(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

LOL! See if can spot us this weekend or not. My boy talks very loud when he is excited, and my girl laughs very loud. So if you hear a boy screaming/shouting madly or a girl laughing madly, look to that direction to spot us :)
hmm i think 3pm is quite sunny still... after 4pm will be just nice??

Alternative for this sat: i dont mind Jacob Ballas or Lower Seletar park or SSC
yep ok. but i also don't mind the wkend for LSP or SSC.
actually thurs morning i might wanna go ikea preview sale leh.
don't worry...the sale is from 3-20 march. just that 3rd is the 1st day and the preview sale (for friends member) is from 7-10am i think.
Hey everyone!

Ugh I've been busy at work (& checking out Montessoris hehe).

Oh I can't go to the Ikea sale! I need to attend this parent presentation at MFC on Thu
And I can't cfm the meet-up on Sat either coz I'm still looking for Sat playgroup for Sam. Aiyah!
itsy, ling,
if its just the 3 of us on 3rd, can i make a request to chg to 2nd? =p i mean, if u gals are also free on that day.

no problem! =)

oh...i thought u've found a school aleady for sam? u mentioned wkend class? u're still hunting for one?

More like I only managed to find ONE school in Spore that looks like a real Montessori. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find a Montessori school in Spore. All the rest are like... imitations? I haven't decided yet. Gog for the briefing on Thu to make sure that is really what I want. Coz the ahem.. $$$.. hiaz

Sam's only gog to school next yr, when he's 2.5 yrs. he's a bit young now. But I was looking for a weekend class from now till next yr.
kiki, itsy, ling,

if its 2nd and i still HAVENT pop, i'll be there!!

hehe... :p

but i'm aiming for 2/3/11 also... hehehe...

someone smart enough to make a guess how this number is related to me?? lol... :p
Which cc offers "real" montessori curiculum? You are really very hard working leh. Did so much research and reading, very impressive!! When I picked cc for HR, I just simply shortlisted a few that is convenient to us (location wise), went for a visit, and selected one we like best.
Hi mummies. I miss carrying my # 1 but Gynae said by carrying her, is unfair for # 2 and myself. So disappointing when I got to reject # 1.
Can't join u all cos working during weekdays.
Have fun mummies!!!

Er.. I ngiao mah.

I looked at MOE & MCYS website & looked for those near MIL's. Cross out those without Chinese. Then actually, very very few schools left. I only went to 4 places haha

Montessori for Children is the one pre-school which I found.

What to do? I ngiao abt Montessori mah. Actually I read up more bcoz I was fascinated by her method myself, not so much for Sam. Then as I delved deeper, I though it was very good! So I decided to try to find a Montessori for Sam. But my research backfired coz I ended up nit-picking on every school. When I hear 1h of Montessori, I sian ji buah liao.

If I weren't into Montessori, I'd also visit the convenient ones & pick the one I like best. I believe that the parents must like the school/CC, not just base on others' comments. Coz what otjers rave abt may not be my cup of tea. I can see that many parents would be uncofmortable with MFC's teaching method.
huishan> is there a reason why gynae says cannot carry??

I'm still carrying Rayanne now????

and i've been carrying her?? the last 9 months??
but i try to minimise.. but how to???

but.. yah..lately really for very very short period... like 5-10min... but i still hug her and bathe her and all that on the bed...
2nd March- I can only confirm tomorrow. Reason why I change to 3rd is cos when the majority spoke to have the outing on 5th, I alr planned something else... but still have chance for changes cos tmr then confirm. I confirm with u all by tmr night can? Since its just the 3 of us n bernice? rach? u sure u wana go ah?! shouldnt u be resting at home liao? dun freak us out if ur labour turns on that day leh! hehehe~
Rach, Gynae said during pregnancy, avoid exerting forces especially carrying heavy things. So I asked her how abt my #1? She gave me a loud NO! As I so used to carrying her, like what u said how to minimize? but becos I have shared what the Gynae had said to hubby & mil, Everyday I received reminderS not to carry her
huishan> hahahaha..thats why some things i listen..and go out.. i dun tell.. u tell others... u get nagged more...

gynae said to STOP BREASTFEEDING on my 1st visit...
unfair to Rayanne....

I BF till 16 mos.. i just stopped on 23 Jan...
1 month before i'm going to pop...

And i feel it was a good break..

now i can feel my breasts full liaoz... like not so deflated...and i can feel milk as in.. BIG lumps inside... hehe..

i pressed yest.both side got colustrum coming out when i press hard...
so thats good enough for me to know...

