(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

Wah.. i realised that 717 Trading has a branch opposite my HB's office!!!! CooL!!! the next time i go Balestier.. i shall go grab some durians!! hahaha..

Last nite reached home at 11plus... didnt even get to go buy durians man.... sigh.....

uhmm...ya right...thanks...actually hub quite pissed off with me yesterday :p he sounds harsh and said exactly same as u: okay u want boy right? give u a boy without bladder...i'll see how happy u will be...(so bad one....)

*mama to 6Js*
uhmm...yes...i will be strong...it cld juz be a blessing in disguise, like u said God knows best, maybe he knows i am the soft type, even give me a filial son, i might be bullied by a 'noti dil'...or maybe he feels that hub and me are 'kind being' and the bb girls given to us will definitely be luv, treated well and be protected fr unfair treatments unlike in other parts of the world...anyway what to do...it's a healthy bb and i already 'promised' bb that if she don't end up as miscarriage, i'll keep her. bt she has to do her job to grow well and healthy and mommy will not try to do anything to substain the pregnancy if there's any spotting or threaten miscarriage symptoms...(i know i sound very mean...)

AND she really turns out to be a healthy bb and growing well...anyway fr beginning i knew she will be a healthy bb, no doubt and no worries abt that. HOW COME? coz the more u don't want the bb, the more the bb will stick to u...it's like that de...

u are lucky in a sense lor...to meet nice pple...bt hor so many times i also tell pple that i don't mind having girls coz it's fated and this kind of things we don't have a choice one...we accept whatever is given to us...then pple give us the 'DOUBT FACE'...

AND the irony things is, actually there are pple who tell me it is so good to have girls. when i said 3 daughters, they will laugh: kekeke...ho ho ho (gd gd gd, not as in santa claus hohoho), za bor ho...za bor you hao (filial) wu lao boo eh sim (closer to mom)...these pple usually turned out to be the elderly (in their 70s, 80s) leh...thought they shld be very conservative...those who make stupid comments are usually younger pple....

I've got the following, pls PM me if interested:
-Ready stocks for lansinoh milk bags (50pcs) / lansinoh nipple cream / avent bottom balm and Desitin creamy 4oz expiry:12/2010 selling 9.60 per tube exc postage

-Baby bjorn original/air carrier/active/synergy from $105 onwards only

-Medela Pis/freestyle BP

-Capella strollers BP
can't say hub is a perfect hub bt i cldn't help bt praise hub for being a good father also...i always tell pple that hub is good father as compared to me...though quite jealous that eldest gal wrote in her essay that she likes daddy best, bt no doubt daddy is a better parent...

hub simply adores children...he luvs his nieces and nephew and even plays with kids/bbs who are strangers that he met outside...friend's kids also luvs to play/talk to him...

he always wanted at least 4 children be it boy or girl...

sometimes i really envy him...having this mentality and gracious heart...why can't i be like him??...then i wldn't be so unhappy...
<font face="Comic Sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Girly,

I will pray for you to be 无敌铁金刚, not bother by wat others said ya.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Rach,

Got yr PM. I've left my HP no in my earlier post to lilac

So you are confirmed delivering in Mt. A? U applied e FBI card liao, so wasted</font></font>

haha...u are one nice lady and FUNNY too...bt hor can't imagine myself as wuditiejingang wor...haha...

thanks ya, yup i forsee more nasty comments to come after annoucing the gender of #4...i will be bothered for sure bt i'll try my best to overcome them...

Dun care those ppl lah...at least u got 4 FLOWERS...no worries, when ur gals grow older, they will tend to be closer to mummies..
Thank You Caringmummy for the advice~

I heard from some experienced aunties that when nearing to the delievery date and in 3rd trimester, Best not to take so much Bu...

So I guess I'll stop on my durian intake when I hit my 3rd Trimester. =3

I thought coconut juice is only to be taken before delivering?

Teach me Please...

I'm dying for some coconut!!!
Erm..... neo-natal jaundice happens because the body can't break down red blood cells fast enough. How would eating durian and grassjelly affect the baby breaking down the red blood cells? Everything eat and drink in moderation, that's the key!
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Dun tink Durian is e cause for Jaundice.. @ least not for my case. Both my kiddo hv Jaundice but #2 DS's case was worse den #1 DD. I didn't even touch any durian for 2nd pregnancy lor.

