(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

skinneybeenie, don't think you are weird lah. I was thinking of doing the same thing, except that my bb still wakes up frequently at night so it'd be tiring to keep walking to his room to comfort/pat/feed him. Still waiting for him to go back to sleeping through =_=

It's definitely easier to train them when they are babies otherwise might be like my colleague who a hard time when they had #2 and tried to put their 2 year old in her own room. The toddler keep walking back to their bedroom coz she's so used to sleeping there. After a month of trying, they just gave up and all slept in the same room :p

sigh both my boys down with cough and fever again sianz
Thks jeanie !
Oh, I hv not use my 1L teat yet &amp; she going to be 6mths end of this mth....;p....maybe will upgrade to 2M next mth or so as I still hv a few 1M teats....;p
morning mummies

i am dead tired, yst brought my gal back to my mum plc and she kept crying non-stop, not sure y. last time almost wake up every hrs until now i am pumping and she is playing .... so tired and got to drag myself to work

i am fine with the lunch on 14
mstan, the nurse did told me NAN HA not as sweet as the other FMs... so prob u gotta slowly transit to NAN HA from ur current FM.. i'm wondering can do the replace 1 scope of FM method or need to replace the feed method... i noe to transit from step 1 to step 2 FM can use the former mtd lahz..

skinneybeenie, i'm oso thinking of shifting my boy to sleep on his own.. prob in the same room, but in his own cot.. currently he's sleeping with us on the same bed.. but will only do so after we move into our new place end of yr..

ling lee, i oso tempted to get the playmat.. but prob till i move out first.. by then, dunno if my boy still wanna stay within the playmat.. he'll be close to 1 yr old liaoz..

yuki, ur girl not used to ur mom's place? anyway, take some energy food to keep urself awake and energise..
morning mummies,

just to share, mi went to expo bb fair late yesterday about 8 when arrive, nothing much liao every stall packing le.. just bought 2 packs of nepia diapers and johnson bb powder. wanna buy the henizz bb biscuit but no more....

When we arrived walking towards the hall passing through the foodplace from carpark, we share a mummy pushing a pram, think the mummy did not see the kerb and the pram hit the kerb then jerk, the little baby think younger than ours about 3 or 4 months cos seem to be small slip out of the pram through between the bar and fall on the floor, the bb did cry out so loub when the father pick up from the floor. hope the baby is ok. the know that the mummy did not put on the safety belt for the baby if not the baby won't slip out le... So scary i, my hubby and maid was standing there so shock to me so scary leh....
i feel my boy seems to sleep better in his own room.. cuz when he sees us he keeps getting very excited then totally dun feel lik sleeping.. last time i want to nap in my own room also its a challenge.. now i jus woke from an hour nap

(din sleep well last nite...)

i'm glad so many mummies also think good to let baby sleep in own room as soon as they are ready.

cayenne, yah i think letting your baby sleep in his own cot is a good first step.. cant introduce too big change to them.. they get frightened.. we seldom sleep tog with my baby since day one, but i have been guilty of letting him sleep on top of me after he bf and fall asleep
very nice comfy feeling.. but now he's getting heavier so i end up with back pain when i do that =p

cayenne, my boy is only 6 mth plus, i got the parklon playmat for abt 2 weeks.. after a few days he already does not stay within the mat.. he goes to touch the door stopper, touch table leg (scary, am removing items from the table now), touching his playpen wheel...goodness... but the personality is really coming thru now!
Hi Mummies/daddies..

I am also dead beat.. but now can relax abit liao..

anny.. really!! aiyo.. so poor thing the bb... hope is fine..leg out first?
omg!! i hope the bb's fine!!

sometimes i carry my boy n walk, i oso keep thinking if i accidentally hit n fall, how shld i fall so tt the impact will be on me n not the bb.. *haiz*
Cayenne, Yuki n Ice,

Ok, lets meet up on 14-Jun-10.

L_L, Cayenne, mstan, my boy oso eczema. Dun think its due to similac cos my boy drinkin Friso. They say if parent got sensitive nose/ skin or asthma, bb will prone to be easily to get sensitive/allergy.

