(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

itsy, Paige> ya Lo.... So now I need to let her climb up and down the stairs.. Which most of the time, we are in a hurry...
So just hold her and go up and down faster... Haha...
Parents fault...

Itsy, u are so right.. If it's the daddy, he'll be carrying her all the Time... Well protected....

Oh in that case.... To take hep A or not???

Kam, advice???

RY was actually scheduled to go back and take next month.... :S

RY is 2 yr old next month? Pd told me must be at least 2.

PD told me to feed Ian with pediasure FM, supposed to have higher calories. U can try for Z? Dun think I'll change le, just changed Ian's FM from Mamil Gold to Enfagrow. Furthermore pediasure seems more ex.
Paige... Thanks!!!
End of last Yr I dunno no.2 is coming ah... Hee Hee. Will pm u soon....
Rach... I will let you know when I free to gO over bah...
RY so tall now? Taller then F leh if she is 87cm....
F's WT n HT stays constant for 2 mths le.. As long as no go down den I think I just leave it bah...
Itsy> is that supposed To be trick question? Out Todd all sept leh...earliest Also Aug leh...
RY 20mos next month only leh...
It was the nurse who scheduled.. Not sure She realized or not....
Maybe I'll wait and see... Just bring RL for her rotavirus & 6in1 then...
Itsy, I also heard pediasure can fatten. But v v ex leh! I only tried the bottle pediasure. He usually drinks about 50-80ml each time he drinks. More than that he vomit. Jialat ok! Machiam I fed him poison!!! -.-" not sure if the formula taste the same as the bottled drink not. They don't have sample for the formula right?
Is there more jabs?? Shanis last took at 18months..Tot that was the last jab till sometime later??

Why is RY taking another jab at 19th months?? And wat is this HepA?? PD didnt mention it.
milkyway> RY didnt take her booster at 18mths... i was in confinement...

So delay till 19+ then take lo..

Hep A.... like Hep B etc?
Exactly what is it... i also dunno.. i know this thing exists nia.. lol...
<font color="0000ff">Rach</font>
To put it plainly, Hep A virus is not as dangerous as Hep B and C, i.e. it will not cause chronic (lifelong) liver problems.
That's why Hep B is compulsory and not Hep A

One can get Hep A and still recover from it, like any other 'non-threatening' illness such as flu.
Both my kids took HepA jab. Cos it's included in the vaccination schedule in their PD's clinic. So we just followed.

Like Paige said, HepA is not as threatening as other hepatitive viruses. So it's up to each parent to decide.
Kam> Hep A needs 2 doses? $75 each at my PD...

one thing i realised abt my PD...
jabs are cheaper.. but every visit $50 consultation man.. MMmmm..if can take a few jab together i'll do so man...
even sisters together go in also $50 each....

next time must write long long list and ask lots questions.. lol....

Did i mention?
RY didnt cry after 2 jabs... RL ehh for 2 secs...then PD asked me...
"your children dont cry one ah? very good hor?" lol.....

and RY still smiled at the PD after she finished the jab.....

One thing this PD is better is... she fed RL the rotavirus, carrying RL in her hands....
she pumped a bit fro the syringe... then wait for RL's reaction.. if i'm the one administering.. i would have pumped half and get it over and done with in 2 pumps..she took like 4-5pumps..and the last one RL was really angry and crying.. cuz i think its prob bitter....
And PD says.. sooo angry already... then she pass back to me to sooth her before she pump the last bit into her mouth... lol.....

Very patient.. but i was thinking... why not just pump all and get it over? lol.....

maybe scared she vomit or spit out ba... hahah...but thats nice of her... lol....

kiki> if u are wondering.. its the PD at Yishun Blk 417... Ooi Baby &amp; Child Clinic...
but i think Kim would have finished all her jabs.. :p

Paige> just realised... u close shop liaoz?? giving away all ur clothes? no #2?
I did tell myself no more!
But now that K is older, she is so easy to take care, even help me around the house!
Guess the mon- fri, 8am to 7pm childcare routine helped with my sanity.
So, now, I am open to having a no.2, but NOT right now, maybe in a year or two year's time?

I ran out of storage space, and I hate storing stuff, anyway, its only a 50% that 2nd one, if any, will be a girl, right? :p
Yes, 2 jabs for HepA. XY has completed that already. I couldn't remember the cost though.

Oh yes, our PD always arrange for multiple jabs to be taken during 1 visit.

RE the rotavirus. Our PD would pump in everything in one go when he sees the chance of baby accepting it. Both my kids were okay to swallow everything at one go without any gagging.

