(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Fitti, hahaha, me too! My hubby complains I am always feeding my boy! And I realize even when I happen to have time to b with my boy, I dun end up teaching him anything. Just play and doing all the za ba lang stuff at home! So no choice, really need to find a pg..

Hi Everyone,

Am a stay home mom. I have stopped working since giving birth to my 1st son. Now am actually contemplating to go back to work as I found staying at home can be quite boring.

I know some of you are working moms. And some are stay-home moms.

Can give any advice?

GG Lee: You found a pg already or not? I enrolled DD in a church pre-nursery for next january but I want to find a fun group for her so she won't feel too shy with the other kids when she starts school. And hor, I like to feed DD becoz each time she (or her older bro) falls sick will lose weight so when they are feeling fine, I make sure they bulk up. Haha.

ChebgHS (blue_c0ral): If you can find good childcare arrangement and miss working, can start looking for a job. Some may do part-time to ease themselves back into work but I know some mothers who can't wait to go back to full time work challenges. For me, I want to do something part time (possibly from home) but only when DD starts pre-nursery.
Fitti, haven't leh. No decent PG near my plc or my mum so v jialat. Ya, my boy also a bit shy so for now I send him weekend class so at least gets to socialise. Weekend we can still send him further but weekday PG I need one nearby so my mum can bring.
Hmmm...am also facing the same challenge as you both Fitti and GG - my boy is shy now...thus am thinking also to send him to 'somewhere' hahaha! Fitti, which church pre-nursery you are sending your child to? Unfortunately I dont have a church nursery near my home.

Am torn in between stayin home to take care of my boy and goin back to work - sigh...there are pros and cons for both options!
Cheng, ya, at times I wish I sahm. But yet deep down I know I not sahm material. Will go crazy esp now our tod reaching terrible 2. Realized I started to have to scream at him.

So I think it really depends on individual. If u can contribute effectively at home, is v meaningful to play a very active role developing them. For me I think my mum does a better job than me at this pt. Maybe when he go pri 1 onwards then may have to rethink again.
Hi everyone..

I'm SAHM too..=)
Can share how u other SAHM spend their time on wkdays?
I'm starting to get bored...sigh..

Hi Fitti..

I put my gal in Julia Gabriel. I find they r good n fun. Twice a wk @ Evans rd. U might wanna give them a call for trial class if u r interested..
ChengHS(blue_c0ral): My daughter is going to Paya Lebar Methodist church, not within walking distance at all, still trying to figure out how to get there. Lol.

GG Lee: actually my SIL took very good care of my daughter but I was going through a transition at my workplace as well so decided to take a break.

yummy(chummy): Evans Road is kinda far for us. But thanks anyway! I am thinking of those in shopping malls so at least I can take the MRT instead of taking cabs (a bad habit of mine ever since I was pregnant with my daughter :p)
Yummy, I put my boy at JG sat too. Not bad but hor I really find myself a lazy mum, missed a few lessons so far cos i got lazy and hubby too. Or had to leave early cos of some events. Was telling hubby we really waste money.
Wah Jeanie u got time to do baking with 2 boys? Hmm I think I'm very lazy leh.. always try to find excuse before start baking..though always hv 'good intention' to bake for my gal @,@

Hi GG..yup I find JG not bad..I kinda enjoyed the class hehe..try not to miss the class.. abt $50 per class wor.. quite ex..sat shld b same price rite? or more ex?

Hi fitti.JG also hv 1 @ forum.. but still not really at MRT doorstep..
Yummy, ya the teachers are good. Works put about $60 per session and I think we missed 3 sessions already. Hubby may be overseas end mth and may need to miss again cos he dun let us take cab one. He can't trust cabs.
Sorry long time din log in.
I have been observing daughter to be very active and unable to concentrate or sit still.
I would be putting her in child care next year and i would like to ask around if any one knows of any good enrichment courses which could 'prepare' her for classroom environment. Ie. be able to sit on chair and listen to teacher giving instructions..

I live in the East. and i was looking for Little Neuro Tree at parkway, but i think they are no longer there. I am looking at weekend Saturday classes as i am FTWM.

Anyone can advise or have any recomendations to share?

1 x mummy (Jesline)
Hi Yummy and Jeanie,
Yaj bored being a sahm, but that doesnt mean there's nothing to do everyday!!! In fact, I envy you Jeanie - I dont know how you find the time to do baking and household chores???

