(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

hi ngcywc, yes, i m still using..u cut already?

hi FJ0410, welcome [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes, we did but for me, not as often as b4..


I'm still using bottles for milk feed too

re: weight, I've never known what percentile my son is in coz the pd we go to also never tell us lol......

Sorry to interrupt.

Oh, what a noisy zoo tickets.


May I know if any Mummy has 4 tickets on 23 Oct, Sunday, 11am that you are willing to exchange with me? I'll be most grateful for that. Or else I will just have to sell these 4 tickets and my kids won't get to watch the play. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm willing to meet you anywhere to do the exchange. THANK YOU!

Please PM me for my hp.

Hi Hi,

Would like to arrange a Playdate at the Park, so our toddlers can have funz with their tricycles or roaming around at the Park:

Venue: Bishan Park 2 (Gather outside Aramsa ~ The Garden Spa)

Date: 8 Oct 2011 Saturday

Time: 5pm

Anyone keen?

- sallyngsj

Hi Hi,

Would like to arrange a Playdate at the Park, so our toddlers can have funz with their tricycles or roaming around at the Park:

Venue: Bishan Park 2 (Gather outside Aramsa ~ The Garden Spa)

Date: 8 Oct 2011 Saturday

Time: 5pm

Anyone keen?

- sallyngsj

- evejol

Playdate at the Park

Venue: Bishan Park 2 (Gather outside Aramsa ~ The Garden Spa)

Date: 8 Oct 2011 Saturday

Time: 5pm

Anyone keen?

- sallyngsj

- evejol

- babygi

BabyGi: You can plot the bb's weight on the percentile chart in the health booklet.

Weight gain. Chloe is surprisingly still putting on weight, though not as chubby as before. PD was quite surprised that she managed to do that with the amount of activities she does. Have been maintaining @ 75%. I think it's cos of the milk. She is still taking lotsa milk. 9pm - 240ml, 1am&4am - 210ml, somewhere in the middle of the day another 180ml or so. Depending on her food intake, might need another milk feed. Greedy girl.

ngcywc: am still on bottle. I guess no choice for now cos she still wants her in the middle of the night milk. she can drink from cup by herself already. But very slow and when she gets overly excited, she will bounce and spill her drinks.

Hi Pinnky,

I think will most likely sign him up fOr shichida. Will not be Putting Cole in cc since I'm a sahm, will just look after him myself till 2013 when he starts n1. Caitz will be going primary 1 then, it's gonna be so stressful since both kids will be starting in new schools!

Thanks for your concern! We are all recovered! Thank God for that! Was a horrible time for all of us. I took meds & was knocked out completely but the rest was a gd break.

Tbf- total breast fed. Cole doesn't take formula milk. Caitz too. Will be letting Cole drink fresh milk soon. Caitz also bf-ing her. Aiyo feel like weaning them all! I feel like a goat!

Hi ylc,

So glad to know u all hv recovered!!

wow..good..u intend to sign up for weekend or weekdays class? Me on weekend class..see whether we can in same class or not..

salute u mummy! didnt know Cole is tbf till now..u r great mummy!! Brayden is on fm since born, 1st mth mixed with ebf only..i m lousy mum..haha

pinnky, u are not a lousy mum... ethan is also on fm since birth :p as long as they are happy and healthy can already...

blue turtle, wah chloe drinks all her milk at nite, quite tiring to still have to wake up 2 times at nite wor:eek:

Ethan is also putting on weight but v. slowly - think about 1kg for the whole of last 4 months since he turned one, now he's 11 kg @ 16 months.

hi babygi, yea agreed as long as they r healthy n happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hvnt weight brayden since long..wil bring him for injection 2moro..hvnt tk d mmr vaccine..dragged till now..will add in the chicken pox vaccine too..heard higher chance to get fever for mmr..hopefully Brayden can fight against all this..

