(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

joli, kaira

I did mean No. 1, 2 & 3 kids! But since everyone started polling, I didn't spoil the fun mah *wink*

Ling/Kiki> haha ur prayers are answered..

I won't be there tmr cuz I'm in hospital liaoz..

Seen gynae this morning..
3cm dilated
Cervix very soft liaoz..
Baby engaged and very low liaoz...
Asked to admit by 1pm.

Now I'm in delivery suite strapped on CTG...
Just had a contractions measuring 101...
Still ok...

Painless painless painless please!!!

U all thinking of how to wean ur little ones off the pacifier... but I wana know how to wean Jaelle off sucking her bolster to slp lo... =(
I'm no2 outside, no3 at home :p

Desitin> it's me. Nope not going to nex.

Pacifier> my boy can sometimes fall asleep without his pacifier but best to have it. When he fall asleep I can pull it out. But I'll leave it beside him n he'll get it himself if he wants during his sleep

Awake he can do without it. But sometimes he resorts to biting his hands due to teething so I give it to him. He just turn n bite it.

Already spoilt 2 due to his biting.
Jia you! It's giving birth you are talking about leh, can be painless one meh? Salute salute!

Knew you were talking about the no 1, 2, 3 kids lah. To me, not true leh. It's the same practice regardless of their sequence. But in other areas, yes, I am definitely more bo-chap when compared #1 to #2.
Just posted the photos we took at NEX on my FB, check it out. I happily took photos cos I read the signboard about the "rules" and it didn't say cannot take mah :)

kam... haha okok will check out ur pics...

hubby was stopped when he was taking leh... dont know why lah... but i secretly took still... hehe
Still tahan-ing....
No gas yet.... Contractions abt 1-2min apart...
Pray I can tahan thru..

Rayanne time I already dying by now...

Now still alive... But I hope this won't delay the arrival of Raylynn.... Ah hooo..... Ah hoooo....
Wow Still not out yet? Jia you.

Surprise e pacifier stuck firm in her mouth till morning. Not sure howto wearn. She v rely on it, wan to sleep will askfor it.

No 3 sound a bit yuck. I cAnt bring myself to do it .
<font color="119911">Weaning off pacifier</font>
Pacifier can throw away, but how to throw away Ian's thumb?!!! He was doing quite well, sucking on his thumb only when he's tired and wanna sleep but since yesterday, dunno why he keeps sucking in his thumb thru' the day!
Advice needed on AMAZON!!

Is there any 'risk' buying books from Amazon? I bought from book depository (BD) b4 but not sure about amazon. A bit skeptical of some of the very low prices for new books.
no risk ba... hubby bought 3 books and all 3 arrived in gd conditions just sat morn
quite fast delivery too... mayb due to the service u gonna use?? not sure leh... u need more info i'll have to ask him tmr.. he KO already
<font color="119911">Milkyway</font>
Can u ask him if it matters which seller I choose? Or I can just use the "default" seller when I click Order? Tks
Raylynn out at 7.23pm weighing a whopping 4.23kg...

CINDY> how heavy was Farrell???????? Got win or not??

Thankfully the tear wasn't as bad as #1.... doc says 3-4 stitches... Though it didn't felt like...
He stitched for quite a long time leh...

The anesthetic jab was more painful Lo... He poke poke a few jabs left and right of the lips... :S

I was Aaawwww!!! When he jabbed the anesthetics for stitching.... Hahaa...

Contractions wise.. Bearable leh... ESP the last few to push.. I was trying to feel it.... Actually it's very very intense cramps and pulling... Can dun shout one... Just FEEL it through.... Then ok liaoz... Wahahahha am I bian tai or what...

Admitted at abt 1.30pm....
Waterbag broken by gynae at abt 2plus... Drip given 2.50pm...
Fast &amp; furious by 5-6pm?? Actually no.. 6pm I stil posting Here hor... Anyway 6-7pm i was like wondering when it's gonna get worse cuz for Rayanne 6pmi cry father cry mother already and caved in for pethidine... Now 6pm still Mei dong jing....