Was worried Raylynn no nutrients....
SHe's 3.999kg at 37+4 weeks check up... ho ho ho...

though big doesnt mean she's full of nutrients.. but at least she's not like.. smally tiny, maltritioned kind... lol....

so up to u la...

u dun carry #1, also not fair to #1... rite?
got #2, then dun want #1 liao... she'll be very rejected loh.....

but when do u carry her?? for what???

Rayanne still sits on my lap for meals when outside... at home she sits on high chair, sofa...

but outside she only wanna sit on my lap... high chair maybe for 10-15min.. once the food comes, she's sick of the chair liaoz....

i carry her when she lazy to walk to market.. for a while..then i ask her come down to walk....

mostly use strollers... very easy..she go in.. sometimes timing right, before i reach MRT, she KO liaoz.... then she can sleep for 1-2 hours inside... then if she wakes up.. we are probably having meals or something....

can try to minimise carrying...

now is not gynae said dun carry, but i dun want to carry..cuz very xinku with a big tummy...already breathless....

play with her on the bed... hug her on the bed.. still can touch her la.... she sometimes sit on my tummy... or i lay sideways.. she sit on my 腰 ... yah..that part.. if u can still find mine... lol....
Jul: have not decide. Hee I am super relax when deciding matters for #2. Now my hubby more proactive than me. Ops!

Rach: u r now 41th week! Wow! & she is near to 4kg! Wow! Can natural? Sorry if I had asked an ignorant question

I also still carry my boy .. How not to carry when he always sees me and stretch his hands out for me. Usually I carry him for a while or sit down with him on my lap. I try not to walk and carry him for long period though.

Gynae also tell me try not to carry but ultimately you must be comfortable doing it.
okie, hope u can chg to 2nd then, since bernice is also off...more ppl more fun too!

ya...are u sure u can or not?! keke...like ling, i also worried later u running after rayanne suddenly go into labour then we all panick!
Ling/Kiki> haha no worries la.. I won't be the one running after her.. My helper will....
Thats if I haven't pop...
Lets see nExt 2 days how... Lol...

Gynae appt tmr... Scarly he say can go home pack bag liaoz... Lol....
<font color="aa00aa"><u><font size="+1">KidzPlay @ NEX – NEW UPADTES!</font></u></font>

1. For mommies who want to avoid the weekend crowds and are able to make it on weekdays,
I’ve SET it on:-

<font color="ff0000">Date: Wednesday, 2nd March 2011</font>
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: KidzPlay@ NEXmall

Attending: (please add ur name if ur coming! =))
1) Ling + Jaelle
2) Itsy + Ian
3) kiki + Kim
4) Bernice + Arielle?
5) Cindy + Farrell?
6) Rach + Rayanne?

2. For mommies who have stated their interest to meet up on Saturday, 5th March initially,
please do state if otherwise, since its said that the crowd can be quite an issue.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">From the alternatives, I can see SSC n LSP leading! U all wana get it settled soon?</font></font>

Date: Saturday, 5th March 2011
Time: 3.30pm
Venue: KidzPlay @ NEXmall or TBA...

Attending: (please add ur name if ur coming! =))
1) Kam + XY + HR (Lot 1)
2) bernice(purpleclouds)+Arielle
3) milkyway + Shanis (SSC, Jacob Ballas, LSP)
4) kiki (kiki) + Kim
5) Itsy + Ian
6) cindywang(shampoo)+Farrell (Tentatively)
7) Paige + Kate ( lot 1, SSC and LSP )
8) myfavchoco + Kriden ( lot 1, SSC and LSP )
9) Gina +Angelyne :D (near my place!)

Some Remarks:-
<font color="ff0000">Just a note from milkyway...
She was at the KidzPlay in the afternoon on Saturday, 26th Feb and it is VERY VERY CROWDED!
Parents sure get wet!
There are alot of bigger kids so gotta watch our toddlers closely.
She also mentioned its actually for kids 5-12yrs old but she wasnt stopped by security.
Footwear and Photography is also NOT allowed.
Main worry is still the CROWD! </font>

<font color="0000ff">Kam Suggests:
- Lot 1 (similar to SSC’s Splash Park but not sure of crowd)
- Jacob Ballas Children Garden @ Botanic Garden (not too crowded and simple)
- Lower Seletar Park (only waterplay)</font>
hubby was asked not to take photos leh... we were quite puzzled too... but i secretly took some while sitting by the bench...

there was a NO photography sign at the entrance of the escalator which we noticed only while going down.. :p
NEXmall - 2Mar
If he recovers somehow by then, I'll come too, wanna meet more of you all in person.

