(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Rach: can i be an idiot and tell you i saw the house for $100 on Thursday? =X Didn't get it as i was too leong this month, plus it was raining and cab from the west back is going to cost a bomb

Teething tablets: Interested to get err.. 2 bottles.

Huggies Swim Diapers: going for $15.10 @ Toy'r'us til 31st March.

Difference between play yard and FP learning house: In my opinion ah... play yard is like a bigger size play pen whereby you "cordon" an area just for your baby to play in. From what i see is parents get the play yard and use it together with playmats and let their children play in it. The panels consists of plains ones and at least 1 activity panel, you can see in the bp link. Something like that:


FP Learning house is more of a stand-alone product bah. More about learning house : http://www.fisher-price.com/fp.aspx?st=2341&e=detail&pcat=bulnl&pid=30446

<font color="dc143c">Gina</font>
which thursday????
we just went like 3 days ago?
u mean the pric was $100.. then increased to $150????????????????????????
*bang wall!!*

And $100 not so many people buy?????????
$150 then we all buy 3 sets at one go?????????
<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">Happy Bellies &amp; Happy Melts</font></font>

I'm closing orders on Monday 10pm.

Any mummies still interested let me know..

Current batch price:
Cereal: $7.58
Melts: $6.58

Will not be ordering puffs as the shipping for me is horrible...
But unless we have at least 40orders for puffs, then maybe will order.. but do note the shipping may be alot...

Current price is not indicative of future batches's price.. It can fluctuate plus minus 50cents..

But i'm pretty confident this time round it'll be cheaper (if they pack the same way. i will know how many to order to maximise the boxes..)
<font color="dc143c"><font size="+1">OLD NAVY</font></font>
have closed batch 1...

I have another 20% code.. if anyone keen, PM me ur orders by Sunday 10pm.

cookiezz> lol. i got abt 10pigeon wipes + 10angel wipes. use the wipes very fast. so usually i stock up. since lazy to keep going n buy la

wat kinda organic food u selling?

bellamy's> juz now bought bellamy's baby porridge for 4.95 per box at cold storage. organic oso. bought 2 to try. think only this n the rice cereal on promo. usual price is 7.95 i think

gina> wow. 100bucks u din buy, rach buy at 150bucks =x

yaya. think i buy the playyard, but the musical version, since it's here now =p

rach> i think she meant the thurs when de sale juz started. all de price keep going up. like the shopping cart u bought. initially was only 40bucks. which is oso why i choose not to go to the sale on mon =x
hi mummies,
i went to the babycare today and found the thermal swim wear konfidence having 20% discount.

Is much cheaper than what you can get in Mothercare so if anyone is keen. go and take alook!
baby poo> anyone know y my baby's poo is green in color? n very like vege? den he poo quite alot of times today. this poo-ing all day long is causing quite a bad rash on his backside. any advise?
Tiger food jar: saw at carrefour think is selling at 47。those miss the isetan sale can go take a look at orchard
aerogaz slow cooker: trying today to make porridge will feedback later
og: fp stacker and sorter left about 6 pieces .. Blue elephant left only the display set lucky grab earlier
if baby poos more than 5-7 times a day, it's highly possible a diarrahea. Remember to keep him hydrated, this is very important. And bring him to see doc if this continues.
<font color="dc143c">bbq</font>
ur boys cant wear Fitti???

<font color="dc143c">princessxiaomei</font>
hey!!!!!!!!!!! u are sept08 bride also??????
i just checked on the archives of SB forum...and realised ur nick was there!!!!!!!!!!wahahha....
think u were there initially and then u stopped after a while???
wah...so qiao!!!
Rach, can wear but I bought 8 and thought a bit too much so don't mind letting go 2 to 3.

By the way, anyone signed up photo package with sean lau?
<font color="dc143c">bbq</font>
MMMm.... icic... too much meh??
i got 9 packs at home leh..
u have 2 boys some more.. LOL!!

SeanLau ah...Mmm.. if got more than 20 sign ups..got cheaper rates leh..
Mmmmm... my cousin in law supposed to take for me..... but dunno when he free.............

hehehe..if we can have enough i dun mind also..wahahhaa.....
kam> ok. will try to give him more water/bm
today seems ok liao. only poo 2-3times
n no more green shit. thinking is it the nestle cereal with vege tat the sch give him tat causes the green poo =x

bbq98> i oso suddenly think i bought too much M size diapers. got like 7pack pampers M, 2pack mamypoko M n 4packs drypers M -_-" din realise so many than tat day i went to buy thinking finish liao. den when i climb up my wiw, i nearly faint. but nvm, pampers n mamypoko can sell easily =p

