(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

yah i already started my ML since last monday. Hope your baby and mine will come out before the day for induction haha..Natural mah. Anyway my hospi is different from urs and enxuan. Mine is Mt Alvernia.

To all Mummies, yesterday i went to try the swenson icecream mooncake. the durian flavour is damn shiok..The mangosteen also not bad. In fact, they give me and my hubby both one scoop to try the flavour. Those with craving on icecream may want to give it a try haha.
Yeah, i also had aging placenta problem coupled with low amniotic level. Gynae asked me to induce directly at 38 weeks when water level reached 5 and baby haven't been putting on weight for 2 weeks! So my poor girl was only 2.54kgs when she was born @ 38weeks.

Anyone knows how to stop milk from dripping from the breast? My poor girl got chocked last night because my milk was dripping out like a tap and i was shoving the whole nipple into her mouth to avoid "spillage" and ended up she was coughing and choking, good thing my reflex was fast enough, so I immediately sat her up and burp her...so scary!!

I settled my baby bonus, birth cert, etc all in one go at TMC the day after birth. They will type out the chinese character on the birth cert, you just need to point to the correct one.
My daughter also only have english name
i think its a common practise nowadays.

Thanks for the link, yeah its cheap, it comes up to $10/pack with that coupon....must go stock up!! Free delivery somemore! But I can't seem to register successfully
Hi mummies,

finally hv time to come forum again.. ever since my ger joined our family, we've been bz n tired.. somemore my ger like day n nite opposite.. sleep in the day n wakes in the night.

Congrats to Jess as well, more mommies to pop soon...

Anyway, abit late but..

with regards to the Birth cErt thingy, HB did it on the day i discharged n it just took like 20 mins then he came back with the cert le.. as HB was borned in China, he has no dialect name lo.. only hanyu pinyin so my ger just put hanyu pinyin n her chinese name software typed cos MT A has the Chinese words input..quite nice font used..

Induced Birth
Yeah I agreed that induced birth shd b more painful when it comes to contraction part.. though i nv natural contractions before.. but the nurses did mentioned that after 6 hrs of pill insertion, the contractions that i hv oredi is those intense labour contractions.. n i waited till like 12 hrs then asked for epi..(if minus those previous 6 hrs of said contractions which i dun feel anything) damn long lor n stupid..cos gods noes my cervix super stubborn.. how'd i noe rite? then i did asked when shd i take epi if i want to.. then at 4am, cos my cervix stl only 1.5cm, the nurses said..no..stl cannot take epi yet..take oredi also no point.. whoa lao.. thats y i asked for the two jabs on butts.. but best is dun take epi la.. that one is all our target rite? guess i can only aim for that shd i hv my second one..

Mommies waiting to deliver
Like i told Rachel, just relax and ur body will tell baby that u're ready n u'll pop.. well it works for me. Dun stress urself too much on when u'll pop.. when u'll pop.. how come hvnt pop yet.. ( i noe abit hard not to when playing the waiting game) but just try to chill okie? =)

Just to share my bb ger's pics =) In case u're not on my fb =P
dear mommies thk u thk u =)
bb in nursery warmer, hubby taking nap.. so i come online!

im abt 1.57m high.. a bit round consider medium built? :p
cos tmc full hse in labor rooms, i was in observation room ward instead of delivery suite leh.. so no laughing gas lo.. i thot my contractions come so fast i was dilated faster too.. did VE which was so so PAINFUL.. end up only 3cm.. doc estimate i will deliver on 9sept morning.. such a long time to tahan so opt epi since dunno how long i need to wait for empty delivery suite.
(quite bad choix to admit yesterday)

hehe.. my bb so big size hor.. called him little fatty le.. yesterday ultrasound est. him 3.3kg but doc say he might be 3.5.. turn out bb is 3.7kg wor. im surprised at his weight too!

yes.. i agree with u.. my contractions come too fast and furious. if i dun take epi.. i dunno how i will tahan till my 10cm... =P
thanks for sharing. my baby is still putting on weight, although he's not putting on as much as he's supposed to. as such, doc says wait till next week to see if need to induce. am praying that natural birth will set in before the need to induce.