Hi Sally, wish to join u all but then i checked the park is quite far from mrt..cox if my hubby work on that day, then i need to tk public transport, think not so convenient..will update u again once hubby confirmed his work schedule..thanks for organising [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BabyGi: Already sort of got used to the night schedule. Though i still complain a lot abt it, esp when work in the day is bad. I think i just love myself for teaching her to hold her own bottle since ard 8mths old. Now, I just prepare all the bottles of water, milk powder portions, put the milk bottle in warmer lor. When she goes "neh neh" in the middle of the night, i just take bottle out from warmer, pour in powder, put other bottle in warmer, give her the bottle, and i am off to zzz land. Abt 2 mins of effort ba.

Sally: i will drop by the playdate if i am still alive on that day ok. My lil sis getting married.

Hello mummies, I can't make it for this playdate as well..... have a dinner the same evening. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

we have signed Lucas for playgroup program with MyGym Marine Parade, independent class starting next Jan, twice a week. I am not sure if we have made the right choice but he did enjoy his trial class 2 weeks back and it was parent's participation. They have 4 classes per week too and a different curriculum each day. We signed him up for arts and music. Sound more like sending him to play.. haha.. Anyway, our main intention is to let him learn from and play with other children, more for his social skills. Partly also because it's near to my work place, it's probably easier for us to make arrangements. Wish us good luck! Fingers crossed!

My boy is 11kg today. PD says it's good that he is still gaining weight as most toddler this stage gain slower. Well, but he is still only a medium size.

I have weaned his pacifier. Nap time becomes a little difficult, he needs alot of pacifying to sleep.

How to start weaning them from bottles? Any mummies started on potty training? My boy can say "um um", since he said it, one day i tried bringing him to the potty... but he simply refused to cooperate.. hohoho... now the potty is back to store.

Hopefully, I can join you mummies soon!

hi mummies,

thread has been really quiet compared to the times before bb was born and towards the end of our maternity leave.

Ash is slimming down ;) her weight is hovering around 11kg.

weaning of bottles, I guess I'll only do it before she hits 2.5yr. - its okie right?

My baby is still very much on baby language. She doesnt even call me, but she does call papa and huhu. When she wanna eat, she points to her mouth, when she wanna poop, she points to her bum. Any idea by which age she she be able to speak?

lucusmummy i have a colleague who is also in MyGym (not sure where though) her gal enjoys the lesson very very mcuh she says. Hope Lucus does too. Ash is going into her 2nd term in Shichida. Shes seems to be enjoying class, teacher. as for socialing with classmates.. i feel shichida does not promote that too much.

Sally, the park playdate sounds fun. But I have an event to attend that day. U mummies (& kiddos) have fun ;)

hi mummies..good morning..

lucasmummy, many lucks to u!! Hope Lucas enjoys the class..

Mrs Teo, long time didnt chat with u, how r u?..how come i stil cant see u on my msn list..weird :p..ya, agreed thread has been quiet compared last time..we should more active since our kids can run n play..more fun to hv playdates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

every kids' development is different, so not to worry..Ash is very clever at least she knows how to express her needs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i guess by 2yrs old, they can speak very well..anyway, we stil need to monitor if they cant speak much after 2yrs old, we might need to consult doc..

shichida: wow, so fast Ash is entering 2nd term..did u practice at home? I heard the material is very expensive, is it compulsory to buy? Brayden wil start next yr..

weaning bottle: i guess is okay..i think will use until 3yrs old..

mrs teo, ash still looks chubby in photos :p ethan also going on to 2nd term, there is one other boy in his class who is about 3 months older(born in Feb) but can speak words like auntie, teacher, thank you etc etc - so i think it won't be long before our kiddos also start to surprise us by speaking a few words here and there.... for socialising, ethan loves the last 15 mins of the class where he can roam around the class and play with the other boy (they are the only 2 boys in the class but both are more sociable or rather more playful than the other 4 girls)

Last week, ethan was holding a flashcard of a banana and gave it to me and sorta said the word as well, both my hubby and me can hear the last 2 syllabus quite clearly - first time we hear him say banana, he can also say hi five coz now he likes to hi 5 with us a lot :p

pinnky - i also cannot see u on my msn leh.

we got lazy and din practice at home but my helper says she do flashcards everyday. Dunno real or not. have to check my cctv - but check also lazy. hahah

dun nid to buy from shichida lar. make simple cards on ur own.

