(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


I do hope childcare don't bath the kids like what u say. Is like going to petrol station for car washing.


Self-employed mothers are entitled to $300 MCYS subsidy too. U can check with the centre that u going to enrol for the docs that they needs. Otherwise, u can go to the subordinate court to make a declaration and submit to the cc centre will do.

There are also extra subsidy given for household income below $3500. That means, if both parent income is less than $3500, they can apply for extra subsidy on top of $300 subsidy for working mums.

Hope this will clarify ur doubts.

Paige, hahaha! Lolx but most people called me stupid. Waste my money waste my time waste my effort cos the boss don't like such teachers. Cos students get too close to me and parents will then get v close to me too! If I Hv the money or opportunity to Hv my own centre,I think I'll be happy! Hahahahaha! 

Kam, I also think is Bo chup! My Hb likes to say tml then help me do this do that find this find that but tml never come! Even ask for his decision to do things also like talking to the wall. Grr! 

Itsy,Kiki, my friend last time told me her girl's cc bathe the girls and boys together. And then they strip them naked while waiting for their turn. Usually we don't mix the gender no matter how young. We bathe either boys or girls first. And she said her girl was screaming and crying in the toilet(she peeped from outside!) and she felt her girl would catch cold lor. But of cos there's sch which has gd teachers too. So to me, sch is more like a building. More impt is the management n teachers n environment.
<font color="aa00aa">rach</font>

something like that... Im doing most things all on my own. plus my active Jaelle makes it even worse for me. climb here n there... do this n that... and i cant seem to do my chores in peace. sometimes really bo bian, i gotta leave her wailing behind the safety gate. peepin at her every now and then hoping she dun get into any mischief.

as u all know, my hub is often away, so im really "alone"? If i got help in the chores day in day out, then of cos i can spend more time with her and also rest more. Then perhaps a PG or stay home till its time for real sch.

However, if this was the only factor then it wouldnt have been imposed... we both want her to learn and interact more with her peers. Learn how to care and share. When any of her classmate cries, she will always go over to sayang him or her irregardless(this is according to her teacher). She now can speak more words and is able to self-feed and be attentive in school. Try asking her to be attentive at home to learn? hurhur~
kiki / Itsy,
I can't remember clearly who asked me about ordering books from Dangdang. I just received the books yesterday. The quality is pretty good, similar quality (in terms of the paper materials and the prints) to the books you get from local bookshops. I am going to order more, cos it's CHEAP and good :)

See pix (the last pix in the post) I uploaded on my blog http://babyhaore.blogspot.com/2011/04/toys-and-books.html. All of these (4 books for myself, 1 set of 6 books, 1 set of 12 books and 1 hard copy book for HR), for $60+ only (after included all costs)!

I have checked with MCYS before and below is their reply:

If you are a full-time Real Estate Agent, you can produce a letter from the company and the certified estate agent licence to the child care centre when you enrol your child in the centre. If you are a coordinator for a real estate agent , you will need to submit to the child care centre a statutory declaration as a self-employed mother, stating working status and total working hours per month. Statutory declaration can be obtained from the address :

Commissioner For Oaths Section

New Supreme Court Building

1 Supreme Court Lane

Level 3M

Tel: 63323940 (General Office)

Operating Hours: Monday - Friday, 8.45am to 4.30pm

More details can be found in the following website: http://app.supremecourt.gov.sg/default.aspx?pgID=51
thanks mummies for the reply...

xrisgoh> wah... think i'm eligible for the extra subsidy leh.... where to get more information??? hehehehe.. :p
i may really juz take you up on your offer, everywk i send my girl to your house for 'chinese' lessons! ahaha...

hey, if you're gonna order dangdang again yourself, do let me know. i might like to join. the set of 12 books look interesting. the contents easy to read or not, i mean...for a 'potato' like me. got pin yin?

whats the child to teacher ratio ah? i think its 1:12? max is 24 kids? imagine at full capacity, teachers wanna bathe 24 kids, how would u go about it? =p 1-by-1 bathe, dry and dress like how u would your own child at home? er.... probably not rite?! but i've asked several centres when i visited how they go about bathing the children and they all claim it is not like 'production' style. keke... but then hor...their bathroom is so big! so the question in my heart was, if you really bathe the children 1-by-1, why do u need such a huge bathroom?!
<font color="0000ff">kam</font>
eh, if there is pin yin below the characters, I also want!!!

