(2010/06) June 2010 MTB

Cherish, I use physiogel cream recommend by one mummy here. So far so good. I apply it on top of jorubi aloe Vera. Aloe for healing, physiogel for protection layer cos I kiasu. I apply them on the face, neck, behind the ears n behind the neck.



My bb really perspires a lot. With a bath in the morning and sponge bath in the evening, he still smells of sweat all the time. Does anyone know if can bathe him twice (ie instead of a sponge bath, bathe him in the evening too)?

cherish, this is what i do lah.. day time i put powder, after bath.. then when nite time wipe liao, i apply the cream, since my gal will be sleeping longer and nite time is cooler.

Cherish: I bath my baby 2 times one in the morning and one in the afternoon about 5 - 6 pm.

Doodom: ya I also prefer to bring baby out before 6pm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cal: i gave birth at mount avernia. Induce, the cost is about 5k, single room

Cherish and rabbit: I still swadle my baby Lorraine, if not she cannot calm down and sleep well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but after I swaddle her then she can sleep peacefully.

Hi where I can find the outing in facebook? Wish to join the outing if time ok

ling, i bath my baby 2 times. its ok, and my friend who stay in cold country like canada, also bath the baby 2 times. just remember to close the door. baby likes tom bath. and that will calm them down

Re : gathering this thur

this thurday i have appointment with my gynae to do the papsmear test. missed it! hope i can join next time, perhaps end august or setptmeber?

Cherish: try to wipe her face and neck after the feeding, and i notice my baby lorraine has the red patch at her face also becos she keep using her hand to scatch her face [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] that day in mount avernia, the doctor gave baby lorraine the antibiotic cream, and its work wonder, all her rashes in her face, and body gone. but, that cream only can apply 5 days. just remember to keep the baby clean and not too warm.

kaoru: did u send ur eldest girl to childcare already? i plan to send my eldest son (20th months) to childcare this coming setptember while i still in my maternity leave. i have enrolled him to the little-skool house in tampines, dunno whether is good or not.


swadle will make baby calm down. my bb wont let me swadle him as CL didnt swadle him since he was back from hospital. we tried before and he will kicked and cried. once remove, he's okay. but i can see he frightened from his sleep sometimes..get awake more easily. thus, it's better to swadle your little one.

hi cherish, same here, my CF didn;t swadle my baby girl after back from hospital. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so that time my CF always carry her, after she went back, i have a tough time to handle my baby girl. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] then my MIL said swadle her, luckily she still want it. i tried yao-lan, she doesn't like it. how about tummy sleep during day time? did u try it?


the medicine for oral thrush is Daktarin that contains miconazole 20mg/g too. It is to apply very sparingly in his mouth and also on nipples but no need to finish the whole course. If the tube says so, do check back with nurse if need to complete. No other medicine other than this le.

His thrush did not reappear so far, but i have been careful in doing the following:

1) After feeding FM, will give plain water to baby gale. Once he is ok to drink a few mouthful, that is somewhat like rinsing his mouth. Then I won't wipe his tongue.

2) Morning and evening after bathed, i will wipe his tongue with sterile gauze dipped in warmed water.

3) If thrush reappear, will appear Daktarin 2 days even after thrush disappear


i use calamine lotion bought frm guardian.. then apply to the neck area using cotton bud.. works wonderfully for my bb.. cleared within 2 days.. you might want to try

my bb still yellow.. jaundice.. any method to get rid of it soon?? it's been 7 wks!.. have bathed him in guinness stout.. tho heard e suntanning bit is nt good so din do it for him

anybody can recommend good bottle warmer? as in those portable kinda? no need plug ones..

Re:Cloth Book

Cloth book, if you have 1 or 2 - ok le. Don't buy cloth book, expensive and very little contents. Flash Cards are better.

hard pages books are better... Those with touch and feel even better. Can borrow from Library, just have to wipe it clean before showing to baby. Some library books are really new and good. My #1 used to like Eric Carle when he was younger.

