(2010/02) February 2010 mtb


"Smiley: I tried all sorts of veg for cherish.besides what u hv mention, I hv also tried parsnip, zucchini, asparagus, tomatoes, cabbage etc"

that's new to me! i only always feed him 1-2 type of green vege only.. mm.. i shld try those u mentioned...

Hi Smiley,

My Jin Yuan started to eat porriage yesterday... my maid cook it with pumpkin...then mash together.... he finished it..... I found out that Jin yuan love the taste of the sweet corn.....i just let him suck the corn.....& he love it & he would also try to hold the corn and put it in his mouth or insist me to let him suck more of the juice... he also swallow some of the corn too....... i will go & buy the corn & "remove the seed shell"...& steam it to feed him.

Smiley....my jin yuan is too smart liao.... when he is able to see me....he will not want me to feed him any food...he just wan to be latch.... not interested in any food at all..... Does the rest of the Breast feed LOs are like that too??? How can i train him to eat.....me wondering.... no way for me to force him, as he will not open his mouth at all..... he can even go on FM strike...... and make alot of noise.....The only thing he like me to feed is the corn.....

Hi Mummies,

Sorry went MIA... too many things happened to me... fall sick, etc. Now back and well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can I check if our Christmas party is still on? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi kath,

when u plan to stop latching?

no choice for now. just ask the maid to feed when u are not ard. at least he is eating lah when u r not ard. keke.

i gave rk sweet corn too. but i buy those frozen one n steam it then remove the husk. a lot of work le so i only feed once or twice. no time le. hahaha...

smiley, ya lor....so i make sure that i will always MIA when feeding time..... hahahhahah..... i only can ask my maid what my JY eat & how many..... think of it....i am quite a lousy mummy.....

Sweet corn are good for our LOs...i cant recall what is the thing that is good in corn liao.....heheheheh....i will try to make some this weekend.....long & tired task...hahahhahah

I plan to stop BF my JY till next Feb.... a few more months to go....but i also worry that he will not like to drink FM....& will go on milk strike again.... Even he drink at times, he dont finish the 150mls of FM.....He is quite fussy as he dont really like to drink FM leh.......


i also still breastfeeding partial but i no latch on. i pump out.

i introduce 1x FM after confinement nanny left cos my collic told me that to let bb used to FM taste else next time they will refuse to take FM and our BM is not forever de lor. my gal last time also 1x FM a day. so now rk is ok with both fm and bm cos he is used to both taste.

corn got nutrients meh? i thou no nutrients except high in fibre nia. no other vitamins. this is what i thou lah....pls enlighten me if u know what other vitamin/nutrient it has.

hi, I'm new (logged in long time back). How to break the ices again? :p

Smiley, at first I thought corn has not much values. Then, I found this: Corn is rich in phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, iron and selenium. It also has small amounts of potassium.It's actually, I think, we can mix corn and rice together for porridge. I used to mix with potatoes, now no more.

Kath, how old is your baby? Why only started porridge that late?

My baby is doing fine except, refuse drinking milk for months already. I don't knowwhy he hated it so much.

smiley.....let me check.....corn have some thing that are good for ur babies ....... me also intro 1x FM for my son since he is born as my supply was not much to meet his demand for the daytime....i will latch when i reach home after my dinner & during the night...... my supply was not too much now.... he will have only 2x EBM during the day time lor..... Of cos, he still prefer EBM than FM.....

Anewmummy, my Jin Yuan was born on 11/02/2010... goin to 9months by this week....we intro cereals to my jy since when he is 7mths as my PD say is ok to intro semi-soild food to baby by then as baby's main food is still milk..... he also take quite a while to used to the taste of the cereals, then 2 weeks later, i ask my maid to intro pumpkin, potato & carrots to him.... he has been quite happy with these foods....i want to intro vegetables to him... but i yet to buy a blender...so that we can blend the vegetable.... but my son has fussy tongue....too rough food...he dont like....


wow...i never knew corn has so much value. haha.

i add corn to rk's porr. think tasty n sweet bah.

think yr bb prefer to eat solid food than drink milk. some kids are like that.


hmm...have u tried changing another brand of fm? maybe JY will like it better. no harm requesting some samples and let him try out.

as for vege, no need blend for their age anymore. Rk is born on 17feb and so far i only mash or chop finely the vege n fish. i nvr blend cos i find v troublesome.

i start cereal for rk when he is 5mo++ then 7mo++ start porr. when he is on cereal, i only add milk to his cereal. i did not add any vege at all as i am too lazy. keke...

smiley....ok....i will try to buy some spinach & ask my maid to cook & feed my boy....