paiseh... just went to 7-eleven near my place and wolfed down 2 magnum ice cream.. can't control diet very well. yar.. my bbs all above 3.6kg. but can't stop my craving for ice cream every day.. but don't worry, medium size or small size, just push when you feel it coming and i'm sure bb will come out just fine.

thanks for the info. hehe. gonna drag hubby down to swensen's after my check tomorrow..

ur princess looks so sweet..

the last i BF my boy, i had my pump on standby to catch the leaking BM. Hubby joked I looked like a juggler... when my boy finished what he wanted, i just pumped out the rest.. dun wanna waste. even tried to get my 2 older gals to drink some but they din wan..

ya agreed...having 4 is tough...I was already a SAHM after my i gave birth to my 1st child in 2000. the rest popped sebsequently...so oso difficult to get back to the workforce...AND most impt nt worth it oso coz i wasn't a high earner. all the earning will eventually goes to the babysitter or childcare centres...I'll end up with basically no benefits!! no money and can't get to see the growing up of my kids.

I luv to go take a break as well, shop shop walk walk talk talk with friends... too bad bt nt nw... i guess end of the day, when the kids all went to sch, i will have plenty of time to do tat

by the way, heres my 'minnie mouse' 9 days old

about the christian name / dialect name, let's say you only have your baby's name followed by surname with no dialect name, only chinese characters, will you baby be listed by his first name or last name (surname) in the school register? say you named your baby natalie tan with no dialect name, will she be tan natalie in the school register? or natalie tan in the school register?
thk u thk u.. just too bad i cannot have without epi...
but the VE part.. makes me thank having epidural is a very very gd choix to take up!..

yeah that's her happy day nap bed.. can sleep for 4 hrs straight until we wake her up for feeds..

I keep trying to latch my ger but stl cant.. nvm expessing also not bad.. at least my family members can help to feed her also.. bonding bonding with her.. my milk supply now slowly coming in.. each side can pump abt 60 mls liddat le.. n i feel pain means going to engorge n i hv to pump soon.. make me more hardworking to pump lo the pain..

So anyone planning for the next gathering? Until all the mommies pop le then meet up? So far i've only met up with u all once lo..at the 1st gathering..
bernice - u r welcome!

xmasc - oh u delivering at mt a? then after delivery, we can share our experience of the service betw mt a n tmc.

sonnigt3 - wah u can eat very well man! though i crave for ice cream n fries too but hv been resisting them already. Jess' bb was 3.3kg during ultrasound but turn out 3.7kg! i dun wanna knw my bb's weight anymore. if gynae gives green light to induce tis fri i will juz go ahead..dun tink so much 1st, push when instructed to do so.

Jess - i agree. having epi can make our cervix relax n dilate faster than when we are so tensed up trying to cope wif the strong contractions.
michelle (mwerkz)

its ok, i think i got the naming part figured out liao.


yep, i want hb to settle the baby bonus and birth cert at TMC too, that way one less thing to fan after discharge.


hey, how are u? hope you're coping well and how's the breastfeeding, improving?


the birthcert looks nicely done! thanks for putting it up to share with us.

aiyo, your gal looks so cute, especially the one at bath. but is that soap bubbles at her mouth!? :p
ur gal looks so alert and cute!
yup, know what u mean.. my miserable pay goes to my maid and my kiddos'stuff... just a bit left for myself... but told hubby i'll be like his sis if make me stay home to take care of kids all day... she 'ballooned' and panicks over small issues like her gal not doing well in school... kept calling my hubby to complain about this and that... so he dun wanna kena tat fm me too. :p
anyway, i make it a point to 'bond' with my kids on weekends and after work..

glad ordeal is over for u. i hate epi cos of side-effect.. shook like a drug addict and couldn't stop for more than an hour for my 1st 2..
printz n such,

hmm... i'm not too sure abt that, but perhaps it will follow whatever the school system is? but normally it will use last name i think, coz using 1st name like very messy for a 'system'?