Yes, yes, yes! Way to go! Good to know you are open to having a #2 :) And it's great that K is an easy baby to care for.
10.4kg is light, then my boy is really light too. He's only 10kg. But my pd said it's ok, cos he doesn't feel bony and skinny, although he's like in the lowest percentile. He said could be genes. But I don't know where he got those genes from cos we're not small built.
Oh dear, my gal is only 8kg. Dr says she is under weight, advise to change her formula to pediasure for better weight gain but she has phlegm after that coz it's too sweet. So, switch back to gain iq. She doesn't eat much too, duno how to increase her weight.
Ian eats quite ok, just that he doesn't like milk. He takes only about 500ml a day. PD suggested adding milk into the food he eats, eg cereal (even if instruction didn't say add milk), food eg. cheese and milk sauce. She said need to feed more high calories food. U can try for your gal too.
sometimes I see Ian's stomach sooo big already, how to feed more? LOL Maybe your boy got genes from grandparents? Maybe his 'big' genes from u guys haven't kick in yet. Wait till he's in his teenage yrs then will suddenly shoot up. That was what happened to all my boy cousins, now they're all 'sky high'!
wow , i really have no guts to have another child, how you all do it, how do you cope? i jus wonder those who has # 2 , does u have a maid or Parent in laws to help u?

for me i jus be only to solely depend on child care centre.
Exactly, how to feed more when he's finished his fair share.
From grandparents? Hm...maybe la... Hopefully I don't complain he's too fat wen/if he suddenly shoots up. Haha....
Oh dear! What happened to your kids?? What illnesses they got? Flu? Have you thought of to disinfect your house?

Haha, we just have to do it, not that we have any other way around it. No, for us, no maid and no parents or ILs to help. Children go to childcare and nanny during the day and we fetch them after work. Already got use to that and we are doing just well :)

Itsy / Joli,
Not to worry lah. And no need to feed more. Just the normal portion will do. As I mentioned, monitor his growth pattern on the growth chart. If the graph is going up or down on a smooth way, then it's okay. Unless you see a sudden drop or jump, then it's time to worry. At least you don't have to suffer from backpain after carrying your son for a long time :p

Talking about genes. Genes that control weight and height is a very very complex system. It's not like just 1 gene that control the weight, and that you have that gene, you are fat, you don't have that gene, you are thin, it's not like that. It's a set of genes that contribute to the weight and height. Until now, the system is not fully understood yet. Obviously scientists are too busy to spend their time tackling diseases than to worry about the kgs and cms.

Really not to worry lah. Even for adults it's the same mah. I am those type who is just FAT no matter how active I am, how little I eat, very difficult to shed the kilos loh. But for others, no matter how inactive they are, how much they eat, they are still thin thin, very difficult to add an extra kilos. Agree? Same for the kids lah. As long as they are healthy, within the normal range, fat or skinny, tall or short, it's OKAY de!
Brightstar Kids label,
I remember some mummies using the Brightstar kids label. May I ask if the iron on labels can be reuse? can reuse how many times?
Itsy/ Joli

Thaddeus is only 9.6kg. Now I'm too busy taking care of 2 kids to worry about his weight. Most important is healthy.
Ian's first day in school

Finally I settled on a school and already I think I made the wrong choice

I mentioned b4 I don't have much choices for 2hr daily PG, eventually I settled for the teacher who speak with chinese accent. I tot at least this is better then indian accent (other PG I visited). It was not bad english, just bad accent. I was so wrong! I sit in to observe the class today and the teacher spoke such bad english! Broken singlish! She actually said ‎"I don't want like that, fighting fighting boom boom boom ah!" and "just now u do what?"

Arghh... And I paid! Feel cheated lah. She made me pay b4 I can sit in else Ian and I can only stay for 10min.

Broken english aside, I think Ian had fun, he didn't even bother to look at me. Haiz.. do I really have to settle for monkeys just cos i pay with peanuts?
Itsy..Saw in facebook that Ian went to sparkle tots at Tivela is it? That was one of my shortlisted too, since it's the newest nearby our neighbourhood. Did you check out Faith Educare (Blk 275D) and My first school too? I saw in Sengkang.com forum that Faith educare is quite popular too, and the queue is long. In the end i didnt check out all those places. Also heard from my colleague that Apple tree playgroup has good curriculum, you can check it out too.

We've decided to send Elise to once a week (Saturday) playgroup in Tampines. Perhaps will let her continue in this PG till end of the year, and change her to those daily PG from next year onwards. She only attended 2 classes so far, not too bad, as there are 2 teachers vs 3 to 4 students.

Ian is not going to Sparkle tots, sparkle tots is a full day cc. I sent Ian to a 2hr daily PG. I didn't check out the other CC u mentioned cos I'm looking for PG. If I sent Ian to CC, i'll most prob go to work, but if I work then most prob, we won't be able to spent time with him.. actually knowing our industry, fetching Ian at 7pm might be a big problem. I'm going to try for apple tree, hope the q is not long.

