(2010/02) February 2010 mtb

here's wat the brochure says for pneumocococal jab :

Age at 1st dose : 2-6mths

Total no. of doses : 3+1

*Given as earliy as 6wks of age. Dosing interval among first 3 doses is 4-8wks. Booster does at least 2mths after 3rd dose and approximately 12-15mths of age.

Age at 1st dose : 7-11mths

Total no. of doses : 2+1

* 2 doses at least 4wks apart, booster dose after 1YO birthday, separate frm the 2ns dose by at least 2mths.

Age at 1st Dose : 12-23mths

Total no. of doses : 1+1

* at least 2mths apart

Age at 1st Dose : 24mths thru 9YO

Total no. of doses : 1

thank you whoofy for the info. not sure wan to let baby take the jab a not as hb dun wan baby to have too much jab/virus in his body.

Kath :

True also.. sometimes the best cure is to let bb build their own immune system..

for us.. we KS lah as Jolie will be going to nanny place daily, higher chance of germs exposure outside the home..

Wah.. The P jab so confusing.. Hmm... Looks like got pros risks ..tink I along the way den c my gal condition wanna tk later or wat bah.. Thkz woofy for the info! Btw where u got tat brochure ah? Got wat other gd info?

Woofy> not bad u still tink of father dae gift for him.. I Bo chap him lor... :p


Jolie's birth PD gave us a few brochures on the diff vaccine for babies for us to read up.. got Rotavius, Hep A and chicken pox brochure... Also got a childhood immunization schedule chart..

Mummies who keeps frozen bm,

i tried tasting the defrost bm that was I pumped and froze in Mar, and realised it has a funny taste. Is it normal? It tastes very differently from the bm I just pumped and those I kept in the fridge for less than 48 hours.

just wondering whether the frozen bm are spoilt and should throw away.

angel, my #1 too sticky to me liao. if dun sleep with him, he can cry the whole night. there r good & bad points about that. but I love to sleep with them rather than let them sleep with maid.

Bryest the taste is like that,normal,normal freezer can store for 3months. I tried tasting too the frozen bm taste alkaline,but the fresh bm is not nice tasting too!

ivy, the fresh bm taste sweet right? so far, me did not try the frozen bm as my supply is not enough to be freeze.ha ha, me still trying to struggle with the supply but still can't meet my son's demand. I just express what I can. at times, so stress, how to increase more? I wonder.....


Ya.. Sometimes will go JP.. sometimes IMM.. Or even hawker centres.. Depends on my boss mainly cos she's the driver .. Hahaha

bryest: actually did u taste ur bm fresh from ur nipples? bcos they are all diff... I realise it's due to the food intake... the first time I taste is sweet, de second time is salty

Kath,I taste the fresh ebm but like no taste,not sweet.increase bm by drinking papaya soup,those lactating tea,the medicine to increase supply,millet milk or cook millet porridge.I have taken all these!and keep latching to have my supply now. If u pump and see the amount it's quite depressing sometimes so might affect the supply.my 1st I total pump and nv manage to feed long,only one month and still with supplement fm,but for 2nd I total latch unless when I'm away from bb and supply is establishing well.

Bryest : 37.5 degrees is fever alr, according to my PD. So far me if Cherish temp hit 37.1 or 37.2 i will feed her water n sponge her dwn... if Estovan temp hit 37.5 it is advisable to feed him fever med to bring dwn the temp... keep monitoring the temp. Cos babies temp flactuate very fast..

Jmi : its ok... the popular discount is a good deal. I bought my book for $22.25 together with freesia n tam. So if u can get $22.26 it is actually a good deal.

Whoofy / bryest : can sms me once u finalised on the photography thingy. Cos nowadays no time to log in. Busy at work then go ho me busy with the ever active Cherish. She now needs alot of supervision. She can turn front n back with ease now n keep doing it again n again. Now her new stunt lifting her butt , use her legs n push herself forward... so u see la, u dun supervise her ..even on di lam she will be off the di lam in no time... super tired...

Mummies : Those who ordered First Food book thru me, do u want to check out Popular bookstore that Jmi mention?? Cos if got discount and can get at $22.26 it is a good deal... i got my book at $22.25... but if any of u can't get the discount at popular i will try to ask if i can still get the book at $22.25. Just email me to confirm... thanks...