Now JY is drinking similac...i let him try mamil good.....but he dont like....i will try to get more smaples for him to try....maybe he is like me....dont like to drink FM one...lol


U can try Califlower? Or Asparagus?

I've having a hard time taking care of Kiefer nowadays coz he's getting increasingly cranky and poor mummy wonders why!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Anewmummy: yA I intro all sorts of veg to my girl. Asparagus actually quite easy to prepare. Can either steam till soft then mash with knife n chop up the fibre part. Or if lazy just chop to tiny bits n throw into porridge n cook together.

After I saw my niece n nephew being difficult especially when come to veg, I scared cherish will also like tht when she grow up. So I faster intro all sort of veg to her now so she will b used to veg taste.

Actually can also try green peas. Cherish loves green peas.

Lovie: is kiefer teething? Check his gums n c if it's swollen.

Kath: I'm still feeding cherish ebm. Bt I'm replacing ebm feed with fm now. Nw her ebm feed is reduce to twice a day. I replace 1 feed at a time with fm. Frm original 5 ebm feed a day to now 2 ebm feed a day. Must slowly replace de. At first sure cannot adapt to fm. The trick is to not make the fm too thick. What my nanny did was instead of 1 scoop to 60ml of water, she dilute it to 1 scoop to 80 ml of water. Amazingly cherish accept it better.

My nanny explain cos fm is thicker then bm thus when our fussy bb taste the diff they reject.

hi Smiley,

Thank you so much for the link.....

Hi Happiness,

Noted regards to the notes for making FM....i forgot abt this step.....hahahahahha...... NOw Jin Yuan only drinking 2x EBM & 1 FM during the day time..... abt 150mls per time..... he do eat 2 or 3 time solid foods..... I have bought some babies biscuits & puffs for him....but he also dont wan to eat...not interested at all.....how can i motivate him to eat...any ideas????

By the way.....does any mummies what kind of nutrients does califlower has??? I heard from my colleague that this veg has no value for us to in-take it.....

Kath: hmm can give some baby puff n biscuits n let JY self feed himself? Tht might interest him to eat abit. Cherish takes 2 solid meals a day (lunch & dinner) n snacks in between meals ( can be fruits or bake potatoes/ steam egg etc). But I still con't to maintain her 5 milk feeds ( 3 x fm, 2 x ebm) 150ml each time.

I'm lucky cos cherish is a "milk addict". She will start asking for milk every 2.5 - 3 hrs. Even after solid meal she will also ask for milk after 2 hrs. Haaaa. But my pd encourage to maintain the 5 milk feed. They r suppose to intake at least 600 ml of milk per day now.

Cauliflower r high in vitamins n fibre. N supposingly helps to prevent cancer. Hope that helps.

happiness.... thks for the advise..... I have tried to give him puff & biscuits....still he is not interested to eat them.....he is interested only the "plastic packing bag"....hahhahahah.... my JY not really a milk addictor....But he will make noise when he see me...he would prefer to latch.... so i will latch him for the night feed at abt8 to 9plus...then latch again b4 sleep time at 10pm.... He still wan to drink milk at wee wee hours.....he will ask for milk at least 2 times during the wee wee hours..... I think he shld have 600mls of milk per day.... Hope so.....hahhahhaha.......

Then my colleague gave me wrong info abt the califlower liao.... I shld ask my maid to get more veg for Jy this weekend...

Hi mommies,

the gathering not really has to be for Christmas.

Maybe jus indicate if anyone keen to meet up. After that from there, then we fix the dates again:

1. apple

2. christineonglc

Hello mummies, For baby veg, can try brocolli.. I cook it with porridge now..so far tat the only one i tried since my baby only willing to eat porridge now..

