(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

whoofy : The massage lady gave me an ointment like ru yi you to apply on baby and also to massage him. As for u saying when ur daughter is hungry and will try to put her fingers into my mouth, my son also will do the same and i think it's called "Rooting". An indication tat they are hungry and wanted us to feed them! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



dun think I can talk to u also. Right after giving birth I was concussed for the day becos I had epi for too long and was nauseous!

Lovie : Still considering whether which bakery to order the full mth cakes from.. Gin Thye is one of the choice. Another one we considering is Sweetest Moments.. also waitin for one of our fren to revert since his mom owns a bakery..

Who is ur massage lady ah ? Mdm Ida ah ?? Can I ask when do we pay them ? per session or one lump sum at the 1st session / last session ?

Happiness : I guess most of us will hav sleepless nites .. either being woken up by bb cry, or jus simply wake up by ourselves suddenly to check on bb...

If u plannin to use yao lan.. remember to press bb ears flat.. otherwise may hav "mickey mouse" ears wor.. heeheee

Lovie : Still considering whether which bakery to order the full mth cakes from.. Gin Thye is one of the choice. Another one we considering is Sweetest Moments.. also waitin for one of our fren to revert since his mom owns a bakery..

Who is ur massage lady ah ? Mdm Ida ah ?? Can I ask when do we pay them ? per session or one lump sum at the 1st session / last session ?

Happiness : I guess most of us will hav sleepless nites .. either being woken up by bb cry, or jus simply wake up by ourselves suddenly to check on bb...

If u plannin to use yao lan.. remember to press bb ears flat.. otherwise may hav "mickey mouse" ears wor.. heeheee

whoofy : Ohh.. Coz i planned to have it at chalet and havent confirm on whether wanna order cakes anot! My massage lady is Mariam and i pay her at 1 shot before CNY when she come for 3 sessions as i dun know whether after CNY am i gonna continue wif her anot so i pay her 1st. Today she came again and i pay her again instead of another round coz i couldn't confirm on whether will i be free to ask her over again anot! But dun worry, Mariam is a nice lady! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Didn't know u have probs wif Jolie! I have it wif Kiefer too! I gotta ask MIL to help me to take care of Kiefer at night coz i find myself not able to take it liao!


I find myself always accidentally hurt my boy's head! The day before at night when i room in wif him, he refuse to slp and i place him bside me so tat i can pat him to slp and end up elbowing his head! Ouch! But he didn't cry but yet, i still guilty lor coz i sort of like lose my patience.. I find myself getting more and more chor lor when deal wif him! Heiz.. How ah coz i afraid i will end up hurting him lor when he's only a few weeks old! Do u find urself getting rough too?

Lovie, as you gain more experience handling your child, you become more confident and more bold.

maybe that's why you find yourself handling the little one rougher... my patience runs out when my gal is crying non stop too. but juz have to calm myself down n pacify her.

Lovie : Mt massage lady is Mdm Ida leh.. not Mariam... OK I will ask how the payment shall be when she comes..

Dun worry, u not alone being chor lor wif bb.. me also.. my girl likes to turn her head suddenly.. a few times I lost grab of her lor.. so worry if she sprain her neck !!

Ok.. time to go moo moo liaoz.. leaking !!!!!!

chat again tonite mommies...

Lois : Thanks for the comfort! I guess, we really need alot of patience when dealing wif out little one ya? If not, might end up hurting him/her! Heiz.. Not an easy way, i guess!!! For me, it's hard to jot down pee coz dun really know how to see. Hahahaha.. Poo still okay coz is more visible! My boy's poo is yellowish, sticky and lump-like(like crab roe) Hehe.. How's ur girl's poo and also feeding time? My boy's feeding time is haywire lor.

whoofy : U can check wif Ida & i think she's also a nice lady like Mariam and there shldn't be any prob wif the payment! :p Sometimes i also find myself "hard" to grab my boy's neck too. So afraid tat he will sprain it or what coz he suddenly turn or move!!! Guess, we are all of the SAME!!!

my gal's poo is yellowish, semi solid, got lumps... she poo abt 3 times a day. she is drinking 70ml /2hr. i am giving her bm during day, fm during nite.

we are holding my gal's full mth on 28th feb (last day of cny; my 1st yr annivesary, we got married on last day of cny 2009), must order the cny menu from neo garden.

hi mummies... when you use your breast pump, how often do you sterilise it?