Bryest:The frozen breastmilk after thawing do hav a alkaline smell.. and when I taste, it taste a weird lor..very unpleasant taste.. I also duno whether is it considered spoil or not, as it is not really sour...the smell and taste might also be due to the excess lipase in the milk.... when I feed Randall the first time with thawed frozen milk, after drinking , he vomit out lor.. subsequently, he rejected the milk... so to play safe, till now, I have thrown away more than 10 bottles of frozen breastmilk *heartache*.. I have tasted fresh breastmilk after expressing, it taste sweet & pleasant... so currently, I store the breastmilk in the chiller (which can be store up to 5 days).. and I realised that the breastmilk that I put in the chiller taste 'fresh' even after 5 days.. ...

I also bought the Dexmilk bank to experiment.. I freeze 2 bottles of breastmilk in the vacuum bottles.. and I realised that after thawing the frozen breatmilk stored in Dex milkbank bottles, the milk taste and smell very fresh.. but the disadvantage is that the Dex Milkbank bottle is expensive.. so not very cost-saving in the long run..

Hope the following link helps : http://www.kellymom.com/bf/pumping/lipase-expressedmilk.html


kath : ebm taste sweet... frozen ebm taste alittle bit fishy/plastic taste... my bm supply also dwiddling after im back at work... i supplement 1st feed n last feed with fm... during the day at nanny's plc my gal will hv 4 feeds of ebm.. she is drinking 160ml at every feed... so u see, my supply really cannot keep up with her appetite...

The bm is taste like that when stored in freezer.thought storing in chiller is only for 48hours?!dexmilk bank is bottles need a lot of space in fridge.

Bbin :

JE hawker ?? The one at the JE Central near the library ah ????

Happiness :

Sure.. will sms u once we confirm which one.. but so far among the 3 shortlisted, do u hav any preference ?

I'm also back to work today... sianz ah..

Cherish cute leh.. already knoe how to flip and now new pattern.. Jolie has yet to learn any of these lor.. Tried to let her lay on her tummy, she dun like.. less than 5mins she starts cranky liaoz. But we do see signs she starting to flip when she's laying on her back.. Her body tends to start tilting to one side.. There's once my hubby saw it, so decided to give her a push to complete the flip.. end up I think Jolie got stunt ! When we flip her back, her eyes big big staring in mid air.. hahahahah


ya... sometimes will eat @ imm oso... occasionally @ JP...

nwadays, dono y my gal vomit out milk more often... haiz... n yesterday, she started to stick her tongue out... abit scary looking coz luks like she wanto puke...

Bbin, I think it is normal for bb to stick out tongue. My boy also stick out his a lot, my hubby and I tot mayb it is because he got too much saliva or mayb he just want to brush his tongue on his gums sooth them. Initially, I also v scare, cos really looked like choke or out of breath. But now used to it.

Happiness, how old is Cherish? Her development is pretty fast.

Btw, can I check if any of your babies is on 5 feeds? My boy recently changed to 5 feeds liao.

whoofy : ehhh, i trust yr taste ba... hahaha... i just want some pics for keepsake... maybe can bargain for a few shots of our babies together...

Bryest : also can bargain for Estovan n Cherish to take together... then we an label "tong nian tong yue tong ri sheng"... wahahaha

Jesline : Cherish is coming 16 weeks on Wednesday.

jmi: I bought the book at Harris at 313 last friday. Thanks.

Christine: If I have a gal, then can dress her up. Too many cute n sweet stuff for gals. I can see but cannot buy. Plus next time can go shopping with me. hahaha

Hi, I'm selling off my HAENIM Playyard at a discount price $100 (bought 6 months ago $180+).

Item in good condition.

Product Code: 6 panels HNP-734 (Japan)

consists of 1 Activity + 2 Door + 3 Plain.

Any interested mothers please PM me.


I still can...

checkin out the photography package..

C&T studio replied me... but I wanna knoe more as they only offer 10% discount for package A - Outdoor...

I personally wld prefer a studio since Jolie is still young.. outdoor very mah fan..


happiness: ur ger learning how to crawl le ar?

whoofy: i'm interested to ballot for NDP tixs althou every yr ballot, every yr also dun get.. LOL

sigh... i got very engorment on sat morning on my left breast until it was swollen... even after pumping, still very swollen. Sat nite fever all night long then sunday headache. damn sianz... jus return work for 2 days nia, then now MC for another 2 days... sigh... very peh chey leh...

i brought my ger for my GP to check on her hearing as well.. my GP also tried to create some sound, but my ger jus simply stare at the blank.. so GP recommended us to observe n wait until her next visit to polyclinic for her jab and assessment. If she still dun pass her hearing test, need to go to KK for examination le.. sigh...

