(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

<font color="0000ff">kam</font> Her cough sounds as if there's phlegm...no wheezing, not affecting her sleep, maybe coz i sleep like a log i can't hear her cough from my room...
food wise, at home i felt that it IS affecting her food intake but when i ask her IFC teachers, they say she polish off her cereal and porridge in no time!
thanks for the info...
she has been coughing for more than a week, thta's why i was asking... but doesnt fit all the criteria above :p...maybe just to be kiasi i will bring her to see PD lah...shall ask her daddy and see what he thinks.

Gosh, i nearly forgot its mother's day this sunday..

I brought Ian to PD the very next day when I heard him cough. He had runny nose too. Took med and recovered very quickly. I'm a bit more KS cos when I was young I cough so much till I got asthma, dun wanna risk it with Ian. Furthermore due to runny nose, it was affecting his feeding. He v xin ku when trying to nurse.
Ya, my mum is SAHM also. Can really understand her xin ku after given birth haha. Really not easy to take care of a kid. And she got to take care of 3 of us haha.
paige> ops. than must be not pork. shuld be fish. cos my ifc is halal =x

milkyway> i think it's ok leh. let ur baby try lo. if he likes he'll take it. else dey wun eat one =p

corinne> wow. big sacrifice leh. i dun think i can stay hm look after a kid =x although i really hope to

paige> cough gp n pd give diff medication

rach> wah. my boy oredi sleep very little. i need to rest as much as i can when my boy is asleep
Your boy sleep very little too. Mine also. Sleep the most 2 hrs whole day at infant care. Then at home only fall asleep at around 10 plus 11 and midnte will wake up promptly for milk haha. My boss just commented that I have serious dark eye rings haha.
cannot join. Working leh

din noe you have converted to be a SAHM. Saluate u and to all SAHM. i think i go crazy! now working time is like ME time :p
blocking the numbers! gd idea... but i sure scolding from hubb one lo... cos they Only call him... n the dinner with them is like fortnightly...and if he dun receive their call means smthing's wrong... lol

scary leh...

hearing u all talk abt MIL giving food to their grandkids... i better lookout on it too... they like to "take him away from me" and so i dunno wat is going on.

and my boy oso not very operative over their house. At home, when he sees me he like to stick to me.
But when he sees them, he put up a "very Guai, not sticky to mommy, i can get wat i want from PoPo/ GongGong" behaviour... sometimes i saw his behaviour, i felt betrayed... -_-" sighh

cant join too... =(

wondering if i shld get the manduca carrier since u all rave about it... easier to bring him out too... but he likes to see things esp face in front... =/
xmasc> haha. me too love working time. at least i get some time off. at wk can slack sometimes. look after baby cannot wor. one moment u dun c him, he'll be off to do something funny -_-"
THanks Mummy for advise on table food for bb, i will not do it anymore :p....

infant care, so many babies sick and their parent bring them to the centre sooo inconsiderate lor..

as they shoudn't lor. i always make sure my son is well then i put back but yet kena from inconsiderate parent's action.
Ya will be sahm mother in 2 mths time. Serving my notice now. Yes, I also feel that working is more ME time haha. Think I gained weight after I went back work compare to taking care of him myself during my 2nd mth of maternity leave onwards. Awaiting the new challenge as my son is an attention seeker haha. Hopefully everything will turn out smooth.
I am still deciding between Manduca and boba. But saw many good review on Manduca. Will go down and try again this weekend. These few days I carry my son to infant care and thought to myself "OH should get the carrier soon haha".

It's like that one lah. Sam also sticks to me when there's only me. Then when he sees his gong gong / poh poh, I'm not needed. UNTIL he wants to sleep, then he will look for me to carry him in the Manduca. Little rascal!


My PD gave dhataline for sam's cough. He took 2.5ml 3x/day for 4 days (total 12 doses) then I stopped giving him. He recovered quite quickly after that. Ur boys are coughing?

Anyone gave this to ur BB? Sam's poo really stinked today after I fed him beef porridge this pm. Got 'stinky salty wet feet' smell!
jul> lol. i give my boy de pureed beef by heinz la. but is not pure beef. it's beef n something else. carrot n pumpkin or so. ok leh. =p
Feeding water to babies
hey all, how much water can our babies take at this stage, now that they are pretty much stable on their solids?

I rememer Jen ever posted that as little as 60ml may be harmful to infants, but I can't remember if this also applies to babies who are already on solids.