I download pic and then ask helper cut and paste on the A5 white cards (get from popular)

u can have any theme u want. very simple to make.. its the flashing thats tedious.


ash also likes the last 15min. coz have the songs... dunno where to get them (the DVD) she likes the haik haik haik song.

my class has 2 gals (ash and another 10mth baby) the 4 other are boys.

mummies, forgot to ask u..anyone feeding ur kids with fresh milk? Normally did u take out few mins first b4 feed or straight away feed with the cold fresh milk? For yogurt, i did tk out 10-20mins earlier b4 feed but not sure fresh milk..

haha..Mrs Teo, dun be lazy..:p

yaya..i did some flashcard also..same method as u..long time never flash to my boy..haha..same execuse..LAZY!!


i haven tried fresh milk

but yogurt i take out then feed liao. same goes for fruits.

since shes already taking ice cream.. hehehe

nope we are not in the same class....

haven't tried feeding fresh milk too, but i also take the yogurt out for 10 mins before feeding, only becoz the old folks in the house will nag if i feed directly :p

wow..i saw some of u start to introduce ice cream to ur kids..i wanted to but hubby insisted not to give..so i only able to offer him abit when i had it..kelian..

fruits i give him cold one sometimes..

i bought a pack of organic mixed dried fruits n nuts..thinking to let him try tis weekend with fresh milk to make a healthy breakfast..with some fresh fruits n pancake..hehe..

zoo is fun, go to the rainforest kidzworld - can see the pony and rabbits and goats up close...

when do u wanna go, maybe i can try to ballot for the zoo passes

playdates at zoo sound fun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when u plan to go? I went once but weather was bad n we reached there abt 3+..no time to finish seeing all animals n missed out the splash park as well..dun mind goin again..sometimes deal.com got special offer for zoo tickets..we can check it out..

go in morning so that by noon can watch the feedings adn shows?

or the other way round?

wanna go end oct? its hard for me to apply leave towards end nov - end dec...am thinking of going weekday else very crowded. and also depends on weather lor.

bottle weaning, i think dont need to wean bottle so quickly. next time when our kids goes to CC they will be giving them a bottle for nap as well. and its always so messy when i give sophie a open cup. most of the time, the drink will end up on the floor then she will start playing with it. i think she enjoy playing with water rather than drinking it.

potty training, i suppose it take some time for the kids to get use to a potty. just keep offering, esp after they wake up from sleep, that is when they have the most pee. or maybe u can do some demo, kids like to copy us so after seeing u on toilet a couple of times, they might just start using it.

shichida, so many mummies bring kiddos to the class. thinking enrolling sophie for the jan class but its so expensive so must really think 1st. is it really that good?

langauge development, mrs teo, sophie also havent call me. she calls her dad, ask the dog to sit with hand action as well, make animal sound but no mama from her. so sad...

zoo, there are morning and afternoon feeding schedule, the shows too have morning and afternoon slot. but go in the morning better, not so hot and humid. then still got rainforest kidzworld where there's water play. quite alot of things, so most probably cant finish see everything in a day.

hihi mummies,

bottle weaning, it is a must to wean them off now? I'm so scare of mess and Nicole can make a mess out with water so if with milk, I think I will be screaming my head off. So I think, I will let it remain 1st until I think she is ready to handle the open cup properly

I've started potty training with Nicole and she will bring me her potty off and onz. Not all the time will be accurate cause if she is playing then she will do her business in the diaper cause play is more important to her. I tried showing her how to do it in the toilet but she started screaming her lung out even mummy is the one doing the demo -_-"

I'm now still considering whether to send Nicole to playgroup or not. Our initial plan was to start her off when she hit 3yrs old but then a little pressurise when I see all the mummies here are sending their kids to playgroup / development class and Nicole has nothing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and starting to question myself whether I've made the right decision or am I stopping Nicole from learning and socialising if she were at a playgroup.

language development, I think Nicole speech development is very slow too. She only call dad dad now but dun want to call mummy. When you ask where is mimi? she will point herself and most of the stuff she is using sign language only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I see the toddler whom my mum is taking care can pronounce a lot of word already like she can pronounce mermaid, papa, mama, popo and etc. She will just repeat after you. Stress stress

I felt that I have a problem getting Nicole attention too. No matter how we call her, she will be in her own world like this. Out of 10x, maybe she will only answer us once

mush, same lor. also refuse to call mama. she also imitate the dogs panting sound.

i dunno shichida good or not for ash, but better than she does nothing...

seems like the babies here likes to call papa more than mama.

re playgroup. i think i will start her when shes 2+. i cant find one near my place.


i think i will likely to go end oct. will let u know if its weekend or weekday. if its weekend we can go together ;)

Mrs Teo..sure u update me again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thx!