<font color="0000ff">kiki</font>
For the CC that K's at, there is a dedicated person (not teacher, she is actually the cleaner!) who bathes the kids. Both teachers have to take turns to undress and dry the kids.

But,...they use 1 huge bottle of some sort of all purpose bath, just with one squirt, rub rub, head, rub rub body, then armpit, hands, with one stroke all the way down to legs and rinse...!!

I think you might freak out if they do that to kimmy...haha.. but I just close one eye, as long as Kate doesnt come back with rashes, I'm fine with it
Paige> that's how I bathe rayanne leh... One squirt of CB shampoo... Abit on head... Then rub rub neck, shoulders, armpits, body and all the way down.. Then back to lather the hair.. Then rinse... 5min I'm done bathing her...
U mean u actually bathe Kate otherwise??
Wow, your kids got lots of toys and books! Thanks, I'm going to check out dangdang too. Is this from China? Can i ask, are the book content very China? Cos I noticed some children books from china uses different terminology from what we usually use.
Kiki / Paige,
Unfortunately, no pin yin :-( Only if I am a SAHM, I definitely welcome Kim to come over our place for some Chinese lessons :p

Oh really, lots of toys meh, some of friends told me we have quite a lot, but after I saw what Sheryn and Qy and some other mummies got, I thought ours are not a lot.

I specially chose those translated books, these few we bought are famous children books in Japan. Very interesting, HR chose the book over TV, imagine that! Yes, I agree, those written by China author ones are somehow funny.

RE: Shower in cc
Both cc HR attended are showering the kid one by one. Both accommodate to our request to use CB shampoo and body wash and apply CB lotion after that. They don't have big toilet leh, exactly the size like we have at home. Usually teachers have to work in pairs, I do the "wet" job and 1 do the "dry" job :) Faster that way. When it's not their turn yet, they play at the side loh and waiting for their turn. Younger kids may need more help. I cannot imagine kids all gone naked and lining up waiting to be shower, really got such things meh???
Think my kids' books and toys can only occupy 2 squares in your shelf! They only have 15 books.

I borrow books from library for my kids. Don't have space to put too many books at home...
Kam and Kiki
I read chinese yet when I see the site my eyes go @.@ LOL Kiki, you are so gonna be LOST in that webby!
Oh really, 15 books? I bought 1 series already 12 books liao, keke :) We also borrow books from library almost only a weekly basis esp those board books from babies/young toddlers. How come no space to store books leh, their books small in size, won't take up so much space de.

Ya, the website is very busy. But I find it okay leh. Okay for me to know and to find what I want.

Oh, no no no, I don't do spree. I am just sharing :)
lol! yes, i definately feel very lost when i go ssee the dangdang website! can't even get what the description of the books mean! jialat!

don't know if really got such things, but thats what i heard from friends lah!
haha, how come u know in such detail how the aunty (cleaner) bathes the kids at kate's CC? u've seen it before?! actually i'm fine too as long as no rashes like what u said lah, but i'd be particular if they bathe her 'production' style! coz i'd be worried she'd catch a cold! =p
Hi Rach,

Regarding the extra subsidy, you can apply through the childcare centre - it is called the CFAC subsidy. For more info, u can visit www.mcys.gov.sg/comcareschemes


For toddlers, the ratio shld 1:8. So, if the class size is big, more teachers shuld be in that class to help around.

From what i see at my centre, one teacher will bath the children &amp; one will help to dry them and wear clothes and diapers for them. If the kids are older(N2 &amp; above), they will wear the clothes themselves after the teacher dry them up.

MCYS is also very particular abt bathing in cc, girls &amp; boys must be separated. Fans must be off during changing times.
My house very small... my piano already occupies a big space, so not much space to get a shelf like yours. Wanted to get more books for them, but not very sure what are the suitable books for 2-3 years old. You have any recommendation?