If I got any time, I just wanna sleep :p (like now hahahhaa).

Hi Fitti,
I've been to the Paya Lebar Methodist. Which day and time is their playgroup? Somebody recommended me Trinity Paya Lebar. Tx

Hi GG - I agree with you - I mean the part "depends on individual". Hmm..I must be a workaholic then hahahaha!

Yawn...am so sleepy now....:p
Hi gg

Hmm why cant trust cab? U mean their way of driving?

Cheng..i think im getting lazier since i become sahm leh.. Though lots of stuff to be dne but cant find the energy to do it..Sigh..
Hi yummy,
Same here! Lords things to do but no energy. That is why if got time, I rather sleep Hanna...
Anyway, yah quite bored stay at home. Seriously thinking going back to work :p
Hello mummies!! Daily chores are ok. Just laundry n cleaning of floors. I dun bake daily. Just every now and then. Muffins are easy! I'll wait till my sis is ard then I'll try others.

My elder is good helper. Now my greatest wish is to learn how to juggle both outside alone. 20mo &amp; 6mo is not easy..

Wad do they learn in JG? My fren attending GUG says it's good as well.
Hi gg,
Hehe I hate taxi too when i drive..they simply cut ur line..

Hi cheng,
How many kids u hv at thw moment?

Hi jeanie,
Imy gal suppose to learn mandarin at jg since we dun speak mandarin at home..jg not too strict n not teaching too many stuff in 1 session..so more fun than gug i feel. But i guess is abt preference..
Hi Yummy,
Only 1 :p but already 2 handful hahaha
So I salute you, Jeanie with 2 kids and yet still got time to do household chores and do some baking!
Yummy, I see.. GUG does craft work. How bout JG? The fees are of big diff.

Cheng, ok la. Still learning to cope..

Sahm! Where do you stay??
ChengHS (blue_c0ral): my daughter is going for the morning session 8-11am, starting in January coz they enroll by yearly basis but now I abit regret the timing because my daughter has been sleeping and waking up late ever since I stopped work. Plus she poos twice in the morning! Aiyo, I don't know if the teacher will find her troublesome or not unless I can train her these few months to prepare for school.

Jeanie Tan: You can talk to your older child and get him/her to help you out. My older son is 8 but he is such a great help to me. With him around, I can focus on cooking dinners (and even surf the internet. haha) while he entertains his sister. He started doing all that since she was born and he was 6.
Jeanie Tan: I just read that you bake! Wow. I like to buy cake recipe books and imagine to bake this and that but hor, forever no motivation. I can only bake 1 type of cake, chocolate. Sigh.
Fitti, my elder is 20months old. But he's still great help by pacifying a cranky didi. Didi is 6months old.

U bake cake?? Good leh!! Me not up to cake level. Hahaha. Teach me! Me only muffins, pie, scones &amp; bake rice..
Jeanie Tan: The age gap so close no wonder you say it is tough to bring both out. Totally understandable. I once saw a lady breastfeeding her baby and the older child, a toddler, climbed up n down the table and eventually fell with a big bump. I sat nearby also had a shock.

Ok ok, we exchange baking tips!
I want to learn to bake rice too. Like those from Swensen's ah? *hungry*
Jeanie, JG also does craft work, some puppets, singing, movements, and outdoor play ( sand, water, playground w rides etc). They also teach a bit like nos, alphabet. Gug teaches zoo phonics, also got music and crafts. Both not bad, more fun type, good for social skills but not so academic.
Wow, Jeanie your 20mth old can help! Am surprise! That's great!!!
Anyway, salute both of you Jeanie &amp; Fitti - both got time and can bake!!!
I just wanna sleep if got time hahaha! I better go shower now &amp; nap while my boy is sleeping.

At the moment, am aiming to do these few things (besides trying to get enough sleep):
1. find a playgroup or playmate for my boy
2. maybe go back to work or start own business

...staying at sengkang, buangkok to be precise!
Jeanie, ya, and both are so far for me! Sometimes we end up lazy skip class. My hb find the teachers at JG better, cos he sat in for GUG trial once. Thinking of letting himtry schicida when he is 2.
Cheng, he can fetch things and pacify didi. I'm grateful for that. I hardly nap. Extra time goes to baking or relaxing or preparing flashcards.