Is it ok to sterilise just once (in the morning), and for the rest of the day wash normally and air dry?

kath: Oh ok, thanks. I thought 8-10 times is a lot.

muffin: Oic. Oic. U need the rest after giving birth. =)

Lovie: I didn't take it down the timing. About 8 times a day. Usually I change his diapers before feeding him each time.

will be having my girl's full mth on 06 Mar (Sat).. booked the multi function hall below my house ..

buffet will likely be ordering frm Fus'zin Palate..

my gal today didn poo alot... only once so far... wonder if its the start of the 'heaty-ness' as some say drink similac will hv tis problem...

Hi Lovie,

For the cake, are you refering to the cake shop at upper boon keng?

Hv u tried before?

Me also thinking of ordering from them as quite near my hse.

bbin: my boy also pooed once per day when he started on similac. But after a few days, his poo frequency increased again... Maybe you monitor for a few more days.

bbin: So you sterilise only once, and do normal wash for the rest of the day? I am also doing it, but not sure whether ok or not... After seeing tira's advice, i immediately went to sterilise my pump parts...hahaha...

freesia: my next PD appt will be 1mth from now..

Lovie: thnx! am considering booking there too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but not sure if its too late to book now. somemore 7th is a sun..

Lovie : At least u still hav ur MIL to help wif the nite shift.. me & hubby been loosing sleep liaoz.. Hav to endure a few more days before CL comes

for mommies whos thinkin of getting additional deserts / finger food for bb full mth, here's a wholesaler which u can consider..


Personally hav tried their "Thaw & Serve Desserts" such as mini profiteroles (cream puffs), mini eclairs & mini swiss rolls.. they are reali nice...Actually their swiss rolls can be found in some cafes such as Breeks..

Am plannin to get them to treat my warehouse colleagues.. and also add on to the buffet on the full mth..

Hi mummies!

Glad to see this thread back.

Sigh...my gal still refuses to suck on my breasts. She's rather impatient and once she knows that she cannot get much from sucking,she will turn her head violently away from my breast and wails. So now all i can do is to pump my BM out and give it to her via milk bottle. But i seriously wonder how much BM nutrients she's absorbing in because my CL mixes the BM with FM. I let her do that cause my gal might be used to the "sweet" taste of FM le. BM shld be tasteless right? Afraid she doesn't want to drink purely BM. Furthermore,everytime i pump,the amount is not enough for her. She drinks 80ml of milk each time and my BM is about 30-50ml on average only.

Currently i feel emo too. I think my in-laws are being too over-protective of my gal(their first grandchild). So over-protective that i feel irritated. My FIL even thinks i don't know how to carry my gal properly and he always "teach" me everytime i carry her. Super irritated with him!

Ah...sorry for the grumbles. I emo.

Anyway,hope u all have a great and prosperous Lunar New Year! =D

Kath> chatted wif my CL, jaundice can try goat milk. Drink twice or thrice a day since ur bb very high. Replace with ur usual BM or FM give tat same amt. Muz filter at least twice till goat hair gone. Once befor u boil it till bubble abit, let it natural cool b4 u feed bb. After boil filter again.

Sunning best avoid 9am plus. Best time 8am+ or 5pm+

3rd try go chi med hall ask them for yellowness bb. Some kinds of pills or beads 2 plc beside bb when sleeping. Tie ard 5/6 beads with red thread, plc beside bb, like aromatherapy lor

hope helps u

btw goat farm tink u can chk online the cck 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fiionn: Where is your PD located?

Yew Yew: Same situation here.... except mine is with my parents and not in-laws! My dad always say "your mum has raised up 3 children, she knows more than you"....

Woofy> ur bb sounds like got alot wind leh. Try burp more or maybe colic. Try ru yi oil too. Rub on ur palm hot hot apply press lite on chest n back n feet. My bb loves tat after bath la.

Remind me u oso mt a hor?? My bb when I bring her home 1 day after me cos jaundice ..

She had green poop 2 days!! My cl say she got frighten at hospital when bath her n cry too much when hungry. So alot wind went in. And she vomitted twice with those clear color phelgm after drink milk... Hate the nurses there.. When I saw her symptoms. Thk God my CL have experience n teach me many things else I sure sink into depression quick..

Constance, woofy> best lor the dark pigmentation even stinks at tes leh.. Guess tatz my bb gift 4 mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

tiz morn my massage lady say it's normal.. Some mums even have on neck area, lagi ugly can c when wear clothes mah... Trying to console me like tat..? Sigh....

Wow thread is moving real fast that i cannot catch up!

