(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Pinnky, yeap 1st lesson is for you to trial so it's free. If you don't want to sign the class after tried. Just tell them you will sign next week and walk out loh (^^)


Hi Maggie,

You interested in aqua class.i know of "inspire Mum& Baby" having aqua class. but class is at Tampines area. This is their website:www.inspiremumbaby.com

Hi Hon &Blurangel,

Where is usually the water-retaining area?

Hi Luckyone,

I saw Chen Mei Ee before too, her rate is very reasonable but have to wait for 2hours at least. Saw afew of artist seeing her as well.

Hi Mummies,

Don't forget this coming sat stemcord seminar: http://www.stemcord.com/seminar.html (i actually slip my mind until last night)

are we going to wear a color theme to recognise each other????

list of mummies gg are:






Hi anlin, 2 hours consider "short" already. I even waited 3 and half hours and end up my husband asked me to leave without seeing her.

hi luckyone,

you really patient. i saw her twice. asking to "Bu" my body cos want to get preg. after the 2nd appointment she ask me no need to come.

But i only get preg 2yrs later. Hai~

hi Pinnky, drink more water also soften the stools. or i get constipation.

Fill drinking water into big water bottle, and drink all by a day. is also a indication cap for you. Hope my method helps.

Anlin.. thanks. i called ... its at simei one of condo..$170 for 5 lessons.. is price reasonable? i tik i can consider tat since i wk in pasir ris! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am also a guilty mtb. As I too do not drink 8 glasses a day.

I find it too much to drink and eat a day. I am like constantly drinking and eating and spreading out my intake just so that I can finish whatever I have a day... Do ur feel so?

hon.... i only take more water when in office... i seldom drink water at home ... at least in office... the flask next to me n i juz drink.. n go toilet.. at home too much distraction.. haha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks for ur suggestion, Anlin. Actually I hv serious constipation..did tk the prune juice on & off..

yeah hon..I feel the same..but everyone remind me to drink more water as it is very importance..bb needs water..but somehow I just never follow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Maggie,

it slightly expensive then KKH. but i think is the few only plc that offer aqua for preg. Intended to take up too but is so far from my place(i stay in AMK).

In the end, i just read from books on aqua and DIY. Haa haa

Hi Pinnky,

Powder milk and iron pills cause me constipation,but no choice have to take.I also take on prune juice.seems to help alittle on bowel. Gynac offer to prescribe pills for constipation,but i rejected. So other than prune juice, fruits, water and off shelf cold milk give me better bowel. haa haa

Pinnky, KK nurse told me not to drink prune juice because it content salt. I also used to have serious constipation but drinking rosehip tea, helps alot!

Yeap I will go today and next thursday then stop 1 week because busy for CNY. Remember to call them before you go. Need to advance booking.

I drink 1 cup chocolate Anmum milk and 1 cup of fresh milk everyday.

I took lactus from gynae.. guess it helps soften stools... nowadays constipation not so bad...

1 drink 2 cups anmum .. kiasu scare not enuf calcium.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MTBs.. do you feel bb movement alot in the day? I dun feel so much in the day at wk.. only when at nite lying on bed.. is this norm?

maggie mee, don't worry it's normal. A lot of people are the same like you. They said because they know night time mummy belong to him/herself.

Mine is moving daytime during working time and night after 9pm+.

I think daytime also moving is because I'm sitting next to radio and I notice that my baby likes music a lot (^^)

thanks mummies..

Luckyone, I thought we should avoid tea at this stage? I also taking anmum milk, but just one time per day..i think I should start to tk 2 instead..kiasu also hehe..:p now kinda worry my bb cant get the nutrient he needed..

maggie mee, dun worry..my bb also less active during daytime..start kicking abt evening time..night time is more active..i got read one article..it saying bb tends to sleep during day time while we r busy walking/working..& start to active during the time we wanna go to bed..hehe..

Afternoon everyone! The thread so active these few days ah!

I'm interested in the Rasberry leaf. Keep me in the loop!

