(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Kiki...</font>

Some correction here... <font color="ff0000">Jaelle</font> is my daughter. <font color="aa00aa">Janelle</font> is Jenifur's daughter. Heez... But no worries la..

I have 2 folders in my pc.. one is her photos weekly, the other is monthly. Well, I tot she has slimmed down quite a bit wor~ But she's definately longer. haha~

Dun worry abt Kim... maybe she'll just following her mommy.. Slim Slim de... </font>
kiki - I started her on solids at 5 mths, she was sooo ready. I have a friend who's son is 6.5 mths and he's already having chicken and fish but I'll only start her on that at maybe 7.5/ 8 mths.
The cover that I bought was the only type at the TMC retail shop. According to the gal, that is the cover. Fitted ok initially but after sterilise, gone case, cannot close lor.

Bought 4 types of cereal today since the happy belly not arrived yet. My gal not really like the Hertz vanilla. Not sure is it because I mix wif bm thus not sweet. she can finish her brother's cereal which is sweet.

Bought a pack at 3+ at NTUC. ALl green mean not ripe? Will wait for a few days before givin.
CAn check when u start giving avocado? After she taken cereal for a few days as a meal or just give inbetween meals?
Hi everyone!

Long time no log in as usual. See that everyone's good and all babies are doing well! Seems a number of babies are far ahead in hitting their milestones! Mine is rather lazy! Or slow lah.. haha

Just a quick question. Where can you get organic food in Sg? Oops, dead giveaway that I never cooked when I was here
Can I get organic cereal easily in supermarkets? Thinking of coming back for 3 months so it's quite impossible to lug milk powder and Co back.

Also, any idea if the car seat and pram can be checked in as luggage? Or must they be flown as cargo? Blur lah!

Jen, Kam and everyone who answered my questions about purees,
Thanks a lot! The recommended books are of a big help. Toyed with the idea of doing baby-led-weaning but was too kia si about the possibility of the baby choking.. must learn CPR! hehe.

Mademoiselle and Midnightblue,
your baby girls are so cute... ooh, here comes the itch! hehe..
milkyway &amp; Rach, thanks for the info on the clinic details

XY and HR are so sweet! HR is such a good kor-kor and XY is such a happy baby
yes agree with jul that all the babies' pics r so cute!!

love ur gal's eyes!!

ur boy's pics always look so professionally taken! Ur bro quite a gd photographer yah
milkyway> keke. ya lo. so my poor boy olways got to wait for my brother to come take pics for him =p cos de ones daddy n mummy take dun look so profeessional. but of cos got alot of shot on him captured on hubby's iphone too =p
good morning mummies

Ling > haha yes de..very good memory,i only appear few times in this thread.then dissapear coz of my bad confinment period, then baby having colic..struglling for that few months..&amp; now everything is fine and my gal is growing up healthy
Dear Rachel,
Your order is scheduled to be delivered by tomorrow, we will give a call in the afternoon to advise for the delivery timing. Please take note the promotion date has been changed to end at 15th March 2010.
Thanks and regards
MadeMoiSelle80, rachel, michelle, marie,
Your babies are so cute! How I wish I can hug them and kiss them!

Not to worry. When my gal changed from stage 1 to stage 2 (Enfa) a couple of weeks ago, I have also run out of stage 1 to do the slow transition. I only mix the 2 for the 1st day. Then from 2nd day, already fully stage 2. She has no problem with it at all. And partly because she is my #2, so I'm very relax about it unlike my #1, I die die follow the slow transition instruction exactly. But then again, every baby is different lah. Just wanna to share with you so you won't worry too much.