Envy mummies who have supply>demand! My boy wants to drink every 2hrs, perhaps 100ml is not sufficient for him already cos i'd wish that he drink every 3 hrs instead. Sometimes after a wet diaper + poo, he cried for milk after an hr...imagine how to have sufficient supply after just 1 hr??? Me very stressed here expressing milk every 1-1/2 hrs and only get 80ml maximum and is not enough for him! It has been 3 wks but why my supply didn't increase alot ... hope to have more to pump out and store but so far can't!


I understand the stress that you are going thru thus that time during my 1st confinement, i also gave up BF eventually! But this time i'm still struggling, hoping to sucess and BF as long as i can... Really very tough, not enough sleep/rest, nipples swollen and painful, panda eyes now!


Am going to order from Neo Garden too for buffet.

Bbin> same sins here..! But sarong later mths come in bah.. My CL keep assuting me my gal very clever juz try pacifier lor. Since i buy le n bb keep crying after most feeds, her pattern is like to suckle awhile den sleep. She'll push it out when done 1. Den I monitor her myself at times when my CL is not looking.. Looks true. Saw some info from baby centre.com, oso say it's a soothing effect. Guess we gotta monitor n control the pacifier lor Bo pian. Cos for me I oso dun wan her keep crying wait more wind lagi worse..!

Angel : can understand ur heart must be very painful .. But jus one thing to note .. Hope u dun mind..

In medical view, bb first poo is black, follow by green cos there's alot of calcium in bb tat can't be absorb at earli stages.. Den poo will change to yellow frm 3rd / 4th day cos liver is gradually functioning to help bb clear the jaundice. So u jus hv to monitor in future.. If bb has green poo again, it's not bcos bb got frightened (which all old folks always say).. It's becos there too much milk - calcium tat bb can't absorb ..

As for ru yi oil.. My hubby still very against on using it now.. He rathe spend an hr burpin our girl lor.. I also bo bianz ...

Hi, I have a Summer Infant bathing chair (description below) to sell. Sis bought it from Mums and Babes at United Square for my baby boy but I have no plans to use it. Totally brand new and unopened. Retail price at Mums and Babes is $72.90. Selling at $60 including delivery/transportation charges.

Summer Infant-Large Comfort Bather support

Summer Infant Mother's Touch Large Comfort Bather has a larger frame for newborns and bigger babies. Includes deluxe head support, bolstered edges for extra comfort and a soft mesh sling seat that conforms to your baby. This bather can be used in both tub and sink and has a 2 position back rest.


Larger frame for newborns and bigger babies

Includes deluxe head support

Soft mesh sling seat conforms to baby

Bolstered edges for added comfort

Can be used in both tub and sink

2 position back rest

Mildew resistant, quick drying fabric

Interested pls PM me, thanks

Bel : yup .. My hubby will burp for abt an hr..but he dun pat bb all the time.. We learn frm he nurses tat we can also tilt bb front & back / left & right slowly to release the air out frm bb tummy. Bb must be in sitting position if doing tis burpin exercise.


have delivered my boy this afternoon..

Apple pls help to update, thanks!

Baby Ryan, 3.225kg/50cm, natural.

Summary of birth story:

7.30am admitted to TMC

8am Put on CTG, monitor baby for a while.

8.15am Enema given

8.45am Gynae check dilation (4cm), put on drip

10+am Increased contractions felt

12+am Had urge to push

1.30pm Gynae came back, everyone on standby, baby crowning

1.47pm Baby out! The stitching n the cleaning up of wound felt quite horrible though.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bottom is feeling very sore now.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] had quite a bit of stitches though.. Tried going to the washroom just now with the help of the nurse but almost fainted when I came out.. Going to rest now.. Catch up with u gals again..

Tam: congrats brave mummy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

freesia: now temporary still using PD at GEH. Will change to somewhere near my place after some time..

Guess why i have the time to log in at this time to chat? Cos i gave my baby FM just now at 9pm so he is so super satisfied and slept soundly till now. If i had latched him on just now, he would have wake up just now for feed and perhaps now i'm feeding again thus every nite also no time to do anything else...

I better go and rest now, expect that he would wake up at 12+ later for feed... Good nite all.


thanks fiionn, congrats to you too. thanks also tirabon, gyan and kath.

think i'm just a scaredy cat. i'm not sure if i will go through another c-section GA. hur hur. but if i were to do c-section, i would do it under GA! don't think i can do it half-numb like you, kath.

i called the clinic this morning and was told that my stitches are dissolvable too. *phew* my mum has been nagging me since i discharged to ask the doc abt the stitches but the clinic wasn't opened until yesterday. so so so nagging.

the binder is really useful. i'm only 2-3kg away from pre-pregnancy weight. it may be the breastfeeding and the binder or just the breastfeeding. heh.