Suddenly one strong contraction came and I felt urge to push!!!!! 6plus... Then nurse say 7-8cm already...
Wah!!?!!! Okie.. At least know got progress....

Next few contractions could feel heaviness and coming out liaoz... BUT.... Gynae next door!!!!
Had to wait!!!! Always like that!!!! Rayanne also I had to wait for him to be done... Hmph!!!!!

He entered the room... I looked at The clock... 19.20pm

He got himself ready... Then said okie push push... I didn't even felt contractions but dic n nurse said push...

Ok Lo... PUSH... PUSH.. PUSH... Head out... Warm and squirmy... Body out....
Gave a last shout of relief...... It's over...
7.23pm Raylynn out.... Heheh... Within 3min of doc arrival....


Now I'm goig to sleep...

Battery left 14% also..... Good nite!!!
We usually bought direct from Amazon. If you buy from other sellers on Amazon, there is an indicator to check how reliable the sellers are. We bought from a few sellers a few years back, all okay, about the same efficiency as Amazon.

i remember when he is few days old i already start to offer him pacifier cos i was hoping tat the pacifier can make him shut his mouth.. cry cry cry... whenever i put it into his mouth he will cry even louder... raghh... force and tried 1 month and i gave up.... useless.. he simply don like..

now should i be thankful for tat?? i don have headaches thinking how to wean him off.. hehee.. ;P my niece who is coming 5yrs old, she is still having pacifier, no pacifier = cant sleep.. =/
<font color="119911">Milkyway</font>
I scare lor cos one of the book I wanna get, a seller is selling it new at USD1 only!

<font color="119911">Kam</font>
Is there? I've been looking but can't find. Mm.. look again.
power! 4.23kg w/out epi!! hope you'll get a good rest at the hospital before you're discharged =)

i'm nitpick a lot when it comes to childcare/schools too. as in i shop around and make a lot of comparisons before making decisions. it's perfectly fine for you to do that because at the end of the day, you want sam to be somewhere (for many hours in the day) where you/him are comfortable. luckily for me, there are tons around my house/workplace to choose from. i'm not so bothered about the pedagogical method(s) used for teaching, and my main considerations are the environment in the school + general temperament of the children there. for one, i can't stand schools that are excessively noisy and chaotic, even though most childcares are like that. in fact, my current one is a little too noisy for my liking. thinking of changing once a quieter one which is nearby, has available slots.

I also can't stand CCs which are full of kids running ard, shouting, screaming,... &amp; are generally chaotic. That's why I like MFC! The kids there were so orderly, disciplined &amp; well-behaved that I was almost tempted to ask if they dose them with Prozac to keep them so calm.

I didn't do much shopping ard as in visiting schools, coz I took a slightly different approach. I researched a bit into Montessori &amp; decided that the product was what I wanted for Sam. When I visited schools which are relatively accessible, I knocked them out based on their deficiency in Montessori. And then I checked that I liked the environment &amp; culture.

I'm a bit limited in that I want Montessori, so there aren't that many schools to check out
sandwich / Jul,
Haha, I am a bit different. I like to see kids running around and best with lots of laughter. But not the screaming/shouting. But yes, agree with Sandwich, I am not bothered about the pedagogical method used. We chose the ccs based on the environment of the school and the temperament of the children.

So you have registered Sam with MFC? Now only looking for the playgroup for the weekend? Honestly, to save you all the hassle on looking and searching for one, you can do all the activities (drawing, gym, music, reading, etc) on your own. If you want him to "socialise", just bring him out to a children playground, lots of children for him to play with, for free :)
Rach, Paiseh hor, Farrell still win a bit. Win by 90 grams..: p
But u did a better job, I used pethidine!! Congrats again!!!

I'm gog for the parent presentation 2moro. Dragging Hubs along to check out the environment, pedagogical method, teachers, etc. Hubs is more detailed abt things like security, safety, etc. I'm more focused on the learning bit, so it'll be good to have his inputs. besides he doesn't know anything abt Montessori. I want him to see first-hand.