Evejol, dun stress n dun compare..watever she learns, she will suprise u oneday..believe it!

my boy likes to call papa or dad dad also..sometimes will call me mama but he still prefer dad dad..i m excited each time he called me..hehe..he can speak few words & i m hoping for more words..anyway, let him tk his own pace..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i m super excited cox Brayden can go cc tis dec..he refused me to help him brush teeth..so i hope when he goes cc he can be more discpline..another good point is cc told me they will help him in potty training..so good!

Childcare, my initial plan is to put Sophie in full time cc when she turn 18mths but after seeing abt 10 centres ard my place I give up liao. With the ratio of 8:1, I don't think the teacher can really teach the kids anything, let alone potty training. Most of the centers give process food like chicken sauages, Milo, fish cake and I don't know what else. Alot of them hav tv time which I personal don't agree with. But of course cc is great when it come to social interaction, and learnin to be independent cos kids are being ignored most of the time.


I dun compare her too .... if want to call then call lo but then everyone will come asking can Nicole talk already can Nicole this and can Nicole tat ..... I'm feeling the peer pressure here

Evejol, same..ppl also will ask me the same questions..i think is normal..just lik after u married, ppl wil ask u whether u pregnant, once u got 1st, ppl will start asking when u want to hv 2nd..

I like the teacher at my cc, hope they dun disappoint me..they told me they got 1 aunty special cook for kids, no msg n healthy food..got menu to show parent too..

mush, did u choose the cc from childcare link website? I shortlisted few cc which got the best licensing history n then visit each of them n made my final decision..hopefully i made the right decision [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihi... I was very keen with shichida initially. But I am very easily influenced, trying very hard to stay firm.

A friend whose son is one month older than Lucas has a client who is a principal and this principal commented it may not be necessary for enrichment classes as they mostly grow up to be the same, however he finds playgroup is important for social skills. Well well... I buy it. haha... ok that's my very own opinion.

It's very contradicting. While I wish to send him to shichida very much, on the other hand, I wish he could gain more exposure through his daily activities. After much thoughts, I realised I am leaning towards learn tru play, that's y i decided to forgo schichida. I think mainly, also because, I don't see that I have the time to be practising at home with him. Well, I still do flashcards with him at home as and when the time is right. ;)

Also got my sources from the printables online, brillkids.

I like CC because it is independent but the timing is not very suitable for my working hours. Have been looking around for independent program for him, can't seem to find any like what mygym has, thus, just signed him on the spot after the trial class.

lucasmummy, me too..easy influenced by ppl..haha

Thought ur pil or parent is helping u to tk cr lucas? Can ask them to help u send n pick up lucas? actually i also hving the prob to pick up brayden if daddy is working late..cc distance bit far..i thought to buy a bicyle..best those motor type..haha..

then i still thinking should i be a sahm cox if i work..i dun think i got time to rush bk n prepare dinner for him since cc not provide..thought to discuss with boss whether i can off earlier everyday, dun mind he cut my pay but afraid he "bui song"..very "fan"..aih..

pinnky, I am not so worried about the picking up, it's the waking up in the morning that I dread. Lucas is very much adapting to our lifestyle, he usually knocks out at 1130pm and nowadays he wakes up between 9am-10am. Definitely don't see ourselves doing the morning thing yet :p

My work is quite flexible. I am working 4 days per week after the hectic past few months. It' not permanent, it all depends on how short handed we are. Of cos, get paid as I work. Not very sure about it.. cos I do wish to earn more $$$. haha...

bicycle is a good idea. go for the manual ones... can tone up! Just ride safely! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow..lucasmummy, so envy u..9-10am lucas only wake up..and 4 days work per week..so good life..how i wish..

if i m lucky, i can sleep till 7+ or 8am during weekend..if not, brayden wil wake up abt 6+..sometimes will make him sleep after milk or just let him play inside the room while we sleeping..tis morng he woke up at 6.15am..i m so tired now..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Thanks..will ride safely if got chance..hehe..will consider ur suggestion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, u work at NEX? Where is ur shop? If i go, can drop by [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hv a great day mummies..i m off now..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi all,

I am looking at joining the Nov Holidays prog by Julia Gabriels. If managed to get a group of at least 4 sign-ups, can get 20% discount.


