(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

thanks ladies,

My hubby's quite positive he has nothing wrong with his blood. Gynea has said if he is normal, they may not need to do further tests on the baby. The main concern is the baby does not get affected. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


lovie --> but i see some mummiess still take folic acid le....apple n tira also continue take....it seem too early to stop now...maybe i too kaypo...hehe

serene: dont worry too much and trust your gyane. main thing is you dont move around too much and rest as much as you can.

jmi: hope everything is well for you. dont worry too much also

chris: i am taking neurogain. didnt try dhaxtra before so cant give any comparison but i personally like neurogain cos it's small and easy to swallow.

Lovie: I also feel like eating instant noodles at times... hb will frown n say cannot... haha... but if I got craving on weekend, I will ask my mum to cook for me... My sis ask my mum to let me eat, else baby will keep salivating... hahaha... so my mum cooked for me and hb cannot say no... haha...

Once u got multivit,and if u drink maternal milk together too, u got more than enough folic acid intake already.

If so, can stop Folic Acid pills already.

Chrisstan :

Mine is ProLacta wif DHA for Mother.

Usage : This supplement has been specially formulated to boost growth of teh foetus' brain & help to supplement Vit E.

Composition :Natural Fish Oil providing DHA 214mg, EPA 20mg, Natural Vit E 10mg.

Given to me by gynae.

Has 20 pills inside which can last me 2 months and cost me $60.

Hope it helps! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yvonne : Displaying our "kiasu-ness" much to early liao.. Hahahahahahah :p

Bel : Hahahahahah. Tat's a good one eh. Maybe i also can try asking an elder to cook for me! ( Of course won't be parents in law)

Lovie, snoopy,

Actually w/o doing the scan, gynae can't tell what exactly happen or promise you if the baby is ok! So means whenever i have doubt and worried, if i feel pain or had more discharge, i will need to go down to him for the scan.

Sigh, who will not worried and sick when see the stains and blood discharge again! Really hope to be back to normal very soon!

lovie: how come 20 pills can last u 2 months?

chris: just swallow, dont smell, hehe but when i smell inside the bottle, it actually smells like scotts fish liver oil. for me, there's no fishy smell when i burp so it's ok for me

Just went puke again.. Think almost all my breakfast is out... Hiaz.

Chrissian: I'm taking neutrogain too.. In the forum i do recommend. Saying we cannot take normal fish oil, as it contains so many EPA. EPA can cause excessive blood flow.

Serene: Aiyo, dun worry, baby is fine.. Just more rest and relax.

Jmi: Dun worry so much.. I'm also waiting for clinic to call me regarding the blood test results too..

serene: that's true but try not to overstress urself, just get plenty of rest, how many week are you now? hope ur condition will stabilise very soon!


i dun like swallow pills...no matter big or small size...it's like going to battle for me. @_@

i dun like fishy smell...so lesser will be better.

else i might puke!

currently still cant "tahan" garlic smell,my hb bgt me an air fresher & i took it out immed to clear the air, once i smell something!!!

Lovie: 20 pills can last for 2 months? Thought you will need 60 pills.

Chrisstan: I am eating dhaxtra. Pill is quite big, i must drink lots of water to swallow.

Apple: Think dr wong hasn't prescribed anything extra for you yet coz you are still puking anyway... :p

Jmi: I think if you are a thala minor but your hubby is fine, then baby is likely to be fine or could be a thala minor. But if you and hubby are both minor, then there is a higher likelihood of baby being a thala major. And there could be some medical conditions related to a thala major. I am not very sure though... i read about this thalassemia condition long long ago coz my ex-colleague is a thala minor, so i got curious and went to read up.

Oh, and you could be a thala minor without knowing all your life. My colleague knew about it when she did the annual health screening and this was one of the blood test item.

serene --> yaya..sometimes..bb gender is really nt important as long as HEALTHY.....u must stay relax...think anythign wrong..u better go n visiit dr adrian..once a week also ok...as yrs is different case as u still hv discharge.

serene...dont give yourself un-necessary pressure.... bb will be fine....

i just came back from GP.....confirmed that i got yeast infection.... tomolo goin to see gynae then will let him know....see what he want to give me to clear the yeast....

serene--> if come to worst n yr bleeing is still there...u better take 1 mth unpaid leave..do not go back to work...cause stress will make u feel worst. somemore with yr boss not understanding attitude. but dun worry,,evrything should b fine.

Lovie, mambobb: I think it is ok to eat if we add some veg, egg or meat etc to the instant noodles to make it more nutritious?

Anyway, everything should be taken in moderation... =)


Not that bad ...still can endure....jsut that got discharge lor....i have been enduring since 2 months liao...but hope to get it done...clear it b4 bb getting too big....

