(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

谢谢赏脸 :)

No, I have yet to use Codeplex. Now paying Blog2Print once every year to get the PDF file.

A dollop of me is not Paige. She is corsage, she didn't post here for a long long long time already. Her blog is a very good read though, her daughter is very cute.

The PAGE thing in FB is not really a blog bah. There is a function in FB - "NOTES" and some people use this to blog.


is it worthwhile to send our darling to MMI? i will be paying $984 after subsidy... any experience mummies been sending your child to MMI?
Hi mummies my boy ganna bitten not only once but twice by one of the boys so red and swollen ! So heart pain .. My hub so pissed off that he is thinking of interrogating the teachers complain to the pricipal sue the centre claim medical fee from the parents report to mcys and sue the centre 
Aiyoh, so seriously meh. Don't forget the fact that one day your boy might bite others too! Growing up in a group is like that, hard to prevent things like this happened. The kids will only stop biting people altogether when they pass 2yo, some even later. My son got bitten a few times when he was at infant care. We just laughed it off. Heart pain is definitely heart pain lah, but this doesn't affect his health, so to us it's okay. 得饶人处且饶人!

my #1 also get bitten by a boy in her class, and now there is a scar on her arm. before that the boy used fingers and gripped her arm until there were deep marks. of course heart pain, but I spoke to the teacher-in-charge, and told her that I will meet that parent if it happens again. That parent wrote us a letter of apology.

if u are going to sue the centre, so it means that u have to transfer your boy to another centre right?
I agree is part of growing up and definitely in a group there bound to be something from here and there. Even if we change centre it will still happen we can't prevent this from happen. My hub was so pissed off I told him to let go .. If it happen again I will wan to see parents but this morning he cannot take it and scolded the teachers in charge for not doing their duty ..
<font color="119911">Babiesmeme</font>
Just my tots.. after teachers got scolded, will they start treating ur boy differently? Teachers r humans too, who likes to be scolded?

maybe can convey to your husband that biting is not something any adult can prevent. because biting happens at a *snap* instance. i know it hurts when your child is bitten, but to be frank, <u>an adult carer can never react as fast as the biting child</u>. whether the adult carer is the teacher, or principle, or me, or you, or your husband. i feel that there is no point interrogating or complaining or suing because the teacher and principle did not mean for it to happen in the first place (unless your husband is able to prove that they instigated the biting child to attack your child. or if your husband can prove that they were watching the biting child for many minutes already and just standing doing nothing but waiting for the biting child to sink his/her teeth into your child).

both my children have been bitten by their classmates a few times before in different schools. when the teachers tell me about it, they are always very apologetic even though it's never their fault. because they themselves already feel quite bad, sometimes i thank them for having provided comfort and an ice pack to my child. like kam said, there really isn't much to be done and there are no ill effects on their health, so just have to be zen about it and let the incident(s) pass =)
<font color="119911">Formula milk</font>
Ian has been taking Mamil Gold. I took a sip of it and is so surprise that it's SOOO sweet! I learnt from Ling that not all FM are so sweet, so I'd like to ask mummies here, what brand of FM r u feeding your kids? I'm seriously thinking of changing brand.

Sam takes Enfagrow Original, &amp; it doesn't taste sweet to me. In fact, my PD would normally 'recommend' Enfa or Similac coz these taste more like breastmilk / fresh milk. I dunno abt whether Similac is sweet though, coz I've never used it.
Shanis is taking Enfragrow... i dont know why Jul and cloudme says original. i think Shanis's also original lah... Not sweet too.. i find similac very sweet... didnt try Mamil Gold as i gave my sample tin away.

is there more than 1 type of Enfragrow?? hehe
<font color="119911">FM</font>
Thanks! Is Enfragrow very ex? I just asked for sample tin. Hope Ian can accept it after drinking very sweet milk for the past 8months. I should have tasted it b4 giving it to him.

<font color="119911">Joli</font>
All Ian's jabs are on his thigh.

There's a vanilla flavour for Enfagrow. I bought it wrongly once.


My PD jabbed on the thighs.


Enfa's one of the most expensive brands. The other one which sort of keeps pace with Enfa on the price is Similac/Gain. I think Friso is one of the more affordable brands.

So what did Ian take before Mamil? BM?
Formula milk - yah I also wanna know more! Lolx! I hv samples of fm frm enfa and friso. Any babies drinking friso?? Is friso sweet or what?? I don't think I will taste leh cos I really dislike milk taste!! How how??

