(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

And they did request me to pay for June school fees together with apr.
Tempted to go to ssc leh. But hubby and I signed up some events at church. Ending at 11am. If hubby ok to go ssc after that, will text milky.
Mummies and babies,

Enjoy your outing tomorrow
Back from mini playdate with Qy! Went to lot1 n hv mini WaterPlay to ensure I can keep my eyes on F alone, all went well.
Bernice my number 82181737
Mummies, how to stop PIL from speaking English to F????????
Go 'war war hands'
One two tee or far sick..... How how????
Itsy - go war war hand leh!!! I forgot to add - wear shoo shoo n sot sot!! BTH... Help help... I got say before lo. Dun speak ang mo to him.. They OrH OrH, Tml say again... Sian ah..
maybe cos u speak ang mo to F so PIL think that F understands ang mo more, so they speak ang mo to him lor. LOL But I totally understand what u mean cos my mum's ang mo is also half bucket. Luckily she speaks to Ian in Chinese or Cantonese.
haahaahaaahahaha, i cant stop laughing, you are so funny! Rofl....(literally)
my mil too, i always remind her to speak mandarin and ONLY mandarin but she still try to speak english coz she thinks kate doest understand mandarin, so must speak mandarin then repeat in broken english *faint*...good thing i see them only 2hrs/week.

Kam, bernice, milkyway,myfachoco,cindy, see u all tmrw, praying hard kate will not have any fever from her 5in1 booster.

I havent had ashtons for ages!
You mean it's your first time went to Lot 1 roof top playground despite staying so near? I like it a lot too, there are even open shower area, you notice? And we went there too today!! But very late lah, from 8 to 9pm, after the water stopped. Just let them play at the dry area. XY was playing and being taken care of by 2 primary school jie jie, while HR was playing with 2 boys. We were totally hands off, sat there and chat, so shiok!

Haha! That's very funny! Just now I spoken to those few primary students who played with my kids, their English all very rojak lah, never spoke a proper sentence during our conversation.
oh...S's cot cannot convert to bed? i've not converted mine yet! i think staying 'confined' during bedtime is still a good idea for now! =p mine also serta! but no no...ain't sharing it with her! keke...

thanks! got the list.

why is she forbidden to swim till 3? ya, wear tshirt n shorts also ok. i think for SSC they will not get as wet as in NEX. its also not as windy there so its ok i think. but in any case, if u prefer a swimwear, i have extra. its still big for my K, so i think your K shd be able to fit into it. let me know?

how come don't allow u to reg? how oldis your girl now? supposed to be 17 mths can reg already! oh, your place there is only PM session? mine all AM!

$800/mth is for how many hrs/day or how many days/wk? so decided to go with MFC?

cindy, myfavchoco
lot 1 fun ah? have not tried there before. is it bigger?

your PIL england is farni! =p
this 5-in-1 jab that kate just took shd be the last one before P1 hor? i can't wait for K to take it end of the mth! so many jabs!!! hope u can make it tmr.

must buy toto
my hb might be coming along tmr. wahaha... think i can buy toto maybe will strike! he 1st time say he wanna join us. =p
<font color="aa00aa"><u><font size="+1">Sept Babies Gathering</font></u>


Too bad, I doubt I can’t make it… =(
Can I just check what time are u all meeting??
i laugh till peng leh... so farni lah.. but hor... my mum's angmo also half past 6 one leh.. singlish, broken english.. hubby always complained! i alreayd told her many times to speak to S in mandarin lor. again hubby complains her mandarin pronunciation also incorrect. Aiyoh.. i also headache! but i tot just try to explain to S in future and correct her when she understands better lor. Although it's better to start early, she is the main caregiver also bo pian lah. (see my angmo so singlish too) hahaha

my cot can b converted but i need it abt 6 months down the road too... so instead of buying another cot, tot of getting a new bed for S. And i need more storage too!

oh u reminded me i need to search for S's new swimsuit too! wonder where i kept it le...

gathering tmr
thanks bernice i got the contact list. will save it shortly.. sigh.. i haben tot of my logistics tmr yet.. either cab there or drive there. Hubby most prob cant join or join later ba as part time helper is coming at 11.30am lor. cya tmr!
should be ok la.. even fever also wont so fast ba.. TOUCH WOOD...

