(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

sarah and cho,
this is the back seat organizer that i bought: http://www.target.com/JEEP-Jeep-Back-Seat-Organizer/dp/B001CUPT6W. after discount it's about $18 plus.

it's used to organize my #1's barang barang. can also use to hold water bottle and snacks for long journeys i suppose.

i only bought 3 packs to get the books and free pull up pants. cos i dun buy toys often for my #1. will prob do the same for #2. in fact, other than the soft toys he sleeps with, the number of toys we have in our dover house can count with 10 fingers. you want the barcodes from the 3 huggies ultra packs that i have? we could do a swap with the free huggies pull up pants or the fourth story book that i didn't get (jack and the beanstalk). i'm staying over at my mum's place tonight. so if you reply me by tomorrow (assuming that you want to do the swap), i can bring it over to your block tomorrow?

<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Christine...</font>

Hurhur.. its not as if We'll definately deliver on our EDD. As u can see from the chart.. majority of the mummies who have popped have all delivered their babies before their due date de.

Actually, also see if ur family is "pantang" or not lo. Some will still attend the wedding cos its someone so close ma. </font>
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">camomile...</font>

for the moment u called me auntie ling.. i got a little shocked! haha.. felt somehow weird to have someone calling me that. but ya la.. auntie liao.. heez...
by the way, huggies cutting is considered a bit small. so better not to stock up too much, in case yours is a michelin bb whose thighs can't fit well into the huggies cutting. my #1 is small sized, 2.5 years old but only 11+kg. that's why he wears huggies XL is quite ok.
hi all... i'll be dropping by at the taka bb fair tmr.. hope to do some last min shopping.. seems like u gals bought quite a no of things yah.. keke

wat's the froggie thing that u are mentioning??
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">kiddo...</font>

thanks for providing the rest of the details to make the list complete..

Hows motherhood for the 2nd time? </font>
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Angeline...</font>

Woah.. wonder how will my story turned out to be..

I had a dream last night. I was out with hb n I started to bleed quite profusely.. Was told to admit to hospital.. but i insisted to go home n take a shower first.. lolz.. </font>
<font face="segoe print"><font color="#FF6666">Taka Baby Fair..</font>

To anyone who is goin to the fair, can help me check whats the price of the Avent Single Manual Pump?
I forgot to check it out when I was there.. :p Thanks a lot in advance!
nappy cover will affect ventilation mah? then if use nappy cover no need the nappy pins le oh? if need to buy need to prepare how many? :p *scratch head*

Sarah, they say don't buy too many NB as you won't know how big your bb will be and how fast he will outgrow. I only got 1 pack NB and intend to get 1 pack S size de at the fair :p Not sure if iz enough though :p

sandwich: How much are the newborn clothes @ the fair? Intend to go bugis to buy in bulk..
thanks. shall look out for it tmr. not going to be wasted cos it can be used as cot organizer too. was thinking to buy cot organizer but i tink too exp for me to pay $50+ or a cot.
i bought cotton long sleeve PJ tops that are for 0-6mths old. 3 for $12. cotton long pants i still have from #1.

cot organizer usually has roomy compartments for stashing away diapers and wipes. this one has pretty small compartments leh, dunno how many diapers can fit in.
1 pack enough ma? for mine i think will need more cos my baby will be small. mine will not hit 3kg de. NB clothes i bought is 3 pcs for $12.00 at taka fair.

Hee... its ok la. cos 50 bucks for a organizer i really 'mai bu xia'.
<font color="ff0099"> Re: Belly Bandit</font>
Mommies interested can purchase it from Pupsik Studio (they're only selling the Bamboo version) or Little Jewels (selling all 3 types: Original, Couture &amp; Bamboo).

Mine's the Bamboo version, recommended for C-section moms. So I'm not too sure how comfy or effective the Original and the Couture version are.

Hope this helps!

(Sorry for the evil temptation. Did not originally intend to tempt mommies into spending money again.)
sarah: i saw from another thread - Huggies starter kit is $19.95 consist of nb x 12 pcs, s x 12 pcs, 1 box of wipes and 1 swaddle (according to one of the mummies who went to the fair). Maybe the other mummies can advise if there's a need to buy more than 1 pack? I already got the huggies NB @ motherhood fair which is 24pcs..
bb have granted my wish not to pop so soon mah, so im still here, Yippeee

hope i bb &amp; water level can tahan til 090909 :p
<font color="ff0099">RE: NB size diapers</font>
My personal opinion hor, better not stock up too much of the same brand until bb is born. We bought a pack of Pampers NB before K was born, then end up his thighs quite slender even until now, so the watery poop leak from the side lah. Already stick the tabs all the way in liao, still too big for him! End up only Fitti NB fits him well without leakage.

