(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Lovie: the normal S size teats, the milk/water will keep leaking even if Kiefer dun suck. The Y teats will not leak unless Kiefer suck on it. U might wanna try changing to it.

Hope it helps =)


Christine: Now then i realised that my gal using M size leh.. Suppose should be S size to Y size, the kiddy palace give me striaght away M size..

Lovie: Puree try to give separately so that ur boy can taste the differences in the different food..

Portia: Ur boy's so handsome. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I reali dunno wats happening to Jolie ... For the 3rd nite in a roll.. She's been crying & wailing very pathetically whenever I start giving her last milk feeding of the day before bedtime !! She hardly drinks !!! And jus keeps crying and crying...

Anyone having tis wif ur LO too ???

portia : wah, u start making food for him liao ah... me lazy leh... still feeding him cereal which is the easiest to prepare!!!

whoofy: Jollie dun wanna slp issit? Did she happen to have a long nap at nanny's plc?

apple: kiddy palace gave u M? erm, u mean when u buy the milk btl from them ar?


Wat I understand frm nanny is she's ok during day time.. Jus tat she's not sleeping for long lately.. Abt 15-30mins at most of nap time between feeding intervals..

In the end, I jus put her in he cot, give pacifier & pillow and let her sob sob till she falls asleep..

Christine ..

She's not been takin long naps lately during day time..

Of which I suspect it's part of tis reason why she cried when I wanna feed her.. Cos she wanna sleep..

However it's been the same situation for the past 3 nites. She was ok the whole evening until she was fed wif milk.. Den tats it ! Start crying non stop..carry her, pat her, walk ard the house, put her to play gym, watch hr favorite nursery MTV.. All are useless.. She jus keep crying.. So in the end, can only put her in the cot, give pacifier and pillow and wait for her to fall asleep.. Even so.. She will still sob sob.. den cry again.. Den sob sob.. Den cry again.. Repeat a few times den finally get herself to sleep... Haiz ... Reali worries me..

Its late and I have yet to sleep. Having migraine and tossing and turning never helps... been a hectic few days... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yesterday went down to Taka Crazy Toy Fair....the prices are so damn good! I bought the megabloks 120 pieces..value for money i think! actual price is $69.95... got it on sale for only $15/-! summore megabloks kinda branded like lego..so bought one for my girl to play when she grow bigger! so kiasu! hehe.. wanted to buy a kitchen playset; one like smaller version of lil tikes but as high as a toddler..only $39.90! but too heavy plus bringing my girl there dont allow me to shop so much....so many toys for children...everything also think when she grow up can play..grow up can play..like that i got to buy the whole place....:p think will go down again..cos the toys are being replaced whenever stocks get low... i think until 10 august... die lar....my store room will be full with toys...


Ethan looks so boyish and handsome. You took up the package with them? How much did you pay and is it good?


I tried making pumpkin purée for my boy on last weekend. He doesn't seems to like it. I gave him without cereal he vomitted out with his milk. So I freeze the purée and give him some for 3 days added to his cereal.


Jolie might be very tired but refuse to sleep and wanna spend time with you. My boy refuse to sleep at night and wanna play with his daddy but he's already very tired. He can laugh and play with his daddy. But when I feed him and he knows he has to sleep, he'll cry very loudly.


I went taka toys department yesterday but don't see any tou sale. Bought some toys for my bow but no discount. Where's the toys sale? Might wanna go today and take a look.

Thanks mommies! He's all grown up now! Look so different from birth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he's exactly 6 months old today! Can't believe time flies.

Bbin: Zixuan is getting prettier too! She has a wonderful smile & a cheeky grin!

Gyan: the steamer/blender I got from Avent is very easy to use. Never knew cooking for baby will be such fun. U can prepare it while Alfonse is asleep. It takes just 20-30mins. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then u mixed the purée with his cereals!

Byest, thanks!! Oh, I didn't take up any photography package. We were at a friend's house attending his Baby's full month celebration. The pics after Ethan are photos of the baby boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The photographer just snapped all the way

Whoofy: may b try get nanny to let her sleep more during the day, n see whether that helps. Btw I just trf the $ for the RL to u.

Christine :

I doubt Jolie played alot during the day.. she's all the while at nanny's house.. Only nanny at home wif her.. and mayber her daughter (whom is a poly student age).. I told nanny tis morning, and she suspect its her gums.. teething process.. which can be uncomfortable especially at nite..

Another reason can be tat she's not hungry at all.. so dun wanna drink her milk.

So today I've told nanny not to give her cereal during the 6pm feed and see how..

Bryest :

My hubby try to coaz her and play wif her too.. but she still cry the house down.. haiz.. Will see how tonite lor...

Reali feel so heartpain.. she cried until cannot control sobbing.. den din drink milk.. so scare she will not gain weight and hav the nutrients she require..

Cloh :

Jolie becoming more and more playful as she grow.. so now she prefers to sleep less to play more lor.. I believe nanny will also try to make her sleep longer cos if Jolie sleep longer also means nanny can nap longer too..