Sandwich and xiaowei,

HR also achieved about the same milestone like XY. This was what's recorded in my blog for HR:
5 months - Sitting without support
6 months - Creeping (moving by dragging whole body on the floor)
7 months - Pulling himself to stand
7 months 1 week - Crawling (on all fours)
7 months 2 week - Cruising
8 months 2 week - Standing freely
10 months 1 week - Walking

So I am expecting XY will be about the same. Actually this is "normal" according to the website (http://www.parentingweekly.com/baby/baby_information/development/index.asp) that I use to monitor baby's development. They hits the milestone on time according to the website, not too early. So I think every child has the potential to achieve this. Create the right environment for them learn, guide them along, and don't be over-protective :)
oh dear..paiseh! now that u mentioned it, i noticed. always thought that your girl n jen's #1 have the same name. good thing that u pointed it out.

organic food can be found in ntuc (more range at ntuc finest) and cold storage at the organic section... usually near the veggie and fruits section. organic cereals are together with the other baby food at the baby section. usually also near the diapers section (but not always). u just have to go through and see which ones are the organic ones. also, in paragon at the top floor there is a shop that sells organic baby food. i think there's one in great world city too but i'm not too sure which floor is it. u can probably check in the car seat n pram but better to wrap it up or pack it into a box else might get damage. actually pram u can push on board i think. then u ask the staff onboard to put it away for u.

nice sharp photos. your bro can be professional photographer leh.

your girl's got big round eyes too! awww...whats that she's holding on to, a pear?

fitti is ending the promo earlier then usual is it?
kiki - she's got a organic apple hostage

Trying to give her all organic veg, fruit and meat in her first year, bit expensive but I found out that there's organic chicken etc at the Cold Storage at Ion Orchard, 3 floor I believe. I get lotsa organic veg and fruit at the Pasir Panjang Wholesale Market cos I work kinda nearby.

welcome the new mummies

mademoiselle80 - welcome to our thread. Ur girl's beautiful!

Mdnightblue- your girl has very nice eyes!
Hi gals,

Sorry to intrude this thread. Was just wondering if any mommies are interested in buying Healthy Times Organic cereal and other munchies for your babies. There is a 15% disc off prices quoted on the website.

As I am capping at a total max purchase of $300, do send in your orders soon...

Collection Points: Redhill (aft office hrs or weekends), NEL Outram MRT (during office hrs), Bishan (my MIL's place, timing to be arranged), Joo Chiat area (during weekends, timing to be arranged).

Orders and payment (less 15%) to be made to my account by 5 March as I wish to place orders by 7 March. Please give me abt 1 wk for delivery and sorting out of the items among the mommies...

Please go to website www.healthytimes.sg and PM me your orders giving me the following info:
Your Nickname:
Contact Number: (compulsory, so that I can arrange and inform you of the purchases. Do not worry as I will not share ur no or spam it.)
Name of item:

Thanks and have a great day ahead!
brands like healthy times are available at NTUC. other than those listed by kiki and marie, you can also try out cold storage/marketplace located at raffles city, vivocity or fusionopolis. these three supermarkets have the widest range of baby organic foodstuff that i've seen. i don't know if you remember all these place though, since you've been away for such a long time.

nice photos!

me and cookie just ordered, but the distributor haven't contacted me back yet. i might have to call later to chase them a bit because i'm running out of cereal soon.
<font color="0077aa">Dear mommies! thanks for the bday wishes =)</font>

Warmest welcome new mommies here... (though i seldom pop in here) :p
simply no time to read except wkend when i have internet :p

woooh... cute nice pics of babies.. pretty big eyes!! :D
im just plain lazy to upload mine here :p
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Itsy</font>

Let me know if you are ordering healthy times.. I wana get e biscuit for Janelle &amp; Josiah</font>
Hi Mommies,

if interested, please PM me

Huggies Ultra - $14.50
Huggies Pull-up - $14.50
Huggies Dry/comfort - $15.00
Collection at Punggol.
Jenifur - I can't find the HT teething biscuits at NTUC or Cold Storage, annoying.

Maybe I'll do a bulk order for people in the east for Healthy Times, so far my order is about $100. Can arrange for pick up at Simei or Pasir Ris (Weekend). Anyone interested? Can order by this Sat perhaps?
Healthy times> maybe I can collate as well, then those who ordered stuffs frm me can just collect everything at one go!

