(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

wah. seems like only my boy still dreamfeeding? maybe cos his 9pm feed is still bm latching. think i shuld try to switch him to fm at 9pm for him to sleep thru till 6am?

my boy's feeding:

6am-7am: latch
8am: bm 150ml + rice cereal
11am: porridge
2pm: bm 150ml
5pm: bm 170ml
6-7pm: porridge
9pm: latch
1am: fm 120ml + bm 60ml

thinking if i change his 9pm to 180ml fm, will he still need to drink at 1am?

waiwai> no leh. tat time i bought really alot from flowerworld. haven let my boy wear =p will have to wait a long while to my nxt order. have at least 10sets of clothes from flowerworld at hm now.
Kam! Xy drinks thrice daily?? >200ml of milk seemed very full hor can keep her for long hrs!

Past 5 days especially last night I almost go bonkas! Don't know what happen to my z.. Whines and cries HOUrLy frm 2am to 7am! And ytd till 10.30am like that. Can u imagine I zzz then hourly wake up... He just roll on me else stand on the bed and stretch both hands and whined! Never ask for milk till it's abt 4-5am tt timing as he will kinda self service... Those odd hrs I jux gotta stuff e water into his mouth and let him drink.. Every morning the bottle will be empty le.. Last time only half empty... I don't know what happen!! Make me scare lor! So shag!

Anyway kiki, this is z's schedule:

7am latch
10-11am wake up latch
11.30-12.30pm cereals / bread / 馒头
+- 2-4pm latch and nap
4+ yogurt / cheese
5-6pm porridge / rice + soup / macaroni
7-8pm latch (SMtimes this can skip if he eats very full at 5-6pm)
10-11pm latch and zzz
more or less is smth like this... Fruits is taken almost daily 1-2x...

Everyone keep commenting z is small build,, skinny etc. Hais. Irritating lor!! Niam niam niam......

Peekaboo sounds fun rach! Lolz.. Now many mummies bz so I tink they not much time to read the thread.. Heehee
It might be the taste cos adult food normally more salty and we usually made bb food to be more blend. MIL put some soya sauce into my gal porridge and now she is eating her porridge again.
Hi mommies,
Need advise.

Tiger jar
Tried a few times but still not successful in cooking. I pour in boiled water and let it stay for 10min, Put some rice and pour hot water inside. Keep for how long then can consider cook? The porridge should be very watery?

I tried put cook porridge inside but it turn watery so end up throw away.

Foogo jar
I put hot porridge inside and after 4 hrs, the porrigde got a smell and have to be throw. Not used to keep warm stuff?

Any mommies able to advise?
<font color="0000ff">Kiki,</font>
2x solid is good enough for her cos she eats a big bowl everytime. Plus she eats fruits everyday. I will follow her leads, eg, this morning, she didn't take her 7am milk at home for the very first time. Kinda disturb her schedule a bit, so her nanny will have to adjust accordingly. When they are older, they will skip the morning milk and start the day with breakfast (solid food), you will know when they are ready. My #1 changed to 3x solid a day when he was 18 months but that's because he had to follow the childcare schedule.

<font color="0000ff">enxuan,</font>
You can try soupy rice. What I do is put cooked rice into the soup and cook in slow fire for about 10-15min. And you can try different combination of meat/veg that you haven't tried before. Like salmon + pumpkin? pork + tomato? I tried this a couple of weeks ago and my girl loves it. Refer to my blog - http://babyhaore.blogspot.com/2010/08/nice-and-easy-to-cook-porridge.html

<font color="0000ff">myfavchoco,</font>
Kriden's schedule is very similar to my XY and kiki's Kim. You can slot in some snack time to give him fruits/yoghurt/cheese/etc.

10kg at 12months for a boy is overweight?? Definitely not! Cos my gal is 11kg and she is at about 90th percentile. Think 10kg for a boy is at 50th percentile. How come your PD said K is overweight? Because he suddenly gained lots of weight or something?

<font color="0000ff">Michelle,</font>
If I were you, I will definitely try to cut out the dreamfeed.

<font color="0000ff">princessxiaomei,</font>
Samll build is okay what. What's wrong with small build? Just ignore those people lah.