YES... 2nd time go up but first time play =P
i notice the open shower.. next time i go there bathe liao =P

i think bigger ba.. dry area (playground) confirm smaller.. more fun too..

just send u a PM of all contacts
think the mtg is set at 11am. come lah!

oh ya! i forgot abt... yes yes, in that case i think shd buy a new bed instead of another cot! ikea's got quite cute n nice kid's bed. =) some comes with side rails i think.

Thanks! It's been a long hard journey lol


Mil's english is also broken. Her mandarin isn't much better. She speaks to sam in a smattering of english, mandarin, hokkien, malay... I told her a few times to use only 1 language at a time but she says that sam must learn many languages. Er.. So he cannot speak thoroughly in any language but need to sub with many others? I give up!


$800 is for 3 hour kindy. Yup MFC is it. But not starting till next yr n only if san passes the evaluation lor
kiki- i hope to be there lo.. but tmr got ppl coming to view my place in the late afternoon... n i may have flats to view tmr as well but agent can only confirm tmr morning. Also, have been pretty tired these days... Coming sun n mon is goin to be a full day out with my fren who just came back from indo aft 3yrs!

I tink I better stay home ba... dun wana rush also... U ALL ENJOY AH! =)
*nod* *nod*

i just rem i forgot to ask hub abt the amazon shippin!! i must rem to ask him tmr ar

come lah... rest on Tues lah! haha
Mummies seriously I prefer they speak hokkien to him lo. At least it's biao zhun hokkien n nx time he can speak hokkien fluently... But I scare he pick up their angmo n the word stuck with him, it will b very difficult to change when he is older.. He will feel how come I say so long no problem den suddenly hv to correct it.
Waterplay gathering
Mummies and toddlers have fun later! I have something on in the morning so can't join your. I hope to still go Lower Seletar Park later in the day.

Singlish/broken english
Cindy, that's really funny! My mum also speaking to Yunze in broken english sometimes. Worst is she don't know english at all. So pronunciation is super bad! Words like 'tou'(throw), and yes one too tee. Yunze also say shoo shoo (shoes). But at least it's shoo shoo, not soo soo. LOL

I always tell them to speak to him in mandarin. English can wait. She asks me why not speak english to him, so he can be bilingual mah. I will prefer he only speak in one language properly lor. Haha.. but I also speak in singlish sometimes la. My hub is very concerned with him growing up in a broken english environment as my nieces are speaking broken english. Gosh.. I always have to correct them. They will hate me when they are in their teens. lol
Jul - $800 per month for 3hrs kindy huh? premium ley! Since it's what you want, then worth it la!

Huishan - Do join us if you can!

Cindy - Have added your hp to the list and wanted to PM you the rest of the contacts but you do not accept PM ley.

kiki - Haha you should buy 4D, if he comes, my hubby got company to chat!

milkyway - noted, will be driving to SSC.

ling - Do join us if you can! the more the merrier!

Gina - Do PM me your number??

See you all there tomorrow at 11am ok?

Which floor is the waterplay thingy?
- MILKYWAY: congrats!

- mummies n bbs, enjoy ur play date tml!

just wanna find out if any of you had encountered problems with passport photo when u bring your kiddos overseas? my gal took her photo when she was 2/3months old, and she obviously looks very different now.
should i apply for another passport for her? gg to ang moh country so might be a bit strict. thanks!
Contests milkyway!!

Now I have a problem! My girl wake up so early by 11, it will be her naptime! Or am I the o ly one still letting her nap after she wakes up for 2-3hrs?!


Thanks babes for the list!
Hey, what time will you all be at SSC till?
I wanna go too, but 11am is a bit tight. Can probably make it at 11.30am. First time there some more, and it's so far up north, hope will not lose our way
better to change the passport now. I will also change my gal one this month.

When the gal called me, my gal already 17 mths. Only she cannot start 1st Mar cause not reach 18mths so they say cannot register. They need someone immediate. Means every months got vacancy. Wonder y. They only have slot for 11am and not 9am.

