(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

mtdt: the 2 caterers i posted above oso dun repeat their dishes from e menu they posted online...

finally my gal sleep...but in my arms!! typing wif 1 arm now...juz now keep crying n fussing...i call her night terror..haha..coz only night time den she's cranky...day time kuai kuai..

My small baby is at home zzzz but I'm out at 24hrs clinic now cause my big "baby" Lao sai... Omg! Another sleepless nite!!
Ivy, huh... Hw u knw? Can feel the tear??

My bb seems to b v easily overstimulated. Jus nw brg her out for dinner with my fren. She cudnt slp though she didn't slp much in noon. She wana slp bt cudnt put herself to slp so she was cranky. Reach Hm only she was calm even i left her on bed.. Bt nw she cnt really slp calmly like normal days leh. Keep on wanting to suckle n abit cranky again.. Mayb overtired or overstimulated..
mstan &amp; alicia, thks for the webby. Will check it out.

miumiu, yeah... chances is i will move back home. juz got to give my hubby more trouble in moving the stuffs. xp
ivy... how u know it tear? Im feeling abit sting when i wash my V n tey sm blood when i clean it like those u hv a small cut so am wondering did i tear it also.
Sorry to disturb,
im nov mum, like to sell PIGEON natural-fit manual breast pump and AVENT breast shells .Its brand new, i recieved it from my bb full month.
Interested please sms me 90283209
Hi mummies, seem like I see many mummies talking abt the nursing tea. My massage therapist advise me not to consume tea especially when BF as she told me, that is the most cooling stuffs that should be avoid. As bb will cousume our milk and old ppl believed that bb tummy will feel not well and easily got colic. My mum too also do not advise me to buy the tea as she say don't follow what ang moh ppl practice as they even drinks cold drinks during confinement but nothing happen to their body.
am so tired. Bb eye big big, dance disco still dun want to zzz. Last nite only sleep 2hrs cos he kept waking up. Today aftnoon also nv nap cos doing spring cleaning.
My bb refuse 2 sleep since 2.50am....
morning to all sunrise club!!

Ainsley, yes i feel sting 1st.. it happen after i constipate and was pushing a big hard shit, i push very hard cos baby was crying when i was shitting. Then i tot was my piles pain.

Yesterday, i push out a big hard shit again, also becos bb crying and i dun wan her to wait.. then the pain got worst. When i shower below, it was stinging. So i took mirror and saw the perineum got 1 hole, my HB check and confirm... so its opening up. Sigh damn scary, i hope tomolo check will be ok. Right now still pain.

Joanne, mine was done 1.5mths ago, so now got tear is serious. If urs recently its normal to have bit of bleeding if not heal yet. But can always double check, dun play play cos infection cham liao.
jeanie, i always oversleep &amp; miss the pumping sessions in the wee hrs... i m immune to the alarm i set in my handphone...
so, every time, the breasts super hard lor... so worried abt blocked ducts prob coming back...
Hi mums

Just like to add that I'm from March 2010 mums thread. We are organising a baby photography group sign up for a better deal. We are looking for 10 mums to sign up. So far more than half the slots are taken up. Would like to ask if any of you are interested. Pls pm me if you are interested or have any queries. Thanks

<font color="ff0000">Group sign up for Seanlau.com baby photography</font>

10 babies sign up @ $218 ($30 off Classic Baby Package)

Classic Baby Package www.seanlau.com
02 Hours Session for your baby with Sean Lau
05 Pictures of 5" x 7" (High Resolution)
01 Reprint on 8" x 12" with Framing (Table Top)
DVD of selected images in High Resolution

*Additional Pax can join in the session for $25/ Pax instead of $35.
If both parents join in for a family portrait, will throw in an
additional picture worth $30.

*Photoshoot usually suitable for babies who are 6months old or so when they are able to sit up.
Morning Mummies..

Ya.. super tire.. but I try not to have any nap.. cos once back to work.. will need to adjust.. lagi tire...

