(2010/03) March 2010 mtb

miracle: Yes. Colostrum can be pumped out. For my #1, I had very bad engorgement so would encourage you to pump out and the nurses will feed baby for you.

Its great to hear that mirabelle is suckling so well. I've heard from some friends that their babies tend to fall asleep on the breast and hardly suck so in the end they kena mastitis. Dun worry, with mirabelle, I'm sure that your supply will be established in no time. =)

By the way, what painkillers did they give you? Can't be just normal panadol right?


Afternoon Mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

back from doc appointment and will be looking forward to next monday's as Doc changed his mind on th 2 week interval :p - till i deliver.

Next Monday will know if there's gonna be an induction for me.

baby update: all good and weigh in 3.7@37weeks

doctor said, i think Epi will be a better option for you this time - hmmmm, think think think.

Hello ladies.. havnet been popping in for a while.

Chart! chart! chart! i need the table to know the latest update. Mommies have been popping.

Latest is Elise. She admitted yesterday. Gave birth alr??

Miracle, cup feed? i failed leh..always spill out. Any mommies feeding their newborn water after milk? My baby tongue has bit of whitish residue. Mom ask me to feed him water to rinse it off? true?


nice wt there for bb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

when is e latest we need to induce?

Carol, your baby is giantic!!!!!!

What happened to Cactus?

Yes Michviv, my boy always fell alseep on me when latching him on one side. Shake him, tease him he won't move. So i'm always engorge on one side..then need to pump out..so tiring.


need to feed some water for bf bb, more for fm bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

im having cramps again..tonite see dr prob he will check dilation

wonder how they know how many cm dilated without putting a ruler in leh? haha

Hey looks like I'm joining mummies who're giving birth this wk!! Just saw gynae, he said water level has gone down. Seeing him again this Thurs. If fluid low, will deliver same day or Fri! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BB 2.9+kg at 37wks. FL measuremt getting shorter...weird... I'm ignoring tat... Jus praying for a healthy bb.

Fr scan, gynae says bb engaged n 2cm dilated.


you'r delivering in MT A?

I went for their maternity tour and asked abt using our own steralised breastpump.

the lady who gave the tour said they don't allow that. mothers can only use their in house breast pump at a rental of $20./day, hospital safety guidelines

did anyone deliver in Mt A here?

is tt true?

cos i thought its always more hygenic to use our own

ryne, wow both u n noscon have quick developments.. congrats on bb's head being engaged! tummy very low liao? but wondering how he compare water level went down.. 1st time he scan water level for u rite? n dilation can see thru scan?

ryne, 2cm dilated better go hospital soon. Its either 2day or tomolo??

bebe, its experience lah.. they will use their fingers to measure dilation. Strange hor.

carol, well it's not your first big baby, i'm sure you can handle it even if you wait on.

bebe, 2 fingers in then they open up to see how much is "opened". better hope your gynae has long slim fingers elses they have to "dig". ultrasound cannot see dilation.

esther_l, yup Mt A. i'm sure the nurses will give leeway. so it's confirm they wouldn't steralise for me lor.

noscon Go! All the best

I am not yet dilated...Dr cfm induce tomorrow...Is it more painful to induce? any idea? I hope to do it without epi but ppl say with induce, pain more unbearable!!!

tks bebechan! I so excited...EDD 18 mar but dr cfm induce tmr.... dun know if i should insist to carry on till edd....

cos i do have some med history and once baby hit 38 weeks she wants to induce. managed to convince her to hold one more week.

u mummies got drink the sheng hua dang? just went to get the herbs/medicine from yu yan sang...wah so exp!!!

cos this week is 39 weeks...so abt time to get baby out...but i think baby loved to be in there...cos my tummy still high.

Hi noscon,

jia you! Finally is your turn!=]

Re: nipple cracked

actually, I have also, the tmc nurse teach me to use my milk to moist the craked nipples. It help for me. Maybe you can try

replenish blood... confinement recipe book have, and i asked my friends their mother also cook for them...i went eu yan sang and told them abt it and they also mentioned they have....

I've not bought the nipple cream.... if last minute need, what brand best to get?

Hi bebechan,

yup, I mgs her=] I thought might give her some support in some way.

Hi carol,

good weight for your bb=] so fast u are induce=] update us

Hi Lynn,

I got drink that Shang hua dang, that was for confinent, it was say that drink that soup cab clean the womb dirt. I bought from my agent a herb package for confifnement,


Its fine for BB to drink FM. My boy drank FM during the 1st day in hospital too. As for sore nipple, maybe dont latch BB on tat side 1st, juz pump it out. I understand how painful it is as I experienced it last week. When latch BB on that sore nipple plus he sucks so vigorously, its super pain. Hang on there ya...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

skysilver, how much u paid? got my from eu yan sagng and cost abt 35 bucks...was so shock! but one of the ingredients was exp lah...


ya but if too many pple msg her maybe will disturb her u represent us n send our regards to her hee

bebechan, drink 1-2 days after delivery...supposed to be good...cleanse all the dirty blood... i not a chinese herb person...but better listen for this...was with mum at eu yan sang, also got some of their post preg pills to pu pu body cos we dun know how to really boil what soup to pu...so tablet faster and easy

Back in the office from gynae visit this morning. At Week 37.5 baby's still in breech. So I'm definitely putting myself on the cutting board next week. Maybe baby has my temperament. No matter what I do she's just plain happy with her head up.

Pleaded with gynae this morning to let me do c-sec with epi. APPROVED!!! One more visit next Monday to do final confirmation. Got approval from bosses to work from home too. Phew...


Hey... Good to know that the CL's finally seeing you as the boss. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can I know how much are the pills that you bought from Eu Yan Sang?


I keep forgetting to let you know... I received the Naforye cool mat thingys liao. Material's not bad. With all those little holes I reckon shd be pretty comfy for baby.


All the best! Keep us posted yea!

poohgirl...URMMMM last week? i remb a day or 2 b4 inducing she came in and said she was feeling down. i smsed her if she has popped on the 3rd but no reply leh.