Most important is the health and the growth development. I am not discouraging BFing. But for mummies who are still fully BFing, you gonna make sure the solid food that your baby is taking have enough nutrients that the baby needs, esp calcium and iron, vitamin D &amp; E, and folic acid, which is now lacking in BM. Babies should be taking solid meal pretty well. I know some mummies fully BF their babies till past 2 years, and their kids are in the pink of health, you just gonna make sure the nutrition intake and monitor their growth development closely.
Kiki, Arielle's schedule

7.30am - 180ml FM
9.30am - Cereal
11.30am - 180ml FM
1.30pm - Porridge
3.30pm - 180ml FM
5.30pm - Porridge
8.00pm - 180ml FM
11.00pm - 180ml FM

In between, give her biscuits, puffs...

Connie - I used the Tiger jar to cook porridge once, left it for 3+hrs, came out that it is soft but not like the gluely porridge if use slow cooker.
Connie> tiger jar u need to boil the porridge then put into the jar.. It will cook in 2-4hrs... If watery u need to adjust the water level.. Means too much water.. Use lesser water...
Rem tiger jar dun evaporate so no need to put so much water...

Foogo> so far the mummies use no smell after few hours... Maybe check ur preparation?? Wat kind of smell?? It shouldn't be sourish...
i tried to 'cook' porridge with tiger jar too - need to test out to see if it cooks as i'm going travelling with my gal in nov.. but it doesnt cook as well. it becomes soft rice but not mashy like how normal porridge should be. I find that it's still pretty raw so i decided not to use the tiger jar to cook anymore.

Thinking how to settle my gal's food still... sigh.. shall test out the happy baby pouch that rach is ordering lor.
Milkyway> shanis still eat ver mashy food ma??
Stephanie Goh been using tiger to prepare porridge for Jordan since few months ago and he's taking that texture well..
Her helper just bring to boil and then pour inside Tiger...
Rayanne tested before.. I also find it acceptable leh...

Pouch should arrive next week..

I've ordered 6 flavors, 16packs each.. Anyone wants? With shipping should be abt $3plus minus per pack.. Haven't calculate yet..

Got flavors like chicken, beef, salmon, ratatouille, vege, n fruits...

Looks n sounds yummy... Can't wait to get it soon!!
she dont take very mashy food. now she hates cereals and purees and the commercial bottled food. But the porridge dont turn out cook leh.. i just pour hot water into the jar with the rice and cover. 3hrs later i check, the rice turns soft but feels uncook and not really very soft. Think too much water so it's like rice in water.

Hope the pouch is easy to heat up then i can get them for my trip. Otherwise i dont know wat to do with her meals..
<font color="119911">milkyway</font>
Maybe you can do it army style.. place the pouch in hot water to heat up the food inside. Should be easy enough.
Kriden is 9.2 at 9months and 10kg at 12months. Got grow fat alot ma??? Maybe Kriden is veri short, just like the parents =( PD ask me bring Kriden to polyclinic take referral letter to child development at KK. =( make us so worried

And I just came back from polyclinic, doc say not to worry, nothing serious. Jus go kk check c whether the height is due to genes.. They will take both parents height and to a calculation, c whether Kriden belong to at range.

Btw, I m 163cm and Hubby is 170cm
maybe u can try to slowly push back his feeding time by 5 mins everyday? maybe it will work and eventually u don't have to wake up so early!

kriden doesn't look overweight leh. looks just nice actually.

wah..zander seems to be eating/drinking something every other hr!

arielle's schedule also looks very tight. she's also drinking alot of milk huh? i wished kim will drink more milk, coz milk got more nutrients!

what pouch is that? is it some kinda instant food for bb?
huh? why does pd thinks there is problem with kriden's height development? coz he didn't grew taller or what? whats his height?
Oh, funny why your doc called for a concern. What percentile he is on the height chart? There is a page in the growth chart where you can plot the ratio of height/weight, is K on about the same percentile these few months? Think you and your hub height is normal leh. I am VERY short (a couple of cm shy of 150cm actually, keke) but my hub is tall, 178cm. Both our kids are tall-ish, I think.
so how to prepare the pouch?? easy mah??

ur heights are ave lah.. not short mah. Since the poly doc says nothing serious, dont worry too much lah.
Kam- thanks fr ur advice! Calcium not so bad cos yogurt and cheese has.. Vit e n d?? Folic acid? Haha

small build people nt happy but i hack care but v noisy to hear nags abt rubbish leh

myfavchoc- u kidding me? K is short? Overweight? What's his height? U are much taller than me leh! I'm only 156... Duh!!

