(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Hi mommies,
I send an email to Traffic police and receive below reply:

Q) I have 2 babies age 5 months and 21 months.
My car do not have amper space to accommodate 2 baby seat and 3 adults
(Excluded driver). What should I do?

A)A child below 8 years of age is required to be properly secured by an
approved child restraint appropriate for a child of that height and
weight, if a seatbelt is available for usage. Any driver who fails to
comply with the rule commits an offence which entails a composition amount
of S$120/- and 3 demerit points.

If you have 2 infants or toddlers travelling in a car, all of them must
still be belted up in child seats suitable for them.

Traffic Police believes that the safety of all drivers and passengers is
of utmost importance. Hence, we strongly advise all drivers and
passengers to abide by our rules. In addition, all parents should take it
upon themselves to ensure that only approved child restraints that are
suitable for their children are used. In collisions occurring at a speed
of 50 kmph, an unsecured 7 kg baby can be violently flung against the
dashboard or through the windscreen. This can happen even if an adult
wearing a seat belt holds him. Therefore, child safety seats should be
used to protect all children who are travelling in cars. The baby could
also be flung against other passengers, resulting in serious injury or
even death.

Nonetheless, you may wish to note that number of passengers carried on a
motor vehicle shall not exceed its licensed seating capacity. This is
provided by Section 47 of the Road Traffic (Motor Vehicle, Registration
and Licensing) Rules Chapter 276, Rule 5. In calculating the seating
capacity of any motor vehicle, the driver’s seat shall be excluded.

Seem like they take infant/tobble as 1 pax. SO car cannot have 2 infant , 3 adults exclude driver lor. No wonder singapore don have family with many children nowaday.

Hi Kiki, Marie, Sandwich and Jen,

Thanks for the info! I still remember all those places except.. where's fusionopolis? Haven't been away for THAT long.. about 1 year plus. But I'll bet I'll be very suaku when I'm back
Looking forward to all that sun!
rachel> alr? wat's tat? keke. my brother is de one who took de pics for my boy on a mthly basis =p

i love ur gals' eyes too. brown!! keke

kam> keke. i guess all babies are cute. i remember urs too. de one with alot of hair. my boy still botak one. =p but pple say he got beckham hair -_-"

kiki> he take photos for fun de la. but i think he loves photography =p

cloudme> thanx. ya. everyone comments my boy love to smile n super frendly. all his infant care teacher oso tell me tat everyday. erms...

sandwich> thx

myfavchoco> keke. ya. thick eyebrow like his daddy =p actually my eyebrow oso pretty thick =x so if i dun smile, pple think i'm fierce too =x

kiki> letdown ba. sometimes before i start pumping, de milk leak liaos =p
<font color="dc143c">Healthy Times</font>
Emailed the person no reply... called and she replied faster loh..

Expiry dates:
Baby Jars: est 1 year's time.
Cereals: 1-2 years, different expiry dates
Biscuits: 7-8months..

She assured me that it's definitely not 2-3months expiry kind..

so PM me if u want to spree together..
<font color="dc143c">Ling</font>
yup yup.. as long as its Healthy Times..

<font color="dc143c">Rachel</font>
hehehe..next time before u buy, check with our thread first.. often we can get better deals..
ling: hahaha i dunno alot of clothes and things for bb :S

rach: been checking but yous only selling organic food atm and i can't bring food stuff back.
I know a lot of you org bps. Would like your advice. I'm trying to sell my bumbo seat and the buyer wants me to post it to her! How much would the postage cost?
Rachel> no!! I organising ALOT of things.. not just food.. hahahah.... baby cubes, cloth books, ON clothes, Foogo Food Jars..
and my own BP.. hahaha....

potbelly> wah.. 3.55 if its less than 2kg.. let me go weigh mine...
er.. I need your help. I'm looking for the portable highchair (its like a piece of cloth that u put on normal chairs for them to sit n eat.) I think its a brilliant idea I saw it in the shop today but $58!! I already spent $155 (aside from that $600 on bp) on toys for her so I bu se de buy! :S

I think I got a shopping addiction problem!! :S Lucky when i go back to aust I won't be able to shop online anymore! Thank god!
<font color="dc143c">Rachel</font>
it is called My Little Seat.
we wanted to bring it in previously but didnt meet MOQ..
we need 18 to go ahead but onl have 6..

the price we got is cheaper than wat u saw...

theres a cheaper alternative $39.90... ermmm... i think its at www.kidsloft.com.sg or something...
but i forgot tt is promo price or retail price..
<font color="dc143c">Rachel</font>
Mmmm...cant... its a lower price.. cant publish n collate... hehe...
i cant post the price here as well... :p
Rachel> u dun accept PM.. PM me?? i explain to u..

u gonna order from which website??
u going back to Aussie soon?