MCYS has regulation in separation during bathing?? My gal's CC only has 1 bathing cubicle, then the boys and gals are wrapped in towel and sit outside the cubicle... then I must talk to the princial to check how come they violate the rule...
oh yes, todddlers below 30mths ratio is 1:8, but once after 30mths becomes 1:12. i keep thinking 1:12 because i'm considering putting my gal in CC next yr. so this bathing issue is one of my concerns and consideration.

yeah, i think there is some kind of ruling to separate the boys and girls. i didn't know and was surprised when that day, one of my gal's teachers was helping a girl in the toilet to pee and a boy went up and took a peek at her! then the teacher quickly say 'eh...cannot see, cannot see! quick go out!' and tried to block the boy's view. quite comical! keke...
Xris> thanks!!

Kiki> of cuz!! Extra subsidy why not?? Unless got some "side effects" like taking grant for HDB...
my household is less than $3500 leh...
I nv really work for 20mos yah.... On and off got work like no work...
Mummies> I have a shipment from china coming back next week... If u want, I can ship in for u all the dang dang books... BUT, order &amp; payment must be in by this Sunday.. Else not in time to reach the ship...
Let me know...
Rach -> U are welcome.


Yes, coz i am working in a childcare centre. Girls &amp; boys must be separated. By rights, they also don't allow so many to undress together and sitting down with the towel to wait for their turn(based on what my senior say), this will affect licensing. However, in daily routine, we just split into 2 groups coz time is limited.
<font color="0000ff">cindy</font>
eh you seriously want them? I thought you are getting some from Rach, hahah!
can can, but bulk of it are hand me downs from my friend though, so it looks quite old... and some have those yellow stains on the collar, so that's why I paiseh to offer.
Actually I already gave one batch to Salvation army, then thought maybe it could be used for better cause?

<font color="0000ff">christina</font>
Oh no! Kate's CC all boys and girls bathe at the same time, as in teacher takes off clothes, then go to aunty, bathe, goes to teacher to dry and wear clothes, then the other will follow suit, all of them will sit and wait for their turn - boys AND girls!! Gosh! actually is this a big concern at their age? ermmm, sometimes she sits in the shower and see me bathe also leh...(especially when daddy travels and she is Miss Super Glue)

<font color="0000ff">kiki</font>
yes, we are allowed to stay with them the whole 3 days until their nap time, so I followed them everywhere, saw how they bathe the kids, saw how they teach and what they eat.

<font color="0000ff">rach</font>
hahah, actually I roughly also do the same bathing method, but I think I rub and rinse a bit more carefully

At this age, they duno anything yet but how about the older age group, do they mix together? I think N1 &amp; PG still acceptable but N2 onwards, should split. Your gal's childcare is not bad, can let u stay with her. I remember i did not stay with my gal and pick her after lunch for the first few days, after that she is ok &amp; stay for the whole day.

All mummies,

How u shower the kid's hair? I notice that my gal is scared of washing hair lately. Even when i bath for her, she will cling onto my leg &amp; my shorts will be all wet after bathing her.
Paige / Rach
I wan some pass down clothes.. They grow up so fast.. It's ok la.. I have not started buying any yet. Scared.. Once u start cannot stop. Why not? When you guys are offering.. Mayb I just spend my money on gai gai clothes.. Haha.
Let me know if u willing to pass me, can arrange to collect when free.
stain or not, it's ok lah!!
Cindy> plenty.. u come and see see look look la... maybe for small token will do.. as u know... i spent hundreds for the clothes.. hahaha....
stained one so far i all throw liaoz...
last time RY NB - 3m all hand-me-downs...
so when i was packing for RL, those stain i all buang liaoz...
RL i also bought NEW ones!! hahaha...so really alot la... u come and lelong urself okie... kekeke...
some only wear 1-2 times.. canot wear liaoz....

today went to see PD for 6in1...
at 8weeks+, Rl is 6.6kg, 57.5cm, 40cm head.
>97% percentile.. wahahaha....
PD says 1kg a month....
born at 4.23kg, 2mos should be 6.2kg...and she alraedy 6.6kg... wahahah.....

Mummy is a good cow... :p
Connie> from dangdang website to my ship... local charges will be same as those spree ba... they got charge local charge??
but confirm my shipping will be cheaper... cuz the one KAM bought from.. her shipping is by weight.. horrendous... and we est she earns alot from the sprees... cuz we know the cost.

I have 10playmats coming back.. already pay the bulk of shipping le.. the small small books shouldnt be much..and the shipping is via volume..not weight.. so its okie...