Me staying at BP. If nt can playdate together!

GG, Oh I see.. Ok. Will try both trials. Going for shichida? I think quite a few mummies here withdrawn after a term..
Hi Mummies, any one here have tried "Genius Learning Hub" at Toa Payoh?
I corresponded with one of the person in charge and learnt that they were previously Little Neuro Tree, then shifted and rebranded as well.
They are opposite HDB Hub.

Any experience with them to share?

Hi jeanie,

Me stay at bt panjsng too
how do u teach ur older one o help ard?
My 20 mth gal is creating more mess instead of helping.. Guess bing the only one tends to spoilt the kids ya..

The fees lots of diff? I tot gug trial also $50?

Hi gg,

Schida long wait lst rite? U hv registered?

Btw mummies.. r ur babies goes to kibdergarden this coming jan? Seems that my gal not ready leh
Yummy, Jeanie, i haven't decided on Shichida yet, not on wait list. I feel maybe good when they more or less can comprehend stuff, like around 2. May consider other types of classes too. Any one sends their tod to gym classes? Heard is good for their development too.
I am actually thinking of letting my daughter go to a trial at Positive Focus@igenuis, City Square Mall. The fees seem to be rather reasonable. Any feedbacks or anyone want to join me? But i can only make it for the weekdays coz weekends usually have to spend time with the older one and also visit in-laws.
Yummy, playdate playdate!! I think JG more exp then gug.? I mean their term fees. Once didi is here, I teach him how to fetch things lor. N he likes to imitate me do housework.

GG, I went for the gym trial organize by shokel. Keith like not very participative n plays himself. Maybe playground will works the same? Exercise their mini muscle.

Fitti, I missed the trial organize by ms tan. Wants to sign up
But they dun hv Sunday class. Gonna miss it. I heard it's quite good. My fren's girl attends for 2years.
Jeanie Tan: Added you in Facebook
Your kids are SO CUTE!

yummy (chummy): My daughter is gg to pre-nursery in January and I am still worried about her must-poo-twice-in-the-morning routine. Oh, she's been waking up at 10am, how to make it for 8am class? Haha. I know some kids only go to school when they are 3 and they are just like the rest intellectually so don't worry about wanting to wait a while more. I am a lazy mummy la so faster send kids to school :p
Am thinking of sending my 20mth boy to nursery when he turns 4. No hurry in sending him in early. But in the meantime, perhaps sign him up for musikgarten or just attend church nursery to get him mix around.

But no harm in looking around for good nurseries now...
Jeanie Tan: That is the only one type of cake I can bake without looking at recipe book. Hehe. Thank you so much for your compliment!
I have a 20mth old boy. I intend to send him to childcare centre @ Eager Beaver (Yishun Central) in Oct. Anyone attending the same school as my boy???
Jeanie Tan: wait till i tell u where i found the recipe then you won't be so impressed liao. haha

Mummy_Mummy: I heard good reviews about that cc. Good luck!

iGenuis did not reply my enquiry so look alike i will go ahead with the trial at mylittlegenius at Serangoon road since it is nearer my home. Please let me know if there is any reviews about it. Thanks in advance!
anyone tried toilet training the kids yet? i tried but not much success yet. unless i make my son sit on the potty, he will not go there himself, or i have a hard time getting him to go there ar regular intervals. but he super loves the potty books we got him. so far only been a week plus.. :D
I haven't train him yet. Will start when he turns 2. Bow at least he will tell me he has pooed. Do next thing will be to potty train him. Where to buy the potty huh?
Kiddie Palace sells potty. You can buy the one which you can place on the toilet seat. My son is using that, so no need to clean the potty after use. Just flush the toilet only hahaha. My son is quite good in pee2 and poo2. I think it depends on individual kids. Teach him to say when he wants to pee or poo. If not, ask him at regular intervals if he wants to. Initially I had to use toys to entice him to sit on the potty.

The current problem am having now is cutting his hair. He doesnt want anyone to cut his hair. So can only cut when he is sleeping which is a challenge. Any idea how to overcome this problem?
Cheng, I have the same problem getting him to cut hair!! Last time still ok now he refuse to go into salon!! Will pull at the door resist going in and cry! Am telling my hubby maybe one day my hubby should go cut hair bring my boy to let him know daddy also cut hair and dat it's ok.