Wk1: Nov 22-26: Theme of birds

Wk2: Nov 28-Dec 2: Theme of Underwater

Wk3: Dec 5-9: Theme of Music

To enjoy this grp discount, all do not need to be in the same week, timeslot or even same branch.

juz need all registration forms to be submitted at the same time.

Anyone interested? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blurangel: im interested. But I cnt view fr the website.

Hw much is it? Is it a everyday class? Which venue? What is the timeslot?

Yo! Long time no see such a busy thread!

I already registered Chloe for full time CC to start in Jun next year. Most likely she will go on the school bus. Need to work out some arrangements with neighbours or the current bbsitter to help me pick her up though. Think abt it again next year.

Zoo: i went when Chloe was abt 1 year old. Go in the morning lar. Den go look see a bit, then let them zzz for a while, while we have lunch. Haha... When she wakes up, give her some food, and off to the water play! After that is animals time @ children's world, followed by the kiddy animal show. Chloe totally love the dogs. She went to pat them too! After that take a stroll out, and visit whatever left over animals. Full day for me.

Ice cream/ milk/ yoghurt: Lucky Chloe got to try them all, fresh cold from fridge since she was ard 1yo.

Speech development: Every kid is different. No point comparing. Chloe just learnt to call Mummy recently more clearly too. She could do Daddy some time back. Popo, Yeye and Yiyi she can also do. But so far, only popo comes out most often and everytime to the correct person. Mummy she only calls in times of need. I realise if u repeat enough they will learn. Some learn faster, some slower. But eventually they will learn. Things that they like, they also learn fast. That's why things like, tutu, neh neh, ball ball, bear bear, mum mum, she learnt real fast.

Sign language is also good! At least they can express their needs. Better than not knowing what they want.

Potty training: no signs of Chloe learning how to do that anytime soon. haha.

Just like how all of them learnt to walk at a different age, they will all learn to do the rest soon. Enjoy the childhood now. It goes away too soon.

Hi ngcywc,

what is your email address?

I can send you the details and we can communicate from there. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihis mamas


thanks to mrs teo and pinkky about the advice on A5 card (Popular) and flashcards (brillkids)

i am just getting started to join the flashcard gang.. i know i'm slow..:p

typically i put cally on the sofa and turn on the Baby Can Read DVD and let her watch it..

that gives me ~15mins of peace to bathe, cook etc..

I want to ask the tax paying 1st time mummies who are on Giro scheme.

Anyone received their tax from Iras yet?

I kena misguided by the silly helpdesk person a few months back.

The lady who picked up my call told me not to cancel my Giro cos whatever that will be deducted from Apr11 onwards, if there's any refund (due to parenthood tax rebate), will be credited back.

And from my calculations, we (& hubbies)shouldn't need to pay taxes for a year at least..

However i still haven't received my tax returns from Iras.

That is 5 months (apr-Sep) excess payments i'm making.

Sianz.Should have just cancelled the Giro.

Feel shortchanged.


Akiden can trike liao? wow. that's amazing.

I would really love to go, let me see how Cally is by next week.

She was down with cough/flu/fever for 3 weeks and now stomach flu/ cough/fever for the past week.haiz.

everytime she falls ill, it's for a month at least.

thankfully this is only the 2nd time.


Hi Sue, did you receive any notice of assessment from IRAS? i got mine within 2 weeks after i efile and the tax payments stopped after the instalments for the previous year have been fully paid. you can log in to the mytax portal to see if you have received the NOA.

If the NOA has not been issued, it could be that IRAS have not processed your tax returns yet...

