(2009/12) December 2009 MTBs <IMG SRC="http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.g

Pauline, mine also about there. Still in 1st trim. Lucky got my mum and mil but even then still quite siong. Dats y dat time me and canopy both saying sure need maid when 2nd one comes. But maid also got maid prob.

GG: Don't worry, everything will work out just fine. Somehow 'chuan dao qiao tou zi ran zhi'. Closer age gap means you also get over the early years 'siong-ness' over faster, once and for all. ;)
Gg, ya.. Xin ku now and xiang shou later. Me still have to wait till shay grow up and be more independent then i can have another one. The thought of finally relax liao and have to start all over again, sian.. Dun worry too much and enioy ur pregnancy. Like what cala say, u will sure have solution when time comes.
GG>congrats on your bb.
Thanks all! Appreciate all the encouragement! Ya, we thot good for closer gap so won't need to readjust again. But is indeed siong la, feels guilty cannot play with no 1 as much as I wish. Now wondering can I handle him if sign up for those parent accompanied classes cos may need to carry them up and down when playing or music and dance etc?
GG: on the contrary, I feel I did not spend enough time on No.2 esp now that No.1 is able to communicate verbally. As for classes, ask your hubby to take turns with you?
I started feeding Shay with rice ytd. I put more water so thT the rice is softer. She eat more than usual and seems to like it. Will continue giving her rice from now on...

Any bb taking just 1 nap now? Shay change to 1 nap liao. Once in a while 2 naps. If i force her to take 2 naps, she will slp very very late at night. Is it too little to take 1 nap at 13mths huh?
Congrats GG !!!

Me &amp; my hb hesitate to hv 2nd one too becos sure need maid &amp; my hb not too keen on maid &amp; MIL not keen to look after as she already mentioned 1st one she cant handle so now we hv to source ard for CC for our 1st (of course at the same time try to delay putting her at CC).

BB : my bb already took 1 nap a day liao....even so not too long nap (usually 1-1.5hrs or the most 2hrs on super gd days)....only sometimes took 2 super short nap (30-45mins each).....;p

Mummies, how long bb shld nap now at 13mths ? 1.5hrs once enough ?
BB : I never change her napping time....she seems not keen to nap nowadays so sleep less or she change her own napping duration &amp; time......;p
mtdt, agree on the article. it's important to get children to like reading but once they are hooked on reading, they will get myopia! hahaa.. thank god for lasik man..
I have difficulty coaxing my girl to zz lately. She is so active! She woke up at 945am today and refuse to take her nap. Normally she will nap 4hrs after the time she woke up. She looks tired yet she still dun wan to zz lor. Faintz. I gave up. Anyone facing the same prob?
Janiz - ooh she does? tats nice

so wat's the rate now? within ur budget?
are u visiting them?
I miss tat cc.

Nap - my boy also lah. always like scare miss out the fun! always dong n dong! :p so young so KS! (kiasu miss out the fun! haha)
ms tan, my boy also naps only 1 -2 hrs max in the day only
He will sleep at 10+ and wakes up at abt 7.45 or 8+am! I think it's not enough rite? My fren's gal sleeps from 7pm to 7am wor.

take care gg. Hope u r coping well.
re: sleep
my boy too!!! always struggle when it's time to nap. He's still taking 2 naps, morning nap abt 2hrs, afternoon nap ranges from 30min-1.5hrs.
And recently, he has been waking up as early as 5/5:30am when he used to sleep till 6:30-7am.
He sleeps early @ 8:30am. Could it be becoz he sleeps early that y wakes up so early?
Any BBs like that recently?
Mtdt, its 877 after subsidy but i'm not workin now, will hv to pay $1100 leh. So i muz fast fast find a job once We confirm the CC.

How u find the quality of the enrichment prog like the speech and drama etc. Hubby is thinkin of sending her for external progs when she is older. So we are not sure whether to spend more $ on a gd CC or juz go to a normal CC and spend more on the external enrichment progs..
My girl zz for nearly 13 hrs lor..she slept at 9pm last nite and wake up at 945am today. Is that y she skip her nap today? Faintz..

But normally she will zz for 10hrs in the nite and nap for abt 2hrs in the day
Janiz - honestly I din see much english S&amp;D in CM last time. They spend the time doing readers more. but their chinese S&amp;D v strong (&amp; fun). tats for PreN and Nur, I havent reach K1/K2 in tat sch :p
K1/K2 - they hv pottery and chinese calligraphy which i think the kids enjoys very much. (on top of Eng/chi S&amp;D/cookery).