Cherish, physiogel is off the counter product. I bot it at guardian. Got 2 sizes, buy the small one can already cos each time use little bit only. Price is $20+.


Yes, u can get physiogel from guardian. The 1st time when it was prescribed by KKH skin specialist for my elder boy, I got it from KKH pharmacy. Then subsequently, I saw it @ guardian too.

It's effective for heat rash. The tiny spots that dun go off via face/neck/body/etc., I will apply thin layer and it will be well after a while. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dreamfeed is feeding when bb is still sleeping. Somehow he overslept but have cues of 'going to wakey soon too', hence I just carried and fed him as he sleep.

I do dreamfeed during the day coz I want to fix the feeding schedule. However, the night feed intervals can be more flexible. Coz if bb takes enough during the day, the tendency for him to sleep better at night is higher.

The thing is that somehow he may fall into deep sleep half way thru, then I will do nappy change for him before continuing the feed.

re: Feeding schedule

I rule the feeding schedule for my elder boy since day 1 coz I am FTWM. I cun afford to let him rule me coz I only have helper and CCTV, at times my mum to 'jaga' for me. So I fix the schedule and then get the helper to help me jot down the feeding details. From there, I observe his feeding patterns. If he wakey earlier than usual, then I will know that it's time to increase the amount for the feed.

From the feeding details, I can plan and adjust his feedings better. It helps also to observe when they start solids as we need to know what types of food they are expose to (in any case of allergic reactions to certain types of food), then we will be able to tell better.

Hee... it really helps me especially given the 'slow processing and limited memory space' of my brain. Haaa...

~ Woes of FTWM...

re: baby going out...

As of now, my bb has yet step outdoors except once to KKH private children clinic coz he keeps fussing during his feeds. Suspecting he is colicky, so I brought him there.

In the end, the PD checked and said that he is alright. She was pretty amazed with his growth of 2kgs increase since birth as it's quite a lot. *He was 5.1kg @ 5 weeks old.

As of now, I have no plans to expose him outdoors yet till he is done with his 1st set jabs on 26Aug.


Sometimes when he wakey abit too early and shows signs of wanting milk, I will coax him with water/pacifier and feed him when the time is up (provided less than 1/2hr). Coz if he wakey too early and cry for milk, I feed and possibility of him not finishing the milk is high coz the interval is too short. So I will not take chance coz the EBM very precious to me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hee...

If the next feeding, he still wakey again and cry for milk less than the 3 hr, then I will increase amount of milk for his feed (e.g. 10ml). Observe if he is ok with the increase over the subsequent feeds.


ic, thanks. so every feed must give a little water? the gel didn't stated must complete except the rinse mouth.

thrush is really irritating! >.<


thanks. now no more sneeze le. =p

doobom, thanks foe sharing! very useful information to me. =)

bluey, happy to know that u r better already.

i think i also wun bring bb outdoors this month. the air quality cannot make it in my area. must stay indoors n close windows. but go shopping still can la. heehee....


my boy dreamfeeds too.. usually the one at 11pm+/midnight cos we wanna zzz too. And now he can last till past 7am.

We hv been bringing him out tho.. but since its the lunar july month now, will try not to go out at nite if we can too.

Mommy Louis,

my elder ger is in CC now @ Punggol. But when she fell ill last 1-2 wks, she is at home most of the time driving us nuts!


me also hv the physiogel bot fr Guardian cos my boy cheeks also red n patchy at times. If really bad will use the cream from doc, then now daytime i will apply this physiogel.


i also bathe my boy 2 times cos wipe down more cumbersome.. we prefer to juz dunk him in the tub n also he seems to like that leh..


my boy doesnt like to lie on his tummy too. he will also cry. fussy boy loh.


i suntan my bb in morning when he had jaundice. hv improved now.

xiao_xiin, doobom, koaru, thanks alot for the cream info ^_^ will ask hubby to get for me when he comes back.


i havent done any dreamfeed yet..my boy last feed not fixed yet. can be from 8pm plus - 10pm. maybe i should try to feed him ard 11pm so that he can sleep longer but worry if i wake him up, he wont sleep back later. he has the new habit of not falling back to sleep after feed at 4am. we spend around 1-2hrs to coax him back.