But even if we hit the MOQ now, we need 3 weeks to arrive.. so... yah.... too late for u yah??
Sandwich, thanks for the link. Sandwich, minimum 200 to get discount is it?

Kam, they seemed okay after the one feed to stage 2. Today, went to buy one more tin of stage 1 to tide over the transition. Thanks.

My babies still can't sit without support!!! your gal is fast. i put them on bumbo and they lean forward to lick the center piece.

Connie, I am going to write to TP to ask them too. I have 2 babies and a maid. My back seat, once fitted with 2 huge baby seat, can't fit any normal size adult, unless I get dwarf as my maid. So, my maid sit on my lap or the baby seat on the maid's lap? siao!

Calling all mummies in the east,I will be ordering direct from Healthy Times and Fiti, pls PM me your order by this Sat if u wish to tag on my order. I only have slots for 6 Fitti because I will be taking 6.
Ling, already pmed u.

Mummies, pls pm me if you wish to order or ask for my address because I speed read the thread and may miss out your post..
rachel> ya. bp are addictive. must stop soon =p i was pretty much like u during my maternity days. buying clothes for baby up to 1yrs old or even beyond. but it's good in a way, cos now i too busy to go bp to look for good deals, n my baby still have new clothes to wear =p
bbq / potbelly_burp,
Try don't use the bumbo so that your baby can learn how to sit the proper way? What I did in the early days when they started to sit is I sat them on a mattress on the floor, then use 4 cushions to surrond her to protect her if she falls. Just like the tummy time training, put them to sit a few minutes a day initially, then slowly increase the time and the frequency. You would be surprise that they learn very fast. I never own a bumbo and both my kids sit unassisted at 5th month :) Must say this again, every baby is different though.

hello hello hello. MIA for quite a while.. bec im so tired.... he is still waking up 2x at nite and these few days even waking up 3 or 4x!!!!
i think he is just waking up ( making noise with eyes close)for fun...

i havent start weaning him yet bec my MIL says wait till 6 months but my hands already v itch reading your postings.

Rach> i sms you last wk on healthy times now you doing. good good. dont forget abt my bellamy :p
and im moving to simei side soon(june) so can meet up with you easily next time.
Prinzess> u shifting house???? Ooh... Ya next time I can go ur house drink coffee while waiting for my Hubby on sun.. Lol!!
If u back frm church la...
Need renov or not?? :p

bellamy so far I can't find.. If can I let u know... But I gg Ki siao Liao la.. Running 5-6( I lost count too..) different collations at one go.. My living room no more walking space liaoz... Lol!!

N rayanne is pulling my stuffs out to chew n suck!!! Gotta keep her hands off everytime... >.<"
<font color="0077aa">connie</font>
count me in for jurong!!
i want 1 L and 1 M!!

thank u!!

i will pm u too for details!! =D
Hi mummies, I remember reading that someone's baby had blood in the stools last time?
Can advise what was the cause of it? cause I have a friend whom has a girl 3months plus and has blood in her poo...

Can the mummy share the information?
<font color="dc143c">Steph</font>
Rayanne had a drop of blood in the stool.. dunno what is that also.. it didnt happen again...
but read online got alot different explanation.. i also forgot liaoz...

<font color="dc143c">Rachel</font>
hahha.. thanks... but she has small droopy eyes...

Nope.. never cut before.. trim once a bit fringe and back only at 4 months.
rach> ya shifting hse :p no need much reno bec althou already 5yrs pl the bachelor owner didnt really touch the kitchen only boil water. Only changing toilet bowl and shower screen area of master toilet . . :p . . only thing is its #03 . . . lucky its still unblocked. just never can get hfloor v v windy type of hse that i like and within my budget. Steph> that time there is a little blood in my boy stool plus mucus . Dr never say much . Just that if still same after a few days Send stool for testing .
cause my friend was saying doc suspect allergic to milk.. but allergic to milk will like that ah? she quite poor thing, all diary products cannot take cause she's breastfeeding
it was me. i'm not sure if its big enough leh..but i see my gf used it for the 1yr old and filled it almost full for 1 meal. so i reckon it might not be enough for 2 babies. but rach is collating the 16oz one too? that might be a better size for you i think.
Definitely steam. Don't boil, boiling will destroy the goodness of the veg/fruit. Yes, can be frozen.

My colleague's daughter urinate (a lot) blood when she was about 2-3 months old. Diagnosed with UTI. Ya, I agree with you, it sounds weird to think that allergy to milk would cause blood in stool?
