(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs


waking up in such odd hours like me too? my son has been waking up every 2hours last nite. My eyes are like big panda now...:| He is now playing in the exersaucer zzzzz.........

just make payment for the teething tablets hope it works better than the dentinox that i apply on cayden. Does not seems to help a lot

-> milkyway
for me, cos hubs is the higher income earner (in the next tax bracket), so he will claim the whole amt of QCR cos it means for tax savings. no pt i claim cos i'm paying a lower tax rate.

if u n hubby are in the same tax bracket, perhaps u calculate tt if u were to claim both the QCR + WMCR, can it bring ur tax braccket to a lower bracket? in this way, u can decide who to claim the QCR or share it btwn yourselves.

-> first foods book
shared previously tt u can buy direct from publisher @ $22.25 inclusive of postage (instead of the usual $27+).

can d/l the form here: http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/pdf/Revised%20Order%20Form_First%20Foods.pdf

do call the publisher to check if offer is still valid first.
oh my gal only wake up once last nite but she hasn't done si for awhile already! I heard music fr her toy which was placed in her cot by her side.. Nv has she woken up just to play. Think she got bored or hungry then started to make noise. Then I woke up and then latch her to slp :p

u r up at this hr too?? yah we thinking of doing that too. Then not sure how much WMCR will cone up to b as the guidelines says it's cal based on our eligibility?

see whose pay comes up to be more after claiming reliefs. Let that person claim for the parenthood relief especially of that person falls under higher tax bracket percentage. You can check the cut offs I think it's 40k, 80k,120k etc. I can't rem. It's stated there.
milkyway> keke. at least she's playing with her toys n not disturbing u?

i oso tot of letting hubby claim instead, cos his pay is higher n according to wat i know, if ur pay hit de nxt range, de taxable amt is higher. so need to do some reading up here on the claiming of tax

xmasc> can understand man. my boy sleeps thru n i oredi get panda eyes, cos of de lack of sleep from usual
potbelly, michelle
yah lor.. been reading up on the claims too.. hehe want to see how to minimise the tax or dont have to pay with the parenthood tax rebate. :p

yah she play on her own for some time b4 she make noise cos i vaguely heard music in my sleep! haha
tax> from what i read, there is:
- working mother child relief (1st child - 15% of mum's income)
- child relief (1st child - 4k)
- parenthood tax rebate (1st child - 5k worth of "tax money")

so best for mum to claim wmcr, dad to claim child relief. cos de 15% of wmcr is after less of child relief if claimed under mother.

den this parenthood tax rebate is a one of sum of money. so best is each person take 2.5k, den use it to minus whatever tax we need to pay. example this yr mum need to pay 1.5k tax after all the relief, dad need to pay 2k tax after all the relief, den mum's portion of 2.5k-1.5k=1k and dad's portion of 2.5k-2k=0.5k can be brought forward to deduct on next year tax.

anyone can correct me if i am wrong?
potbelly, michelle
yah lor.. been reading up on the claims too.. hehe want to see how to minimise the tax or dont have to pay with the parenthood tax rebate. :p

yah she play on her own for some time b4 she make noise cos i vaguely heard music in my sleep! haha
<font color="ff6000">michelle/milkyway</font>
haha joking only lar! i am not qualified to be one also lor! not sure if u r aware but got this excel template in the iras webby where u can use to calculate the income tax payable with all the reliefs and rebates pre-input liao so u can ahem, trial and error, to estimate urs and hub's income tax payable and play ard see who to apportion how much lor. esp when u see who's income hits the next bracket. this rebate can be used till child is 6-7 i think? sigh memory is really failing me big time! oh yah michelle, think dun need the diapers from u! thanks!

<font color="ff6000">waking up early</font>
mine likes to wake up at 5.30am to poo now!

<font color="ff6000">paige</font>
haha same! mine always came back on mon complaining abt the super chim lecture! u just ask ur hubs to sms mine if u need the caps. can i give u the bottles as well? haha! if not i think i will go recycle them next wk. sigh guess i m gg to miss him big time!

<font color="ff6000">sandwich</font>
wah! i hope titus is fine now! i am thinking of feeding bananas today or tmr. u know wad??!! lina is back!!!
my gal loves banana! didnt have any sighs of reaction leh... but the poo came out sticky sticky and damn smelly after that leh... hope titus is better...

oh got excel template ar.. later i go play with it.

yes the parenthood tax rebate can be carried forward until fully utilised, no age limit as cookiez mentioned. check this link: http://www.iras.gov.sg/irasHome/page04.aspx?id=1528
michelle/ milkyway
All along i hardly gets 4 hours sleep after he was born...and i co sleep with him hence whenever he wakes up i would too.