if u dun hv ppl watching u like hawks during confinement over wat u eat, then it's ok.. if i dun eat wat i wan now... i'll hafta wait till confinement's over.. long wait... can't tahan. so, stick to my at least one ice cream a day regime.

the bc looks well done... always left the job to my hubby who's more meticulous with such things... didn't know wat he did but my kids' bcs all turn out ok with chinese name typed neatly. guess i'm the lazy type who likes to delegate work to the daddy.
printz n such,

primary schools' register will hv ur child's name according to how u hv it in the bc... e.g. natalie chow in bc will appear as natalie chow in sch register. so, if it's lim bernard in bc, it will be lim bernard in the register.. even kindergarten does tat now..
yah, i think sonnig is right. they'll go by whatever is i the birth cert. makes me a bit hesitant about not having a dialect name. cos i prefer to have my child listed with the surname first. already decide on his christian name and chinese name. now the problem is translating to dialect name. either that or i have dialect surname followed by hanyu pinyin. *scratch head*
Hi all Mummy... am i too late to join this forum...as my due date is also sept.. have been reading this but too lazy to activate an account ... =)
wow how much did u put on for each preg since u always indulge in almost daily ice cream treats??? i dread to think how much i will balloon if i do that! haha...

v relieved all over right?? actually why u all find VE painful huh? to me its ok leh unless nurse does VE when i havg srong contractions. feel like kicking her!
Welcome YanYan!

mamato6js, Jess,
Ya.. why is VE painful? Dr. did twice to let me know how it feels like during my checkups.. I dun feel pain leh. Haha...
Yeah how u noe? I guess all bbs react the same way huh? =)

thanks =) heng she totally dun look like me.. she looks like my hb.. he has abit of char bor features..

The BC and BB Bonus paperwork all done by me at the ward after I c-sec lo.. he just sat on the sofa bed n watch movie with his lappy. then i had to use the hospital phone to call to the bank to check for the bank code all that.. then i turned n looked at him.. asked him straight.. WHy am i the one doing all this when i shd be the one resting now lo.. Hee~ He paiseh paiseh look at me n say u write nicer mah.. hahaha..then i happy.

I like terrin's double eyelids!!! i thk Chloe's eyes maybe abit like me.. cos my eyelids hide inside one.. only when i blink or when i just wake up then obvious..

thank you =) u get to post ur precious photos up relli soon.. =) wait till u discharge and get enuff rest.. opps.. i mean not enuff rest!! =P


It's not bubble foamz.. erm... abit er xin but its actually her milk burped out.. hee~ she burped halfway when my mum's bathing her..

so are u ready for ur turn??? all prepared? I was like so prepared mths ago that my gynae commented that i was his most hardworking patient lo.. i thk i'm THAT kiasu to a certain extend..

Time with HB
shelled stl got "interact" with her HB during her preggie days.. me n Hb totally on ɫ�� ever since i found out im preggie lo.. up till now also liddat.. but somehow i feel subconsciously we've become closer now.. after going thru all these together.. with or without the "interactions" can stl be as close.. I thk maybe tis is not normal hor.. but im stl ok with thgs so far..

Hee..just suddenly felt like sharing tis part of life.. cos i just read a magazine which talks abt Baby 3rd Party..
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Printz n Such (baeyby),

You can still put surname 1st den christian name. That's how my gal's name appear on her BC.</font></font>
mama to 6js
think i gained at least 12kg per preg..

lucky, each time weight goes to bb and not me. can't help it mah.. imagine having morning sickness till mid of 2nd trimester before i could eat proper... so, usually gorge on wat i like during last trimester.. colleagues all very amused cos i'm munching on something sweet at least every 2hr at work, even during meetings.
imagine a king penguin walking around and tat's me..

this time, gained 15kg so far...
*jess* *sonnig* *kiki*

Thanks for the compliments!! Think all bbs are cute aren't they. U'll get to see ur cute bundles soon too


ya ur precious really resembles daddy so much! talking abt eye lids, my no3 gal's double eye lid only appear at one eye when she was 6 mths old and gt both only when she turned 1. Funny rite?!?! oh urs called nai shuang.....