My PD oso recomend me to change to HA or soya. I scare he dun like so never change. Dun know wat to do also.
those who have boys here... do u notice if your boy is more interested in things or people?

cuz my boy will come towards us when we put a new object in front of him (new as in, he seldom gets to touch or see, or never saw before). but when we are in front of him he doesn't come towards us, but he will smile at us only.

i saw him staring curiously at his buckle all the time in the high chair and stroller! one time he undid his stroller buckle (one of the sides). i have no idea how.. but when i took him out i noticed one buckle is out! oh my god!
those mummies who introduce FM to your bb for the first time....what is the bb reaction ? Sorry to ask this but i think it is a eventually question...who is stopping BF and planning to start FM...pls share your plan :p
Nn has been v cranky since last nite. Waking up fr ard 2 to almost 4. Ehh ehh.. Carry oso ehh, latch oso ehh. Then today oso ehhh.. Put dwn only, ehhh. Duno wats wrong with her
terence, my boy is taking 6 feeds per day, so this is wat i do:

x feed = 1;
FM feed = 1;

while (FM feed < 7)
replace x feed with FM feed;
do this for a few days;
x feed ++;
FM feed ++;

hmmz, my boy didnt really have any different reaction when i intro him FM.. prob i started introducing for his dream feed.. so he just happily drink n then concuss. btw, he got 2 dream feeds.. so prob by the time he started drinking FM in the day when he was awake, he already got accustomed to the taste of FM...
lynn, ice n yuki, let's meet up next monday (14 Jun) for lunch then!

and yah.. my hubby got child asthma and sensitive nose.. his skins oso very dry.. n his mom got eczema.. haiz..
Hi - my baby just turned 6 mths so starting solids - started with rice cereal.
But seems like i'm doing something wrong, since i'm on TBF, i first feed him and then after abt an hr i give him baby cereal and he just has 2-3 spoon fuls and seems full.
How do you all feed you babies ? Is the solids feed supposed to replace a milk feed ?? or first feed solids and then give BM >??
( a little lost...
ainsley, my boy oso behaving weirdly yesterday... he will cry very badly when we put him down n change his diapers... "-_- seriously dunno watz wrong.. haiz.. luckily this morning ok le..

cld it be nn having nitemares? played too much in the day? her fever no more liaoz right?
skinneybeenie, haha.. yahz.. IT line.
but i think my programming sucks.. havent been doing programming for few yrs liaoz..

ash, according to Dr Ong, he said shld prepare the milk, add abit of the milk to the cereal, then feed bb.. and supplement his feed with his usual milk. but for a start, dun be too ambitious to feed too much cereal. prob a few spoonfuls can le.. slowly increase until when he finish half a small bowl, then it's considered replacing his 1 milk feed.

oh yah, for me, i feed him a few spoons of cereal, then a few spoons of water.. else scared cereal too thick for him.. then i waited abt half hr before i feed him his milk.. and if he dun want his milk (say left 1 oz), then i will just throw the milk lohz..
sandy - Ya, it's the leg out then body like just slip through but the floor is the concrete, not sure the bb gt knock on the head when land or not.

Cayenne - true lor, i also very scare what if i fall down when carry bb so when gt wet floor or slippy floor outside i walk super slow de then hor everybody gt to wait for mi.. haha. there's once when i carry my elder boy when he's a bb i fell but lucky my butt land on the floor he lay on mi still got my tummy as his cushion. that time at the flyer . everybody was shock too cos scare bb hurt.
Cayenne,ice n yuki

So where we gonna meet? Eating Daidomon set lunch? Or any other suggestion?

Ya Cayenne, I got sensitive airway and both mi n hubby got sensitive nose. Then bb will prone to hv sensitive and dry skin. Sianz... my parent-in-law dun think in this way. My dogs will become their reason

Hv to keep them moisture at all time.

In aircon room i'll put a air humilifier next to his cot. Becos last time his skin tend to b v dry n rough after on humilifier his skin condition a bit better.

From what I know.. hm.. not too sure about others ya... exchange the noon feed .. not the 1st feed nor the last feed.. that's what I did for both #2 as well as bb now..

I started intro the 1st FM feeding was when she was 3 1/2months... so consider early.. before I went back to wrok.. till now..

Not much reaction, she happily just took it..

So will be changing over to the next stage soon le.. will wait for another 1-2weeks.. before I change over..

Think now as bb is older, she can recognise the taste le.. so you might need to wait till she is really hungry to intro..
anny... wah lau.. concrete.. cannot imagine.. slip through.. leg touch.. then head down.. the impact will be quite great.. hope the bb is fine..

I am also one guilty mummy that did not buckly my bb when on stroller.. or on the road.. think really need to be careful..