Recently i suspect it worsen because of his tooth. Hope it will gets better grr....
Morning Ladies! Hope everyone's well today!

Wow! My goodness! Ur hubby has determination man. What's he studying for? I've got hardly any brains and time now with Marc.
<font color="ff0000">Sandwich,</font>
That's weird. I went on to do some readings, and actually banana can cause allergy reaction. Though it's a low-grade allergen. Pasted below:

If you have an Banana Allergy then you suffer from allergies Type 1 or contact allergy. The protein found in banana called chitinase, causes the immune system in some individuals to overreact and treat the protein as harmful to your body. The reason the body overacts to certain foods is not clear and more studies are needed. The protein called chitinase is also found in avocado and kiwi fruit.

Another cause of the allergy reaction could be due to intolerance to bananas and not a true allergy reaction. This intolerance could be caused by Vaso-active amines. Vaso-active amines are histamine like substances that occur naturally in foods and can trigger symptoms that can mimic allergy reactions. Vaso-active amines are called histamine, phenyl-ethylamine, serotonin, tyramine and dopamine.
morning mommies!
wow.. now topic on tax.. i havent do mine yet...

im wondering can i claim for grandparent caregiver relief.. even though my mom started only in nov and dec last yr. Jan to Oct, she was working part-time but the total amount dun hit the $20K ceiling income.
any idea anybody? thanks!

im a lazy mommy, i din make any for my boy... only bought nestle brown rice cereal... n yesterday bought another mixed fruit flavour for him...

everyday/ morning i dragged myself to work... so so tired and reluctantly.. =(
wish i can stay home to look after bb and watch his milestones myself...
period and drop in ss
can check with mummies whose period r back.. How many days of low ss and how much drop ar?? Or is mine a real drop?? 2days already..

I suspect mine is back, for real this time... SS drops by more than half... Don't even feel like pumping man.. So little!!!
Ian looks so big boy!!! A pity we cannot chat last saturday. Is pouring cats and dogs. Thanks for getting my loots. We should catch up one of these days in Compasspoint :p

i have spotting since last month. The tot that menses is back is so sianz....i already gotso used without buying pads!
oh..ian looks so mature in the photo. hehe.. love his cheeky smile.

my hb said there was a few times he heard my girl talking to herself in wee hrs of the morning, but she didn't fuss and eventually fell back asleep. i wonder if she was sleep tallking or what! lol.

6 months mark
hey...so anyone organising any gatherings for the 6 mths mark? did u gals meet up that time at petite bowl??
milkyway> keke. my pay not so high. shuld be dun need pay income tax this yr =p

my supply drop even when i had spotting

cookiezz> my hubby n my pay belongs to the same pay frame. so shuld not make a diffs as to claim under who. but i think to maximise, it's better i claim wmcr n he claim cr. den we both share the parenthood rebate

xmasc> ur hubby dun help u? like this in de long run, no good for ur health wor

itsy> keke. cute ian. seems like all de paper can sit themselves. except my notti boy -_-
<font color="0000ff">Gerald</font> That's the diff! Its normally just me and baby at home during wkdays!! How I wish he's home EARLY more often!
I was so stressed, one day I actually wanted to pack my bags and dissapear with Kate!
I married a Nerd, he treats this MSc course like a "hobby"...*sigh*

<font color="0000ff">itsy</font> hahaha, how come Ian's like holding on to the chair for his dear life
so cute

<font color="0000ff">supply</font>
My supply also drop after the mastitis incident...arghh! not sure whether I should start supplementing with formula....but Kate only drinks 2 x 130ml at infant care...so little, right!!???
paige> my supply oso beginning to drop. erms. think it's our body. too tired n protesting =p

but ur gal really drinks little at infant care wor. my son drinks like 160ml X 3 at infant care. my hubby made me angry. he told me he gave baby 180ml X 3 to bring to sch. cos he wanna finish the bottle of milk in de fridge -_-" den i told him, but baby wun finish n will end up wasting the milk. den i told him soon his baby will have no more milk. cos my supply dropping. grrs.
yah my hubby does help. Just that his work is lagi more stressful than mine and when he isback from work he will to take care till 8plus and i will make cayden sleep then.