Have a fren whose kid graduated from CM and now in a SAP sch. No academic enrichement outside and still gets Band 1 for all subjects. (but again it's kid dependent). Now tat fren's younger kid is still there at K1 and Nur. so i do get updates still from her :p

if talk abt eng/maths - they are pretty strong. Chinese - hmm.. like all places, i feel v dependent on the kid. haha

When no1 1st transfer to new sch - I can see that his learning in CM is faster than his PATS. I have another 2 frens also transfer out to kinderland kindy (2 diff branches) due to move house and both also says their kid like "super kid" in the new kindy as they already learn much more in Character montessori.
Janiz - I think hor...

they focus alot of encouraging kids to learn/loves reading. thus for eng, they rather do readers then S&amp;D.

For Chi - usually kids wont learn to read the words until late nur or k1. thus can only spend the time doing S&amp;D.

And since S&amp;D (which generally builds confidence/speech etc) is done during chinese class, so they dun repeat it in english class.

Also - they are actually done by inhouse teachers. Maybe the eng trs there not "trained" to be S&amp;D trs... thus they rather focus on readers :p all other enrichements are also done by inhouse trs like the chinese calligraphy by the PRC trs etc.

only pottery is an external experienced tr tat comes in to teach. (and of cos swim)
wow.. character building... tat's interesting.
Just wondering is that the only school tat focuses more on it? makes me very interested in CM now wor
einnoc - so far (after 2 rounds of sch searching), CM is the only one tat uses character traits in their term theme.

others (still hv lah. :p):
for Pats - they do have tat as "holiday program" like last dec is "kindness".
for skoolhouse - it's their afternoon enrichment theme.

others - not tat i rem of liao :p
another disclaimer:

tat fren with kid grad from CM.
the kid did go for those holiday programs in tien hsia etc. and he was in shichida for 4yrs or so. hahaha.. so really not sure which one "helps" him or he naturally clever! hehehe
Haha mtdt.. Thanks thanks for your sharing again! Sigh reali a delimma leh. Although my girl nv attend shichida, i spent a lot of $ to buy avocado (brain food) for her leh haha so hopefully that will make her more clever!. Ok i'm starting to b bo liao coz my girl dun wan to nap today while i feel like nappin so so much! Shall copy and paste your comments and show hubby later!
CM- short form for my no1 old cc in sengkang. Haha

Janiz- think we take Tis offline? Dun bored the rest here! Hahaha
snow xue : my gal usually sleep ard 9+pm &amp; wake up ard 7-7.30am....but this morn she wake up at abt 5.30-5.45am (slept at abt 9.15pm previous nite)...
.....hope tomm morn she dun wake up so early....;p

Re : sleep
My gal avg sleep abt 9-10 hrs at nite.
Nap will varies 1-2 hrs in total.

So if based on calamri articles - in total she sleep abt 10-12hrs.
Maybe enough lor.....;p

Of course wish that she sleep more/sleep early at nite &amp; dun wake up so early in the morn so that we can hv more time.....;p
ms tan, why not u let her sleep later so that she will wake up later?

zach sleeps at abt 11pm and wakes up at 8-9am.. which is more normal by our timing.
actually hor... i think it's just a phase.

just continue ur routine and it wld be over and they wld pick up the "correct/gd" sleeping habits.

personally i also think 11pm like v late for a kid. maybe my own upbringing, last time my mom chase us to bed at 9+... and 10pm lights off. so now I do the same for my kids! hahaha
My bb sleeps at 9pm, wakes up around 7am. Usually will take 2 naps, first one about 2.5hrs, 2nd one less than 1hr. But he will protest when put into cot, cos he still wans to play lor!!
Mstan, GG, my gal has been taking 1 nap for a few months liao. Self led, she just keeps refusing to take her 10+am nap so we let her sleep after lunch same as her Cheh Cheh. Good also lar, cos the maid can do things and we can rest while both of them sleep.
Ms tan, ya I also need to start sourcing childcare.

Wow, just realized a fren giving birth to her 2nd one in 2 mths time! Her first one only just turned one! Like dat the gap is only about 14 mths hor? That means preg when 1st is abt 6mths.
my baby sleeps at 10 or 11pm and wakes up at 10 or 11am the next day, about 11-12 hours of sleep at night and naps only once for 1-2hours in at about 2-3pm. so in total about 12-13hrs of sleep
holidays! so nice!

so 2 went taiwan and back right (liling/shokel)
Ivy went bkk (shd be back too)
then next shd be ainsley going HK
Then Calamari going Jap

who else?? hahaha
mtdt: after japan, i going perth with the kids in mar hehehehe... :p then no more holidays for the rest of 2011!~ Eh, u going HK right?

Saw from FB that ivy is bk from BKK but LS from food poisoning!


so Jan:
Liling = TW
Shokel = TW
Ivy = BKK

Anisley = HK
Calamari = Jp (TMM trip right? go make no3! haha)

Calamari = Perth