PM me ur orders can? this is not spree thread and i will miss out..
Thanks for the link! I'm going to be lazy and just buy this set :p

MMRV booster
Ian went for booster yesterday. Weight 10.4kg. PD says too light! Ask me to feed more. Goodness, he's already eating all the time. How to feed more?! Is 10.4kg really that light?
itsy> errrr.... RY is 11.6kg... 83 or 87cm (can't rem liaoz...)
Shes 75%....
PD says bigger than average liaoz... Lol...
She took her booster jab &amp; pneumococal today...

Apparently there's a change of law effect 1jan...
After 12mos take pneu need to take 2 jabs... 1 jab not enough... So ry has to take 2nd jab which she did today with booster..

Think pneu quite painful... After her nap, she woke up limping on the leg with pneu jab... Hhmmmmm.....

So far a bit feverish... Nothing too high.. So i just leave it...
I find Ian's weight okay. As long as it's not a sudden dip from his last month weight, and he has been healthy. As long as you are feeding him healthy nutritionous food, not much to worry loh, I think it has to do with the genes also, which you cannot change :p

My gal was 13.6kg about a month ago :)
Ian took jab on his arm leh. PD said "Big boy can take jab on arm". He cried for er.. 1 sec then got distracted by sweet, after i took away the sweet, he held his arm and pretended to cry. Recep gave him a small pack of biscuit then he stopped. After finish eating the biscuit. again he held his arm and pretended to cry! By then we were having dinner, so I gave him fries. I think that boy blackmailed us! No fever too. RY is 83/87!? They measured Ian is 81cm. I tot he grew but clinic measured him as 81cm for pass few months =.=""

He's eating very well. I hope he got his papa's tall skinny genes, not mine :p Even if short and skinny, I'll be very sad too.. Hahaha

Mummies, ur babies taking HEP A ma??
RY took pneu 2nd dose yest with booster jab... Was told left HeP A... Not compulsory but advisable....

Drinking from cup>
Mummies, any of ur Todd can drink from cup or tried??
Yest at PD, she asked if RY can do it...
Honestly never tried...
She tried to take my empty cup and mimic drinking la... But most of the time only when it's empty....
Told PD scared messy.. Never give her before.... :S

PD told her medical student in the room, sometimes not the child cannot do certain things, but parents didn't give them a chance to... >.<""

Any particular brand of cups better for training purpose?

And climbing up stairs alone without our help...
I Nv tried also.. Always hold her by the hand to go up &amp; down.... Today I tried to let her climb and she could do it by holding unto the rails...
Ian can drink from cup (only plain water cos easier to clean if spill) and he can go up stairs (not too big steps kind) on his own without help. If steps not too high, he doesn't even need to hold on to railing. I agree with your PD, Ian can do all these cos I let him (I'm lazy lah), if his papa takes care of him, sure he won't learn cos he carries him all the time!
<font color="0000ff">cindy</font>
sure, aiyah! I gave a batch to salvation army end of last year!
Anyway, I'll keep this one for you, I already pack them in a (similac) diaper bag which I also don't need anymore.
PM me when is best to meet and collect? maybe if there is another playdate, can pass to you?

<font color="0000ff">rach</font>
Kate started drinking from cup at around 15 months, that's because she was trained to do that at childcare. Climb stairs, like itsy also can climb up herself with out help, but needs to hold on railings when she goes down.
Am also still undecided about Hep A. I myself dont even have that jab, so I might skip the non-essential jabs...

<font color="0000ff">itsy</font>
don't worry too much, Ian looks healthy and most importantly, he is achieving all his milestones and doing very well!

<font color="0000ff">kam</font>
OMG!! your XY is almost as heavy as her korkor? I think she might weigh the same as him now?!
I have lots of friends complanning it's the daddy who is more protactive. This cannot that cannot ;-)

I think we are lucky, cos the kids got the tall genes from my hub and the fat genes from me, tall and fat not too bad a combination hor :)))

No lah, HR is closing 16kg already and it's crossing 100cm soon. XY is tall though, taller than HR when he was this age.
LOL yes, Itsy can climb stairs on her own. :D

I have the same thinking, I eat all sorts of food and I haven't even taken my Hep A. Ian takes home cooked food most of the time, maybe can avoid taking the jab now. But PD said the jab is for life so earlier jab better.