Kiki- hahaha eh now u say I also notice. Hahahaha. He ask me mum mum leh so I give him cheese or yogurt or fruits lor. Smtimes biscuits but bite one mouth throw on floor!!
When we went to KL for my girl's birthday party last month, we brought along some cereal. She didn't want cereal (already rejected cereal a few months back), and we cannot and no time to cook porridge. So she survived on FM, and some baby biscuits only for that 4 days. She is fine, didn't lose any weight and she was as happy as usual. You just gonna learn to be relax loh. Don't think too much :)
<font color="0000ff">kiki</font> According to her IFC teachers, she does finish all 3 x 180ml FM @ IFC. The teachers were the ones who asked me to increase her FM from 150ml to 180ml. At home I still give her 150mls. I cut down from 180mls night feed to 150ml since last night

<font color="0000ff">milkyway</font> wow, you are so prepared with food pouches and all! I'm gonna be in Europe for about 3 weeks with Kate in Oct and I have decided to just let her eat whatever i can buy off the shelf there, her milk feed will be those fresh milk from the frigde section, just gonna bring one 900g tin of FM just for 'emergency'.

<font color="0000ff">myfavchoco</font> How tall is Kriden? How come your PD is so concerned? gENES??? but both you and your hubby are NOT SHORT!!
ermmm, if Kriden is overweight at 10kgs, then Kate is obesed as she's already 11kgs!

=(~~~ sob sob... Kriden is onli 71cm lah..
He is 69cm when 9months. 3months liao, he onli grow 2cm.. tat y doc is concern... And from the grownth chart, i think kriden is out of the chart liao.... diao~~~

the appointment given is 28 october... still so long lahh... arhh... now also cant do anything.. so sad. =(

U jia you too. Yes very tiring to wake up in the middle of the night. 1st year night feed is enough, no more night feed since he already turn one year old
H Mummies

I'm a Sep Mummy too. I seldom post in this thread..im a silent reader..

Can i join the bd bash? My bb is turning ONE tml.
Anyone tried giving their babies and children what colostrum chews which bp are selling??? Wanna know how good leh.. Sounds good bt dnw leh.. Hahaha

Just don't bother those who keep saying yr boy is thin though is not easy. People ever blame me for my boy's small size, very sad for quite a while but I think open already. Nothing is more impt than him being healthy and happy. My boy birth weight is 2kg and since then his percentile is max 10 percentile. I think his weight now should be around 8.5kg, weight growth very slow. But impt thing is he is healthy and I am happy.

My hubby side family, their babies are all big size.. One born in Feb this year is heavier than my boy and he is in 90 percentile. Really there is nothing to compare .
What type of biscuit did you give? My supply is running v low and not able to supply full day consumption and have not introduce FM yet. Now dragging till she turn 1 so if whole day drink milk, then I have to bring more supply. I better go buy avocado to mix with cereal. What other fruit can be feed with cereal without steam?

I going sunway lagoon. Think the shopping should sell some bb food off shelves ba. Thought of bringing some rice for porridge. Look like it is not possible to cook using tiger jar.

Not sure why my porridge turn sour. Now we usually put into the foogo and open the cap n let it cool before we close. But this defeat the purpose of the foogo.

Is your pedipee spree ongoing? I bought 1 and my gal love to wear. The one I buy is too small so she will outgrow it in a month. Think is the shoe issue, last time it takes me almost a month to make my boy wear the shoe, now he also don't like to wear shoe. He is the only kid bare footed in playground. My gal only takes less than 5 min to adapt.
<font color="119911">Connie</font>
U can feed baby with bread and hard boiled egg in the morning. I'm sure they have that in the breakfast buffet. U can also pack banana in your bag. Easy to bring around, no need to cut/wash, filling and nutritious snack and can feed with cereal. You can check also with your hotel, some have infant meal eg porridge without seasoning.
Serious, hotel will have bb meal? So far never come accross.

