(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

May (pishako) , snowpear: The polo items will arriving at my house early next week, prob mon or tue. If u need yr items 1st, pls let me know early so that i can calculate yr shipping 1st. Pls indicate how u wan to collect yr items. I can meet u both to collect next wed at abt 11am as i have a company medical checkup at raffles place.

ainsley, *hug hug*

weiting, what did the doc say?

yuki, I go to the pd @ united square when bb is sick. Yup, the nurse n pd r very nice and friendly. We usu call up the clinic to check on things after consultation, the nurse/pd will remember and advice us accordingly thru' phone.
jenny, yipeee!! so happy!

I will get my hubby to go down and collect. Raffles place is ok.. which area do u stay at? Dun mind gg down on tues nite if we are not working late.
faith, voted for rachel le..

btw ladies, i bought the hopes' relief cream for my bb's eczema.. apply for a wk now, so far so good... at least the red rashes dun come so often.. and his 'cuts' from constant scratching of his ear oso recovering le.. maybe u wanna try out.. read gd feedback from online..

Weiting could be hives, my girl took 1 week to subside, I just put aloe Vera gel n I dunno is it hives till I show my pd haha.

Ainsley yuyu lower teeth 1 out very obvious 1 emerging. She also bite my hand shirt hair... Difficult to sleep n wake up often only just after she sleep cos haven't transit to deep sleep n pain la. But usually she fall into deep sleep by 11, sometimes wake up 2plus 4 plus then 6 plus. But not often, yesterday only woke up 11pm, then 6 plus.

Sandy I want size 90 then.

Yuki I go to aglow since my girl 1mth old. Pd bit more ex in consultation but he very nice .
May (pishako) : the items will be at my law house at tampines. Wed collection not confirmed yet. Will confirm again next mon afternoon.
Weiting, Ryan oso cranky? Bt the molars will b painful oso?

Ivy, yuyu is brave girl. She has a better tolerant of pain I think.. Gd gd girl.. Nn will whine fr day till night. Wake up at night n whine again. Rub ear, rub cheek. Sianz....

Any1 of theier baby is drinking NAN HA pro 2 ???
Is that good ? how abt the taste ???

my boi currently drinking Enfapro and I have noticed he has a lot of phlegm. SO thinking of changing milk powder.

pauline, my boy was borned on 29 dec.
well, during the chk, he responded to the objects.
well, dun think he has no stranger anxiety.
he would make lotsa noise when he wanna b carried.
he'll b v excited when my fil carried him to 'gai-gai' along the corridor.
my concern is he juz doesnt really show any response when we called him.
@ most, he'll juz looked @ u, then he'll look away.
or he'll look @ u, as if u r so lame.
juz not behaving like normal babies.
he's too COOL.
jenny, ok.. u update me again. U got my hp#?

weiting, oh yah.. i thought saw doctor already. Hives is some kind of bumpy rash i think..

ivy, fivez! i go to aglow too.
Sandy, no bah. She has all her 'nn teething symptoms'.. Lol.. Her upper gum is red oso. *yawn* nw pumping, cnnt slp. Somemore I always hv hard time pumping.

Envy those mummies who pump with ease...

Shryn, I think my right side ducts almost cleared bt nt totally. It will take few days to totally clear? Bt I think nw my left gt blocked. =_='
i;m blocked again! sigh...
Mine on the right side too

Think the nip pores were tightly closed, doesnt allow milk to flow out so smoothly. how how how? boohoohoo.
Now i;m left with just a few opening pores to squeeze the milk out, thats why the milk were all 'stocked' up inside.

may, not yet.. still raining so my mother thinking of bringing him later.. moreover he's still behaving quite normal..

ainsley, he's not really cranky always but sometimes..
ainsley.. my gal also having teething crankiness... nowadays she doesn't have her nap.. abit tired for my MIL..

You can try applying teething gel... it helps for my girl.. she will suck my hand when I apply on her gum.. then she will sleep better..
Panda #2 reporting! I've gone missing for quite awhile. Shay's teething.. Super cranky! Can see her lower gum swollen. 2nd toothy coming out. Nite time wake up non stop, day time must carry non stop.
Hubby down with high fever.. I'm dying looking after a big and a small one.

Wake up in the nite to check hubby's temp, giving him medicine and water then shay keep waking up, must carry, pat and latch.. Yawn...

I use to think that sleeping is a waste of time. I really regret that i didnt have a good long rest b4 i deliver.. Now i miss sleeping! ;p
weiting: the cream can be applied anywhere... haha, i apply mostly to face and body nia..

oops, i left 4oz only, if u int, u let me knw. btw, compass point watson got sell but only 2oz, more ex thou.. if u go pass, can chk it out...

sandy: mine is a BIRD* ... lolz...
oh ya, i also wana get a i4! but i couldnt get a bookin! my frd got slot at 3pm later, can transfer slot one meh? not go by HP no??
weiting, I've stock up quite alot of the cream if u want let me know letting go at $10

Jaylen too being cranky can feel somethin protrudin his lower gum. At nite wake up 2 times previously can sleep thru one... Haizzz.... Gone r the days man....
Wei Ting, i have the similiar red patch as what u mentioned. in fact i bgt my girl to see a pd and he said is heat rash....in the end recover then come again and i dun think is heat rash. in fact i used pork (pa tao) to cook my bb porridge this way the porridge will be sweet. then i do alot to find out what cause the rash. i changed to pigeon bb wash detergent and softner, change the bedsheet v v often, clean all thr toys regularly, eat a diff type of puree then test any allergy and eventually i stop using the pork to cook the porridge. according to my mum, bb is not say allergic to pork but maybe we introduce 'raw' food too early...and now the allergy stops completely. u dun worry too much and also u may to check if yr bb is 'suddenly' allergic to cow's milk...my pd say such allergic may happen and takes a while to happen. so if u want u can also hypoallergic milk powder, got a few brands in the market. my pd gave me 2 tins and if u want or need i can give u a tin, cos no point u spend money and in case the milk no gum yr bb. also, u can use this cream named stepolia (can't spell correctly), mustela brand has this range and i spoke to the mustela brand staff and this cream is effectively used for bb who has sensitive skin. mustela brand is also avail at kiddy palacce and many dept store. I almost want to buy an aloe vera gel for my bb to use too but before i buy she is ok liao...so u see if it works for u, ok. rem, to clean yr bb's toys esp soft toys regularly. sorry for a kpo again. also, if u want lobang to buy good aloe vera gel let me know i can share with u.
Hi tired_mama..