my boy just poo after 2 days. heheh..mummy is so happy though it was a big mess earlier. dont know why but when i see his poo, i was so happy. am i siao?

xiao_xiin, i usually only pump 3-4times if giving EBM fully.. now lazy pump, i latch.. i only pump b4 i sleep.. cos my girl normally if last feed at 10.. the earliest she ask for milk is 5am...

cherish, u not siao la.. mi also very happy each time i see bb poo... coz before switching her FM from mamax gold, she oni poo on alternate days.. i will count the hours until she poo lor.. now i switched bb to enfalac for 1 week liao, she now poo daily except missing for 1 day on sun.. yesterday she poo big time lor, gotta bring her to toilet to wash her butt. but i'm very happy.

Re outing

I cfm when it's drawing near.. Hubby off tat day dunno he gt plans anot..


I miss e dessert we ate tat day at taka.. Lolx!!!


the play gym I bought is brightstarts.. it

doesnt have the same description as yours leh.. the bars above are parallel to each other.. and its pink in colour cos no other colours left.. wanted to get the crossed bars one at first then saw this one... and since only $20 more just get it loh... its very pretty [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] my mil also wanted to give this pearly powder thingy but mine is white... at first I though topical then when she put into the mouth I dont allow her to give liao...like other mummies here she also said to prevent bb from getting scared... but I think its normal for bb to be like that bah


I also like to dance with my bb.... keke but I do it in the day.. cos at night she is sleeping or playing by herself... and this lazy mum will just zzzzz haha


I also got a bit of flu the other day so down 1000mg of vit C and drink plenty of water as much as I can.. then next day much better liao.. heard that keep yourself hydrated helps


same same I see bb poo I very happy.... cos there was once she pooed like 8 days once... I was so worried that called pd clinic and they saud up to 10 days still normal.. I was shocked but my gal seem like keep all the poo then like all at once poo plenty plenty!! helping me save the trouble of cleaning everyday.. hehe


I only bath bb once a day only leh... and if go out with bb then will towel bath her at night only


I hope to go but cant confirm yet but if go dont think dare to bring bb out alone leh...


If you are using Pampers for your bb, you may like to know that CK Dept Store is selling Pampers (Size S) at $13.80/48 pcs (offer valid till 15 Aug) whereas NTUC is selling at $19.

monsterlim, i saw the olive oil at hwa xia b4. extra virgin type. dunno whether can use those found in ntuc or not.

rainelle, means your SS is just nice for bb rite?

i see.. that's quite ok, as in just nice. i think my production factory is very flexible, can up n down SS quite fast. maybe i aim to store 250ml to 300ml daily also. thanks!!

haha! ya lo.. i pump den everyday extra.. i'm looking at those stashes of FBM in the freezer thinking hw to clear them when milk is just nice and a bit more for storing..

maybe when i work den got use..


My girl's milk intake getting lesser & lesser..

From the initial 100ml drop to 80ml & now to abt 50ml ~ 80ml!!

Sigh... it wun increase back to 100ml lehx! how ar?

bebe, same same, mil will nag when she sees baby asleep in my arms and i haven put him down.. haha.. when im alone with bb i like to carry him longer then usual.. although may risk spoiling him, but cant resist it..! u fed ur other 2 jing feng san everyday? frm hw old until hw old? use finger to rub the powder on their gums?

bluberi, i tink i'll b missing baby lots when at work too.. so dreading it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

elise, we give him 100ml everytime.. sometimes he finishes it, sometimes left 10-20ml.. bt if he crys earlier at next feed then i just latch him.. guess his intake is ok since he's gaining weight well.. sometimes force him to finihs his 100ml he'll throw out milk aft the feed also.. ur bb and mine same, high maintenance de.. gotta keep playing, carrying, talking, entertaining.. wun stay on their own for long..

friends, $38 is very gd price wor.. i bought online myself and sent to my cousin in US then his fren brought back for me.. credit card was charged $41+.. next time i just order from Tan Leng Leng already then..