kiki> think fitti promo over liaos.
diaper rash> wat's the best way to cure ah? other den air dry the butt. cos my boy got rash now, dunno how come the sch apply too little rash cream or wat. juz now i let him wear nappy at hm, de rash seems to clear better. but not long term solution, cos he goes infant care leh.
oh...haha..u got too many M size while i got too many L sizes! and L is still too big for her now. diaper rash...just to got to keep putting the desitin bah. then maybe change more often? airing it definately helps too!
Healthytime cereal
Seems like very watery! i need to put abt 6 spoons instead of the usual 3 spoons compared to other brands like organix or happybellies. hmm.. maybe its the texture, like very flaky not powder form. kinda messy preparing it esp if in a hurry! the flakes fly all over the tabletop.
<font color="ff6000">michelle</font>
haha u selling pampers or mamy poko m? haha i dun mind getting one haha! for nappy rash, my son one heal liao. use a LOT of desitin for overnight. then in the day i used cb calendula cream. cleared in 3 days! i din really air leh cos how to air? i scared he pee or poo. but in the day time i use cloth diaper. since yours in infantcare, u just make sure when he is at home u put the diaper cream and put more in the morning when u send him in. cos i dun put the cream everytime also. nv kena rash until this wk due to food allergy
<font color="0000ff">michelle</font> can i buy 4 caps from you coz I'm lacking 4 caps for the remaining 4 bottles! I can get from your parents' place at St.31

<font color="0000ff">Babyfair @ Expo</font>
So annoying....went to the babycare fair, and decided to buy swimdiapers, the iplay ones,.....quite good lah, can try on etc, got them for $20 and realised BP only selling for $15!!! good thing BP dont have the design i bought!! arghh!
Babycare this year nothing much to buy hor....only stocked up some "emergency ration" baby food from heinz...4 bottles for $5.50.....and her dad got carried away and bought KAte some organic sleepware...*!!*
received the $10 from you. my older boy tried the veg puffs, and he likes it. but not worth it to get through sprees. will prob get from a local organic shop after he finishes this batch.

tried calling you just now cos i was at my mum's place. but couldn't reach you. the cereal has been collected from cookiez, so as and when you want to drop by my mum's place to collect, you can just do so even when i'm not there. PM me if you need the unit number again. by the way, i want to get one cap from you.
<font color="ff0000">Any1 has disposable breastpads 2 clear?</font>
Hi! I'm an Apr 09 mommy looking 2 buy ovr any excess stks of disposable breastpads (those w adhesive). Pls PM me if u do hv 2 clear - kindly provide me details abt brand, qty, price &amp; collection mode + timing. I've mostly been using Pigeon &amp; Tollyjoy brands. Collection-wise, I prefer 2 collect in Orchard &amp; CBD during wkday lunch-x, or Tu lunch-x @ HFC. Can also deal by post. Tx &amp; hv a wonderful wk ahead!
kiki> ya. i'be been using nappy during the wkend when we at hm. but very shiong. cos urine, poo, got to wash. but it does help in making it less red. actually at hm, i use de desitin on every diaper change. even ask the sch to use it on every diaper change. maybe they have not been diligently doing it, cos it was pretty red on fri liaos. will ask the sch to apply more nxt week.

think someone said before tat healthytimes need more cereal to water ratio as compared to happy bellies. i've bought this organix to try too. since they were on offer at cold storage. but it's rice porridge =p

potbelly> erms. maybe if really dun clear by nxt wk, i'll bring him to the gp. hope they have the same cream as de one polyclinic prescribe to u. can i haf the name of the cream? thx in advance

cookiezz> lol. selling u diapers not convenient leh =x hehe. doubt sandwich will wanna pass the diapers for us. n better dun sell now. wait till really cant wear den i go wts forum. else hubby will say see la buy so many, den nxt time he will say dun buy diapers liao -_-" i dun wan one day suddenly no diapers at hm for my boy to wear wor =p

paige> ops. no more caps liao wor. i only kept 2 for sandiwch n i sold all of them to a mum leh. cos i stop using the glass bottles oso. since my boy drinks abt 200ml a feed, i store 200ml of milk in one pack of milkbag, easier n more convenient =x

sandwich> ops. so it was u who called me =p haha. i wasn't at hm juz now anyway. okie. maybe i'll go ur mum's hm to pick up the cereal nxt wk n drop the cap there. but nxt wkend can? wkday i reach hm pretty late, den got to start packing my boy's stuffs for nxt day liao =p
michelle -> I usually wash my baby's bottom with water during each diaper change. Or u can use round cotton, soak with water and clean the bottom(my usual method). Wipe dry with tissue and do apply nappy cream. Till now, my baby does not have any nappy rash so i guess the method helps.
leosiriuz> tat's de method i do at hm too. de diaper rash was caused by his sch. maybe dey only use wipes n apply de rash cream. nv use water. cos fri came hm, his butt was red red liao
cloudme> i wouldn't say caused by sch la. but juz tat i suddenly saw his butt red red on fri nite. but his sch change his diapers very often. every 2-3hrs. so i dun blame dem oso. juz tat ask them apply diaper cream more lo
both my boys never used nappy cream before. if they've soiled themselves, the infant teachers will wipe away the poo with wipes and then rinse with water under the sink. so far none had nappy rash before even though they have ultra sensitive skin (eczema outbreaks) on all parts of their body other than their bums. so ironic right.

don't worry about the cereal. just leave it "parked" at my mum's place. next weekend then collect it's fine, as long as you don't need to use it now.
<font color="0000ff">michelle</font> oh, its ok then, i'll look through the WTS section

hahah, talking about green poo, Kate also had green-ish poo after being fed the Heinz mix veg cereal by her infant care....!!
And I made peas puree for her to try over the weekend and poo poo after having peas smells REVOLTING! eurgh!!!