Mine already rojak. Maid n MIL also teach whatever they like so I just close my eyes. Only correct it if I hear it.
Kate made her passort when she was 4 months old. We travelled to Germany and UK last october when she was about 14 months and it was alright (and many trips to Msia in between).
We are also going to the states end march, beginning april (if my visa gets approved) and I have no intentions of changing her passport.
I think should be alright, the ang mos think all chinese kids look alike anyway!
I guess everyone who went to SSC splash park is burnt to a certain extent!
Super hot morning...
Nice to see the little ones having fun, though mine was stuck to me half the time. argh!
mine made her passport at 4mths too, and we recently travelled to bkk. no problem though. just bring a photocopy of gabby's birthcert so that in case any issues u can prove she's your daughter!

playdate today
its raining super heavily now...crazy weather! was SO hot earlier and now its raining n thunderstorm! paige, don't worry, yours wasn't the only one stuck to u! i also don' know why recently kim keeps clinging onto me. she's not like that with her daddy! she must be v tired, we came home at 1+, she fell asleep after drinking milk until now still zzz! u got sunburned?
It was good meeting everyone
Just so nice to see all the tiny tots, all so cute! And first time in Sembawang so far. We really explored the place before leaving, ha ha...

Kiki - you were there too? Haha...so many people, I blur, don't know who is who.

Isn't there an option of just updating the passport photo? I think my sis did that when her kids were younger. So, my nephew has his older toddler photo on the 2nd page. But I'm not sure of the current regulations.
Nice to meet u.. I also blur, didn know is u. I thought is kam frd or relative.. I couldn't remember whose nick is who too.. When u told me joli, I thought to myself " ahh.. I thought joli is yunzhe mommy?" then I know I remember wrongly ;p

Sighzz I m in a super bad mood now.. If u did c my FB post, u should know.. Now queuing to make police report ;(
<font color="119911">myfavchoco</font>
Yunzhe's mommy is Joopz.

Aiyo, must make report? cool down cool down, ok
Haha...cos I met Kam at the last playdate, so I know her. I wanted to go playdates a few times, but it's always rather faraway for me. Or sometimes timing salah. But time to get my butt moving, so this time, so far also go lor...plus hb was free, so go SSC see see look look.
Good leh...the little one still sleeping, yay! (sekali tonight cannot sleep!) When is the next play date? *addicted*

Aiya...this FB thingy, I think I better get it moving too. My friends have been complaining too, but I just din put it on my priority list. Can't be helped, they also knew I wasn't a fan of msn,chats,and the sorts, cos at work so busy also. Then now, lagi busy la. Me miss the "freedom" in front of pc all the time =P Hope all is well.
u were there? i didn't know! no one introduced and i thought u were kam's friend or relative too! i'm the one with the clingy crybaby. i don't know why lately she become like that, see me only want to be carried, very manja! but with her papa she's not like that! very tiring for me!!

oh dear, what happened?! i read your FB but how come ended up have to make police rpt?!
Haha...I din see anyone with a clingy crybaby leh...just saw cute little tiny tots...all so cute and all so different in their own cute ways

FB - that's why lor. Time to get it done. But that's gonna make me even busier.
thanks. R u going UK? saw ur FB post asking if u should watch Man U with Chelsea or the other not well-known team... hehe.. I would opt for ManU vs Chelsea though i'm a liverpool fan :p

for the passport photo, if the immigration officer didnt ask to change, ithink should be fine?? We went melbourne when S was 14months with her 4 or 5 months old passport photo too and werent stopped. Definitely dont look like her too so i guess it's fine?

thanks. For S, she dont have a fix fix time but more like a fix period... ie in the afternoon she definitely needs 1 nap. I will decide on the time at my convenience or she will just ko when she cant tahan anymore lor.

i werent intro to u too!! *waves* from here! haha

Joli - Nice to meet you 1st time today! Do get a FB account ;)

Wow, today weather was HOT. Hubby was saying it's better to go around 4pm plus like that when the sun is not so hot. He's afraid of his princess kenna sunburnt. A liked SSC splashpark, initially she was afraid to walk around then after coaxing her with the mini fountain, she was alright liao.

myfavchoco - How come must make police report? Was the video being deleted in the end?
