(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

calamari: ur gal's room is very sweet leh. My daughter will have to share room with her brother so she only has a small corner for changing table and cot. But ok lah, tahan a few years then hopefully property prices go down then we can get a bigger place with enough rooms.
thanks siri, kekeke.... buying some as xmas n bday pressies for ppl lar. Might as well buy now since it's SALE! heehee.

Hmm.... choose a date ar....but it's btw late nov to early dec. Like tat how to choose ar? shld choose early or late?

Btw i heard that sometimes doc may estimate bb size wrongly..... My fren's son was suppose to be lighter but he came out much heavier and the other one was the opposite. Thus, not bery accurate one hor. btw fitti, i also hope to buy a bigger place next time but bigger place also headace, more rooms n area to clean up too. heehee
fitti: no lah, she got her room but still sleep with us. Can't bear for her to sleep alone lehhh keke..so for my new place, she will still sleep with us too at a corner + baby brother. Squeeze 4 in 1 room!
Happy 中秋节 to you too!Mstan.
hi gals, polo RL spree closed &amp; ordered.

an update:

batch 1:
my order - USD69.46/S$104.19
ivy - USD13.13/S$19.69
Tris28 - USD26.99/S$40.48
manunited - USD49.47/S$74.21
josephine - USD41.24/S$61.85

batch 2:
manunited - USD14.99/S$22.49
kerin - USD61.85/S$92.78
juzamum - USD73.46/S$110.19
canopyhaze - USD68.21/S$102.31

batch 3:
joshua - USD77.96/S$116.93
canopyhaze - USD104.96/S$157.44
my order - USD20.98/S$31.47
hi gals, polo RL spree closed &amp; ordered.

an update:

batch 1:
my order - USD69.46/S$104.19
ivy - USD13.13/S$19.69
Tris28 - USD26.99/S$40.48
manunited - USD49.47/S$74.21
josephine - USD41.24/S$61.85

batch 2:
manunited - USD14.99/S$22.49
kerin - USD61.85/S$92.78
juzamum - USD73.46/S$110.19
canopyhaze - USD68.21/S$102.31

batch 3:
joshua - USD77.96/S$116.93
einnoc - USD104.96/S$157.44
my order - USD20.98/S$31.47
canopyhaze, received ur payment. hehe... my error, batch 3 belongs to joshua, einnoc and my own order.

for chinese name, we will be gg to a master at hougang. our #1's name also shortlisted by him.
hi siri, saw that u mentioned gg to a master at hougang for chinese name for ur child? can i knw where? cos i stay hougang too.. need to get a chinese name for my son too...

* rem me? i bought the babymallonline clothes from u.. lolz
Hi ladies,

are u all counting baby movement once in 3rd tri?
should the movement be quite regular by now?

my baby seem to be not so active and movement are quite light n gentle...dun really know how to count.
hi yuki, mine is super active cos maybe its a boy.. cos they will be hiccuppin more often and all, so the movements shd be rather consistent ba.....

its my 1st bb, so nt sure if its supposed to be the case, but i do checked babycenter sg often, it did stated this way too...
Hi shokel, mine is a gal and 1st bb too ...but seem to be quite inactive ...shld i ask gynae abt it? sometimes was quite worrying....
erm, maybe girl more gentle ba... haha.. ya, perhaps u can sound it out to ur gynae on ur next visit.. dun worry too much ba.. so long there is at least a few kicks, i think shd be fine... when's ur due date?

mine is 31/12.. my next visit ti my gynae is next wed.. i so anxious to find out if my bb is gainin a gd weight ... cos my tummy is stil not very big.. ive put on 5kg so far..
Hi shokel,

My EDD is on 30/12, juz a day before u

yap will ask my gynae during the next visit ...seem so far away ..still got 1.5week to go...

ur next visit will be soon
i am sure ur bb is of good weight
u only put on 5kg? tat good ...i already put on 14kg ...cant imagine next visit how much more ...
but gynae ask me dun diet juz try to control carbo intakes.
oh, we have almost the same edd... but however, i feel tt bb might deliver earlier than edd lor... haha...

