(2010/03) March 2010 mtb


we can also boil potato and then mix with milk to make mash potato.


i alternate between syringe and cup but syringe is a lot less messy. he's still practising drinking water on his own with a cup. maybe it's the sucking that he doesn't like.


last week, i've made an enquiry if they can grant us special rates for a big group. Still awaiting their reply.



No long johns needed for Riley. She is ok with the cold. Just tights inside then long pants and for the top a short sleeve t or long sleeve turtle neck t followed by another long sleeve and a jacket . Only evening when there is strong wind I wrap her in a shawl. Temp was between 5 to 16 degrees

Looks like my son's one of the light weight champion here. Only 8.6kg for a 15mth old.

CC, can I ask which cereal is Ayden taking? Mik still has alot of phlegm n now that u mention it, I'm just worried cereal could be one of the reason.

Seren, we stayed villa like you so got a kitchenette for us to cook. Yes. Phuket pretty much like bali. We too hired a private driver, so its pretty convenient to bring Nic around. He napped in the car while we are out for the day.

Like what MT suggested, we mainly do "roots vege" porridge. Occasionally if we do order fish / meat / egg fishes, we will give it as side dish to his porridge.

MT, guess i might have missed your earlier posts, but who is taking care of belle now? No more maid alr right?

LadyK, can Selene stand? If yes, you can bathe her while standing. Thats what we do now. Bathtub a waste of water imo. haha.. Nic loves the shower head.


Thanks!ya,temperature in sep will be roughly abt the same too..but i guess it will be more windy perhaps.... preparation goes a long way before the trip..haha..


Yeah,they loves the showerhead... mine enjoyed it as though she is having her rainshower spa... still can tell me woww and give those relaxing expression..


Actually I have a feeling - it's all cereal in general for ayden. I used to feed him happy bellies- brown rice, organics - rice and by the time we reach the wheats Ayden had too much to handle ;(. I totally stop all cereal and he just got better.

serendipity, does dyl take to spoonfeeding? So he willingly drink but not sucking from bottle? probably teething discomfort? what bottle is he using? Could it be a teat issue? We recently switched to Pigeon because my MIL commented that Avent teats are too hard and Heidi will suck until her whole lips are rather red. She can finish her milk with the much softer Pigeon teat within 10mins.


right now hubby takes care of care from AM to PM, i rush home and take over from PM till bedtime for her.

maid coming in july. its just us and sometimes mom for now. tough tough, with a growing belly.

CC, so what I can give for breaskfast if i omit cereal altogether?

MT, it is tough but very worth it tho you'll find the strain more when u reach 3rd trimester. belle has been so sweet. m sure she'll give mummy breaks in btw [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow the new huggies Ultra is very nice! I love the new look and they are softer now~ Thanks for posting about the Huggies promotion with Cold Storage, sharon!


Gosh it's certainly not easy for both you and your hubby. Jia you!

1727, Xihui,

How I wish Eva would feel the same way abt showeheads...

Me working from home today. Been sick the whole week. Really sian... And all sorts of drama going on at the office. Makes me feel more and more like throwing in the towel...

MT, oh dear.... but gd thing is term break's almost here... so u can juz focus on belle at home.

isaac loves showerheads too! in fact, when hb tries to make fun of him by splashing water on his face, he actually likes it. gd la.. easy to get him to learn swimming later on


to the indoor playgrd anyone? =)


Many options - you can reduce cereal and add puree, fruits, bread - toast, yogurt with fruit medley or cubes of cheese. Noodles too. Ayden doesn't eat in quantity more on variety, it's easy to feed him - sometimes ;)

strawberry, I see the one that Belle frequents seems fun too. Fidgets. I am keen to bring Heidi there.

I've postponed her MMRV till mid June so I can bring her around to play these few weekends.

Sky, fidgets or polliwogs? I went fidgets once, but I think they hv more stuff for older kids. Don't mind either place... Come come, let me start...

Indoor playground meetup: fidgets/ polliwogs

pls take a vote n indicate interest

1. Mirthy (either venue) prefer weekdays; weekends too crowded


Crystal also around 8.8kg or less. She had been on milk strike for 2 weeks now. I keep forcing milk down on her, only manage to make her drink 40-60ml at most a day.

