(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="0000ff">myfavchoco</font> - Hahah definately not me...

<font color="0000ff">Pam</font> - My boy and I both dropping hair like nobody's business loh

When wake up, the bed is all our hair...

My boy now hair drop till head patchy patchy one, never shave also got parts of head is botak liao...

<font color="119911">Pam &amp; Stephanie</font>
My boy drop so much hair till head patchy patchy, that's why I brought him to Pam's saloon to shave off everything! Look much better now. I'm dropping hair too..
Luckily, like Pam, I have sufficient hair to drop... at least for the time being, hope won't continue dropping till I need to go Yun NAm!
<font color="0000ff">itsy</font> - I dun bare to shave leh.. cause his "fringe" is still there... quite long and will stand one.. very cute and silly.. ahahahha *evil*
Hi everyone,

A mummy wants to order Fenugreek again... anyone else wants to order also? This time it will cost more cause I recently ordered some for myself (with other stuffs for my kids) and realised that price increased by USD $2.

So if I'm not wrong, this time it will cost about $21-$22 per bottle (this price is after the 20% discount).

If anyone wants to order, please email/pm me. Will place orders once hit min 15 bottles. Will place order in 1st week of Feb hopefully...
<font color="aa00aa">Rach</font>> after CNY!

back to work on Mon... supply dip as my pumping interval can be like 5hr!!! i better get a tin of FM ready in case i need to use.
wah... is it that serious?

I think at the end of the day, we'll just have to do what we deem as best. Marc's smile is something that I'm addicted to.

Have a good night ladies!
jul - hey i have received ur email. will trf tmr, zzzing now. btw u r using fitti 360deg right? issit good? for nights? its $60 for 6pkts right? hehe thx!

fitti basic - anyone using?
kam> keke. depends on how we look at it. sometimes i feel tat having my boy is happiness. but when he is notti, i will zzz. but yeah. sometimes i juz get melted by his smile =p

myfavchoco> ya. i really wish to stop at 1. but hubby still wans another one. zzz -_-

prinzess55> erms. my supply oso dropping all thanx to my boy's milk strike over de wkends. now back to wk, but cannot afford to pump more often to increase de supply again. sian lo. juz need to ensure i m not too far off fr my usual pumps, else soon will short fall of his demands..
-hair drop-
Oh my. I am also dropping hair like nobody's business! Just one touch, one or few strands drop. I am so afraid got one patch! -.- I also wondering when will my hair stop dropping so much.. i miss my long hair.... ):

Sobz.. so sad.. my boy Sick AGAIN. People breastfeed baby, i also breastfeed baby.. but my baby sick don't know how many times liao! ): And everyone scold me blame me.. as though i want it to happen! Sigh! I'm freaking tired and sleepy lor.. but i'm so worried his fever will come back again!

<font color="aa00aa">Kam</font>
Your girl sooooo cute leh... feel like pinch pinch! She got that cutie pie look! And she can sit up liao!!!

<font color="aa00aa">milkyway</font>
jiayou jiayou! Tml back to work liao right! jiayou!! :) I'm also thinking of getting that item but its really expensive.. i wanna know how long can they sit in... so far, my boy only got a rocker lor.... end up got to keep carry him, put him on rocker, sleep on the bed. He seemed so kelian.. like no such things for him to sit in... ): all because of one single income which make me cannot really buy such items anytime i like!!! Sigh...
<font color="#6600ff">Jul</font>

I hope it's not my period. I hate periodic cramps.

By the way... I got 50 pills of Dop. XD

<font color="#6600ff">Finally I'm done!</font>

Just to share with you mommies... My blogshop.


Off to bed I go... Catch a few winks before she wakes up.

yeah, i'm using fitti 360 for both day n nite now. ok lor, seems to be able to tahan, n the stretchy waistband looks comfy. but sam's wearing L, which is $66 for 6 packs.
Anyone tried ordering the Fitti 360 this year?? Coz the promo price was supposed to end 31st dec right...my maid just told me the 6 packets i bought in dec all finish liao...OMG...i din know she changes my gal so often..siao..6 packets in 2 months
Hair Loss
The front part of my head already got patches loh, and obvious enough that my colleagues can notice...wahhhhh
Seems like the hair dropping for this time is worst than for my #1....helpppppp
<font color="119911">hair</font> ya ya, me and my boy also dropping hair like nobody's business. At first, I didn't know babies can lose hair one,haha...

<font color="ff6000">myfavcocho</font>the thought of having to grow thru all that pain again makes me shudder...but one kid alone will be lonely hor? oh dear...

