(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

halo everyone,had a great time today mingling wiv d mummies and of cos eatinng d liu sha bao n peking duck...

calarmari,wasted leh u never eat d bao.:p ivy,dun bluff hor u ate her bao n shift blame to reyes hehee...

pea,thanks for bringing the toys for baby. so thoughtful of u

ainsley,nxt gathering remember to ur 导游 flag and wave hor,so we wont lag behind hehee..

miu,join us nxt time le..so fun le
carol, shhh.. haha

Where did u all go after that? I chiong to cold storage buy peas and go home liao. Wanted to go kinokuniya but i very tired -.- so lousy.
Long day today lor! I still went to meet my mum then go vivo walk lor!!

But nice meeting the new mummies n bb! Heehee !!

Oh ya, I'm gg to upload the pics at fb...
oh,we went paragon to buy cereal,but as usual oos lor...den dey went bk taka walk walk but i stayed at paragon to meet my gf.end up having tea n pizza at canele den dinner at crystal jade.reach hme bout 9plus,super tired man!
Hahaa.. Aunty ivy so jiek ark. Use Reyes as shield. Haa.. Hiya where got lousy? Tired must rest so that can walk longer road mah. Ur peas reach home oredi never sweat?

Ya ains thanks for organisin n booking n all! If u forget to bring flag next time then must use panties wave oredi. Hee

I Tom then upload. Cam chargin. Then I sleepy oredi. Hb at comp looking at his stocks or dunno wad. Zzz

oh thanks pea for the ball! My boy likes it a lot! =)

Mummies who so shiok shiok with no babies today must bring ur babies out for next gathering! Ask imperial treasure go order more baby chairs! Haa
shokel,thanks for uploading.

btw,i tagged most of us in ainsley foto le,but i dun have liling fb. can someone help to tag her??
Miu, or we organise on sat then after tat can go shop shop. Hehe..

Eh.. I nt tour guide hor. Lol. Bt mayb we can go n make a dec mummies flag. Wahaha..

Mayb nxt time can also go n eat steak or waygu beef or steamboat!!!! Keke..
Yuki, I m a sahm for 7 yrs. Fr my experience, I would say mothers can do the impossible. Heehee..
Sahm can b boring at times but it can also b v fulfilling when u see ur bb meets each of her milestone. N she learning things u teach.

I m nt wonder woman like many ftwm. I dun think I can handle both work n kids well. Soo tired.. Duno hw u all can manage So well. Salute!

N oso my own belief is.. No one needs me more than my kids. Anyone can replace me in work bt...nt the role of mother to my kids. So I jus dump everything n b sahm.
So I chose to put all my heart n attention in 1 n tats my kids.

Whether u decide to b ftwm or sahm has it's own adv n disadv.. Access ur situation n weigh all the pros n cons n see which choice is more suitable for u n ur family. =)
Ivy- mine is 1pm slot!! Exciting!! U come earlier n mi can c u n yuyu!!

Ainsley- steamboat is good!! Hee!!

Yuki- ya.. Every family n individual is different so there is no right n wrong in choosin to b a ftwm or sahm.. Cuz verything u do.. I m sure u think of ur bb first.. That is most imp Liao!!
Miu, I m hving steamboat tonight! Hehe.. We organise 'the magic of chong Qing steamboat'.. They hv a branch in suntec n tanglin mall..
Hi mommies, just came across this thread. My baby is also borned in Dec'2009. Not sure if any of you live in the west and is keen to form a play group for our babies to play together?

Hi Roger, saw your trial shootout pics. They're lovely. Would you be opening up another day for photo-shoot in sept? Would be most interested. Do you have any packages on offer at the moment?

Thanks, Joan
Oh just saw sandys Bp thread that her granny passed away on thu. Hope u r coping well sandy.

Btw Is anyone taking over sandy's photoshoot slot?
ainsley, i love steamboat n steak too!!!

sandy,sorry to hear bout ur grandma,hope u can be strong to get through. btw i forget to bring the fm to the gathering le cos my gal woke up late n i wash rushing out of home,thus completely forgot bout it le.

calamari,u got new nick le....our dimsum dolly hehee...sounds so nice rite?
calarmari, me got hse warming invite on d 18th too le,somemore is 2pm at yishun wan.clash with our dec gathering le.sianzz i wana go both but cant cos my hubby say v rush to attend both
i tink i nt fated to taste ur dimsum...
hello, enyu having fever and dunno is it due to teething. Have email genesis to reply me for 3pm slot. Shirley can u sms me if u can? next one is yuki if genesis cannot u wanna replace? I wanna see how she is tonight to see if its teething fever. sms me 90050990

5th sept 2010.
11am - may (timing confirmed) [email protected]
12pm - ainsley (timing confirmed) - [email protected]
1pm - Miu miu
2pm - calamari (timing confirmed) - [email protected]
3pm - ivy ([email protected]) - asking genesis to replace.
4pm - janiz - time confirmed [email protected]
5pm - manunited -time ok [email protected]
6pm - shokel(timing cfmed) [email protected]

Those interested but no more slot
mstan8888 ([email protected])
firipy ([email protected])
Dreamz always ([email protected])
Pea (jydemummy) ([email protected])
Lynnlim00 ([email protected])
great to see all the mummies &amp; babies enjoying the gathering. The restaurant &amp; customers must be overwhelmed by so many babies &amp; pretty mummies there.

hard for me to join the gatherings. I cant manage to bring my ger out alone by myself and my hb doesn't like to join. so i have to remain 'anonymous'..LOL..
i will enjoy the gatherings from the photos..:D
Bad day for me. Early morning got told by mil I never clean the stove properly....I'm kinda pissed....somemore say I should have cooked the corn for my boy this way that way.....sianz..In my heart was thinking thankfully I only need to use HER stove on weekends.
haha.... dim sum dolly! nice nice.... ur little shakira is cute lor!!!

oops sandy> take care... think miumiu takin her slot... anyway, pea is taking my slot tomolo.....

ivy> yuyu fever? got see doc?
Dear mummies,

I happen to google it. Not sure how true...comments???