Just discovered that my gal took 140ml of water in one day. But her milk intake dropped drastically to abt 500+ml. At this rate, even if water intoxication is not an issue, I'm concerned that she will not be getting enuf nutrition from milk cos she wld be full from all the water.
i got no ans for ur question. But Shanis does drinks a lot of water in the day. Once i gave her a total of 160ml in 1 day, not all at 1 go lah. She will ask for water so i just give whenever she asks. I think it also depends on the weather. The weather can gets really hot on some days and i think babies are thirsty too and being so active, they need water. Moreover they are already on solid, i give more after her solid meal, abt 30-40ml. In btw her milk intake, she takes 10-20ml each time for "fun"...

u started supplementing with FM? wanna ask how u go abt doing it? I need to supplement with FM too cos my daily supply has dropped drastically. Do u mix FM with EBM/FBM in each feed, then increase the ratio of FM:BM or just intro FM for 1 feed and slowly increase the no of FM feeds to BM feeds in a day? i'm getting different advices from frens. so confusing.
thanks for sharing on the water issue

for supplementing with FM, I am also doing so. But I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly too. I just replaced one ebm feed with the formula feed cos I wasn't sure if she'd reject the whole feed if I mix ebm with fm (and I really didn't want to waste the ebm). She didn't have any negative reaction to the fm introduced in this way, so I just continued lor. Think there is a table for introducting fm from Wyeth website so I just sorta followed it.

Anyway I only gave her fm on days when I didn't pump enuf for her. O/w it's still ebm when possible
milkyway, paige and xiaowei,
i am thinking about supplementing with FM too, cos i'm most prob going for a 4D3N trip with husband and toddler in end may, then not enough frozen supply. but i haven't decided how or when to formally introduce FM to his diet. i estimate that he drinks abt 500+ml BM a day now. so my supply for regular days is still enough for him.

hope u have cool down...
just read the archives...
can pm me also?

RE: beef
i also feed beef to my boy...and yes...
the poo is very smelly...
To me, as long as drinking water doesn't affect her feeding, I would give her water as much as she wants to. My girl drinks a lot of water, I think maybe about 6oz (180ml) a day in total excluding milk.

This is what I found from this website http://healthmad.com/children/how-much-water-should-you-drink-each-day/

Babies up to about 6 months of age need 150ml of water per kg per day. This means that the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of water for a six-month old infant weighing 5kg would be around 750ml (from breast milk or formulas plus water). Infants aged 7 to 12 months need a slightly higher amount, around 0.8litre per day (from breast-milk and foods and beverages such as juice, water etc.) But watch out, your baby’s more prone to dehydration that you may imagine, so don’t hesitate to rush him to the doctor if you feel there’s a problem. Give him something to drink immediately. Replace lost sodium (due to dehydration) through a pinch of salt, a few drops of lemon juice and a spoon of sugar added to a glass of water.

It sounds to me that for older babies, we rather worry of dehydration than water intoxification. I am not sure, I am just guessing. I will be bringing my gal for the jab on Friday. I will ask him.

RE: Switching from BM to FM
I think it depends on the baby bah. If baby doesn't reject FM, I would think it would be better to just give her 1 full feed of FM to replace BM. Unless if the baby doesn't like the taste of the FM, then you have to slowly adding FM to BM until one day she is willing to take FM fully. When I introduced FM when my girl was 5 months old, I didn't face any problem. She is happy to take either FM, EBM or latch. Good luck with that!
milkyway, just to share...i had been supplmenting with FM all along, as not enough BM...but i do the tedious way. i.e. each feed give BM first, then top up with FM. so means got to use 2 bottles each time. n when changing bottle got to be quick otherwise my boy may stop drinking. my mil really very patient n good to do this all the way from my boy's birth, though she preferred me to stop bf la..haha...cos v troublesome.

u could do one feed totally FM too i guess, easier.
wow so mummies, ur babies are mostly taking abt 500-700ml of milk each day? quite enough bah..
<font color="0000ff">milkyway</font>
I started her with 90mls BM + 60mls FM at infant care, once a day, then this week, twice a day.
PD adviced me to mix, just in case she doesnt like the taste of FM.
Plus, I'm giving her NAN HA 2, which according to some reviews, is less sweet and has a more 'metal-like' taste...basically, i think it doesnt taste as good as other FMs in the market!

Like what Kam said, if Shanis doesnt mind the taste of FM, then you should do the 'replace one feed with FM' method.