other mommies gain wt during pregnancy, me gain wt after pregnancy wor!!! was 50.3kg at the clinic when i took my wt, the next day after delivery i was 46.1kg using the ward's weighing machine. back to the clinic yesterday (day 8 after delivery), i m nw 46.8!!!!!!!!!!! GAINED 700g!! unless one of the weighing machine bue zhun lor...
guess u like to diy more than me.. like to get my hubby to do work cos most times before preg, i cook for him.. he always complain abt maid's lousy cooking. anyway, think it's also due to my work habits.. divide and conquer

printz n such,
dun worry too much. just put wat u and ur hb like for now... can change after tat if u dun like... some of my relatives do tat.. i just find it troublesome so told my hubby he'd better not change his mind... tat's y he always takes abt a mth to think thru before going to ica to get things settled.

hi there...

enxuan and mama to 6js,
i agree and think VE not so painful unless u r tensed up and having contractions.. low threshold for pain, i always tell dr not to let me know until he's done.
<font color="aa00aa">girlygirly</font>
Your minnie mouse looks so cute leh.. and her double eye lids so visible!!!!!!!!! cute cute!!!

<font color="aa00aa">sonnigt3</font>
I also realised i cannot control my diet ever since i am in wk37. So i actually eat so much sweet stuff these 2 weeks!!! Ice creams, biscuits, tidbits.. rubbish food lah... ):

<font color="aa00aa">sheryn</font>
You bathe your baby with lots of bubbles hur? LOL!

<font color="aa00aa">jess</font>
Congrats yah! You managed to have your 090909 baby! COOL! Your baby really BIG leh.... :) I wonder will mine be 3kg not. But at the rate of nonsense i eat plus he still don't wanna come out, might hit 3kg liao!

When dilate right? How you all feel hur???
very glad it over!! yea i did suffer side effect but it doesnt last long... the shivering i got it at beginning and the end (guess i was nervous abt the pushing part so shiver more)

<mamato6js> / <enxuan>
mine was extremelly painful wor..
1st one done to chk how many cm i was dilated then again to insert the pill
2nd one was done.. when i was having very strong contraction..
all very very painful to me leh...

3rd one was done and gives gd news i will be fully dilated in 1 hr time.. with epi on.. i dun feel anything...
was it the nurse who did the VE for you? Maybe nurse do, will be more painful... mine was done by Dr. Not sure too..
hee thks.. yea 090909.. thks to my doc oso.. :p big hor.. im very surprised too.. at least he is very well fully developed.. got tear ducts liao...
hehe.. must ask ur gynea liao lo.. ask him the chances of bb being over 3kg..

when dilate is when u r having contractions.. cos that's when u r "opening" up
yea.. all by nurses/ midwife de...
water bag breakage by doc only.. oso extremely painful..
but it over!!!

i go rest n nap a bit.. before visitors come.. talk again!! =)
dun worry so much. with 4 kids, sure u'll lose it all after ur confinement..
tat's wat happened to me each time... even with maid, my kids cling to me when they r tired or hungry.. can't rest till they r settled. somehow they know mummy will pamper them more than maid...

think of the fact tat u can't hv so much free time to indulge after delivery.. gotta take care of newborn and stuff... better eat more now.. weight gained will be lost eventually after confinement... i didn't even hafta go for extra exercise like some of my colleagues... BF and taking care of my kids took away most of my wt gain...
<font color="aa00aa">jess</font>
My gynae don't really want to keep scanning for me now cos he find it a little pointless (extra charges for me too!). So usually he will use his hands to touch and check on him, see my weight, take my blood pressure. Everything okay, then no need scan. He also never did VE for me at all but that time when doing strep B test, he did tell me my cervix still close. So maybe he shun bian check ceck my cervix at that moment? He knows i gain 800g in a week he still not worried cos he did estimate before last week that my baby might be about 2.7kg when deliver. So i think he feels still he can put on some weight while still in my womb. I better control my diet these days. Ate too much potato, bread, biscuits, ice creams already....... 39wks liao.. confirm well fully developed!!!