So usually when cayden wakes up in the nite, he already say harlow to zhuo gong liao...hahaha din even noe bb wakes up. So i let him sleep lor.

Perhaps i should start letting him sleep in the baby cot.
<font color="0000ff">michelle</font>
IF Javier can drink 3 x 180ml then its ok lah...since you have lots of stock in your freezer :p i have only like maybe at most 10 bottles of 130-150mls....everyday trying hard to drink lots of milo and pump and squeeze out every single drop of milk....*sigh* when i go back to work next week, dunno how..
Oh, Kate has 2 x 130mls + 60mls of home made puree for lunch...but her daddy brings her there at 9am and i pick her up at 5pm (now that I'm still not at work)
I think Javier spends more time at infant care, so he might need more milk
wow kate really drinks very little leh.. for the whole day? R u supplementing with a full solid meal??

shanis is still drinking 4x 120ml each during the day + 2 latch and half feed of cereal/puree a day.

guess she didnt have enuff last nite due to ss drop so she wakes in the wee hr for milk?

kate seems to be drinking n eating lesser then kimberly! my girl now can drink up to 150ml and for cereal n puree each meal about 80ml followed by 100ml milk 1 hr later. her appetite seems to have grown suddenly! maybe she's on a growth spurt! i'm wondering if i shd increase the cereal or puree amt.

by the way, mummies feeding cereal and puree, can share how much does your baby take now at about 6 mths old?
xmasc> heng my hubby only meet zhuo gong after i meet n will wake up n help even if he meet zhuo gong. n ya, i let my boy sleep in his cot

paige> prob is my boy cant drink 3X180ml. only 3X160ml at most -_-" aiyoh. freezer got alot oso cannot waste. very heartpain one leh. all my effort like tat throw away.

wah. drink many cups of milo? not too heaty? i oredi fall sick very easily now. need to take vitamin c everyday.

hehe. no wonder la. now kate only spend so short time at infant care. my boy drinks at 9am, 1pm, 5pm with 3 tablespoon of cereal at 11am
kiki> my boy's schedule:

645am: latch
9am: milk 160ml
11am: 45ml cereal
1pm: milk 160ml
5pm: milk 160ml
7pm: cereal+puree 70ml
930pm: latch
1am: milk 180ml
your morning 11am cereal how come feed so little only? i wonder when should we increase the amt. and up to what amt. currently i'm also feeding abt 70-80ml each feed.
how to make the brown rice cereal not so watery. But the time my boi finish his brown rice cereal it becomes water! I add 3 tablespoons brown rice powder with 60ml fm
which brand u're feeding? some brands must add lesser liquid, else very watery. that said, i think all brands of cereal if u have a slow eater, most of the time halfway thru it turns watery. don't really think there's any solution leh.
looks like im overfeeding my joseph?? his schedule now is:

0730am 120ml milk
0815am 4 tbsp cereal + 1 tiny cube (less than 1oz) of fruit
1000am 120ml milk
1300pm 170ml milk
1600pm 170ml milk
1800pm a small bowl of porridge
2030pm 170ml milk
midnight 170ml milk
kiki> actually morning cereal is i estimate one la. sch say feed him 3tbsp in de morning. i dunno 3tbsp is how much, so i put at 45ml? dey slowly up him 1/2 tablespoon every 2wks to c if he can eat more.

babiesmeme> i add very little water to cereal one leh. 30ml of cereal or so, i only add like 40ml of water oso
kiki - for the AM feed, I usually give a cereal mixed with fruit, i think what looks like no more than 60ml of food. For dinner it's some kinda of veg mixture like peas and carrots or potato and spinach. Also same amount. Will start to increase and not give milk to top up.

Question on Feeding - When do you think we should 1. start adding meat/ fish? And start feeding 3 times a day? Anyone have any idea?

My period came and I've stopped pumping when it stopped hurting but I heard a baby fuss during lunch time and my boobs started to tingle
Hi everyone,

Seem like everyone is feeding their baby food. I am a lazy mum. Haven't really did any puree for my boy yet. This tiger year hasn't being very good and smooth for me and my family, sigh.......

1st was my boy kenna UTI. Than sick /fever/ flu from the 2nd jab until recently than better.

2nd was my elder boy also keep crying and suddenly like to shout at me when he can't get the thing he wants. I talk to him nicely he don't listen so i think i have to change my strategy. I throw him out of the house twice. He is only 3 year old. After this 2 incident, he improve alot. Now before he shout, he think twice. Not sure if i am correct anot.