ya lor, my visit is next week, aiyo, my last visit, bb only ard 600g + lor... me put on 5kg cos i was vomittin like hell for the 1st 4 mths.. i lost ard 4kg.. my usual weight is 46kg(1.6 tall nia), i lost weight to 42 kg lor.. sub after my 4th mth, luckily MS stopped, me can eat normally le.. so i started pilin on the weight...

but my gynae was tellin me to control too, cos my last visit, from 44kg - 47kg ma.. so he was quite shocked with the sudden weight gain cos its all on mummy instead of bb... hahah ..

so i am hopin i wont put on too much weight when i go for my check up next wed.. heheh... cross fingers lor... jus hope tt the weight goes to bb... cos i wished to go for natural birth.. so if bb can be ard 3kg, im satisfied... haha..

btw, wher is ur delivery gg to be? mine is at tmc..
haha me too...i got a feeling will delivery at 38weeks...my gynae also think i will deliver early...

my last visit baby is abt 750g but gynae say it is normal range, juz that i put on 4kg in a mth so she ask me to limit to 2 kg ...

i guess i put on a lot weight coz i dun have MS so keep feeling hungry and eat non-stop ...haha now trying to control but seem so hard...
mine also at tmc
my pre-pregnancy weight is 45kg and now almost 60kg ...
haha.. ya lor...

oh, its so hard to ocntrol our diet lei... jus eat whenever we feel like eatin lor.. haha..

oh, u also at tmc.. hehe...
joanna: my #1 is using Dr Ang Ai Tin from TMC. She is very experienced, very fast with jabs, and never gave a wrong diagnosis when my girl was sick. For me that's the most important. However, she tends to be a bit blunt sometimes. But I find that ok. So up to individual. There is a Dr Koey whom I heard is also very good.
i heard some so good things with dr ang AT, u google, forum got say. Im going for Dr ong EW, or dr Keoy.
GG : her CL has left last saturday after the 1st mth, now it's back to hell again with 2 maids and 1 mother and 1 mother-in-law. my Mil has mentioned that she could be permanently stationed there liao.

If not, 3rd world war will break out soon....
sounds really tough!
Hi all,

im selling my medela mini electric breast pump at $90

+Bought on March 2009
+Lightly used
+Can be operated with batteries/adaptor.
+Will throw in 3 free milk storage bag =)

Interested, sms me @ 90011410

hi, shokel.

we share the same edd.

but think i'll end up with a xmas baby, if not earlier.

but keeping my fingers crossed for a new yr baby.
(though it's quite unlikely, since bb boy usually comes earlier &amp; tis is already my #3.)

wah, u oni put on 5kg?
i've already put on @ least 10kg.
but think the pounds r piling on mummy...

prob due to my super gd appetite &amp; sweet tooth... ;p
einnoc: If both are of same gender then never mind can share room, now confirm 1 boy 1 girl so I guess can only share room for a few years then not very convenient anymore. Now my place only 2 bedrooms and the study area is too small to convert into another room.

calamari: same same lah. My son is 6 but most days he is happy to sleep on a mattress in my room. Last night my HB just said dunno how to squeeze altogether when the 2nd one is here.
Calarmri &amp; Ivy... thanks.
I hv actually use Dr Ang for my eldest but find her so so onli. Nvmind.. i google them b c wat the response.
thks alot
yuki, we haf the same edd :)

for those of you who bought bb clothes,
how much did u all pay for a set of top and shorts?
Josephine: That's the problem lor....hahaha.....always have to be sneaky, want to be sexy also difficult. That's why headache when #2 is here. #1 sleep already still got #2 to settle. I wonder how last time our parents/grandparents had so many kids when they all slept together. Maybe under the duvet? =D
hey ladies
good morning.
Had very bad pain on the right side of my tummy last night, never experienced such intensed pain during pregnancy. Is it contraction? It came on &amp; off for a good 15mins, pain till i cried. The sharp pain was like gastric pain with tummy tightening. Anyone is experience it? Is it too early to have contractions? Am 31wk+ now.

some of u were talking about the standard chartered credit card promo where you will get 10% cash rebate on the first $1000 spent.
any idea where i can apply for tat?