Ytd we had a great session during the playdate. My Z skip his nap and actually almost KO in e car. Then I quickly ask my hb to shower him so that I can prepare to make him zz. He did fell zzz at 8pm but woke up at 9.30pm!!! And that's the time I start to feel my left boob in pain and was shivering suddenly. Took my temperature and I was actually running a fever. It's so sudden! Hours ago I was fine and then suddenly I'm down w fever. I guess it must be the pain in my left boob and continuous super late nite cause me to be like this.. Been latching on the left boob the whole day but I still feel pain..
why!?!?! Blocked milk duct?? How ah!?
Mine is on thigh.. I ever ask the doc y some doc poke in arm. He say is the same on so long can poke in and is the least pain to the kid
I agree with Kam and sandwich, its something that the teacher cannot control. Kate got bitten, hmm, me think, about 4 times in infant care. And she also bit a friend once!

Teacher told me that at this age, they cannot verbalise their expression (anger, frustration) so they bite!

I think a few mummies here also knew that my daughter's finger got "kiaped" at the door hinge due to negligance of a teacher, it was red and swollen until the branch director had to bring her to KKH A&amp;E, and a few days later, the fingernails turned black, 3 weeks later the whole nail dropped off!

I never scold the teacher, she did not even personally apologise to me...(although the branch director was very apologetic lah), but I did tell the branch director to tell her teachers to be more careful next time.

When I went back to visit the infant are 2 weeks ago, I brought small gifts along and was told that she has been fired! (KAte is now at another childcare)
Hi Mummies, who child who is in child care, care to share with me which centre they are at?

I remember a mummy here send her child to Child Development centre at Telok Blangah.. i saw that plc is like so much, jus that they dun have vacancy now
Ian was on enfalac then similac for a while (2months old) then total BF till abt 1 yr old. Then its FM. I let him try enfa but he didn't like it, he drank Mamil Gold so I just carried on with this lor. But now I realise it's sooo sweet!
Thanks for info. I din realise he din do his booster yet,so MMR got defered. Jabbed the thigh like most of u, he was alright.

And I did a 'bad' thing today! Gave him some Mcs frenchfries. *Notti*
Great that you're discussing FM. I was also looking for FM, thinking of weaning him or perhaps mix. He has tried GainIQ only, and he's ok with it. Or I may consider freshmilk.

Can SAHM share your tot's routine with me?
I realise that each time something is out of the ordinary, such as go out, sick, etc; he has great difficulty getting back to his routine. And being at home, he sleeps whenever he likes, which then affects his eating time, etc. Then everything become like haywire, and I don't know which routine to stick to, cos everyday different.
hi gals!

Waha! I took so long to catch up on all the posts. 2 whole months worth of it. Have been up to my neck with work.

So the topic is on blogging now?

My son is taken care by my mum &amp; helper. Mon to Fri his routine is about the same.

7:00am -wake up &amp; milk feed
8:00am- bath
Play time
9:00 - breakfast cereal + egg
9:30am - nap
10:30 - wake up &amp; play time
11:15 - lunch
2:00 - milk &amp; nap time
3:30 - wake up &amp; play time
4:15pm - dinner
Play time
7:00pm - milk feed &amp; will doze off by 8pm
12 midnight - most time will wake up for milk feed
<font color="119911">Joli</font>
First time Ian took fries was he “偷吃" from my tray at BK. I wasn't looking and he helped himself to it. After that one time, when he sees fries, he says WAH and insists on eating them. So now we seldom eat fastfood cos we dun wanna let him take too much fries.

My son started out with friso. By the third month, he milk strike. No choice, let him try similac. He has been drinking till now . Friso is more bland compare to similac. But I find that both brands smells yucky. I don't find similac sweet , maybe I haven taste it bah..
Ian's schedule is very different from Kaira's boy.

8-9:30am — Wake, wash, breakfast with fresh milk
after bf — "study time" eg. read, board, cards etc..
after study time — he plays on his own, while mama plays FB

11:30-12pm — Lunch
1pm — FM, naps (he might not nap till 2-3pm)
3-4pm — wake, snack, bath, play

6:30pm Dinner
9pm Fm, sleep
Most of the time i'd just read to him cos art and craft esp painting, is very messy and stressful for me :p LOL
I started introducing one feed of Nan HA 2 at 8 months,totally stopped breast milk at 10 months, took NAN HA 3 for 2 months and at 12 months I gave her freshmilk until now

you are so disciplined...I think if I'm a SAHM, I will just leave Kate to do whatever she wants, no structure at all!