I will also have imagination thoughts that I fall and let go of bb... really cannot imagine.. even sometimes while walking along the corridor.. I will walk very near to the house.. cos I scare the edge.. lolx.. siao liao..
manunited &amp; weiting : don't think i can meet for lunch on 14Jun, might be taking half day to run errands.

miumiu : i put the whole bottle in, but my bb doesn't like it. Threw away twice liao, both was heinz bottled puree. Will try to feed him puree from healthy time, organix and gerber next time, if still cannot, will drop the idea of feeding him bottled puree. Have bought the philips avent steamer cum blender over the weekend, will try to use it soon.

Manunited : not too sure when the pampers promo will end, i think while stock last. Only Size L and XL are available. I can check it out for you when i'm there again, probably on sunday when i do my groccery.
miumiu : you can pour some serving cup, and warm it in a warmer, then keep the balance which still can be used with 48hrs upon opened.
ainsley &amp; carol : thanks for organising the meetup on 12Jun, will not be able to attend as will be staying in hotel over that weekend to celebrate my birthday.
Miu ur boy no reject ar? I intro only at 3rd feed, not switching all suddenly, am not so kan cheong. But tat 1 feed even if I only mix in 1/3 fm she also dun take. Looks like she has a sensitive tongue or fussy eater... Sigh
Ash, this is how I start bb on cereal. Slightly earlier than his usual feeding time i'll give him his rice cereal made with ebm. He is hungry but not too hungry. After his cereal abt 1to 2 hrs when he show sign of hunger then feed him bm. After bb starts on cereal, he din poo for 2 days, which never happen before cos he used to poo everyday, then today he pooed a big one. I thinking maybe the cereal making him constipated.
This is how i intro solid food (usual is around 12noon when he is due for his 2nd feed) to my bb for the past 2wks :-

Day 1 :
1st feed @ 8am
2nd feed @ 12noon Mixed 1 tablespoon of cereal with luke warm water, fed bb with that, and followed by 5oz of milk.
3rd feed @ 4pm
4th feed @ 8pm (sometime, this will be the last feed)
last feed @ 11.30pm or 12midnite

Day 2 :
Mixed 3 tablespoons of cereal with luke warm water, thereafter, fed bb with 3oz of milk

Day 3 :
Mixed 5 tablespoons of cereal with luke warm water, and no milk

Will intro 2 solids during his 7th mth, and 3 solids when he hits 8th mth, this is what my pd has taught me.
skinnybeanie, what do you mean by coming towards you? by crawling? my boy is interested in everything. when i ask him to come(walker), he'll come over. but when i just stand there, he'll simply smile only. he'll reach out to anything that i place in front of him. even if its just my hand, he'll reach out to touch, then slowly put into his mouth! he can recognise some gestures, like when i go near and stretch out my hand to carry him, he'll stretch out his arms too.

previously, he's been eyeing on tissue box on the table. one day, he stretch his hand to take it. they're all very smart. they start by looking at things, slowly think about how to get it done, then they did it! just like how your boy managed to unbuckle himself.
I've been finding this thai zi char stall that you are talking about very long le..
Can let me know where they move to?
Aiyo...really miss their food sia...especially the fried fish &amp; fried sotong....yummy.

Skinney....your baby can crawl already? thats so fast. Thats why hor...playmat will needs play yard to go along together, so as to keep them inside &amp; they wont get to wonder ard without us knowing.
My didi also loves new things. Very curious and trying to grab whatever within his reach. If he holds it and you try to snatch it away, he will cry manz.

About cereal; I'm giving him 1 noon feed of cereal since 4 months old. Later on after his 6 months will increase to 2 feed.
Will start porridge at 7th month onwards.
Giving him nestle and frisocreme now.

Anyone baby whine and cries after bringing them out after their bath? Mine did lo...kokz...he's so in love with water. Think gonna hit down the pool 1 day. Btw mummies, i'm using the shower spray to bathe him with him sitting down in our adult bath tub everyday... :p So lazy to fill up the bath tub everytime &amp; also the tub is getting small for him too :p
hehe.. their fried fish and sotong very shiok hor... I love it too. =)

Here's their new address.
Taste of Thailand, a Thai zi char at Yishun Industrial Park A (turn at Yishun Ave 2)
1001 Yishun Industrial Park A
#01-1001 Yishun Industrial Food Centre S768743


It's opposite the Emerald / Sapphire Condo.

Thanks for your info on the monitor thingy. I didn't get to the motherhood fair ytd. Maybe I'll try to call motherhood later to see if they have that product info. =)
About touching baby saying them cute..
Yah, i also dislike that. Why cant they just see and not touch...Arghhh..
Even got once ppl just took my boy pic without asking...pissed :mad:
don know what are they going to do with my boy pic...later do gong tao...aieeeee...

so now i will be very watchful and try to stop ppl from touching. Not that we are stingy or what, but its for ours and our kid own good.
So now bottle of sanitizer is always in my bag.
Sandy - ya lor hope that bb is ok. the scene yesterday left me very paranoid now keeping thinking of this and that lor. keep calling back home to tell my mil careful of this and that. driving me crazy liao.