2teacher to 3-4 students is very good ration!

My gal went to her grandparents' house over the long weekend, then come back sick... now sure who in the house was unwell. Keep my finger crossed that Hao Hao will not fall sick for the next few days...
We don't take any supplement. Just healthy and balanced diet, with lots of veg and fruits. My kids also don't take supplement.
Itsy...i see, thought that sparkle tots have PG as well. Which PG you send Ian to? Walking distance from our place? If i remember correctly, apple tree registration for children born in 2009 will start in June, keep a look out for it! I will check it out too, think there are a few branches near our place.
yes it is true. i have a couple of chinese friends whose NUS education is funded by the singapore government. what the carforum thread did not mention is that these chinese students have to pay a bond to singapore after the completion of their studies. i can't remember if the bond period is 4 years or 6 years. i also cannot remember if the bond needs to be paid by working for a singapore registered company or merely for a company that is based in singapore (but not necessarily a singapore registered company).
Hi mummies,

To share with you my 3yo son's <font color="ff0000">first dental visit</font>. Probably a bit too early for our Sep09 kiddos, but well, you are going to need this sooner or later (I don't have any link with the clinic, just sharing as we have a great experience with them). Read my blog at http://babyhaore.blogspot.com/2011/05/first-dental-visit-for-our-3-years-old.html

Yes, it's true. Not only China, Sg gov recruits students from malaysia, india and all the neighbouring countries too. At every level - sec school, A-level, Poly, Uni, giving various types of scholarship - partial or full or some kind of discounts to the tuition fee. There is a bond of some sort, I also couldn't remember the details.

BUT, Sg gov has been more strict in taking in PR nowadays. It's no longer granted with a PR after their graduation. Only if they can find a job in Sg, then their PR application is most likely approved. BUT, for gov and stat board, they won't recruit any non-citizens or non-PR. So these fresh graduates from overseas are fighting hard to land on a job on the private sector, get their PR, and then they have more "freedom" in choosing their job.

For the friends whom I know, >50% stayed on and settled down in Sg after graduation as they are so comfortable living here and most of their friends are here. Some chose to become Sg citizens. But there are still quite a big number of the malaysians would choose to go back after working for a few years or when the bond is over. I guess it's the same for people from other countries.
My colleague after getting the degree only keen to serve the bond and back to M'sia. Actually for those graduate locally, they can land a job easily as they are given first priority to get PR instead of study oversea.

I was surprise when read that the China PRC are invited with everything paid for. They can go all the way to villages to get students to fill the space here. Why locals still have to pay school fee for the degree while PRC don't need?

They can work in private sector.
Not really "invited" lah, but it's a recruitment process, something like we can offer you this this and that and that, if you agree, sign here. According to a friend of mine, who was "recruited" when she was at sec school, and yes, she lived in a pretty "kampung" place in malaysia, rep from Sg would go there and give lots of talks etc and also to talk to the parents. Don't forget, these pupils they recruit are all top students at that particular school, that's what Sg wants, not random pick. They are offered full scholarship, so no need to pay. There are also locals who get scholarship.
My colleague just told me his classmate return to shanghai without serving e bond. Y no penalty?

So if our result r average, will have to struggle for sch fee.
Guess it's the same in all countries, not just Sg, right?? In general, scholarships are given to students who show outstanding performance in certain area, be it academics, sports, leadership, etc. It's competitive awards. And every country does award scholarships to students from foreign countries. Just that may be Sg gives out a little too many scholarships to foreign students.
i need some recommendation...

any goood conventional oven brand to recommend?
my current one is technogas...
I am using Rinnai. Also built in. Seldom use and its my first oven, so can't really tell if its good or no good.
Electrolux is a good brand. I think my mum using Zanussi which i think its an old brand.
brandt roughly cost how much?
thinking of getting a built-in but scare the element spoilt due to mould build-up again...
i seldom use my oven and it die on me(element trip when i use that function) but using the fan function w/o the element my power never trip...

so now thinking either to get another table-top and slot it into the empty space...
i nvr heard of recruitment like tt in singapore from other country. This morning my colleague wAs commenting tt m'sian study here got 80% subsidize. I guess most of e citizen aren't aware of tt. My colleague even comment tt it is v cheap to study here. So we r recruiting foreigner to take scholarship n local to study abroad. A weird trend. I saw e biodata of e Jw pap members, all graduate from oversea.

Sorry I can't remember he price but I remember I got it during June sale at Harvey Norman. They threw in vouchers where I can get $100 off (If I remember correctly). U may wanna wait till the GSS to check out prices. U can also call Goh Ah Bee (in hougang) to ask them to quote for whatever model u want. Their price is very competitive and they do delivery.