Gave him honey last night and today, his cough seems to have improved. We shall see.

Haha....sekali really you all need to help send rach to deliver... would be "funny" (for lack of a better word)
joli- would love to see u n Matthew again!
did I get his name right? else, please pardon my poor memory! =P
but hor... please dun freak me out by saying that leh! hurhur~

Haha back to my famous saying... When you have a choice, you can ngiao.. No choice, then cannot ngiao liao!


Isn't that true for everyone?

No. 1 - When the pacifier drops on the ground, must wash it with soap &amp; sterilise before giving it to the baby.

No. 2 - Just rinse with water.

No. 3 - Just pick it up &amp; shove it in

Hey babes, was at Nex on Sunday afternoon. Took a few pics but weren't stop by the security, think too many ppl. I was more concern abt getting phone wet! Lol There were lots of kids no doubt but it being a big playground it is unavoidable! Most of them were waiting under the big buckets. Angelyne had fun at one corner. You all can check out the pics I took on fb. I try resize and upload here.

Btw who offered a tube of desitin? Sorry missed your post. I live at serangoon kovan area.. Hehe will u happen to be going Nex this sat?! Hehehe
i am opting for #2 or #3...

#3 if the floor is at home n i know that its just mopped...
#2 if it is outside...

For me, I used to do No. 2 faithfully even at home. Then 'progressed' to No. 2 only if outside. Now sometimes even if outside, then really bobian, just pick up &amp; shove if it didn't land on the teat part!
No matter where I go I use no 2 even at home. BTW, kiddy palace sell 1 wet tissue meant to clean the pacifier. I bought a pack but not yet try.

Talk about pacifier, If I remove my gal pacifier when she sleep, she will start crying after some times. I can say that the pacifier is in her mouth through the nite which make me worried. Anyone experience the same issue?
yep, but we now go by his Chinese name more.

His cough improved, but a lot of discharge from his nose now. If continue, think I shdn't bring him and spread the germs. See how he does today la...

Me no problem with pacifier, cos he doesn't have one
At first, I thought Jul meant No. 1, 2 and 3 kid. Haha...

My vote is in between #1 and #2. Each time the pacifier drops on the floor, regardless at home or outside, we will rinse it with Hot water (hot water as in to sterilize it).

My son used to LURVE his pacifier, can't live with out it. Last time, he also suck his pacifier throughout the whole night. If the pacifier drops out, he will either cry for it or wriggle his hand to find his pacifier. So far we didn't have issue with him sucking pacifier the whole night. We were so worried that he is so depended on his pacifier. When he started to have teeth, his pacifier just worn out every 2 weeks coz he bites it). Then, suddenly one day he just decided to stop taking pacifier.
Connie - I'm experiencing the same issue as you. Mine need pacifier to sleep, if she discovers that the pacifier drop from her mouth when she's sleeping, she wld make noise n we have to put it back into her mouth, else she would ownself find it. I don't know how to wean her off it as it's not good for her teeth. Your gal sucks the pacifier throughout the night? Does it auto drop fr her mouth?
Connie / bernice,
My gal also sucks or must have the pacifier at night, though not throughout the night, but most of the night.

I try to wean her off that but I am too lazy leh. Cos just stuck the pacifier back to her mouth solves all problems already :p For my #1 hor, I very hard working, once he fell asleep, I removed his pacifier immediately, and he self weaned off at 4th month. While for my girl hor, I didn't do that, I let the pacifier stay in her mouth throughout cos I too lazy to do that. Also, it's me who forced her to take pacifier, I already felt very bad about that, now she is taking pacifier, and I have to force her to wean off, like double guilty :-( I also don't know how, maybe wait a little longer till all her teeth are out, then I just throw her pacifier away and let her cry.
Kam - If i try to wean her off now, there wld be alot of crying coz she doesn't understand. Haiz.. must wait till she understand (which i think 2 yrs old ba)

My son started weaning off when my dad bought a different brand pacifier for him becoz he didnt know where to find Avent brand in m'sia, furthermore the price isn't cheap. Then he some how dun like the new one. My mum gave him a old Avent pacifier that he was using last time(we kept as backup), he some how felt it was yucky and made the vomit look when he sees the old pacifier. LOL! So he stopped! Hahaha..

Dunno it was a coincidence due to different brand of pacifier or really he dun wan to take liao..