xiao xiin, i also scared bb closer to mil.. i'll b very sad if thats the case.. my pil place 5 min walk away.. they'll come over to my place in the morning b4 i go work, bathe bb here then bring him back with them. for the 7th mth, i asked them to bring bb back to my place at 6plus, coz if wait till i back fr work 7+, sky dark already.. wld prefer bb to b hm b4 dark.. but aft 7th mth i'll go to pil place for dinner aft work, then bring bb home..

sparkle, they asked me to wait a wk.. i still waiting for their call.. ya if no spare, when they repairing it gotta boil? mafan lei.. my extra is for putting at pil place de.. lucky have it to use for nw, else 1 wk have to boil, super mafan..

for the jing feng san, hubby told me to hide it and tell mil he took it haha... i scared she give everyday... i tink dun need to give everyday de.. i give ridwind she say dun give everyday. then she quietly give jing feng san everyday =.=

yalo cherish, same same.. tats y i prefer another person ard in the day.. so can spilt the time to entertain him.. else me alone whole day, very tiring.. cant eat properly if clash with his awake timing..

xiao xiin, im pumping 2-3 times a day.. i dun time when to pump, i pump when breasts hard and i bth.. normally is once at midnite before i sleep, once at 9-10am, once at 6pm.. also depends on what time i bottle feed him, coz if bottle feed means no latch, then i need to pump earlier. if i latch 3hrly, each latch 1 side, can tahan 9-10hrs then pump.. per pump will stop when i get ard 250ml, just nice for 1 milkbag.. if u fully latching, pumping is extra for storage de.. i tink its ok to just pump twice..

peck, i'll sit on chair and support arms with pillows if he allows me to.. if he ngek and wan walk then i'll walk.. no choice coz if dun carry he cry and cry.. i'll try to put him in cot and bounce ard try to stall for time.. haha..

7th mth: yeah lor mummies, i also agree that better dun bring baby out, in case baby kena scared. becos my friend told me a story abt her boy who kena scared tio. she brought him to a coffeeshop to eat lunch. then her boy non stop staring at the ceiling, and unable to talk and eat. the next day, had high fever for the next few days, only especially at nite. so its rather better to be safe than to be sorry.

jojo: we are both 'ku ming' mothers hor. non stop entertaining of babies. i feel like i'm totally chained to my living room now, during the daytime. i go and eat bkfast, baby cry, walk away even for less than 5 mins she also cry. how to teach them to self entertain?? it seems like so difficult!

Sheryl: you can try giving her the usual amt everytime, and try to force a little bit more at each time? althou my baby drinking 125ml now, but she sometimes also can't finish. sometimes will only stop at 100ml or even 80. so i just force a bit more on her lor.

bluberi, 5.30pm ar.. so earli.. i told my mil to bring bb bk to my place at 5+ she dun wan. she say so earli. as long as b4 dark can le.. so i told hubby at least 6.30pm.. bt i duno if they'll listen or nt..

momlouis, ya i took 2 mths ML then the rest staggered, so gg back next wk.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i try nt to carry baby too much but its tempting to hold him longer when he's asleep in my arms.. most of the time in the day he needs alot of carrying to fall asleep.. only at nite he can sleep himself in the cot or minimal carrying and patting.. then me, hubby and mil's pattern all different, they carry less and put bb down once he's asleep, and bb is so far ok with all our styles.. so hopefully i dun spoil him..!

koaru, u start reading story books from bb hw old? gd story bks like what? i totally no idea..

xiao xiin, i also put soap directly on bb skin then use water to rinse off.. put 3 times, 1 to wash hair, 1 on belly and spread for front, 1 at the back and spread to backside..

jus'us, the playgym u bought, can do what? round mat for bb to lay then got dangling toys? what else is there to play?

thursday outing i probably cant go coz hubby booking out, wana bring bb go for his jabs before i start work next wk..

ling, $13.80 for pampers is cheap! whr got CK outlets?

omg elise, day time go coffeeshop lunch also chu shi? cham le.. hard for me to keep bb at hm the whole mth coz i working, mil taking care.. she sure wan to bring him back to her place de.. if i ask her to come my hse take care of him whole day i tink she wun wan.. sian..