She eat solid 4-5 times a day..

Caomei, i'm keen too!

Indoor playground meetup: fidgets/ polliwogs

pls take a vote n indicate interest

1. Mirthy (either venue) prefer weekdays; weekends too crowded

2. Queque( either venue, anyday)

Any Mummies who went to Philips whse sale today? Can update bargains especially on Avent bottles? We're only going tmrw cos today have to work.


BabeE, I only can remember the prices for things I bought (paiseh, preggy brains dun have large memory capacity.. ;p)

Teats at $5 per pair

Dual pack 125ml bottles $23

No worries Cloudys! Hee.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for letting me know!

Happy Sunday everyone! Hoping for good weather today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies who have ANZ cards, you can sign up for JWT free trial classes. Valid on Fridays only.

Got 15% off for birthday parties as well. Now that's a place we can consider for next year bday bash [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re: cereal

My boy has stopped cereal for a looong time. Ever since he turned 1, he just reject cereal totally. His centre sometimes gives oats & raisins, he also reject. He is 面包王. He loves bread. Always bread bread bread.

MT, your hubby able to manage her on his own??? I agree, so tough on your mummies especially with the #1 being so young still! Really 'suffer' once and for all...when both are grown up, you can 'relax' abit le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How you feeling these days??

cloudys, you also preg?? Wow, congrats congrats! How far are you along??

Toray, my boy had 2 separate jabs for his MMR & chicken pox last Tuesday. He's fine till now *touchwood* PD says if combine MMR & chickenpox into 1 jab, higher chances of getting a fever. So i opted for 2 separate jabs, heartpain ah. Slowly she will be able to 'accept' showerhead. My boy at first also abit scared. Now he DRINKS water from the showerhead or spray at his own face and make the shiok-ah look. Slowly she will be able to accept. Maybe can bring her for more outdoor waterplay so she can see those jets of water as 'fun'? So now still pour water over her right?

babeE, hugs...hope you feeling better ah. If i'm not wrong, now Kiddy Palace storewide 20% right? Can buy avent from there as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My boy uses avent too, am a fan of avent products!

serendipity, my boy still cannot drink from cup. He can hold and pour into his mouth but most of it just goes running down his shirt. After that, he flings the cup away. I so sian to clean up the mess that i didn't let him try drinking from cup liao *lazy mommy*

re: toilet training

My boy recently has this habit of peeing right after i removed his diapers. For 2 weeks already. Everytime i remove, he will stand there and pee. Is this a sign that i can start his toilet training? It's really weird.


We'll get 20% off admission tickets if we can hit 50 pax. However after 1 June 2011, only infants get free admission so I reckon our kids have to pay. It works out to be $16 for adult and $10.40 for child. Please put your names down if interested.

1) Serendipity, 9 July or 6 July

Serendipity, thank you for organizing ;)!


We'll get 20% off admission tickets if we can hit 50 pax. However after 1 June 2011, only infants get free admission so I reckon our kids have to pay. It works out to be $16 for adult and $10.40 for child. Please put your names down if interested.

1) Serendipity, 9 July or 6 July

2) CC - 4pax, 9th July


I let him drink from a cup before bathtime. It's water only, so wet ok mah. My boy likes bidet but he hates showerhead. =_=" And he must be in the bathtub with toys so that he can keep playing with water. These are the conditions for a happy water play. YES! Start toilet training. Dylan is poo trained but not pee trained. Nowdays I notice he will squat and pee. If I am quick enough I can pull his pants and get him to pee in potty. Let them learn association now. Potty - pee.


We'll get 20% off admission tickets if we can hit 50 pax. However after 1 June 2011, only infants get free admission so I reckon our kids have to pay. It works out to be $16 for adult and $10.40 for child. Please put your names down if interested.

