(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

Bryest, it really depends how much you need the $ to help the family. I would take the higher pay job cos in my field of work, usually need to work OT and some weekends. And with baby now and our parents getting older, the expenses are higher also. Also depends on how u arrange and organise your work with your family time. The objective for us now is to accumulate wealth while we still young so we can have a more comfortable life later in case of crisis.

Angel is correct also, if need to do OT, travel distance is also critical. And also knock off time, if official knock off is 5.30pm, going off work at 6.30 or 7 plus is ok with a good pay.


Angel :

We hav not confirm which studio to take .. Jus wanna take a look how many mommies interested and see if can get more bargain if all of us sign up.

For C&T, I think they return all photos in CD - high res.. den those selected to print out will do some touch up.

I've called Dream Garden studio yesterday and the PIC told me they will be launching a special package promo within this wk.. They hav also taken down my contact.. So mommies.. shall we wait and see wats install for us frm Dream Garden ?

bryest : Staying back by 1 hr is ok is salary can jsutify. But is it really 1 hr or will exceed frequently? If longer working hours by 1 hr i am fine. But if say 1 hr but will frequently exceed then NO i wun take up. I dun wan to trade witnessing my girl's milestone with $$... I think seeing my girl's growth is what $$ cannot buy/exchange... but then thats my personal sentiments [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dream garden replied me. They say they are too busy to come up with a promotion for father's day. So they won't have any promotion. Think the promotion they gonna work out for you is if there are a few mummies signig up together.

Bryest :

Hmmm... ok.. tat is diff info I got leh..

NVM.. shall wait for the lady to call me back within tis wk.. hahaha

Gap spree:

Gap has shipped out our items on the way to vPost USA. Please transfer the following to my DBS savings account 029-7-028096

The exchg rate is 1.44

Will do another round of calculation after vPost charges the shipping to me again.

apple: $149.07

bbin: $36.69

freesia: $32.67

whoofy: $42.94

Christine: $56.33

ivy: I will be away from fri to nxt thur. So wont be any spree at the moment. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Will update here again once I receive any promotions from Gap/ON or Gymboree.


How heavy is cherish now? Estovan is only 6.57kg when we brought him for his jab. He's 3mths 3 weeks then. We realised he only put on about 0.4kg in 1mth. His weight is 6.2kg when he's 2mth 3weeks. 

We are worried about his weight gain. He drinks a lot and poo plus pee a lot. But his weight gain is so minimal. Sigh 


the pay difference is quite substantial. That's why I'm in a dilemma. If it's few hundreds only, i'll definitely choose leaving on the dot without even thinking. I even wanted to take no pay leave or quit my job and look for another one later. Just wanna stay at home and look after baby. But the new job offer is really attractive. 

woofy> i dun mind waiting for dream garden updates [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but the main organiser is u mah.. u decide bah, I'll follow ur cue~ ;) anyway u getting as a gift for ur hubby ah? den muz by when finalization?

bryest... wohoo~~ reaaaally attractive $$ ah? den good leh.. but change job always got risk.. .if me I'll afraid of the working env cos intial period need warming up wif coligs, n wonder wat kind of boss, oso lor.. cos last time a kana a really bitch lady boss.. sibei sian 1

the travel disctance ok? anyway still have wk ends to acc bb lor.. but weekdae nites gotta sacrifice time wif $ lor.. tink gotta weigh watz more priority 1st, den u can c a better view if u wanna jump or not bah..

oh... Happi~!! tink fenugreek not really working well on me leh.. recently demand like more den supply.. sigh.. but still able to store here n there in chiller last abt 1.5 days .. same lah, got top up FM 1feed a dae.. tink starting todae need top up wif 2 FM a dae liao.. cos gonna expire soon! :D

tink I'm really gonna open my wine 4 celebration soon.. Lolz.. n my bro has been tempting me a free bottle of Moet at sentosa Wahhahaha~

Tok abt tasting BM, yest den I fiannly gotta try it! ya.. chilled milk n fresh 1 taste sweet leh! not bad.. but frozen initial tast okok, but after taste like sour, the spit milk kind.. no wonder I keep smelling the fishy smell kind when warm up liao.. haha

it reminds me of wine tasting when I taste my own BM :D

bbin: yes.. it has 20% discount on ur sales items [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].. i was so hopeful for 40% discount lor.. haha..



1. whoofy - studio

2. happinessbliss - studio

3. bbin2010 - studio, take only when bb turns 1yr old

4. Calystamelody - studio. take also when bb 1 yr old

5. Keicerash - studio

6. Christine - studio

7. freesia - studio. Take only when bb turns either 6 mth or 1 year old.