Do not give porridge to baby if he has a fever Reason: The fever will go up

True or False?

Answer: True

I did not believe this tale until I started my child care centre 8 years ago. If a child has a fever and I have managed to bring it down by sponging or giving paracetamol, I would give the child porridge for fear that he would be hungry. Within an hour the fever will be back and the temperature will go up even higher. Apparently, rice which is used to cook the porridge is very ‘heaty’ and eating it will increase the body temperature.

Nowadays, I substitute the porridge with bread, fruits or mashed potatoes until the fever has subsided for 48 hours.
Here's another...pls try and share the result there

Place a piece of wet tissue on your baby’s forehead to stop hiccups.
shokel, din see pd yet, wait and see how. She so clever, she biting her fingers cos teething mah, just now i think bite herself is painful, she pull my hand to her mouth and bite until very song. If her fever dun go down tml, i bring her to her pd on monday.
ivy> oh okay... pls monitor then...

oh ya, anyone wana pampers active size M, mine gg to outgrow liao.. i stil have 1 new pack... let me knw ya...
wow, I saw the lovely photos on FB. Wish I had gone for dimsum, Samuel was sick and now I am down the flu bug caught from him! :'(
When baby is sick, the mum will follow and be sick too.. how not to when I have to wipe his mucus and feed him.
ivy,u got giv yuyu bao yin dan? i jus stock up yesterday cos ran out liao. can cook green bean soup for her too. but dun giv too much else will lao sai:p

terence,u try d hiccups wan den tell us la
carol, i got give her bao yin dan but mostly flow out... terence lor, hold her so straight then she drool out the bao yin dang. No choice i gave paracetamol cos her fever seems to escalate. I abit guilty, i dunno is it that day at sentosa the sun is really really really too hot lor.

For most mommies here, we knew each other for about 1 - 1.5yrs??!! Most of us knew of our pregnancy in april 2009 and got to know this forum. I still remember we update each other on our oscar, detail scan. Our morning sickness starting, who has water retention etc. Then we also share with eachother what food to eat or not to eat, what to do or not to do. Also discussing about weight gain lolz, natural, csection etc etc. To counting down to the big day! to sharing problems about our newborns, to breastfeeding (dun forget mdm lockiah ar), formula and now semi-solids. We all knew eachother so much, which some of our closest fren may not know so much about our journey as a mother.

Be it sometimes we agree &amp; disagree on things, we have all come a long way and im quite proud &amp; glad to be in this dec mtb forum haha.
Ling, her fever went down, but she very cranky and bite everything she can get hold of. I remember when her 2 lower teeth came out also fever, now upper teeth i scare will have a few days of crankiness. PD say not true teething will have fever leh, but yuyu always kanna fever. Cannot put cooling pad, she tear off and bite... sian.

Terence ask me why i suddenly write this haha. I told him - 看到聚会的照片,感触良多。
ivy,dun feel guilty lar,whr got too much sun den fever wan?~~ 1st time i hear le,anyway u can try rubbing it on to her gums ,dun have to feed directly.
of cos how can we forget mdn lockiah leh? hehee...chloe also cant put cooling pad wan. she will roll till d pad come off or tear it dwn herself too!!
Ivy, suddenly so emo ah. Lol.. Think all these bits n pieces will follow us till we r old. or mayb i shall say this thread may cont till we r old n the discuss hw our kids start to hv bf n gf n ask advices on handling our kids wedding. Haha..
Although I m not daily active In this thread, I also feel the same as ivy and I agree with Ainsley!
This is the place where I know I can find gd advice, understanding and comfort - cos we walked through this all together from the beginning! Love n treasure the bonding here n I hope to know more mummies along the way...
"Dec-Mummies forever!"

Emo me,
1x mummy
ivy, same here.. zach also having fever but seems like it's teething fever. he's ok when he's on panadol (machiam sound like drug addict)..

so i guess we should still be gg down for the shoot, unless smth mega happens in the middle of the night.

for just in case's sake, genesis.. u wanna email me your contact number... jus in case suay suay cannot go.. I will update u by 8am in the morning.
Wah mummies are so emo tonight haha.. Anyway times really flies, I still remember how ezxited we are when I first join in April last year.. Having the guessing baby gender games... And now we're busy "matchmaking" for our precious one... Really cherish the friendship and bond we have ya...

Anyway Daphne also had fever during teething so my friend recommend me to give some Chinese barley.. So probably mummies who has babies who are teething can try too.. It work for Daphne thou..;)
wow looks like i hv miss a funfilled gathering. Oh the list that ivy post on the photoshoot, notice that my name dissapear fm the interested slot. Yunzz help me to post b4. Can someone pls help cos me surfing wif a normal hp as usual. So tired juz back fm biz trip last nite. Till now still so tired. Yah agree that time flies. Fm the 1st time we know each other fm the forum till now. Really enjoy n am glad knowing u guys here. But i am the always mia mummy. Hehe. Always so busy n rushing day in n day out. Lost my own me time. Suddenly i felt sad n realise how much i hv left behind. Did not even hv time to drop by another thread that i use to frequent. Those mummies there r really great too. Muz say that dec mummies n the other thread really do gv me a lot of support esp when i felt down. So sad that i cannot drop by as frequent due to wk n family. Sandy, take care.