Yeah I'm tired of looking ard. Now I'm looking more for the principle of trying to uncover a hidden gem of a Montessori school with what I want hahaha. But yeah, I feel like giving up &amp; just let Sam have playdates liao.
<font color="aa00aa"><u><font size="+1">KidzPlay @ NEX – NEW UPADTES!</font></u></font>

1. For mommies who want to avoid the weekend crowds and are able to make it on weekdays,
I’ve SET it on:-

<font color="ff0000">Date: Wednesday, 2nd March 2011</font>
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: KidzPlay@ NEXmall

Attending: (please add ur name if ur coming! =))
1) Ling + Jaelle
2) Itsy + Ian
3) kiki + Kim
4) Bernice + Arielle (around 4pm)
5) Cindy + Farrell?

2. For mommies who have stated their interest to meet up on Saturday, 5th March initially,
please do state if otherwise, since its said that the crowd can be quite an issue.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">From the alternatives, I can see SSC n LSP leading! U all wana get it settled soon?</font></font>

Date: Saturday, 5th March 2011
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: KidzPlay @ NEXmall or TBA...

Attending: (please add ur name if ur coming! =))
1) Kam + XY + HR (Lot 1)
2) bernice(purpleclouds)+Arielle
3) milkyway + Shanis (SSC, Jacob Ballas, LSP)
4) kiki (kiki) + Kim
5) Itsy + Ian
6) cindywang(shampoo)+Farrell (Tentatively)
7) Paige + Kate ( lot 1, SSC and LSP )
8) myfavchoco + Kriden ( lot 1, SSC and LSP )
9) Gina +Angelyne :D (near my place!)

Some Remarks:-
<font color="ff0000">Just a note from milkyway...
She was at the KidzPlay in the afternoon on Saturday, 26th Feb and it is VERY VERY CROWDED!
Parents sure get wet!
There are alot of bigger kids so gotta watch our toddlers closely.
She also mentioned its actually for kids 5-12yrs old but she wasnt stopped by security.
Footwear and Photography is also NOT allowed.
Main worry is still the CROWD! </font>

<font color="0000ff">Kam Suggests:
- Lot 1 (similar to SSC’s Splash Park but not sure of crowd)
- Jacob Ballas Children Garden @ Botanic Garden (not too crowded and simple)
- Lower Seletar Park (only waterplay)</font>
Cindy> hahaha okie farrell is boy.. Win nvm..

We'll see how my this big baby progress.. Or like jiejie born big and then decreased growth liaoz... Wahahaa....

Ya one of my thread mummies did it gas free too...
I was so impressed and she inspired me Lo...
Nv tot can gas free... Haha...
thats exactly the question i asked myself when i thought abt whether i shd let kimberly start on the pacificer or not back then. my friend's kiddo sucked their fingers n thumb so much that blisters started to form! when i saw the blisters, i decided that pacifier is a better choice! also with pacifier, i can control when she gets it and when she doesn't (thats why she is trained to only 'want' it when its sleeping time). but ya lah, sometimes when she's cranky, i do just shove it in too! sometimes mommy v tired lah, so take the easy way out! =p but after awhile, i take it away.

oh...amazon! i've not tried ordering fr there but i was thinking if i wanna order some DVDs like leapfrog from there or not. do u know if shipping is expensive? new book at usd1? wow..but what are other sellers selling at? is it real book or ebook?!

congrats again! really big baby u have there!

ling, bernice, itsy
see u all later! hehe... ian will be the only boy with all the pretty little girls! is cindy coming?
<font color="aa00aa"><u><font size="+1">KidzPlay @ NEX – NEW UPADTES!</font></u></font>

1. For mommies who want to avoid the weekend crowds and are able to make it on weekdays,
I’ve SET it on:-

<font color="ff0000">Date: TODAY, 2nd March 2011</font>
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: KidzPlay@ NEXmall

Attending: (please add ur name if ur coming! =))
1) Ling + Jaelle
2) Itsy + Ian
3) kiki + Kim
4) Bernice + Arielle (around 4pm)

See ya Mommies n ur little ones!!!