Wah jojo, 250ml X 3 sessions. Means u r still storing a lot! I drag pumping today. Can see production has decreased. Good leh, cos really can free up a lot of time. so far pump 3 times only today. Think I can tahan until tmr morning from now.

bluberi and cherish: haha me too!! I was so happy yesterday when Lorraine poo a lot at taka. Although very troublesome to clean it at taka nursery room. But I was happy. Haha


After i read ur post, got so scared! Plus last sat, watch a ghost movie on SCV channel. Now very worried for my #1, cos my parents love to bring my boy out until late late then come back. I forbid my mum to bring my boy to 7th mth concert, my mum very sore abt it. Haiz.


bedtime routine maybe 7,8 mths but before that say 3mths or so i already gv my ger books as toys to play with and the leapfrog touchpad (now obsolete liao) - maybe that is why she knows her ABC by 18 mths cos that is one of the first few bks that i bot her. From picture books (1 page 1 word type wif pic) to books that they can touch and feel.. to stories like ladybird series, Dr Suess she is not so into.. any book that u dun mind repeating endless times as they r older. Now I also borrow a lot from library cos she can "read" very fast and I dun want to be repeating the same story every nite. Also I hv some hand me down books fr frenz cos cant be buying so many!


where to get that warmer pack? Cos i also hv that pigeon pink cooler/warmer bag which i feel not useful too cos my Avent bottle too fat.. if still need to add warmer pack dunno can anot.

Let's hv a quick kopi/teh @ Ya Kun/Toastbox compasspt one of these days.. quite a few SK mommies here.


they r meeting at Taka on thur 2-4pm @ Coffee Club leh.


thanks for the info on pampers but i hv already started to stock up M size liao since my boy is >6kg at 8 wks.

Jojo, tink when u go back to work, u will be like mi, keep calling home and counting down to knock off time. aft work den will immediately chiong home. on 7th mth, they said before sunset is better leh and the time given is 5.30pm. tink the timing is up to individual ba..


my hubby dun allow mi to bring bb coz he tink i can't handle bb alone.. still tinking whether to bring bb without letting him know.. i abit scared also la.. plus i still dun really koe how to sling her, den no use bring pram coz bb dun want to stay in there.

Mommy Louis, yesterday my bb poo so much i had to bring her to the toilet with my sis along to wash her butt... i even had to touch her poo to clean it off, first time doing tis.. lolx.. but few weeks back when i was wiping off her poo, she sneezed and sent mi flying shit, kenna my both my legs.. lolx.. sofa also kenna.

Hi gals,

I can't go too... Worried that i can't handle baby in a long mrt ride, he is very fussy recently, little bit little bit kept crying. I will try to join u gals after i move back to my parents' place - at least more centralised.

cath/jojo, this is better to believe, abt all these 7th mth things. my colleagues who's a strict christian also believed in ghosts and things like this after her children tio this kinda things too. hmm, anyway, not so good to bring them out after dark lor. my baby also have to stay at home for 1 whole solid month too.

Jojo, we bought from the CK at Far East Plaza (located near the taxi stand) and I know there's another CK at Chinatown.

Kaoru, apparently Size M and L are all going at $13.80 per pack too.


Cath, so cute! Getai is 7th month concert! Last time my parents ever brot my dog there before. She bark so loudly that they had to run off. Hahaha!! Dunno she bark for wad lo. Maybe the loud music scared her.

Kaoru, your bb so big? My bb still can squeeze into Nepia newborn leh. But I upgrade to S size for him 2days ago cos I dun like to squeeze him. N then I got a shock when I open up S size cos it's so so big for my bb. He can wear as high waist pants lo, above belly button. He's abt 5kg now at 7weeks plus. Small Size hor? Pampers nb should fit him nicely bcos it got the balloon stretch at the waist.

