(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

Morning mummies,


Deepest condolences to you and family. Take care.


Yes, Kaize receive your Xmas gift, Thanks for the gift.


Thanks for organizing i think all mummies and babies enjoys themselves there.

Hope the next outing will be soon.


morning mommies!

wow seems like so much fun yesterday at the high tea gathering. All mommies so pretty and all babies so cute! I'm sure u all must have attracted lotsa attention from other diners [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Going for x'mas green tea log cake baking class with seren later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Everyone, have a great day ahead!

Heylo mummies!

Yeah, we had fun yesterday too! Nice meeting all mummies with LOs n some new faces like jmmabb, Priscilla n magdelin. Hope to have a mass gathering soon!

Elise, paisay.. End up u r the one organising while i bz with work.. Thanks!

Torayme, thanks for the name tags too! U still went thru the hassle of laminating the names.. Hope u n Heidi are feeling better already..

Jmmabb, just saw the pixs.. Thanks for uploading! Do u mind if i save ur pixs n create an album in my profile? I havent upload mine, will update once i done but not alot.. Thnk only group pix n LOs on playmat.. Haha!

Mummies, any more photos to share? Hehe...

babyL, no la! I didnt do anything mah.. Just collect money and make reservations only!

So glad everyone enjoyed!

Mommies, no problem with the name tags. I used scotch tape to 'laminate' just in case babies are the ones to draw so don't want them to get paper-cut or something.

CC, just found out that Heidi's fever is due to teething. Is it contagious in this case? Her top 2 teeth are cutting through. Yay!!! We've been monitoring her temperature and it never goes beyond 37.5. But I just freaked out cos I tot its me who passed it to her but I am on medication.

1727, don't worry babe. a few mommies and babies were threatened by the bug before the tea session anyway. I just feel really tired...then my AF reported today. No wonder I was totally out of sort.

Thanks to all the concerned mommies. Heidi's teeth are cutting through so I think I can sleep peacefully tonight. :D

I saw a better doc and felt much better already with antibiotics.

jmmabb, really nice to meet you and your family. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hope A answer your wish and start crawling soon...but hor...you will wish she don't crawl seeing how active she currently is already. haha...


so sad to hear abt ur MIL. My deepest condolences to u and ur family.

wow, saw the pics of the gathering!Looks So Fun!! Everyone is enjoying themselves in the pics [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Glad u r feeling better now!

thanks QQ. I sure was feeling shitty the past few days...MIL not around, Heidi super manja, Hubby cannot take leave. Fear of spreading my virus to baby yet she constantly want me to cuddle. I kept dumping her in her cot/playpen/walker whenever I have the chance. Have to skip the Gap casting call/skip my hair appointment...But thank God i am better and her teeth cut through already. :D Just in time for her Ah Yi's wedding next next Sun. Her front teeth should be very obvious by that time.

Ok mommies, am going to bed. Good night and blessed sleep!


Glad to see u too hv a gd Monday 


Is usual to hv fever when bb is teething as long the temperature dun go up to 38 degree. Take care speedy recovery 

all mummies, i love to see so many babies... we do this more frequent ok? so busy with the babies until i forgot to eat.

MT, 1727, priscilla, mag... finally met all of u... torayme, cao mei... i didnt get to see u.. im so into the babies... hee...

MT... if u are too busy, i can babysit belle for u ok? she is such a darling... i miss her tutu lips... too bad, both of them dun like each other. we try again ok? kekeke...

reen, kayden is sooooooooo cute...

winnie.. no prob.. but mal really scare the wits out of me. give him a tiny piece of bread n he throw out so much milk. i dun dare ler.. sorry sorry.

elise and sky, thks for the pressie..

Babee - Deepest condolences to you and ur family.

Elise - Thanks for party!

Torayme - Thanks for making the name tag! Take care too! Speedy recovery to both you and Heidi!

Kayse till now dun have any teeth yet.. is it late?