2. For mommies who have stated their interest to meet up on Saturday, 5th March initially,
please do state if otherwise, since its said that the crowd can be quite an issue.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">From the alternatives, I can see SSC n LSP leading! U all wana get it settled soon?</font></font>

Date: Saturday, 5th March 2011
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: KidzPlay @ NEXmall or TBA...

Attending: (please add ur name if ur coming! =))
1) Kam + XY + HR (Lot 1)
2) bernice(purpleclouds)+Arielle
3) milkyway + Shanis (SSC, Jacob Ballas, LSP)
4) kiki (kiki) + Kim
5) Itsy + Ian
6) cindywang(shampoo)+Farrell (Tentatively)
7) Paige + Kate ( lot 1, SSC and LSP )
8) myfavchoco + Kriden ( lot 1, SSC and LSP )
9) Gina +Angelyne :D (near my place!)
10) joopz + yunze (LSP)

Some Remarks:-
<font color="ff0000">Just a note from milkyway...
She was at the KidzPlay in the afternoon on Saturday, 26th Feb and it is VERY VERY CROWDED!
Parents sure get wet!
There are alot of bigger kids so gotta watch our toddlers closely.
She also mentioned its actually for kids 5-12yrs old but she wasnt stopped by security.
Footwear and Photography is also NOT allowed.
Main worry is still the CROWD! </font>

<font color="0000ff">Kam Suggests:
- Lot 1 (similar to SSC’s Splash Park but not sure of crowd)
- Jacob Ballas Children Garden @ Botanic Garden (not too crowded and simple)
- Lower Seletar Park (only waterplay)</font>
<font color="ff0000">Itsy</font>
Cannot see meh? I just tried go to Amazon, the rating still there leh. You mean you want to buy from "New" or "Used" but not from Amazon direct, but from Amazon website? I clicked one and tried, got leh. Listed out all sellers information in details, and what's % of positive feedback the seller has got, and whether they ship international or not.

For books, we always compare the price between Amazon and bookdepository. Often the latter cheaper. If you only wanna buy a few items or small amount, think best to join a spree bah, cos some spreeists are qualified for free local postage (to their Vpost or similar) so at least you save some shipping. When we buy things from Amazon, we usually use their courier service directly, think slightly more ex but less hassle (for me lah, cos I don't like keep checking and keeping track of the shipping).
orh ok. hey, maybe u wanna amend the list? those going today, 5th they going again ah? 5th one i won't be going leh.

oh..amazon got courier service direct to your hse? hmm.. ok, i will check it out. thanks! i think as long as it states 'free super saver shipping' it means domestic shipping is free.
bad dream?
lately i noticed K does this quite often. it can occur when she takes her afternoon nap or sometimes at nite. one moment she's fast asleep, next moment she suddenly sits up and sometimes she will just drop back down to sleep, but sometimes she will start to cry! why like that huh? is she having bad dreams??!
i just asked hubby again... think he bought from amazon direct leh.. he uses comgateway which use UPS... he has boycott Vpost after bad experience with them...
Itsy> I've ordered alot frm Amazon lately..
If u wanna share shipping u can order urself and ship to my vpost... CGW is not bad, fast.. But more exp...
Can't consolidate parcels also cuz total must < S$400..
But vpost can have 10-20parcels so long each parcel is less than S$400 with shipping..

Whatsapp me if u wanna send to my vpost.. I have a few parcels waiting to ship from amazon as well..
Why are you here?!!! I totally agree with your hub. Should either keep your phone or throw your phone away! (joking, k!). Take more rest and enjoy your new bundle of joy!
You mean you went without even ANY gas?????
OMG!!! (I don't know how to put this in BIG BOLD and INCREASE font size, othwise I will!!)
That time, I epi, and still pain!!! *kowtow*


The gas didn't work for me haha

I was waiting for the anaesthetist coz it was in the middle of the night &amp; the nurse offered me the gas. I told her it wasn't working &amp; I was griping the bedrail &amp; holding on for dear life in PAIN!!!! She told me to breath harder. I breather HARDER till I almost hyprventilated &amp; it still didn't work. I wanted to throw the face mask in her face &amp; tell her to use it herself if she thinks the gas is so good hahaha