<font color="0000ff">jeni</font> wah, need to have 2 bottles? How my ifc teachers do it is just to top up the bottle which contains my FBM with 60mls water (oh, nowadays, supply so pathetic, i no longer use milkbags, i freeze and feed directly) and add the appropriate amount of FM, which i already aliquoted into a dispenser as her ifc doesnt allow us to store milk in the centre.

I think i have an unopened box of lansinoh milkbags and some loose lansinoh and medela milkbags...I can't even remember how much i bought my milkbags for...if anyone keen, can PM me? Thanks.
NAN HA 2 tastes horrible. my older boy is taking it now. how come you're using that for kate? she's allergic to normal formula? i'm not sure if i need more milkbags. was thinking of getting some ... i go count how many i have and PM you if i need them.
aiya..cos my if wait in between changing bottles, he will stop taking n refuse 2nd bottle...so bo bian, no time to finish one bottle n then make FM. so bo bian...all along also like that..hai....but other that that, my boy is really easy to handle n well tempered haha...

alamak now read this article on lack of sleep..oops...we mummies where got luxury of so much sleep hor...baby keep waking up 2-3hr...i got 2hr straight i happy liao man...

Kam - $700 is about the market rate right? Quite good ley. Best is there is more attention on your girl.

Girly – haha, didn’t think about that way that my hubby is a rare species when he want more children, he scared he old already then the chances not high lo!

Jeni – I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since giving birth. Nowadays I still get interrupted sleep at night because when her pacifier drops off from her mouth, she would cry looking for it and I have to wakeup and put it back into her mouth. Can happen a few times at night. Your baby still wakes up many times at night huh?
Wah, another trip in end May for you. Nice! Where are you going this time?

Ya, I thought is about the market rate, but some people told me is expensive. But she uses cloth diapers, so I save some money on diapers also :)

The nanny told me once my girl has more teeth, we should wean her off from pacifier already. Luckily she doesn't attach to her pacifier, she only needs it when come to sleeping. I agree with you, I also think if bb who doesn't use a pacifier, they tend to sleep better (like my #1). My girl has improved A LOT when come to sleeping, cos her teeth have finally cut! Now she wakes up about 2-3 times per night. And no need night feed in between.
Kam - diapers are costly. You save and you don't need to wash the cloths diapers!! mega savings! haha

Mine really needs the pacifier at night or when she wants to sleep. Else she would be restless. I think it would be a problem when next time i want to wean her off it. How come your girl wakes up 2-3 times? not hungry isit?
Kam, Bernice > I think it really depends on baby lor. Like my son, he is quite addicted to his pacifier. When he sleeps at night, he seldom gets up. It may happen once or twice per night looking for his pacifier but he does not cry for it. He tends to flip here flip there, make noises. Often the times he just sleep though the night. He usually sleeps from 9/10pm - 5.30am for his first feed, then sleep again til 8/9am.
Bernice, me too la..haven't got a decent sleep since birth too...now baby 9M, but still waking up at night every 2-3hrly, sometimes hourly still...n will look for breasts lor...so latch or give bottle milk. i was joking his sleepign time is like 4,3,2,1hrly. sleep 8pm, then wake up 12am, 3am, 5am, 6am. i am so concussed lor...

n he sweats alot, so whole night, i will be trying to feel if he's wet, then will have to slip in a small towl at his back, cos his back will be like soaking wet, n pillow too...even wet the nappy cloth i place under him when he sleeps..n mind u, i let already let him sleep in those holes shirt, n on fan directly at him...sometimes even in air con, he also sweat. air con plus fan also sweat..faint...

anyone having same problem with baby sweating???
My son also kep wake up at nte every 2 3 hrs and want suckle. Think I will be having permanent dark eye rings haha.Sian, today menses came back. Was hoping wun come back so soon.
<font color="0000ff">sandwich</font> if you need milkbags let me know, I'm meeting cookiezz this friday! I can pass her the milkbags, more convenient for you to collect from her, right?
I should go home and taste her NAN HA 2...oh, i thought Kaizer is 3 yrs old already? He is still taking NAN HA 2?
<font color="0000ff">sandwich</font> I guess she is not allergic, i only tried similac 60ml/day for 4 days, mixed with FBM...but my sis-in-law who's a doctor told me that if parents have history of allergy, then might be better to start her off with the hypoallergenic milk first during weaning stages, then slowly mix with non-hypoallergenic ones, if she does well, then can progress with other normal milk, so my plan is to let her take NAN HA 2 until 1yr old then progress to other normal formula.
No, she is not hungry, cos I offered her milk, but she didn't want. Usually last feed at 9+pm, and the next feed will be 5-6am. Not sure why she wakes up - teething discomfort? Dreaming? feeling hot/cold? Can be anything. And also when baby is developing physically, esp at this stage when they actively learn to crawl/stand/cruise/walk, they tend to be waking up during the night unconciously. But I am not complaining. I am very happy already. Cos before her teeth were cut, she woke up almost once every hour!
maelyn - Your boy doesn't cry when he is looking for the pacifier so guai ley, mine will cry and the way she looks around for it is like a drug addict lo..