Last time J could ONLY wear Pampers NB cos the rest all too small for his fat thighs, but yet S size diapers still too big for him.

So mommies, pls don't stock up too much in case the cutting too big/small for your bb hor. I expected both my boys to be somewhat same size, but end up also not the same.
true la, for diapers &amp; breastfeeding products best not to stock up too much, as we are still uncertain

see so fast got pple wana buy your 2nd hand bamboo binders :p.

so did you pay deposit for your post natal massage? can refund anot?
how you do it manz. u go have sex jus like shelled then dilated ah?

Drips for contraction , wat is tat?!

so you are natural without epi or with epi?
if you refer to aug09 mtb thread table. some bb weight goes upto 3.9kg still delivery by nature leh..

when my last visit, im 39week, bb weigh 3.2kilos lor. Dr wong oso afraid bb too big when at birth, but later she measure bb head size then she say shld be ok :p...

I oso try not to go by induce!

see herehttp://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2052338/1936480.html?1251583531

i wonder, Dr Joceyln wong afraid of big size bb? WAT induce is more Painful ?!!! oh dear oh dear.. i wonder have i dilated... my next appt is monday..... PRay hard...

in some website, full term is fall on 41week leh. so 40week guideline may not apply to all lor.
michelle or any mummies

Taka fair - The baby cot u mentioned $399 what's does it comes with? I haven't got mine yet - wanna see if worth to buy anot.
sarah> haha. sometimes is not u wan ur bb to sit inside, den she will sit wor. wat if she choose not to sit? den de toys not removable? den abit wasted wor.

i din buy NB diapers. i think can start straight from S. i bought 3packs of drypers S(3-7kg) n 2packs of pampers S(3-8kg). at other times i shuld b using nappy. since this period i shuld still be on maternity leave.

ling> keke. tot i told u i bought those plain design ones from bb hypermart? de nappy can prevent leakages oso ah? erms. i really dunno abt nappy one. hubby was de one who requested we use nappies at the start.

sandwich> i ok with changing de story book u din get for the 3 barcodes. actually i oso dunno if hubby wanna buy more diapers. keke. but u let me know wat time can u come over? sms me 91526232. thanx

haa. tat day i buy ultra i buy size L liaos. cos i oredi stocked up quite abit of M size diapers. 6packs of pampers active M, 2 packs mamypoko M n 2packs jumbo drypers M =x

so now basically i start buying L n XL, in case it's really too many. not enugh can buy. too many i will faint. =x

milkyway> de froggie is some playtoy where bb sits in it, something like a bouncer? u know de fisher price rainforest bouncer? den in front alot of toys for bb to play with. it's on promo at bb fair at 100+ now. cant remember exact price. if u got fri's papers, it's one of de promo inside.

gina> dun find de clothes at bb fair very cheap. if i compare de money n de things i can buy online, think online bp forum even cheaper. use nappy cover wun need use pin. cos de nappy cover is more like plastic kinda fabric. not as airy as de nappy itself. maybe tat's y it can affect ventilation.

dun think u need so many NB diapers. better to go straight to S. i think even when ur bb is in hospital, dey provide S size? cos most bb born oredi >3kg.

shelled> lol. my colleague was also telling me on how small de thigh of his nephew is, den all de poo n pee leaks out =x

happykae> definitely worth la, de cot. de first thing is de cot is nice. cow design n made of good wood. comes with matress, bedding set n cot mobile. not sure wat else. keke. most impt is it really looks nice. haha. juz regreted i oredi got my cot liao -_-"
Hi hi
Finally home sweet home.. it was very nice to be home !!!

NB diapers do not buy too much till ur bb is out.. like my gal althought she drop some wt but still NB only can be use up to 4kg.. lucky her thigh is not BIG.. so still can use and MUST be quickly used up!!!

Ling - thanks for updation... soon to be ur turn!!! JIAYOU!!
Motherhood for no2 is crazy although i take care of everything myself for no 1 but my stamina and energy as compare to previous is total different.. this time i really weak.. need lots of rest plus the big one is with me. Although she is not nottie and willingly to help out like wanna carry mei mei and help take things for mei mei but all these disrupted her sleep timing and schedule... now got to work things back into routine for her..