PM me your orders!!
haha..holding the apple hostage. thanks for the tip, nextime i go ION will check out the cold storage.

maybe too many people ordered so they quickly cut short their promo :p

can u advise whats the expiration date like for the teething biscuits and cereal when u get them? thanks!
If no preservatives are used, why is it that the baby jar food can be stored for so long?
This is because of the canning process itself. All baby jar food are made from fresh ingredients and then pureed. They are then steamed, vacuum sealed and sterilized. This will prevent the contents to perish like fresh fruits or vegetables. Fresh fruits and vegetables are easily perishable due to

Growth of undesirable micro-organisms such as molds and yeast. Such micro-organism cannot thrive without oxygen which is effectively cut off by vacuuming before sealing of the baby jars.
Activity of food enzymes. Such food enzymes would be destroyed during the heating process of canning.
Reaction with oxygen in the air. As mentioned above, the jars are vacuumed before they are sealed, thus eliminating the presence of oxygen in the jars.

Though some parents are concerned about vitamins being lost during the heating process, a study by Barbara P. Klein, Ph.D. Professor of Food Science and Human Nutrition (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and Rhonda Kalezt, M.S. (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) shows that little vitamins are lost during the canning process. In fact, their study confirmed canned foods are comparable to, and sometimes better than, fresh and frozen varieties in terms of nutritional values.
Also, the canning process does not affect fibre content, making them comparable to fresh and frozen varieties. In fact, the heating process appears to make the fibre more soluble and, therefore, more useful to the body.

Abstract from FAQ from http://www.healthytimes.sg/faq.php#99
Any mummies whose kid is still Healthy Times cereal? I have 2 boxes for sale(1 box is Oatmeal cereal and 1 box is Brown rice cereal). My girl is no longer on cereal anymore after eating porridge. Pls PM me at [email protected].
<font color="dc143c">Healthy Times vs Happy Baby</font>

Sorry not sure if it was mentioned before... but whats the diff huh?

<font color="dc143c">Sandwich</font>
Any reason for being an ardent fan of healthy times? :p
something very strange happened just now. i think i leaked BM!! my girl was cranky and crying and then i felt something wet, look down... my left side of my tanktop got one round patch! i stopped BF for quite some time already. how come like that ah??
i'm not the fan lah, but my boys are, hahaa! my #1 loves their products. taste good i guess. he also likes barbara's bakery organic products, but that's harder to find than healthy times. at the rate that #1's chomping cookies/puffs and #2's consuming cereal, i'll save a lot if i purchase in bulk. #1 snacks continuously in the day - in the car in the morning, for breakfast in school (he'll eat his own snacks instead of those provided in school), for teabreak in school, as nighttime snack.

actually he eats a lot of non-organic snacks also like regular cornflakes, honeystars, crackers, butter cookies, shortbread (just introduced this to him!) ... but at the end of the day if i lay everything out on the table and get him to choose, he would pick the organic ones.
thats odd...your boy prefers the organic ones? i would have thought the non-organic ones are 'tastier'!
my friend's dog likes the organic snacks also. she greedily laps up my boy's teddy puffs and toothie pegs (belonging to another organic brand - bellamy's) when we visit her. but then again, maybe her dog's just greedy.

my boy prefers plain snacks. say when we offer butter cookies he'll go for the plain butter ones then when there's no choice he'll go for the sugared ones. for teddy puffs he prefer plain original flavour instead of the apple cinnamon ones. for arrow root cookies he also prefer vanilla instead of maple.
lol. my dog will lap up anything thats edible! most dogs are really greedy. i can imagine my dog lapping up the 'mess' my girl will create from her highchair sometime very soon. :p which is good...then mommy doesn't need to clean up!

its great that your boy prefers plain snacks. its healthier!
<font color="dc143c">marie</font>
yup i stay north...but i can pass to u at expo if u can come get it on sat abt 5-7.30pm or sun 10-1pm.. coz i'll be at expo on weekends..

I can pass to mummies at tamp as well on certain sat but depending on how big the loot, coz i'll be taking bus with Rayanne and the lootsss... if mummies no hurry i can meet 2-3mummies at one time..spread over a few weeks! haha..

<font color="dc143c">POO CHANGES</font>
OMG! I saw puree poo this morning..looks just like the avocado i fed Rayanne loh..just tat its not green color... gross!

<font color="dc143c">marie</font>
yup.. thats why i could deliver the milk trays to ur doorstep that time.. hahah.. had a lift from a fren..