Jeni - Wa jialat ley.waking up almost every hour, poor thing. You must be very very tired. He wakes up at night is it because he didnt eat/drink enough during the day??
Hehe your baby very 'hot' ley, sweat so much! What is your aircon temp?

Kam - Oic.. None of my girl's teeth came out yet..so i hope when she is teething she doesnt give me a wakeup cry every hour!

NAN Pro 2 - Anyone wants to buy the sample tin i got? it is 400g tin. Pls PM me if interested...
Paige, when they say allegic to milk meaning what? is lactose intolerant considered milk allergy? i give bb NAN HA from birth, just 8M, i changed to normal NAN PRO2. bernice - can give the sampel tin FOC?? =)

i also dun why baby wakes up, think maybe habit of latching at night....not meh?? so u all latch, baby also dun wake up at night?? what abt those that co-sleep..will tend to wake up right?

not sure if eat enough during the day or not la...he has like 3 milk feed 80-150ml, 2 porridge 80ml all abt 2-3 hourly apart, alternate lor. think drink abt 400ml from 9am-9pm, plus a few latches at night til morning est. 200-300ml.

my silly air con had been not cold from day 1 last yr, got the guy to come repair last week, sligthly better, but i think still not very cold even if i set at 20degrees. hai....but with baby i put 23-35 in case bb cold, cos he wearing only holes shirt. oh i tot all babies sweat alot..no ah..

do u all put in air con room to sleep? since recently temp is unbearable.

n his teeth is not even out yet...oops....
My son sleeps with air-con(about 26 degC) plus fan (number 2). He is also the "hot" kind. Last time sweats when he is sleeping with only fan. Then he kena rashes all over his neck. So my mum switch him to sleep in air con room. Then now with air con, he can sleep better and rashes problem become better. Btw, we let him nap with air con in the afternoon as well.

My parents air-con are still the kolot old fashion type. I think I better ask my father to change the inverter to save more electricity. Hehe..
i tried to upgrade him to NAN HA 3 in jul last year, but he couldn't tolerate it so that's why we're still at NAN HA 2. i can't even try normal milk yet of course.

allergic reactions to milk for my boy varies. severity can range from puking immediately, loose stools immediately, swollen eyes, swollen mouth area, rashes on the face, rashes on the limbs, rashes on the trunk, chocking halfway in the feed, coughing non stop, puking belatedly, having loose stools belatedly. but happy to share that as he gets older the severity lessens. i am hopeful that one day he'll be able to tolerate normal milk.
whatever u posted on sleeping pattern and sweat are all spots on for me! Cayden perspire like nobody business! ialready try to stop aircon as he has not recovered fully from his flu and cough but then..he practically wet my mattress. In fact he will still perspire when the aircon is on! hahahahah
haha..ya lor so hot..seems like having suana man...

i also on both air con n fan too..but mil keep saying shouldnt direct fan at bb not good..sweat never mind...but i hack la...will direct fan, but slightly upwards so not that direct. very irritating cos whole night, i trying to turn the fan this way n that, on 1 or 2, n trying to block with pillow n blanket...duno if i m too paranoid over that...argh....

he just recovered from flu, so now i on air con, last week mum dun let me on aircon cos bb flu..so super hot..hubby went to other room to sleep w aircon lor....hai why we mummies have to struggle w bb while hb get to sleep ther nights...

now really understand why people say mummies are the best!!
ALL CHEERS TO MUMMIES HERE....and to our own mummies....
hahaha jeni, now i realise IM NOT the only one!!! i feel so much more balanced now.

maybe im lucky, my husband just make do with whatever i say hahaha

The whole family's been sick. First I got sick, then the baby, me again and now the husband. Damn sian.

So Rylen was sick, teething and hates us going anywhere near her mouth because of us having to give her medicine, I've pushed back letting her try fish. Sigh. But I will this weekend. Would it be ok to mixed the flaked fish with sweet potato and peas cos she knows and loves those already? She's never had rice porridge before.