So far, we only feed a little bread. Must we soak in milk to have it softer or just feed? Last time I soak in milk for my son n he hated it so never try for my gal. Can bb eat hard boil egg?
Milkyway> It says no heatin required but if u must warm it up, put pouch into hot water until desired temp.
So just put in hot water, take out open n serve Lo...
Maybe pour into a bowl or if u can manage the packet, just put spoon in n feed..

Gonna try beef stew for Rayannes dinner tonite.. Heee..
Birthday dinner!!!
here is the link: http://www.happybabyfood.com/our-products/happybabypouches

oh rayanne's birthday! Happy birthday to rayanne!

no heating ar? think i'll still heat it up lah. sounds like i can get it for my trip!! i wanna try too leh.. can mail it to me? doubt i have time to get from u this wkend or next wkend... after birthday, it'll be wedding wedding wedding to attend...some day got 2 even.. lunch and dinner! pocket gonna burn big hole!
Mummies, wat porridge r u all cooking ar??
Those I cook like so boring..

Mostly - fish porridge ( either cod fish or threadfin fish) an also mince meat porridge ( pork or Chicken)

Once awhile - pumpkin, peas, broccoli, carrot or tomotos porridge....

Once once awhile - pasta
OIC. Don't worry too much. The checkup will help to put your mind in ease.

Oh, you are still BFing, and not given FM yet. If your supply really not enough when you are at KL, then take the chance to intro FM loh.

I have given a whole hard boiled egg for my bb. She is okay with it.

I brought along with me different type of biscuits/puffs, whatever I managed to find from the supermarket, like I have a bag full of those, for my #1 &amp; #2. I don't know what supermarkets are available in Sunway Pyramid. Not many choices for baby fodd from Jusco. Not sure about Cold Storage, should be better.
yes pediped is ongoing.
My latest batch need 2 more pairs to order.
Let me know fast then can order liaoz...

I may wanna order one more.
So if u have one pair just nice..
oh hotels provide bb meals? that would be great!

i'm going aussie so i guess it'll be easy to get access to bb food but prob is S dont like cereals/bottled food! so that is going to be a headache. Intend to just give her bread/milk/biscuits/potatos/fish or watever i can find at whichever place we'll be getting out meals lor. bo pian... hehe
For the Hard boil egg, do you mash it?
The whole egg including the egg yoke?

I gonna b v kiasu. Will let both bb take culturelle these 3 days so that they won't have problem with stomach when we travel. Hope no bantang this round.

Let me check the design first.
For my puff, is it here already? If not, I will go NTUC to buy. Saw that they have it at $8.90.

Then go kiddy palace to buy the pigeon biscuit.
<font color="119911">Connie and Milkyway</font>
Some hotels provide bb meal but not all. Better to email them to check 1st.

<font color="119911">Connie</font>
Ya, ok to feed hard boiled egg. Initially I didn't dare to but tried it after hearing Kam and Kiki feed their bb with the whole egg.

I feed Ian with hard boiled egg with butter and bread (if egg is too dry, add a bit of water), scrambled egg (with fresh milk) with tomato and salmon or just add an egg to his porridge when I'm too lazy to prepare other ingredients :p But if your bb haven't tried it yet, then better to try now, not during the trip. Just in case of allergy.
Gosh, red BM?!! Scary. What kind of infection you have that can make your BM turned red???

I always make sure my kids finish the egg yolk first before they start with the white, cos most nutrients are with the yolk. Didn't really mash it, but make it into small bits suitable for my girl.
<font color="0000ff">connie</font> when i went to Malacca a few weeks ago, I also fed Kate boiled eggs (she wasn't quite 1 yr old yet, so I dig out the yolk and mashed it, didnt feed her white, added a little milk) and bread (i just pinch out the soft bit) and a few sips of full cream milk and I scraped 1 whole apple and she finished that too for both days' breakfast! (i just took these food from the breakfast buffet for 2 adults)
she likes it!
Oh, then will try tmr nite and see.

Wow, you try so many methods for egg.
hard boiled egg with butter and bread
- Very chim. How to you do? spread on it?

If I use tiger jar to cook porridge, it become soft only. If I add a raw egg and stir. Can our baby eat?

Won't the bb get choke with the small bit?

hard boil egg will be easier, I can just put 1 into the kettle to boil. Hope it will not break. hee hee.

Egg yoke with milk and bread?