<font color="0000ff">burping</font>Hmm...looks like nobody here got the same problem hor? looks like i'll hv to live with it.

<font color="ff0000">mosquitoes</font>There's no other solution other than sprays? hm....
<font color="0000ff">princessxiaomei</font> hm...you sound really tired, hope u can get some good rest soon. Why would anyone blame a mum when her baby sick? In the end, it's the mom who has to take care leh... Anyway, in the meantime, don't worry about the fever,&amp; try and get some rest, ok? Worrying can't help, so most impt is to rest and if kena again*touchwood*, you're stronger to jaga him/her. jia you!
<font color="ff6000">Good Morning, mummies</font>
woke up at 5.30am to pump n wash up.. Been so long since I woke up at this time lor... Wat time does the other ftwm wakes up ar??

yah back to work today lor... Sob sob

hair loss
sigh i'm also dropping hair like no one biz lor.. Every time I comb, wash hair... Sob sob
hair loss
I have been dropping lots of hair too... every time comb hair.. strands will drop.. If wash hair, drop even more... Sigh.

last time I used to Burp my bb after he fall asleep after feed, then realised he will not Burp cos he's sleeping. So now I Burp him after he wake up... If there's wind, he will wake up crying.. After Burping him is ok liao.

~kelly wu~
U can try my boy's PD dr Terence tan at kinder clinic @ mt A. He's good but b prepared to wait at least 1 hr to see him.
<font face="Garamond">LNTC. I had a good break in Taiwan and have just reluctantly come back last week.

pamelia, Your taggies are so nice. Too bad my mom has made 1 for Ian. He is not even interested in it.

jul_04, Condolences to you. I am sure your husband's grandmother is in a better place now. Take care.

zhu_baby, Your princess is so advance. Ian has yet to flip. All he does is to lie flat on his bed and play with his own feet.

jolimilk, I am using the natural bug spray from California Baby. It's very good &amp; no chemical. I got it from Jenifur, a fellow sept mommy who holds regular bp. She has just started her new bp.

milkway18, I actually hope I can go back to work again. While it is good to be with your children daily, I do need to get away for my own sanity. Perhaps a part-time job might be a good choice if my husband ever agrees.

hair loss
I have chop off my long hair, hoping to lighten the weight. My hair is still dropping and yes, I seem to have a patch in front too. When will this stop?

I want to bring Ian for a dip in our condo pool. I have got the spf30 sunscreen lotion and thermal swim wear. Anything else I need? Does baby need floats and where can I get it?</font>

welcome back, u must have had a relaxing visit in taiwan


abt swimming, can get swim diapers too. huggies has it. they're supposed to be more watertight n wun soak the pool water n bog down the baby with the weight.
Hello good morning!

Ever since i'm back to work, hardly had chance to join in the thread.

Back home will be busy playing with bb before he sleeps, then wash, sterilize, pump, wash, sterilize, pack up for next day and cycle repeats for 5 days!
Sometimes i wonder why am i so "gang kor" when this rascal happy happy smile at me, else gives me those you-are-the-mum-so-what look...

How's everyone?
kris - i oso wanna order fitti leh

jolimilk - i bot this 2-in-1 gadget. its a night light cum insect repeller. use electricity, so no chemicals. got from giant or ntuc, but muz go to the hypermarts kind to find. $10+ only
<font color="119911">blessed</font>
May I know which brand of sunblock you got for Ian? Swim diaper so ex. I bought pampers brand (I think), it's $16.90 for 10 pieces. I just tell myself, it's ok cos won't use so often.
<font face="Garamond">jul_04, I had a great trip. It is always good to be home with my dad and siblings. I wish I can go home more often instead of just once a year. I missed out the swim diaper. Good thing I asked here.

itsy, I got the everyday spf30 sunscreen lotion from California Baby. I used it on Shane and Ian when we go out. It is supposed to be more water resistant. The disposable swim diapers are quite expensive.

I-Play Swim Diaper
Any feedback on this? It seems good. It is reusable too.
Hi Mummies,

im dropping hair too...sob sob n my bb oso contribute to my hair loss by pulling them..so angry tt i wacked his hand..:/


my bb oso vomit his milk but i tot is due to indigestion so gave him gripe water.
my bb got phelgm, i vaccum out using a pump leh..
berrypie - yah jacob likes to pull stuff ie hair (mine, sil, my sis, usually women lar cos men's hair too short! but sometimes he tugs at hubs' hair quite strongly!) so i will also tell him sternly not to pull mama's hair, if not no milk! n true, he will usually let go! cos when he pulls my sil n sis, hair, sometimes need 2-3 person to pry open his hands one leh!
Afternoon mummies!