3rd my hubby just met with a accident in US. Lucky not serious injury, just some cut and aching.

Anyway life still have to go on. Just have to hold on till my hubby back in july. Me now beside work is to go home and take care of my two little monster or perharp little angels.

Basically i just dump everything like brocoli with rice into the blender and blend everything together than put a piece of meat for flavouring and cook it for 1hr than i feed my boy.

Everyday so tired.
J does seem to be feeding well. Not overfed though, I think.

My colleague is giving her 4 months old 180ml of EBM every 3 hourly, and her daughter weighing 9.5kg at 4 months old!!!

So sorry to hear. You gonna trust yourself, you can do it, and you do what best for your kids. Jia you, jia you!!! If you don't have enough time to cook, why not opt for Tingkat? There are a lot of alternatives/helps available. Even for baby puree, there is the Petit Bowl offering puree.
omg! u're doing 8 feeds a day?! i think u may be overfeeding leh...but if joseph still willingly takes then maybe its ok. but i read that babies at 6 mths suppose to reduce to 5 times feeds a day leh! i'm doing 6 times feeds because i feel my girl is small eater/drinker.


i'm alsonot sure when we start adding meat/fish, but probably not so soon? i intend to start at abt 8-10 mths old. see how first.

sorry to hear that this yr hasn't been good n smooth for u. hope things will be better soon! take care.

do u blend the meat in too?
I don't feel so bad now
... my baby is 9.4kg at 6.5mths, I think cos she's a really good sleeper.

My friend is feeding her son fish and chicken already when he was 6.5 mths, ... and the lil dude is crawling really fast. Plus my mom is bugging me, I think I'll try and wait till she's 7.5mths.

Tiwi, sorry to read about your problems, anyway your friends or family can help a little before you reach your breaking point?
mummies how to determine if babies can eat more? or should eat more? after each cereal feed, wat gap would it be till another round of milk?

farrell's schedule:
6.30am = 180ml fm
10am = 1 scoope fm+ 2 scoope brown rice + some puree i can find
1.30pm = 180ml fm
4.30pm = 180ml fm
7.30pm = 1 scoope fm+ 2 scoope cereal + some whatever puree i can find
10.30pm = 180ml fm
in between he can snack .. fruits, puffs, yogurt... etc etc
is it too much? he is 5mths + 3weeks now... i think he weigh about 9plus kg bah..
hi sandwich,
thanks, my son is currently takin frisocrem rice cereal mix with every 3-4hrly his BM feeding of 160..

so envy u mummies realy can hav time to do puree.

recently i bot my son Gerber puffs &amp; pear juice.

jus to add on like others mummies feeding schedule, my son one is very boring :-

9:00 am = BM 160ml + 2tabletspoons of RiCe cereal
1:00 pm = same
2:00pm = Pear juice 30ml + 4 tiny puffs as snacks
5:00 pm = same
7:00pm = Pear juice 30ml + 4 tiny puffs as snacks
9:00 pm = same
1:00 am = same

my son is 6.5months old and weighing 11.5kilos

BTW, is follow -on formula is advisable to add to any puree?

my son have not try any formula since birth til now, i m very worry about complication like constipation diarhrea
<font color="0000ff">flower4</font> OMG!!!! 11.5kgs!!!!!!! wow!!

<font color="0000ff">milkyway, kiki</font> yeah
she doesnt like to drink from the bottle
the first 2 days i brought 3 bottles X 120mls and she never finish them! so wasted, only drank 100mls x 2 and 50mls for the last feed and the teacher threw the rest away, all that effort, so decided to only bring 2 X feed and she is doing better this week, managed to finish all of it....i think she is a rebel! doesn't want to drink from bottle so protest!

<font color="0000ff">michelle</font> ya, she goes in at 9am, so teacher never feed her cereal because all the kids have their cereal at 0830...if go late, they clear up already! First week i never supply my own puree, so teacher gave her either cereal or porridge for lunch, but i was shocked when i saw the daily report that they gave her scallop porridge, so hubby was suggesting since i'm still on leave, might as well make puree for her lunch everyday.

<font color="119911">formula milk</font>

so sad. my bm is dwindling. think the fbm in my fridge cannot last too long. so have to supply fm soon.

doing survey. mommies, what fm are you giving to you babies?