So now.. juz tong..
morning! my hubby battle with bb from 530am to abt 630am.. end up i gave in, let baby suckle and she fell asleep. Cos 1st she reject the bottle, so din drink full, 2nd she refuse to let my hb pat her to sleep... he got to carry her and walk.. oh man.

JO, i change to teat 2 after 1 mth old.

JO, i use to let bb lie side way, but read tat there is a chance of SID. So only if im awake to look at her while she sleep, do not let her sleep sideway. Cos bb could flip face down and suffocate.
<font color="ff0088">hello Dec Mums,
I'm from the March thread
Like to ask if one of u is using this confinement lady called Yi Xiang??
Ash - welcome to our forum!!

ivy - u at doc?? update us again oki? hope u r oki..

mi in sunrise club again ydae.. and carry ,y bb to zzz man.. he oso dun wanna zz.. dunno y.. like beli awake.. cham man...

sandy - scary.. no nap will die man.. sometimes mi no nap if i go out.. but will nap at least 30 mins if i can.. oso song lo..
miumiu... lolx.. bobian.. cos if I nap.. will be super tire when I go back to work.. so I better adjust my body timing early..

Any mummy's gal who is Dora Fan.. let me know.. new Dora Set to sell.. can wear during CNY..

Also new Carter's blanket..

Thank you..
hi mstan &amp; joanna,
i tried newbaby le. The rice they use seems to be inferior type. Coz thin n broken rice. Veg &amp; meat seems too oily for my comfort. But i think it's up to individual taste.

btw mummies,
i finally extracted my tooth which had been hurting since months ago when i was preggie. I extracted 2 wisdom teeth at one go and cost $700+! Finally, no more toothache! Happi
linglee, im immune to hp alarm clock too.. dun dare to use normal alarm clock cuz i scare wake bb up.. think i'll adjust the timing.. pump b4 i sleep then next feed(ard 3-4am) just latch.. cuz now he can sleep 5-6hrs.. by then my breast wanna explode liao. i also scare blocked ducts..

ash, welcome! ur bb same birthday as mine!

and i recently just get to know that my bb same bdae(3/12) with my 2 aunts! wad a coincidence..

einnoc, i envy u can pluck ur wisdom tooth.. im suppose to pluck last yr but i got preggy.. nw bf, cannot go pluck.. gotta ren ren ren!
jo, i ask dentist liao.. he say cannot..

oh, i think i last week also tear abit cuz i got SUPER BAD Constipation. guess i gek until tore abit cuz i can feel stinging pain, plus my gynae got tell me my episitomy is very near my ass. but i dun care, now ok liao. anyway i suspect i got piles.

ivy, hope everything is fine for you!
Ivy... mine was 1 mth ler. Shit, do think i shld call my gynae. If really tear... eeeee

einnoc... thks for the feedback on the catering.
jeanie, eat more fruits..
episiotomy can heal by itself one.. according to my gynea cos my wound had been gaping for 6 whole weeks, it has been hurting for as long as my boy was born! some complication..

josephine, i wanted to ask the same qn too!

share ideas leh.. i always dunno what to buy for hubby...

ohh is it? must go sweep the shelves!
min, i eat fruits liao.. still.. body heaty too.. hows ur wound? getting better?

shokel, i'll thaw in the fridge. if no time, i'll thaw under running tap water. very fast de. then use warmer to warm up.

mummies, where you'll buy nursing top?
jeanie, if bad constipation, go see dr n get stool softener.. my wound is getting better but still painful, must sit on float still.. hais..

most nursing tops like not nice one.. nice ones are so so ex... wear normal clothes that can pull down or pull up to nurse?
hi jeanie, thaw under runnin water? very fast? huh... so frozen, under runnin water can meh? 5 mins? i dun hve warmer, i use hot water in a cup then warm....

min, i got tool softener.. but like not much use. haha.. then ur gynae says wad? when will recover?

shokel, for me, when i thaw under running water, less then 5 mins defroze liao.