Btw.. got ur trsf liaoz.. thks..

Whoofy: I think ur gal having teething process. Previously, my gal also got this problem, dun want to drink milk.. Till she is very hungry then she drink a bit by bit but keep whining.. Maybe you can buy teething gel to relieve her uncomfort.

Whoofy : My gal was also crying the past 3 nites... hug her to sleep then when i put her on the bed she start her crying spree... I dun knw if its her teething problem. But her 1st tooth is alr out. I tot if 1st tooth out things will be easier??? But she is still difficult... haiz... now what we do is we play her fave song the whole nite ... she sleeps better but that means we have to listen to "This Old Man" the whole nite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Was Jolie "frighten" during the day? Maybe try some "jing feng shan"... we fed Cherish jing feng shan too. We exhaust alot of methods, just so she would sleep... on Sunday nite she went into crying spree from 11plus at nite till 3am... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Christine: No, i buy the teats only.. We ask the staff for help on the selection of the teats, then the staff recommended M size..

Apple :

Good idea on the teething gel.. Where can I get it ah ?? Frm Kiddy Palace got ??? Any brand to recommend ?????

Happiness :

Cherish pop her 1st tooth liaoz ??!! WOW !!!!!

Will need to ask nanny if Jolie was frightened these few days.. but I guess her reply shld be "No" lor... hahahaa


Do you freeze the purée? How much purée did u give Ethan? How many times of cereal did you feed Ethan? Do you give Ethan mill 1st before cereal? Heard shld give milk 1st but I give cereal 1st cos my boy will sleep if I latch him.


I'm going for the toy sale at taka with ivy at 11plus. Let us know if you wanna join us. Can SMS us.

whoofy->i think is due to teething,,when my gal having her first teeth,,she cry whole nite. is veyr painful. now she is ok since her teeth is out...she got two now ;)

Whoofy : Yes Cherish's 1st tooth is on her lower gum... Kiddy palace dun sell teething gel.. must buy frm Pharmacy... i din use teething gel... cos dun knw which brand to buy... wahahaha.. i only give her alot of toys to "bite"...

Bryest - guess by now u wld have known its at taka exhibition hall.. Hehe... I so itchy wanna go ther again but must stop myself from having the "she can play this that when she's older"!

whoofy: I bought from NTUC pharmacy leh.. The person recommend me.. I bought it when rachael is 2 months old. Cos that time she keep crying as we saw her gum is a bit red.. Then she keep wanna bite us.. I go hme check and let you know tonight?

Bryest: Hope i can join u, but i'm working..

Freesia: Now then i reliease in between got Y size.. :/ No wonder my gal that time drink also like wanna chop cos the hole is quite big compare to S size.

Mommies whom wanna buy organic cereals..there's a shop at Harbour Front call ORGANICS FOOD ..its jus beside the Food Junction at level 3.. they carry Bellamy, Organix, Healthy Times & the Happy Melts & Puffs...

bryest, I dun freeze the puree. I only make enough for my MIL to feed him the next day and I'll do again the following night.

Btw, I have a 400g tin of Dumax Mamil Gold (Stage 2) and a 900g tin of Friso Gold 2 (Stage 2) to give away. Any mommies interested?

OH! THANKS JMI! I FORGOT TO THANK YOU EARLIER!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ohh.. What's his 1st food besides cereals?


I've tried the water method before and it's not leaking wor.. Hmm..




Coz she refuse to slp and wanna play wif u?


U juz gave him the pumpkin puree plainly? W/o his cereals being added in?

portia: Can i ve the Friso Gold 2? lol

Tam: i gotten ur voucher le. thx thx.

Lovie: i ve requested for NAN HA le. When it arrives, i will let u know ;)

Whoofy: We use Dentinox teething gel which hb bought from pharmacy. Not sure if it is good. I only know it is cherry flavour coz hb tasted it. Haha

Happiness: Is Cherish first tooth fully grown? Xavier got two on his lower gum and a tiny bit had grown. Can see the two tiny white teeth and they are sharp when I rub his gums. Can also feel them when I bf him. =.="

Freesia, Jared gave me the same expression when I fed him apple puree 2 weeks back! It was quite funny actually! Haha :p

Christine: Wanna meet this sunday for baby swimming. I meeting Portia this sunday too..

Portia: I want Mamil Gold, can i take from you. Your boy drink what brand of formula milk?

happi> so have u tried S26 on CHerish liao?

I realize my gal's poo is green leh.. was guessing if its the Lutein effect..

Lutein is a carotenoid found in abundance in fruits and green leafy vegetables.. hmm.. hmm..

hmm.. mummies.. tok abt teething... I was tinking if gel or those teether (hard plastic kind) better ah? seems to c some white color on her upper gums yest & she likes to hold & bite her trumpet toy. Which reminds me of the COmbi teether got such shape .. wonder if she'll like tiz oso leh?

sigh... prob.. starting.. so mani patters..