Welcome.. my bro is the same date as your bb...

ya.. afew mummies are staying there..

Kimo Order..

ivy - girl, 90
shokel, boy, 90

Anymore.. will advise supplier over the weekend..
Sandy, can try to check the quality of material for us ya? If you think material no good then let us know.

Karen, no wonder u wake up so early haha.

Ains, she not high tolerance of pain, she cry and cry. Its she cry till tired liao. And dun forget NN had sleep problem all along, so the teething just make it worst.

May, high five hoho. No wonder waiting time getting longer sia, Aglow crowded with dec moms :p

Weiting, hives is feng mo.
Shea, lol.. Panda #3 carol nv report... Tat few nights I still tot nn finally knows hw to b gd girl Liao. Who knows.... Another prob comes. Sian..

Ivy, Yuyu oso keep crying? Sigh~ poor babies, poor mummies.. Bt at least yuyu can gt some Gd slp.. Nn teething becomes my nightmare. Lol..
ivy, is it getting crowded? I've only been there twice and both times quite ok.. only wait 5-10min. Do u go there for vaccinations?
Hi sandy thanks alot! Beside can I place the kimo order for my rascal? Very cute! How do I go abt doing it? Yeah I saw a few mummies staying tamp in this forum.. Haha happen that we are seeing the same pd- Cecilia as well!!
Ivy.. this kimo is from my regular supplier.. so no worries abt the quality de.. supplier already knows my expectation .. quality no gd.. won't recommend to me.. we have been working together more than 2+ years le.. ;)

tired_mama.. u r welcome.. let me know the size that you are keen.. yours will also be a 'bird' ya.. lolx..
Hi ainsley, I'm panda no 3. Faintz! My boy woke up 5times last night. I cannot sleep at all, my hubby literally woke up to play game waiting for him to wake up. So tiring. Applied teething gel then he managed to sleep for 2hrs before he woke up again.
Ainsley, yes yuyu cry and scream. She get to sleep say 2hrs at least on a bad night, 10pm, 12pm, 2am, 4am, 6am haha. Good nights at least 4 hrs, like 10pm, 2am, 6am. The way she want to bite things is very kua zhang haha.

Carol, peng san already i think hehe.

May, i went on weekend once cos to do review, super crowded. For Jab cos got appt, as long as we not late, wait say 20mins.

Sandy, ok can!

im still thinking of buying the bloom nano high chair cos may have sponsor hehe.
shokel, thks.. u got extra or u need to keep for usage?
genesis, i see if shokel got spare, if she needs to keep then i will get from u..
annie, thanks alot, bb currently taking HA milk from Dumex Mamex Gold already.. so i dont think it's milk problem.. according to my mother, the rashes did subside a little after she applied 'white rice wine' on him, so she will monitor and see how things go.. i also intending to buy the hope relief cream to keep and apply if necessary. I can also use that cream cos i got dry and sensitive skin.. does aloe vera cream work too? wah.. like suddenly so many creams to use, dunno which one to use..
<font color="0000ff">Collect Sgp Coins Minted in 2009:</font> Hey mommies - I'm Apr 09 mom. Dunno if u noticed bt Sgp Mint has released for circulation e 10, 20, 50-cent &amp; $1 coins minted in 2009. I've collected 2 add 2 my boy's memory box. I also collected for my gal those minted in her yr of birth (2007) -- tho in dat yr I tink dint hv 50-cent coins. Anyway, thot I share &amp; c if any other mom wanna collect 4 ur own bb. Bt I'm nt sure if ovr e yrs e shininess wl tarnish... My B1's 2007 set stl ok so far
Ainsley, every night hor, i so phobia leh. I mentally try to prepared myself so that i won't lose my temper. So far midnight terence try to calm her down, but if cannot then bo bian i got to go and carry her. Cos when she super cranky, she only want me...
Sandy I think I get size 90... Can I haf 2 sets? Buying one for my collegue... Yeah mine bird bird... How do I go abt doing the payment?
Yuki... Ang kuku... Think both of u staying tamp...
Welcome to the family. actually its my parents pl that's in tampines. i'm staying in the north and the pd we used to go wasn't really good so we switched to Dr Cecilia.
Wei Ting, good to have the rashes have improved. Try to observe some more time and always rem to keep bb's toys clean too!

i heard aloe vera gel is v good lor. and my nephew uses it and worked for him. he is 4yrs old liao.. so not using anymore...he seldom has rashes anymore.
Pauline!!! I saw u jus nw at my blk with ur hb n bb.. Hehe

I decided to gt LC for my pumping n lump prob.. Private consultant.. Will come tmr morning. Hope can solve my prob..

Sorry to intrude. I have two boxes of BN Bellamy's Organic Rice Cereal (iron enriched) to sell for $11.50 inclusive of normal postage. Cereal expiry is 31 Jan 2011. PM me if interested.