Flower4 - mine was induce without epi... juz normal (included in the package) those gas and thigh jet..the drip was to start my contraction and the tablet was insert for dilation ... my dialtion was very fast and the drip start contraction VERY PAINFUL cost the pain is SHARP up de...
Actually i also have NB diapers freebies at motherhood fair when i sign up for the cordlife. they gave me the starter kit that u mentioned and 2 more packs of 24pcs NB. So my NB should be enough le since u only have 1 pack.

True la but if i dont get this i will have to get a walker. if not 4 mths baby still unable to sit so can put them inside the walker.
cho - thanks for the information seem like need to make a trip to taka fair to get my new pump this is the cheapest i saw...

angeline - nice smoothe delivery!!!
good morning mummies!!

Today's a good day to laze on bed but I woke up at 8plus already, distured by my #1.

Went for my gynae check up ytd. Have told gynae my c-sec date, 20 sept 2009. BB now weighs 2.52kg @ week35 day4. Hope he can stays inside my tummy till 20sept.

all mummies,
Cho - coz i have a single pump but i'm still considering.. coz depends on the needs i can juz lug one pump out instead of one whole machine out..
happykae> keke. ya. hopefully not sold out yet. cos i heard diff wk dey offer diff promo. de bed discount quite big. usual price is 999 for everything. so better grab it fast if u r interested.

sarah> ya. u definitely have more den enugh NB. if i get so much. most prob will not be able to finish. anyway things tat cannot finish, juz go WTS forum to sell lo. haha.

i nv get walker or this. i bought the bumbo chair for bb to sit. bb can sit in it once he is able to support his own head. tat one cannot sit too long oso. so better use it as much as possible. n i bought the cot mobile, it comes with quite a few toys. so bb can play with those instead =p ya. but it's considered cheap ba. cos 100+ got so many things. my bumbo chair no toys no tray oredi 49bucks?

cho> haha. i got matress protector. so when he sleeping, i wun let him wear de nappy cover. anyway when he young, most of the time will be lying in bed.

gina> r u awake? keke. cos i going out soon =x otherwise can juz drop into my letterbox. den i drop de book into ur mum's letterbox oso. blk201 unit 04-152 =)
moojenn - mine billed in Mt A is for 4 bedded and mine is natural (normal) delivery no assist.. for 3 day 2 nites...

Excluding the doctor charges my hospital bill for me alone is $890.56 and for bb is $612.04 also excluding the doc fees..

This is for information coz subjective to individual needs the bills would be varies like the phototherapy will cost abt $130...
and the various times charges for various tests and usage
ya definately enough... sell troublesome. think will give it to my friend if she needs it.
The bamboo chair is it the square shape de? when im a baby my grandma also make me sit that chair whereby u can turn the chair.
sarah> haha. ya. if u got frend with bb oso, den can give. hubby oso say can give to his frend's bb if our bb can't use.

is not bamboo chair. is really bumbo chair. dis chair cant turn. more for letting bb sit upright. u can see it here: http://www.bumbobabyseat.com/
Hi Happykae

dunno if refering to the same baby cot package, but i got mine from bonbebe from the last babyfair in expo, which i saw again at taka fair.

comes with baby cot which eventually can be adjusted to toddler bed. and free husk mattress (i think it cost $70 the last i checked at taka), cot mobile, bumper set.

quite a good deal... i actually bought 2, one to put at my mom's place and one at my place...

the only thing i dun fancy is the color, it is those light colored wood lor...
Hi Michelle

i bought the bumbo chair as well... the tray costs another $20 to add on... but i bought it during the isetan sale the last round...
Me cock eye. hee... i saw this at isetan too. din get bcos afraid baby dont wanna sit they will crawl out. whereas walker they cant.