<font color="0000ff">cookiezz</font> thanks for the cereal! Just in time, as Kate is down to her last few spoonfuls of cereal....

did you buy frozen peas to make the pea purée? I'm thinking of buying that but it's such a big packet that I don't know when it can be finished.
sandwich> erms. dey clean my boys butt quite well. like even when i reach to bring him hm, sometimes dey will say he poo, den change him oso leh. so i dunno why got rash. nvm, have told them. guess dey will place more notice on his butt =p

okie. i'll get the cereal nxt wkend. u sms me ur mum's unit number can? my number is 91526232. so i'll be able to sms u before i drop by this wkend =p dun wanna give ur mum a shock by just appearing at the doorstep

paige> haha. dunno y got green poo. this morning oso green poo leh. wonder why. is de green peas nice? i hate peas. n if my boy dun finish,, i

potbelly> keike. i oso dunno wat is the term for steroids. =p

think is frozen peas. according to wat kam ask me to make.
sweet potato puree> wow. we can bake them or even boil them? tot only can steam. keke. how long to boil or bake? advise pls? =p

wat kinda sweet potato? japanese? isit purple skin? is de meat oso purple or yellow?
Frozen green pea comes in 2 packaging. Small one about 450g and big one at 900g (if i remember correctly). You can try with the small ones? But I can only find it at Cold Storage. The NTUC at my place doesn't have any.

I know can boil, but boiling causing lost of nutrients compared to steaming. Not sure about baking, wouldn't it be even drier if you bake, then have to add a lot of water when you blend?

Any type of sweet potato. Jap sweet potato is the purple skin and yellow flesh. Yesterday I mixed 3 colours together, local+Jap sweet potato - orange, purple and yellow. Came out very purple-ish cos the purple ones gave very strong colour. Taste nice though :)

thanks for the tip. I've only seen the big packets at Ntuc. Will try cold storage. If buy big one, dunno how many years I'll take to finish it. :p

Michelle I tried the orange sweet potato. It's yummy. I finished whatever my girl can't finish. Hehe.
mmichelle, potbelly
yes, can sweet potato can bake! but recommended to bake only if doing larger qty if not waste power leh...i mean if u're using a standard conventional oven lah. just make sure u clean it properly, poke a few holes and just throw into the oven. i forgot whats the temp to set for baking...got to check. but personally i've not tried baking though... so not sure if its gonna be more 'dry' or not. my girl loves the orange sweet potatoes. she will go "hmm..hmm..." each time she takes a mouthfull.

i think i went overboard with making puree! so stress now whenever i open my freezer. there's avocado, banana, apple, squash n sweet potato!
i haf bn caps..pm if u still need?

re: milk intake
how much milk is ur baby drinking now? Every 3Hr? My boy refusing milk..used to drink 180ml every 3Hr..now sometimes only 100ml after 4Hr..juz started 1meal of cereal for lunch..anyone facing e same prob?
kam> oo. so boiling is no good ah. okie. i asked my dad to help me steam =p i din bake, cos i reach it takes 1hr, which is ridiculously long =p

hehe. so yesterday de purple sweet potato i saw was correct. i saw yellow flesh, hubby told me purple means inside purple flesh. grrs. ok. will get them n prepare soon

potbelly> i hate peas. not dun fancy =p

orange sweet potato oso nice ah. tot someone mention purple is sweeter. wanna get his sweeter one abit, so he wun reject n waste my effort =x

kiki> i read tat it is 400degs. so hiong. wonder if my stupid oven can hit 400degs or not. so now u all recommend orange sweet potato. wow. so many purees. my freezer once u open, it's bm, bm n more bm. think it's exploding.

i read wholesomebabyfood.com n dey recommend baking it.
Remember that day we were talking that sweet potatoes turn black easily after peeling. I found that the local orange ones is less likely to turn black as compared to the Jap one, so maybe easier to handle for first timer. Both are equally sweet, but with different texture, whereby the Jap one is thicker/stickier, I feel.

My freezer no more EBM. It's all puree, puree and puree :)
yes, is suitable...also must add liquid (water) to thin it down.

i think it shd be 400 degrees Fahrenheit so convert to Celsius is about 200 degrees. cannot be 400 degrees celsius bah! else will surely burn then u'd get super duper dried up sweet potato which is impossible to puree. haha... even baking chicken also don't need 400 degrees!

how I wish my fridge is exploding with bm. Left with a pathetic number of bottles. See how long I can tong with fbm.

I ate purple ones at BBQ. It's nice too. I wanted to intro pea and spinach, the not so sweet food first. I'm worried that she'll reject them once she's tried the sweet ones.
<font color="ff6000">Huggies Swim Diapers</font>
I think some of you were looking for this? It's retailing at Carrefour at $14.90 per pack now.