Drinking water: I drink about 1L a day from the bottle I brought from home. Once I'm at home or during the weekend, I drink alot lesser. No idea why. I cant poo on Sundays too. I guess my butt prefer my office's toilet bowl.

Milk: I'm drinking about 2 cups a day. Hb makes it, I drink lor. Cannot complaint otherwise no milk to drink. Hahahahahaha!

Baby Movement: I notice that bb move more during the day. But I read from a book before that bb do move also during the night just that we might be in deep sleep already so we might not be able to feel their movements.

A funny incident a couple of days back happened. I was sitting on my office chair then suddenly move nearer to the table as the words on the monitor is too small. My tummy presses against the table, I felt bb kicking where the table met my tummy. I guess I might have accidentally "kiap" her feet or hands! LOL! I quickly move away from the table. I went back and told hb and got a scolding from him. How would I know how is bb positioned at that point of time right! LOL!

I taking 2 glasses of 200ml dumex mamil milk everyday. 1 in the morn and 1 at night. Other than that, i take yogurt, almond and eat alot of fruits.

my bb movement is quite constant thru out the day but is especially active at night when I am about to sleep. Trying to disturb me.

Chloie... im going to eat! juz bought a tub of pineapple tarts!!! Anyway cooked ald can eat lah... juz hv to watch calories n sugar content! So far lucky for past 2 wks... gained 1 kg onli..

yeah..u can eat..cox once the pineapple cook, is not so "liang" to us..but of course dun over cox it contains high calories..

I also no mood to work..hehe..

Cos I dont used to even look at pineapple tart & pineapple, but, I dont know what made me ate so much yesterday. My mum's maid made them. Quite nice though. [I suspect is bb wants to eat it!] LOL! After eating them, I felt some pulling pain on my tummy. Told hb then got said at again "tell you not to eat so much liao, see lah!". Made me so guilty.....

I also no mood to work.... *Did what I'm supposed to do already.... waiting for money to come in only*

Very difficult to fake busy when I'm so darn free lor! FB till so sian, end up I online and spend money... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Going to gyne tomorrow! Cant wait to see bb!!!!!

Can eat pineapple tart? I missed it so much but don't dare to eat. Actually I missed a lot of food with pineapple and coconut.

My gynae asked me to aviod these 2 foods when I was 1st tir. So I aviod untill now.

Forgot to ask him is it ok to eat now?

My SIL also pregnant but she eating laksa.

hi luckyone, is the raspberry tea leaf that your friend gg to buy origin from Japan. Cos i saw from japan webby that is from usa or poland. correct me if wrong.

I think everyone of us must get at least 2pkt of raspberry leaf tea based on luckyone's calculation, 100g consume in 22 days. I read one of the article, better to start in week 34..saw some in week 32..i think i will start in week 34 for safety purpose..

luckyone..let us know b4 u purchased ya..thx lot!

Luckyone> No worries on the Raspberry Leaf Tea!

I did heard that fresh coconut [meat & drink] cannot be taken during our 1st trimester. But I continued with my laska and curry lei... So far no problem. But, my sil told me to stay off curry cos it will cause bb to have jaundice. *faint* No such thing lor so I just carry on with my curry feast! LOL!

Nasi Lemak!! I better check with my gynae next month before I start eating these food stuff. I guess even my gynae give me green light, my hubby will stop me too.

Chloie, when my mother in law cook curry, she will cook a small pot without coconut for me. Taste funny (^^;)but better than no eating curry.

I thought is 100g per pkt at 2500yen..If 50g, I think is quite fast to finish and feel "paiseh" to trouble ur friend to buy for me again..

I hv sent out an email to mums in mind, they r selling the raspberry leaf tea also..I guess is pure type just not sure whether is organic or normal leaf..will let u all know once they replied..

Yippe... half hr more to knock off!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Still thinking what to eat for dinner... crave for popeyes!!


Yeap, I now sreaching from Japan web-site see whether I can find cheaper Raspberry Leaf. Found few and compareing the price. But one problem is most of them don't send out of Japan. Will keep look out.