I bought the same baby cot as yours. also at motherhood fair but my freebies is stroller or mosquitoes net leh.
i choose net lor cos the stroller not very good 1. not for NB baby oso.
<font color="aa00aa">GOOD AFTERNOON FRIENDS!</font>
Yesterday went for my 37wk+ check up, baby weighing about 2.3kg, my gynae did strep B for me, hope i will be able to pass the test! GYnae estimates that baby will weigh about 2.7kg when i deliver. But not so soon. Cervix stil CLOSE. And he says i can EAT MORE... then my crazy hb says, i think should eat 4 meals a day!! I hungry i sure eat mah... why everyone think i on diet.. siao ah! I hungry i eat, not hungry eat what, will puke one lor... ):

I went to taka fair yesterday, quite a lot of mummies there too.. heee... bought quite a number of items.. :) but i didn't see the Avent washable breast pads.. but i bought only 1 box of disposable ones first to use... spend about $160 at there lor... haa... -.-"
Hi mummies, sorry to intrude.. im from the aug thread.

i have a Medela CityStyle to let go. It consist of a breastpump bag, a cooler bag, 4 breastmilk bottles and also cooling agents.

I had juz given birth to my twins on 5th aug..and m currently using Ameda breastpump. when i bought the pump couple of mths back, i bought the abovementioned bag as well (thinking it would be in use when i return to work aft my ML).. hwever, my breastmilk supply now is low n insufficient for 2, hence dont tink i wld need to cont any pumping aft my ML.

the bag n all are brand new, never used. hwever, the top of the box is slightly flatten, cos my helper stack some stuffs on it. -_-"

kindly PM me shld u be interested or require more info. or email me: [email protected]

many thanks.. lalala~
i just woke up at 12 plus. realized my husband has driven the diapers home. drop it off in your mailbox on friday evening when i next visit bukit batok can? that should be 2 sep, 1 week before your scheduled c-section.

i haven't done my strep b test yet. should be this week actually. but i've a course and am thinking of postponing this week's gyn appt to next week. hopefully 38 weeks will still be in time to carry out the srep b test.
princessxiaomei: my colleagues/mum's friends/relatives/Mum all ask me eat more also. zzz. machiam we will starve ourselves. tired of explaining everyone is different liao. but my only problem is no bu3. my mum seldom cook coz she cant really take herbal stuffs, will affect some parts of her body, plus she scared i wun finish up the food. She also almost wanted to use the expired (in july) pack of spices to cook herbal chicken. i refused. I want to throw away, she say leave it, she will cook it for her own. I was like HUH? faint.

michelle: you address to wrong person la :p anyway to answer your qns, i just woke up. lol

moojenn: wah! My ideal date for bb! jiayou! hehee i also want 20th leh...

thanks to all mummies in regards to the buying of diapers n diaper covers ^^v

yesterday got BHG bugis check out some stuff, saw the multi-function steriliser+warmer. hub ask, i say we have the pigeon steriliser liao. he nag say see la, buy so fast T_T my sis that time say promo $99 cheap mah, so i get lo. I only join forum then know got this kind of all-in-one... but i did say don't want buy le lor when he mentioned ppl might give. he say that time i "scream" at him say don't buy.. then he see i angry, he paid for it -_-" i say don't buy le mah!!! my bad again -.-'' Wonder if i go WTS forum anyone will buy not :X Then ask my other sis to buy the all-in-one for me :p mUAHhahAHA~

I also going bb fair on tuesday!! :D~
sandwich: i tink it's better to do e strep b test soon leh..38wk might b a bit late rite? coz e test results might take 1 wk (at least for me la..) then say results out by 39 wk.. then *touch wood* if any infection, gynae need to give u medication for it.. then if u pop b4 40th wk, infection might nt get cured ma?
Sarah... BM supply = demand, if don't pump or lump frequent enough, it will just naturally dry up

NB size diapers
my opinion is not to buy too much. the weight is not the indicator when to change size, coz diff babies have diff size for their thighs. like my #1, thigh fat fat so upsize after a short while
strep B test
my gynae didn't ask me to do leh, last time also, so i didn't do last time. i read motherhood magazine sep issue, it says that some women carry the virus but still test negative... so dunno should still go ahead and ask gynae do for me or not
you are very brave, so shooting up pain still no epi, i hope my is fast too.

my monday check up gynea will advise to induce anot then i got to book a date i wan hee,,,

i will choose either 040909 or 090909

All in one oso got pro &amp; cons mah... wat brand ah? can use multi function in one go isit? then if wan to warm milk only then need to on the whole things ah? waste electric anot?


ANY GOOD SUGGESTION for Message to friends &amp; Relative that i have given birth and yet do not wish them to come and visit me at home? cuz i only wish to have visitor only during 1month old ceremony.. i still duno how to choose a good words for such messages.. any suggestion?

and you know la some fren &amp; relative very stubborn one, they will insist to come and visit during confinement period...:S