8. Minime - studio

9. Cloh - studio & outdoor. Take only when bb turns 6 mth old

10. bryest - studio

11. Lovie - Studio. Take only when bb is either 6 mths or 1 yr


Hahahahahaahah.. Bz wif Kiefer, mj-ing, swimming, chit chatting wif Gyan, muack muack wif hb etc.. :0

Why stuck? If co. wants to promote u but want u to work extend hours, u want?

Anyone's letting ur bb drink NAN HA? Now then i know tat i muz make milk for him using 45degree cel. of water? Wah! Thought can juz make milk for him using warm water and tat's it! Still gotta use 45degree cel.? MY GOD!


more money paid equal to more stress. Sigh


I'm not worried about the boss and colleagues cos I know the people in the team. Industry very small. I'm more worried about the new workload and the working hours.

Bbin, I ever thought maybe can be receptionist, just answer phone calls, transfer phone calls. Then 6pm come, chop chop go off, no need to OT. My old office the receptionist gets paid quite well. :p

bryest> woo.. tatz another risk wor.. they pay u high high, will they expect u to make their $ worth? hmm.. since the industry small as u said, maybe u can try find out if any frenz or dig info how long they usually work until, etc info?

$ is so tempting.. hee..

lovie> wah u so bz making #2 siboh? Wahahha

Bbin :

Ya lor !! shld hav buy more items frm the Gap spree rite ?? Hhahahaaa. haiz..

Lovie :

Wah.. u very busy busy hor... so many activies.. hahahha

Jmi :

HI 5 !! I also thought of becoming a receptionist before !! hahaha very easy job.. and fun to play wif the phone / switchboard !! ahhahahahaha

like masak masak !


Hahahaahah.. Of course! Now tat wif a baby, all our "energy and time" gotta devote to them lor. If not, we'll surely regret if we miss any of their growing up! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hahahaahah.. Nope! Bz doing wif NOTHING! ;p


While am bz wif other things, u're bz wif the new nanny and also wif the PS!~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How's my Jolie?

How many ml of milk is she drinking right now? And at how many intervals?


For ur info, i brought Kiefer for a second haircut as i think his hair wont grow unless we cut it again! Also, we start to apply olive oil on his head twice a day to see whether will it help anot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lovie :

Jolie now is in good hands of the nanny..

As I already started work tis wk, time spent wif her is only during the nite time lor...

She's drinking 150ml every 3hrs interval.. Avg abt 6 feeds each day..

We hav been applying olive oil on Jolie's head eversince she got shaved cos of the cradle cap. Dun see any use so far leh... heeheee

Bryest, how abt discuss with your hubby? No matter wat decision u make, you got to have family support. Then u can work with ease. whether u change or not change.

hmmm, ytd brought Alfonse for his 1st vaccin... the nurse measured him n his growth seems a bit unbalance leh... head circumference 25%, height 50% n weight 75%...

are ur babies' growth proportion?

Angel : Ya la... my gal drinking 160ml per feed 3 hrs interval. I pump until i face green green ar... so now supplement 1st feed n last feed with FM... 4 feed in the day is ebm... sometimes if i pump excess then she is "lucky"... her 1st feed will be ebm... hahahaha...

Sometimes she will make noise for milk after 2.5hrs (after drinking 160ml of ebm).... i where got such supply. Wah lau my girl really think I'm a cow...

I think I might need to supplement my boy with fm after I go back to work. Currently, he latch on demand so I still hav enough to supply him. When I go back to work, I'll have to pump and let him drink. Not sure whether I can pump enough to meet his demand. How often does mummies pump in office?

Bryest, I am very likely going to supplement Jared with FM. Right now, when he latches he gets enough, but whenever I pump, the yield is like so pathetic. Definitely not enough for him. I'm already taking fenugreek hoping to increase my pumped amount.


Maybe for a start u can supplement Estovan wif FM during the nite feed.. Let him get used to the taste first..

Jmi,I don't think fenugreek is effective.

Want to increase bm can try taking Motilium,I took that to increase.How much u pump out??

Bryest when u go back to work u should still pump every 3hours ap is arnd 3times.


my hubby is supportive when it comes to decisions regarding my jobs. No matter whether I choose to stay in my current job or new job, he'll see how he can help. In fact, he even ask me to stop work for a few months to look after baby and find another job again.


I'm thinking of supplementing him with fm when I'm not around so that my mum can cup feed him. At nite, I can latch him. Which fm is more recommended?

I'm supposed to go back to work tomorrow but estovan has slight fever in the afternoon due to the vaccination. Told my new boss I'm taking 1 day childcare leave, going back on thurs.

Ivy, before 26 April I can get 125ml each time I pumped. Now I can only get about 80 - 100ml. How do get Motilium? From the pharmacy? Do you need doctor's prescription for it?