Me start to intro semi solid to baby liao during her second meals of the day around 1 pm so far given her to try

nestle cereal brown rice plus milk favour
yu yan san brown rice
sweet potato

She ok with them love sweet potato and pumkin but she dun like yu yan san brown rice cos no taste de. so i mix one tablespoon of nestle cereal to one table spoon of yu yan san rice to make it taste sweet. Any one let bb try fish? me not sure can or not lehh.

about intro fm i had intro S26 going to change to promil to her during nite time some time she dun wan some time ok but think she still prefer bm ba. Her last meal some time is 9.30pm leh after that i latch her a little during midnight. you all think will bb be hungry or enough or not???? she wanna sleep and dun wan wake up to drink milk lehhhh...... but mil say bb didn't wake up means she not hungry let her sleep... what about you all????
Hi mummies....i thought of bringing in portable fridge. It can keep food cold or warm...and best part is it can be kept in the car and uses DC12v. Do let me know if anyone is interested...i will post more info. Price is less than $200
anny... ya.. can understand.. since you have witness the incident.. will have left an impact.. but don't worry ya.. your bb will be fine..

Ya.. if bb didn't wake up for milk.. think is ok le.. by now.. as they grow older.. likely will sleep through le.. for me I also just latch her.. before I went to bed.. thou she also didn't ask for it..

The more the bb sleep.. the better they will grow.. so no worries.. fi they are hungry.. they will 'cry' for their milk de..
Hi Mummies/Daddies,

Hi Jeanie:
The symptoms that Baby Faith had were the following:
- swollen lower lips
- red swollen ears
- hive on her neck area
- swollen eyes
-started to develop phelgm

Baby Faith seems fine now. Maybe i intro 6mths onwards formula to her too soon bah...
Dumex ppl called me and shared that maybe baby cannot adjust to the higher nutrients content in the 6th months onward formula milk yet. (previously she drank before Friso infant formula and was okay)
I also felt guilty that i too "gung-ho" to give her 150ml to try for her first time...
Anyway, i will wait for her to turn 6mths then i will try formula again.
If she have reaction again, then prob we can be more confirmed that she is intolerent to cow's milk.
Will also try to make time to see a PD soon to ask about her condition.

I went to Expo yesterday too. I bought Eu Yan Seng Brown rice Si Shen cereal for baby.
Will also wait until baby is older then intro her cereal to replace one of her feed.
Did anyone of you mummies bought this to feed baby too?
Can i ask how do u all prepare the Eu Yan Seng Brown Rice Si Shen cereal?

1 x mummy
;) thanks sandy hope all the babies here grow smoothly and healty. If i sleepy then i will let bb latch and will not wake her up sometime i still awake during 1 am then i will wake her for milk then she dreamy dreamy de or sometime she get angry with me and scream haha so cute...

Twinstars - ya i did add 60ml of ebm to the brown rice powder but if i mix with nestle rice cereal then i didn't add ebm.
shryn &amp; jeanie: come towards me as in drag his body while he is "on the tummy" position to move about. dun think this is counted as crawling bah.. more like dragging.. haha

a bit like commando style "crawling"?

he only does that when he sees a new toy/object/his changing mat. he's siao on abt biting his changing mat.. so dirty!
after my hubby transfer my boy to the lower level in the playpen, he seems to sleep better.. cuz more boring for him. he used to bop his head up and down when he was on the higher level which is scary and dangerous and was too much fun for him to fall asleep properly.
Anny-thks btw the ebm is heated the normal way you feed bb or you heat the ebm n brown rice powder over the stove? cos the brown rice powder like need to be cooked leh.
1X mummy- Me too bought the brown rice powder during the expo sale.
Twinstars - i use warm water to disolve the rice powder then add bm to cook over the stove for 3 to five minute when can c the bubbles.

1X mummy - How much u bought frm the expo sale?
Me bought about S$12 plus after discount at the normal eu yan san store.

anny, my friend told me can mix some of the eu ren seng brown si sen rice powder into porridge. Did you try that?

I bought at expo fair too @ S$10.48. Haven't try giving my ger. :p

Btw, can we replace 1 feed with solid?
i still give my ger milk after solid or feed her milk 1st then give her solid.