Just came back from the PD's clinic. My baby has a bit of cough, and I can hear she has got phlegm and blocked nose also. And all family members have been sicked and recovering also. So decided to pay a visit to the PD rather than taking the chance. To my surprise (and happy at the same time), Dr said she is on the way to recovery already! All thanks to my breast milk??? I like to think that way so that all my hard work paid off! And my PD commented my girl is growing up VERY WELL! She now weighs 7.5kg and 67cm at 5months 6 days :)

Michelle / berrypie,
My PD told me if young baby has phlegm / blocked nose, better pay a visit to the PD. Reason being thier airway is still very narrow, so very easy to get congested by the phlegm and may thus lead to complications like bronchitis. If you decide not to pay a visit to the PD, monitor your baby closely, do not delay as soon as you hear baby wheezing.

Thanks for your kind words. Great to hear you have a great trip back home. Yes, it's always very nice to be back with own family.

I want to try the i-play swim diaper also. Wonder if anyone has tried this or any other brand of re-usable swim diaper?

Thanks for your concern. I did brought him to PD, he said my bb got sensitive nose. Was given clenser,drops and syrup but i found it's does help much so i vaccum.
<font color="aa00aa">jul</font>
How many kind of Fitti are there? LOL! I'm using Fitti at my mum's place.... i quite like it lor... i prefer using this than Drypers. :) What's more it's quite cheap right!!!! Hahaaa

<font color="aa00aa">pamelia</font>
Peifu u leh... working mum still got time to do all these pretty stuff!! I am so useless... LOL!

<font color="aa00aa">jolimilk</font>
Yeah lor. So tired... my baby lately always make that kind of gonna-puke-pattern &amp; gonna-puke-sound which i dont know why!!!!! But few times he really vomit cos he's unwell now.... he seemed to be drinking slightly lesser these days too.. i think it's because he's unwell.. so sian... keep falling sick... too much germs around liao!! urgh! Everyone blame me, scold me.... hais... when my baby sick, i will fall sick after that...... that time also the same!!!! His fever is like on and off... then he cough until so xinku.. runny nose some more! sigh!!

<font color="aa00aa">milkyway</font>
Must be tired at work today??? smile.. next time my turn to say this liao.. sian must work!!!

<font color="aa00aa">berrypie</font>
How to 'take out' their phlegm???? I'm really at a loss....

<font color="aa00aa">Kam</font>
I also total BF my baby.... but still sick often.. kanasai lor... ): think i am bringing my baby to PD later liao.... i have no idea how to get his phlegm out!!! Sobzzzzz
babymall online spree

anyone other than pamelia din get my email?

wanna consolidate those who want postage so i can go to post office just once hehe
<font color="aa00aa">berrypie</font>
Hmm.. insert into mouth or nose?? lols..
is it effective??

<font color="aa00aa">jul</font>
ohhh i dnw leh.. i think mine is cheaper one! hahahaha

Insert into the nose. it effective for me cos can suck out those stubbon mucus/phlegm which is deep in. Found that he can sleep betterwo the blockage
<font color="0000ff">Melissa</font> thanks for the tip. Now then I realise that it could be because of the wind, that's why he wakes up fussing sometimes. I some more tell him not to "cry". Alamak!

<font color="119911">myfavchoho</font> ok, sounds good. Gives me a reason not to go thru that pain again...
yeah survived 1/3 of the day already... cant wait to knock off in time.. hehe.. quite ok today.. cos need to get a hang of the market and got some admin stuff to clear also. Then morn was busy cleaning my dusty table, open letters, etc. haha

oh zander is ill again?? better bring him to a pd if doesnt get well lor.. but pd sure says BF ar, then no worries. That's wat mine said to me lor
<font color="0000ff">blessed, cookiezz</font> Thx for the info. I'll go check it out. Do you know if those stick-on patches are effective? I saw at Guardian and KP,Germany,Korea&amp;Japan ones,but don't know whether effective or not. Was thinking maybe can stick on his clothes, then his body won't kena the foreign elements.

blessed, Rgding floats, I saw some BP selling this thing called waveriders - comes in many cute designs, search "swim", I think when baby can sit, then can put his 2 legs in the holes. Swim diapers, Huggies also have, called Swimpants (if u still interested in disposables).
<font color="ff6000">princessxiaomei</font> I think not to care lah, sometimes (a lot of times) people don't know what they are talking about, because baby is ultimately our responsibility not theirs, so they can afford to anyhow talk. But we cant. We must stand strong for our babies
jia you ok?