We can fix the date later? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1. apple

2. christineonglc

3. anewmummy

Kath: so how is JY doing with his fm? If he dun like porridge can ask yr maid try cooking some mee sua n c if he is ok with it? Cherish also sometimes will be sick of porridge so I switch ard with her menu.

I will prepare mee sua or macaroni for her. She just had baby macaroni in beef bolognese sauce for lunch. I will change her menu here n thr to get her b more interested in her food. Maybe u try n c if JY can accept better...

Happi: Did you prepare or buy the beef bolognese sauce? I have the baby star pasta... still wondering how to prepare the sauce! Do you think our babies'can take home-made tomato sauce?

Freesia : I prepare the bolognese sauce myself. I bought the canned tomatoes. Then blend into tomato paste, the I prepare the rest myself. I search ard for ready made but they all contain rather high salt contents. So I rather make my own bolognese sauce.

If u dun wan to add beef u can try mash broccoli, carrots n sweet potato n cook together with the tomato paste. Add abit of water for yr desire consistency. It's taste as nice with natural sweetness frm the sweet potato. Oh try frying some garlic then add in the tomato paste, that way bb can intake some goodness frm garlic.

Happi, that sounds delicious.

Is it too little for my baby to intake about 12 Ounces per day? I only fed him twice milk per day. I don't know how to increase the intake now.


how come only 12oz milk a day? y only 2x milk a day? thats really too little. even 3x milk of 18oz a day i dont think is enough. at their age i think at least 600ml milk a day which is the minimum wor. 600ml is abt 20oz.

how many times solid is he taking a day?

dun he take milk for tea-break time?

Right now, about 8am-9am, feed him one bottle of 7 ounces (He doens't like the milk, mix with soy powder). Then around 11-12pm, feed him one bowl of porridge. About 4pm, another milk time for about 7 ounces. Around 6.30pm to 7pm, another bowl of porridge. Then it will last. I tried feeding him one more bottle at 9.30-10pm, he usually refuse, when he refuse I really don't know what to do as he kept push you away and shake the head or push backwards. What should I do?

have u try dreamfeed him milk? some bb is alright with dreamfeed but some dun want. but dreamfeed is when they not yet totally into deep sleep. u try out once see if he take to dreamfeed.

u try for the nite feed first. eg, when he just fallen asleep then u give him milk see if he drinks.

if he take it then early morn 6am u can give 1 more bottle.

hows his wgt? good wgt?

smiley >> i think he's now about 9kg+. I haven't weighted him. also, do you guys go to clinics to monitor baby, say monthly? I didn't do that at all also. not sure the procedures.

Tonight I'm going to try to feed him while he's started to fall asleep, let see if this will help.

Mummies, I'm envy you mummies can cook, and cook well. I hope to pick this up.

happiness...hahahhaa....mee sua & macaroni is too much for my JY....he had sweet potato porridge yesterday.......that was the 1st time i fed him & he finished the porridge leh.....i m so happy..... My Jy need time to try new food....specially those he need to open his mouth & chew. But when come to sweet drinks, he is fine.... he would auto open his mouth & wan to taste.....

hello mommies!!!

oh so most of u bath ur LOs twice a day? I only bath Alfonse every morn and towel clean him in the evening and b4 bed.

Gyan, nice to see you here. I bath bb twice. One with soap and one without. :D He enjoy water very much and yesterday, he even cried when I pull him out of bath tub.

anewmummy, 9kgs+ is still quite gd wgt so no need worry much. my boy also 9kg+ last wgt.

i dun bring him to checkup every mth. dreamfeed hor must be he alr abt 90% asleep, not 50% but also cant be 100% asleep. keke

kath...not bad. at least now he eats when u feed. keke

morning mummies!


tot mee sua salty? so u had to rinse it wif water to try to 'desalt' ah?


babies luv sweet potato & pumpkin porridge... taste very sweet... but hv to be careful not to feed pumpkin @ too close interval...


she has been hving her twice a day bath since she's born...


oic... my MIL oso bath him once a day only and towel clean him.

Tira : U so fortunate!!! my hb din even bath Alfonse once! =(

hey, how come the thread now becomes so very boring... where is our dear Angel & bryest???