1) Serendipity - 2 adults, 1 kid, 9 July or 6 July

2) CC - 2 adults, 2 kids, 9th July

toray, yes its really pain twice....thou the 2 jabs will be done at the same time on different thighs. So pain until my boy cried but no sound came out *opps*. No choice leh...if he fever and he cannot go ifc, i jin jialat.

serendipity, good idea! Give before bathtime. Sure try tonight :p hmmm....so i need to buy tam pui lar? Poo i no courage to let him do in tam pui...i scared i will vomit, heh. Dyl really smart boy leh. He seems to be rather advanced compared to his peers!

BW, thanks! Am now 6weeks to edd [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re: zoo visit

Been waiting for dis one, but guess gotta give it a miss. Thank you to serendipity for organising it tho [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wah, our toddlers also need to pay for admission liao ah..

Bw, yup my hubby can handle belle on his own - feed, bathe, change diaper, play, etc. my only complain is that he's not gentle enough sometimes. Can be quite chorlor. Hes been hands on since her birth.

Re: Toilet training

Think I'll start to train belle this hols. Never had the chance. Not sure if I can get her to sit still on the potty!

cloudys, wow! Now 3rd tri, tough hor...a few months back i was considering to TTC as well, even bought OPK strips leh. After that, U-turn after my boy kenna bronchitis and i realised i might not be able to cope. Now OPKs still with me, havent open ceremony...You sticking to the same gynae? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Zoo visits sure fun but i scared to bring my boy together with the rest as he is quite prone to throwing tantrums at the slighest provocation and i don't wish to spoil anyone's mood.

toray, can understand...my husband was holding onto my boy and his tear nearly rolled down when he saw my boy open mouth big big to scream but no sound came out. He hates it everytime we go for jabs, everytime ask me sure or not, why so many jabs. But ask him to decide whether to give the optional jabs or not, he doesnt want to decide, say i decide better. Duhz. Can't rem this..a child under age X also flies for free. Can't rem under age 2 or 3.


No worries if Jude throws tantrums - don't think we need to stick together for the outing. It's a good deal for the price Serendipity got.

Child below 2 flies "free" not inclusive prevailing taxes and etc... If calculated you save almost 70% travelling below the age of 2yrs old - gotta check, my info nOt dated ;p!

To add to CC's comments, child below 2 flies for "free" is dependent on individual airline.

E.g. SQ no free okay. Infant still pays approx 10% (of full fare) for the bassinet. And no such thing as "child on lap" for them.

Virgin America - Child below 2 and who sits on your lap thru'out the entire flight is FREE. I paid ZERO.

Therefore, have to check each airline definition before choosing the carrier of choice


Yes! Impressive! I guess he has to given the circumstances. My husband outsources everything to my family....


Thanks! *kisses from Dyl* I intend to ask the zoo for an easy route comprising walking and animal showtimes for 1 year old. Anytime mums who wants to fall out halfway can do so and then catch up if they like. My company has free zoo passes but it is like almost impossible to get! Husband wants to go on a weekday so that we can hopefully have the zoo to ourselves but i'm not sure if the mums here are ok with taking leaves.

Thanks Seren for the lobang.

1) Serendipity - 2 adults, 1 kid, 9 July or 6 July

2) CC - 2 adults, 2 kids, 9th July

3) 1727 - 2 adults, 1 kid, 9 July or 6 July

Impressed with Dylan toilet training too. Mine still poop in the diapers.

I want to enrol Nic in full day childcare when he turns 18 mths. Centres near my home are runnign on waiting list already except My First Skool. sianz to the max.

All in good time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1727, I'm told to start sourcing for N1 but there seems to be no good ones in Boon Keng.


Sorry, giving the tics a miss.

1) Serendipity - 2 adults, 1 kid, 9 July or 6 July

2) 1727 - 2 adults, 1 kid, 9 July or 6 July

BW, i heartache trying to feed my gal medicine liao. She cried until no sound yesterday when I force her to take. Think I wouldn't attempt that already. Maybe I ask her to drink from cup. :p

mommies going to the zoo, I can meet you all there on the appointed day. We are friends of the zoo.

hi serendipity


do you mean that from 1 june, our children who are 1 yr plus also must pay? The previous time i visited in feb, they state below 3, free entry.



i won't be putting my name down. my hub's co has zoo passes... once date firmed liao, i can go ask him to apply.. it will be fun to see our toddlers walking in the zoo...hehe..