Serene : Fully understand how u feel. Juz like last week when I was having the infection lor. But I mean, really no choice de lor. What u can do is tat at any 1st instance where u dun feel comfy, go see gynae straight. No need to talk much!!!

Chrisstan : It’s big but it’s not hard to swallow. Ytd I choke a bit on the pills coz not drinking enough water but hor, no fishy smell wor!

Snoopy : Bo lah, it’s 60 pills. Did i wrote down 20 pills? Hmm.. Preggie, CONFUSED mum.. Hahahahahah

Kath : Ohh.. But did gynae says the infection is serious anot?

mambobb....i also love instant noodle....been taking it recently...at least once a week...bb like that...

apple.... shld be....hopefully can clear.... me not worry.

Bel : Hahahahah.. No use de lah, the branding of INSTANT NOODLE itself is already bad! Hahahaahah.. Die Die thinks that it doesn't have nutrients. What to do... :p

Kath : Okay.. Maybe we can see whether the med given is the same anot! Rem to let me know whether will gynae let u consume the med orally anot!

kath/lovie: Me bought the NO MSG brand.. KOKA.. haha.. at least eat liao not that sinful mah.. ohohoh..

I have been craving for pig's organ soup wor~.. last time Geylang has one very nice and moved.. only recently I managed to saw it moved to Balestier.. dont know whether is it the same boss anot..

Bel : Hahahahhah.. No wor, i can beg my way, cry my way or be angry all the way till i get what i want. Wahahhahahahahah!

apple >> if you're generally ok, think blood test result should be ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Freesia >> I've read up on Thalassemia. Most minor people go on leading normal lives without realising. It's a concern if it is a major. If both parents are minor there is a chance the baby may be a major and will need blood transfusion or even bone marrow procedure and in worse cases generally do not live for long.

mambobb : Ahahaahahahh.. Excuses huh.. I suddenly forgot the brand that im eating liao.. I used to have maggie mee until i come across this which is MUCH MORE better and ditch maggie. Hahahahahaahah..

Pig organ's soup is out as my whole brain keeps on thinking of the pig liver soup tat i had..

morning everyone..

had a busy morning in office ..

apple : me too.. yesterday jus saw tat there's blue black on my arm due to the drawing of blood for tests.. total 6 tubes were drawn for the tests.. the last tube seems to take yrs to finish lor...

Freesia: my hb is a minor Thalassemia.. Me not.. so after bb turns 1yo, we need to bring her for blood test lor.. ahiyo.. very poor thing leh.. so small and the needles so big and draw blood out.. of coz my girl cried a big time lah.. after a while she was fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] result she is normal

Feel like dieing.. Puke all my acidic come out.. Already nothing inside, but keep puking, like almost whole organs coming out..

lovie : it's amazing to see the baby movement during scan indeed. During my scan last friday, both my hb and myself were shock to see bb move so fast.. initially when gynae do the scan, bb head was on the left side.. den when gynae try to change the screen view for better visual.. bb had turn and now the head was on the right side !! And one of the hand was moving up & down.. Gynae says bb waving at us.. but my hubby says bb digging nose !!!! Hahahahahaa

lovie....hahahhaah....so cute har???? cry, beg, angry all teh way....ok for the med....sure to share on wed as tomolo...i will be on leave dont think so got time to log in & chat.

mambobb.... koka not sinful....hahahhahah....still sinful la...but i dont care...got craving still eat....hahahahha.... hubby also scold me for eating that....then i will tell him that bb want to eat korea hot & spicy instant noodles...so no choice lor.... :p

Bel : Mama is DETERMIND TO get what she wants! Hahahahahahah

Whoofy : Seems like now’s the stage where everyone’s gotta test on blood..

Apple : Aiyo...

apple : bo bianz.. the nurse put the tray of tubes in front of me and even ask me to hold the tray for her..Each time 1 tube finish, she drop it back to the tray and take an empty one ..try to tell myself it's gonna be over soon.. but seems to take yrs.. Almost to the 4th tube, think my blood running low, so she start squeezin my upper arm for supply lor.. Wah kaoz !!! reali Fear Factor !!!!

whoofy...hahahahhahahh.....it is always happy to see bb moving inside us....

apple....just eat bit by bit....my cousin is even worse...she has to check in & check out the hospital throughout the whole pregnancy.... till last month...

Whoofy : Is it? So cute! Mine was just lying down and clenching his/her fist up in the sky. Hahahahha.. Dont know is bb protesting for not having bfast or what!

Kath : In order to get what i want mah.. No choice lor. Hahahahaahah.. Okies, be sure to update me on Wed!!!

