wind.


what brand of ginger tea r u drinking now? may drink. cuz sometimes in office, i feel like drinking hot drink but can't possibly always drink milo ma, will get sian one. hehe.

omg, i can't keep snacking!

Hi All,

I'm new here been reading the June 2010 MTB since last month until now there's really alot of post sia.

Wenr for my 1st chk up on Oct, EDD was on 07 June

few days ago i went for my 2nd chk up

EDD bought forward to 01 June.

Wondering which is more accurate?


how do they calculate your EDD? both of mine they always just calculate from the beginning and it never changes. but i've heard from q a few mummies that theirs change, which i find curious.


for now i'm just avoiding chili! much less bloated when i do, haha.

horay!!threads are back..

my ms not getting better... today throw out twice le...

ya i agreed with bliss, now i already dread about sleepless nite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i started to have MS abt the time I started taking Duphaston ard wk 5-6. i'm in wk 10 now and i just stopped Duphaston a few days ago. seems like MS is starting to go away too. i also felt MS peaked ard wk 9.

actually every time i vomited, i felt good cos to me tat's a sign the pregnancy is progressing well. maybe cos my gynae once told me tat must go back see her if MS suddenly stopped before wk 10.


I am taking Twinings, cos personally not a ginger person, so dun think i want the chinese version or original one. Also i am a teh person, so i need some caffeine free stuffs to keep me going! But i found another saviour - 100+, ha.. sipping one as i am typing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i think mine also change once, and i just stick to the latest one, whichever date shown on the scan. But its just EDD lor..

Moony, ya.. just EDD still depends on bb wanna come out early anot, or like bliss overdue still dont want to come out :p

Good noon ladies,

Went for my 3rd visit yesterday,saw my little one moving hands n legs i am so happy=D. My dr say me 12wks liao, aldy arranged for me to do my Oscar test next tues 830am @ TMC.

Gynae says based on bb growth rate my edd moving forward...

From 1st visit edd 05/06, 2nd visit edd 31/05 & 3rd edd 30/05. Though my edd push earlier to end May'10 but I still would love to stay with Jun10- MTB.

Can someone update my info, pls. Thanks

Gynae: Dr. Kenneth Lee

Hospital: Mt A

EDD: 30/05/2010

EDD actually not very accurate de, it just give you a rough date to prepare for bb's arrival. my #1 came out earlier 12days cuz i couldn't take my big tummy anymore & was very eager to carry my son.


where can i get Twinings? any supermarket?

thread finally back!

actually my #1 pregnancy is still consider ok. i know there is mummies who have leg cramps, water retention, heart burn etc. i do have have those. not forgetting easily get yeast infection.

but backache, frequent trips to toilet middle of the night and sleepless night really terrible.

nothing to be scare over pregnancy. just that actually 1st trimester is consider a easier period compare to a big tummy that even walking can be a problem.

as for EDD, some babies tends to be bigger so EDD date will jump like one week. but it doesn't matter as long as you deliver after week 38.

I have the same cravings as jalgal and Bliss, sour and spicy food makes me feel better. Fries too! In fact I can't seem to stomach much veggies now ... dunno why. Used to eat quite a lot of veggies ...

re MS:

For me, dry crackers do help too, the Hup Seng brand is not too bad. My husband calls this 'my antidote' for ms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, are you ladies taking fish? Heard it's not good for bb but I really dunno to what extend I should restrict my fish intake. Have been avoiding fish eversince I realised I was preg.

peck yes this time round prepared for csect. will see if baby is engaged when is week 38. didn't want to have too much hope cause first baby did not engaged due to my pelvis bone is too small. likely it will happen again this time round.

carebb, i thot fish is good for preg? we need to eat more fish & veg..

bliss, ic.. my 1st is induce, hopefully this time will go for natural [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have the same cravings as jalgal and Bliss, sour and spicy food makes me feel better. Fries too! In fact I can't seem to stomach much veggies now ... dunno why. Used to eat quite a lot of veggies ...

re MS:

For me, dry crackers do help too, the Hup Seng brand is not too bad. My husband calls this 'my antidote' for ms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, are you ladies taking fish? Heard it's not good for bb but I really dunno to what extend I should restrict my fish intake. Have been avoiding fish eversince I realised I was preg.


fish is good! im taking any fish as long as it is not NGOR HE (in hokkien) & stingray. if the fish is cooked quite salty, i will avoid it, scare later will add on to water retention ma. i can't really take littl bit salty food that well these days.

peck, i really wish i can go natural this time round. but gynae told me is low chances but can try. also i didn't want to end up induce and emergency csect. csect alone is costly enough.

this will be my last one. i don't like the feeling of going under knife and the recovery pain.

bluey, ngor he is not good ? i thought that is a very good fish ?

or is it cause of high mercury ? actually tuna also have high level of mercury so must cut down for those who crave for it.


i got mine fr NTUC, if i rem correctly, under the section where u get lipton tea satchets..


fish is good! Just that gotta avoid some fish (or eat at most once a wk), like swordfish, can't rem the rest, cos of the mercury that these fish tend to hv. Me also cant take vege well unless its coleslaw, horrible right!

