(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

good morning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I have received the Gymboree packages. Mummies please let me know how you want to get ur stuff.

For self collect: I have used up most of my 'better looking' paper bags after all the gap sprees.. haha.. nw i am using NTUC plastic bag.. hope u mummies dont mind hor~.. recycling.. =p

Mambobb, I'm heading to Tampines Safra to attend a Baby Shower this Sunday, can I collect from you before/after that?


Where are you staying and working? Do we still owe you any payment or shipping charges? Thanks a lot.


Did you gals manage to get your taggies? I manage to find a US website that sell very nice taggies. I'm checking with them whether we can get discount for more orders. Will update you gals when they revert.


Ivy: Sure, u can pass cash to me when u collect ur stuff. $7.64 for the shipping.

Jmi: sure this sun u can get from me.. let me knw the time to arrange. I might need to go out for dinner at my inlaw plc.

bryest: Me stay and work at Tampines. I hv received ur $16.04.. that is ur shipping already.

MiniMe: This sat my hb will be working till 4pm so it will be quite diff for me to bring 2 kids together to meet u at central. Unless u want to drop by my place [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Any time is ok for me.

Sorry to interrupt.. I have a few packs of Pamper Active size M to let go:

3 x 44M + 1 X 68M

Kindly PM me if keen.. Thanks

Morning mummies....

Pampers has got offer/promo @ Cold Storage.

I bought 2 packets L size for $38+ (savings of $14)!

I'm not sure if other supermarkets having same offer...


Is your in laws place in tampines too? I'm living in jurong west so trying to see how I can collect from you. Thanks

snoopy: hah? can give fish already?? waaa... i didnt know... hhmm i think i should try to introduce to him then...

Blue_Y: your baby exactly same with my boy.. got fussy for milk for quite sometimes.. try and erroe until i gave him room temperature milk and back normal.. he just dont like warm milk..

jmi: PM u liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bryest: my inlaw plc is at lavendar. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


My boy began wearing L since last mth! Shocking right??? No choice that i have to upgrade him cos he drinks BM and his poo always comes out from the back and dirty his clothings... So L size bigger and longer pc better for him.


ya, its the 2nd week i'm alone wif her... but only brought her back on sat so its for a nite... didn hv proper meal lor... only 1 meal a day kind... cant wait for my hb to be back!!


My boy's poo also leak from behind recently. Does it mean he has to upgrade to L size? He's only 7.4kg and 68cm.


went san francisco for a week...

speaking abt poo, tink coz my gal started hving porridge, so she seemed to hv difficulty in passing motion... n poo is drier...

MiniMe: I have PM u.. yest the connection here seem like down for quite long.. that's y just managed to PM u now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello Mummies :

Been so busy with Cherish that I have not had time to login. Did i miss anything???

Cherish can now push herself into sitting position. And everytime she did it she will smile or chuckle... thats a milestone... hahaha... its so heartwarming to view and experience our little one milestone huh....

I did not accept the new job afterall. Cos the GM (a lady) keep pushing me to join them early which i can't. So I decide to just give it a miss. I am now trying to clear my ML here and now its my turn to give LKK blk face liao... hahahaha....

Ok i will come bk again if time permits. Till then... ciaoz...

PS : Gyan, ur new haircut is awesome. I still want to say "U r A Hot MAMA"... ahahaha

Mambobb: Can PM me yr address & HP no.? And also the timing you will be at home this weekend. I may drop by to collect from you, thanks.

Happiness: Don't worry, keep looking up for better opportunity, job market now is picking up very well... Wow.. Cherish can sit up alrd?? That is a big milestone!! Your BM really got power yeah...whaahaaa

ya manz!! happiness, cherish progress like a rocket! till nw, my gal juz simply don wanto flip...

i oso didn feel tooth under her gum yet wor...

happiness: yeah, better opportunity will come de ;)

bbin: my ger also simply refuse to flip... sigh... now with her teething, she's also very moody... coz very uncomfortable.

cloh : huh!!! my bm power??? hahaha no la. Yeah Cherish can push herself into siting position. But sit awhile only la, after that start to sway then plonk dwn ... hahaha. She alot of pattern wan.. oso dun knw wat she wans to do. She keep pushing herself up when shes on her tummy. Her butt up n legs straighten (like inverted V shape) keep doing that like acrobat like that..

HOw is little Chloe??? Cherish still parctising swallowing cereals. Still alot come out with drrol [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bbin : Zixuan will flip when she is ready. Cherish oso, we leave her on the mattress n let her 自由发挥.

Christine : yah am just looking ard for another opening. hee...

Happiness: Chloe is doing fine, she can flip easily and stay for quite long time but no other pattern yet[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] eat wise she now can chew quite well, eating 3 tp of white rice cereal 2 times a day.... And always so excited when she see her bowl n spoon....funny seeing her chewing... Like bo geh lao nai nai...haha

Ivy: Jmi has offerred to help us collect fr mambobb so will pass to u once I get it...

Mambobb: In that case I won't be gg to yr place liao

Jmi: thanks!

Happiness : Wat is Cherish born weight n now?

Chloe is 6.9 when we weight her 2 days ago at doc Koh....

I feel she is a bit light...

Morning mommies !!

MIA for a few days.... been busy at work and also got on the fever... heeheeee... World Cup Fever.. hahahaha

I notice there's white white patches on Jolie's gums.. think she's teething.... been very naughty lately.. likes to play wif the teat when drinking milk ! She will purposely bite the teat wif her gums, den try pull it out.. making the "pop" sound.. den she smile... guess she's tryin to hav fun while easing the irritation on her gums bah...

Mambobb :

I'ii try see if can meet u again tis Friday..

Cos tomlo bringing Jolie for her vaccination.. Not sure if she'll develope fever so have to monitor.. I sms u if I can meet u ok ????

Bbin :

If I am meeting Mambobb.. U wan me to help u collect Zixuan's items too ?????

Cloh : U no gd laugh at yr own daughter... hahaha but hr sometimes i see Cherish also like bo geh lao nai nai... hahhahaa

Cherish was born 3.53Kg. When we took her weight end of May it was 6.4Kg if i din remember wrongly. We will bring her for her vaccination this Sat. Then I update u her weight again.

Finally the forum is up..

whoofy: let me knw by sms me whether u can meet me up tmr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