The playdate looks sooooo fun!!
Re: FM
My gal used to be on Mamil Gold until i also discovered it was ridiculously sweet (many ants crawling on the discarded refill pack). She is taking Nan Pro 3 now. It's the first brand I tried and it's not sweet and she was ok with it, so we just continued with it.
<font color="119911">Paige</font>
Actually I leave him to run amok sometimes too. But cos I wanna 'fix' meal and nap time so must have discipline lor. Having a fixed schedule will make my life easier cos he knows when he have to sleep, eat and play. I think the real disciplined one is Kiki! Spend so much time teaching Kimberly and sending her for classes. Hats off!
K was drinking Nan Ha till he is 12 months. Pd asked us to Tried switching to normal milk as he might outgrown his allergies. Then we switch to Nan pro till now still nan pro 3 ;))
morning mummies,

joust wondering if any one order from Yan for her cuppies/cupcakes b4?
currently she is running a BP in BP thread...

any feedback to share?
paige, princess, itsy, kaira

I need your email address to authorise right? PM me k?

Btw I JUST started, so there're not many posts lor *blush* And I haven't started posting photos either so I'm afraid it's not very attractive. 请多多指教


Sam took S-26 the first month, then Enfalac for the next 2 mths, then total EBM/FBM till 1. He rejected Enfapro initially too. Took me ages to 'train' his tastebuds! I had to mix 30ml FM : 150ml FBM then shlowly increased by 30ml every 3 days till he finally took full FM. Guess Enfa isn't sweet so Ian didn't like it as mucha s Mamil haha


Oh yeah! Sam hasn't done his 18mth 6-in-1 booster yet &amp; he's already 19.5 mths! Oops!

Sam's routine (times are plus &amp; minus by abt 15min):
645am : Wake up, straightaway he'll whine for milk, then poo after about half an hour (I don't potty train tho)
845am : Breakfast (bread with butter/cheese, or hotcakes, or more seldom, cereal), then play
1115am : Shower
12pm : Lunch (usu porridge, or I'll try to make mee suah or udon or pasta to try to make him take something other than porridge), then relax, continue watching TV etc while the food digests
130pm : Nap (usu 2h)
330/4pm : Waje up &amp; scream for milk again
530pm : Fruits (sometimes I skip this if I don't have any)
6pm : Dinner (Same old stuff)
845pm : Shower, prepare for bed, milk, then forcing him to nap

If we're out, we try to keep him awake during the car ride till it's about the same time for his nap. If he's fallen asleep, we try to be very very very careful &amp; transfer him to his cot to continue napping. We're also quite anal abt his meal times. The biggst challenge is to force him to nap. So we try very hard to make him stick to his nap time. It's a bit more haywire at MIL's coz she's not bothered with routine no matter the lip service she pays to it.

I had a quick browse though your blog. Saw the part about Berlin &amp; Munich! I miss being there! Argh.. when can I afford the time (&amp; ability) to travel there again?

Seems like most sep toddlers are having around the same routine by now.

Yihui's schedule :
6am wakes up and plays on her own in her cot
630-7 pick her up, depending on how tired i am.
7am drink milk and eat breakfast (cereal), then go out and walk walk for 15-30 mins, come back shower. then read/play
1045am lunch
1130am sleep for 1-2 hours
2pm drink milk, then play/read/walkwalk
5pm dinner. then bathe.
630pm koonz

only on tues and thurs will the schedule differs because she comes back at 1130am from her playgroup. so lunch and nap gets pushed back and she sleeps around 7pm.

on weekends, she usually sleeps at 8pm because we can't get back in time...

she auto sleeps. Just carry her for 5-10 mins then she will knock out. But on tues and thurs, she won't because her schedule got upsetted. So I just leave her there to cry for like 10 mins and she will ko on her own.

next year when she goes to nursery and comes home at 12 noon, i have to shift all her timings again....

tippy socks and waterproof apron for artwork

i used to see a lot of bps selling those tippy socks or something. the anti slip socks. but now i can't find them anymore! same goes for the apron. she's outgrown the one i bought from bp.

where to find anti slip socks and apron online now?? any idea?