Able to feel there opening up mah???? LOL!
<font color="aa00aa">sonnigt3</font>
That's why i suddenly eat so much since week37. Before that i eat like normal.. after that i like eat so much more! >.< But gaining 800g in a week really a lot leh....
why suddenly so quiet... hehe... everyone went for dinner? it's about time... I'm going for my dinner soon. Better eat whatever I want now, ar boh, confinement cannot eat. Both my mum and MIL will be watching closely lor...
Don't know if anyone is interested to know. But I'll just share it with you on Rach's behalf.

Rach's Birth Story.

Rach was already 3cm when she arrived Mt A at 8am.

As she wanted Natural delivery, her doctor checked and her cervix was soft enough, That was a good sign. He broke her waterbag and let her wait for the natural delivery moment.

At 1pm, she was still 3cm. >.<
The doctor suggested giving her oxytocin.
Once that was in, the contractions really kicked in hard and fast.

3pm, she was 4cm dilated.

5pm, 5cm dilated.

It was so slow she was almost "gone" by 5pm.

5-6pm was torture.

From 4+pm the nurses were already asking if she wanted the jab on her thigh as she was surviving on laughing gas since 3pm. But she rejected the jab.

By 6pm,the pain was so intolerable that she was literally screaming in pain. For the 4th time, another nurse persuaed her to take the jab as Rach looked really distressed.

She gave in to the pain and took the jab, though it was a little late for it, because once the jab went in, the contractions reached a new peak and she was screaming.

15-20mns later the nurse told Rach's HB to put the laughing gas on her permanently to make her drowsy.

That was when she finally dilater from 5-8cm in just 30 mins.

7+pm, Rach is fully dilated and ready to push!!!
( Her doc was nect door with another pushing mum )

Rach tried to push for the crown to be seen.

At about 8pm, her doctor came over and after a couple of pushes her princess was out at 2011hrs. ^_^

Lesson learnt and to share. The jab should have been taken earlier, everything would have sped up long ago. But it was a good experience nonetheless. Nurses said that Rach has high threshold for pain.Don't be stubborn and listen to the professionals. =)

Rach salutes those mums who didn't even need the jab.

She would have taken even longer without the jab, And died. XD

Praise the Lord.
<font color="ff0099">Sheryn</font>
I "interact" with hubs less than 5 times hor during my pregnancy hor. Cos 1st trimester I was having pinkish discharge, then gynae told me to rest "just in case". so we didn't "interact". Then 2nd trimester onwards was puking, then subsequently had pelvis pain and had to wear maternity belt. But like you, I also felt closer to hubs because he took good care of me (most of the time lah) and he help out with J whenever he's around.

Actually I find it quite normal to feel closer to hubs even though never have "interaction" after baby. Because now both of you are looking at the product of your love everyday leh. Sorry to sound a bit cliché, but I find it true lah.

<font color="ff0099">girlygirly</font>
Eh, your "minnie mouse" very cute!! I really thought those were soap bubbles near her mouth lah! Until you mention that she burped.
ur minnie looks v girly n sweet sweet type! n so fair hor!

the soap bubble thingy is sheryn's baby lah! i also tot its soap. how come burp out so much milk???

this reminds me of those days when i had so much frozen milk in my freezer that i used it to bath my gal! just like cleopatra havg her milk bath!
alamak, dear shelled, u still as 'blury' as before...tot u pregnant then blur, bt then still as blur wor *LOLs* Yes minnie is mine, and the soap bubbles sweetie is sheryn's!

hope so... ya when kids are hungry or tired, they get crinky and throw tantrum. guess u muz be a slim mama

haha..thks thks, hope she'll inherit my long lashes too...heehee

*mama to 6Js*
haha..ya think she the only one who looks girly for a start. Her sisters all looks boyish as an infant, then slowly looks girly when the hair grow out.