It was really a great party! Had the chance to meet up with mummies! but i got to leave first coz i had company dinner at 6pm. Got to settle Kayse at my mom's place first. Else i would definitely wan to stay on and let Kayse play with all the babies! Although she is a bit shy dun wan climb on playmat.. But few more times i belive i would end up chasing her all over mat.. hehehe

Did not really managed to rem all faces though.. sorry abt that.. brain memory space is getting low.. And did not managed to take any photos except the group photo.. *sad* can please send me all the pictures that was taken? does not matter i or kayse in it or not. for memory sake! hehehehe

my email : [email protected]

Mummy who picked Kayse? Sorry i forgot ur name.. Thanks for the xmas gift! Kayse really liked it!

torayme, heidi's teeth sounds like accessories to u.. hahahaha must come out in time for ur sis wedding. u so cute...

Anyone know of a good housing agent?? I wan help my hubby cousin find flat. She wan rent a room.

Got to find for her fast.. else she will keep on staying with us.. her "automatic" not switch on de.. everyday i got to hear my MIL nag abt her than my maid complain abt her.. argh..

chloe, i saw you wor! Your tummy flat de lor! Envious sia! No wonder the mommies here all saying that you are gorgeous~ cos truly you are! I didn't go up to anyone cos i scared of passing on the flu.

I also didn't get to meet Cao Mei. Its only later then I realised the baby that my hubby kept making laugh is Winnie's Mal. haha. Thank you all for a great time. The food is great too. Mango cake is my fav. It is supreme!

torayme, aiyo... so paiseh. im not lah.. i heard elise called "doreme" i look up but didnt see anyone.. den i go back to kayden again.. hw are u feeling now? ya... mal laugh easily.. im trying to make him drink his milk by singing to him, and he laughed... he think my singing is funny???

jmmabb.. are u the one whom i met in the lobby?

Wait a minute. I am confuse with the new mommies i've met at the gathering.

Chloe, you are the one wearing black T with jeans right??

Oh dear, even with the pix uploaded to FB doesnt help. It doesnt have nick. haha.

Pardon my memory mommies, mine is a 386 processor.

Chloe, dun be scared... Mal's pattern is like dat one... He is basically not into eating... See the way he scrunch up his face when u bring food to his face... And then make it such a way like we poisoning him... If he can spit out, he will spit one.. Else he make himself puke... Imagine I face this everyday for every feed.

Mal's find dat u are playing n entertaining him. So he laugh lor... He like to play and I think he survive on playing... No need to eat or drink one... Elise husband is right cos he said mal is solar powered one... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Torayme, yeah yeah, mal was happily playing with yr hubby... Yr hubby try to get mal to pick a name but mal only eyeing on the hat... This playful baby keep trying to grab the hat and the more we ask him to pick a name, the more he want the hat...

1727, yes, Chloe is the one in jeans n black tee.. Pretty n hot mummy right...

Btw, Nic really have yr features ... Photocopy of u..

Chloe, we met jmmabb at the lobby... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy to hear you mums enjoyed yourselves. Which is very much expected.


don't need to be so humble! :p u're really one of the slimmest and good looking mums around in this forum. belle smiled at dyl..does it mean dyl stands a chance? muahhahaha :p

haha...ya don't get me wrong. After seeing all the hot and gorgeous mamas, I am inspired to go on a diet and get a better figure!

winnie, mal so adorable when he laugh. Such contagious laughter too. haha...

We certainly did had fun at this gathering. Hope more to come.

winnie... solar power.. i think he is... now i truly understand ur stress. z was like dat when he was younger. throwing out almost everyday...

serendipity, i think u are sexy. both 1727 look alike.. stil remember u wearing tube dress during our meet up at suntec, cant take my eyes off u den. im old n haggard haiz... i really hate to see mirror now. hur... hur... but i like belle leh... can tell dyl dun potong jalan? hahahaha...

Winnie, ya.. Elise also said Nic look like me. Its either he will grow up to have gu-niang feature or i'm having boy's look. Both also no good. how ah?

Seren, we miss each other again!!? next time when we meet, must take pix together to see if we really look alike. =)

good afternoon mummies!

sorry i couldnt remember most of mummies nick whom i met and spoke to on sat. my memory has been v poor after delivery. i think came out together with bb! thanks to mummies who chat and remember me. next gathering i will make sure i will take extra effort to remember. i feel so heartless(bo sim)......


Thanks and nice meeting your family too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really hope my girl can crawl and sprout teeth when she turns 9months on xmas!! yes, she is so active like a little worm wriggling around.....hahaaa


i think so because only met 2 of u at the lobby.....

elise, seren, torayme.. thks lah... u all are so nice ladies... i lost confident after im pregnant.

jmmabb, i thought u say u are JN.. hee... sorry sorry...

btw where are the pixs???


i heard u say ur nick, Doremi, blur..couldnt connect, later then i realised is Torayme hheeeee...so i can remember u :p

1727, don't worry don't worry. Nic's a great looking lad. Will grow to be manly with nice features from you. I really adore how independent he is. Heidi a bit too manja sometimes... but both type I like lah...haha...if I have a boy I also hope he will be like Nic.

Chloe, surprised to hear that you lost confident leh. You really look fab. Before and after wor.

jmmabb, your hub's pictures are really nice! A is very smiley, friendly deposition...as for milestones, don't worry, they will get there. I stopped worrying abt Heidi's growth. She will get there eventually too. But I just keep on praying that she will be taller than me!

magdelin, it was great meeting you! I never seen Heidi warm up so fast to an adult before. You are the first one (without any props aka toys) She really likes you! hehehe...

torayme... where is ur head? cant see u in the group pic. aiyayaya.. me ah... hair messy, face sag, no time for facial, boobs sag, dark circle getting worse, no time to shop so no nice clothes to wear, cant wear heels only flats, got to gobble up my food whenever z is ard.

Tks for the pics!! i have join the group.. hehehe added some of you as friends.. those i could rem de.. paiseh ah.. those i din add can pls add me? Tks!

Torayme - It was great meeting you too!!! Really?? Am i the first? hurhur~~

Chloe - sorry ah.. which one is u actually? i abit lost on the names..


same here. hair messy with baby hair, boobs sag cos of bfing. shop online! i dig loef.sg and victoria secrets at the moment. very flattering. wearing nice things makes us feel good. this time next year, we'll aim to be hot mamas ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha u ask MT..belle wants to be FRIENDS with dylan. hiak hiak. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i never seem to be able to meet u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i agree nic looks good. very boyish, cute features.

pooh, deepest condolences to u & family. Take care.

hi mummies, lucas enjoyed the xmas party and nice 2 meet some new mummies. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sorry, been busy packing luggage n only slept 3.5 hrs last night. Finally onboard the cruise now.

Elise, thks 4 organising. We shld hv more gatherings.

1727, really nice to see u again.

Magdelin, glad that Kayse like the xmas gift.

Ok gals, hv a great week ahead n take care.


you can surf web on board? Do update me abt baby swimming and anything else u need to prepare.. Thanks so much!! and Enjoy!


posted the pics on fb...


thanks for the compliments, will let hb know. he be v happy hehee....


enjoy your cruise !! come back post pics and share share your experience....


next one will be 1 yr old bash or earlier ???

chloe, i hiding behind Heidi...haha...

same same. nowadays I always chose food on the menu that's fast and non-messy to eat. Spaghetti/steak or anything that requires both my hands are out. Anytime Heidi whines, I have to respond asap.

Good night mommies. I am turning in now that Heidi's already asleep. She didn't nap long enough in the afternoon. @@ But praise God no fever last night anymore. Hurray hurray...and I am so certain her top 2 are cutting through. They looked so much bigger than her bottom 2. 4 down and how many? 20? to go...haiz...

Jmmabb, are the pixs u PM to Chloe are those u posted in FB Tiga? If got more, possible to PM me too? Thanks!

Mummies, u all very humble....March mummies are all steady boom pee pee ones ok! All chio chio mummies! Hehehehe....

Chloe, u look great and no old hag lah... u dun look like ur age anyway...be confident ya!

Sorry to interrupt. Any mummies here looking for stylish trendy nursing wear this festive season?


Brand New MOTHERS EN VOGUE nursing maternity wear sale 60% off

More than 20 currently still in store designs available. XS-L sizes!!


Email [email protected] or PM me for details now til 16 Dec (Thur)!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning!! Keke me going to chiong Crocs warehse sale this fri! My gf gave me the private entry tickets at 9am! Whaha, even though i dunno what to buy.

Morning Mommies.

Elise, i can never make it to crocs sale. Last year, the snake q puts me off. if you happen to buy extra shoes for Enzo maybe can sell it to me? Thanks in advance


1727, really ah? My 1st time there le. U mean even for the private entry also soo long ah> Sianz!

What kind u need? I can buy for u no problem. But size? Enzo leg big le. Size 4/5 he cant wear liao!