Jaundice happens when BB is unable to process and excrete the bilirubin fast enough to prevent a build-up in the blood stream. And hor apparently asean bb hv higher tendency to get Jaundice</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Pamelia,

According to my MIL, u can only start drinking coconut @ wk 30. Start by taking once a wk den gradually increase. Near to 35th wk den must eat e coconut meat too. It's supposed to "cool" down yr BB esp if u hv been taking alot of tonic. And hor take e small younger coconut, suppose to be better woh. I didn't hv much chance to drink so not very sure</font>

<font color="0000ff">Girly,

Den dun announce e gender lor... jus said BB not co-operative lor.
Most ppl jus ask for e sake of asking e gender... how many are really genuine concern</font></font>
girlygirly ah...

my company angmohs oso like tat. their wife preggie with girl, they are sooo disappointed, no only asian society leh... 1 angmoh female colleague oso like tat,when she noe she preggie with girl, she so disappointed.

they tell their wife, NO PINK stuff.. although is bb girl..argh..

one angmoh Male colleague, even come out with such Commends, is from ANGMOH mouth ok :-

At least he is refering to hubby rather then
wifey responsible for bb gender..
i see the durian craze and crave is still on. ohh... 717 durian..hmm, never tried before. maybe will give it a try sometime.

i drink coconut now already leh.. cannot drink now in 2nd trimester meh? i dunno wor... think once every 2wks i drink it. buy from cold storage those small young type. wah..love it!
actually its all come down to you la, not others comments la.. cuz we are chinese female mah..

first tings, got to overcome yourself 1st..

sigh,no matter what we are still asian..

Hope you will get a BOI BOI next round, heard that if hubby is relax &amp; calm at workplace, tendancy to have Baby Boy is high...
ya 717 durian is very nice &amp; consistence with their quality.. at times when there food road show they too will be there....

sooo lucky la you Rach. 717 branch near you....

i oso try to resist durians la, cuz afraid got diabete during pregnancy , but not stopping the crave is like soo torturing hahahaa...

u read abt the 90/10 principle before? u can change the way you feel and your perspective of whether people are judging you or not by taking control of your own reaction. i feel that sometimes people make these judgements or comments, they're quite harmless, meaning i feel that they're not out to 'get' you or irritate you on purpose. and even if they are out to irritate you, how you react changes everything.
hope you get what i mean. so cheer up ya!
u still game for another one? must learn like me, never say die!! finally God fed up with my requests, pity me and gave me a gal! haha... but now He think i should just be contented with one daughter so gave me another boy!

flower is right leh. like what i said just now, it has to come from urself first. u really must overcome urself first. u can do it ok!

ya i also think durian has nothing to do with jaundice cos i didnt even eat much durians and my babies all ended up with jaundice. yes, every single one of them!!
in aug09 mtbs thread one forumer jus got retrenched..

i am oso very concern about employer abuse. am telling aug09 thread mummies,about my current contract staff who trying very hard to prove herself to my boss and has been taken away all my core duties.. im very very insecure and sleepless nite.. i guess i cant really enjoy my long weekend...

whenever i try to fall a asleep always waken up by my core duties taken away by her sob......
I'm pretty sure you can get swine flu if you come into contact with infected pigs. Thought it is an epidemic precisely cos people got infected without coming into obvious contiact with infected animals . Would avoid going to farms and crowded areas for now. Any confirmed swine flu cases in Sg?

Baby girl is healthy and everybody's fine. No need to worry or feel sad ok? If we spend so much time fretting about what people say about us, then we will be very boh eng already.. haha. Aiya, heck with the insensitive comments. Let go, sit back, relax and enjoy your pregnancy.

can always try for baby Ryan in a few years' time. Maybe the finances look much better then already. No stress.

currently no known cases of swine flu in sg yet. hopefully can stay that way!

how's the situation over in germany?
hub's job no need report office daily...and not really stressful. he enjoys his job...I already don't want this 4th pregancy in the beginning, so do u think there will be 'next time round'? think u cld have miss out in earlier post, actually i mentioned that i will definitely go for a permanent ligation after this 4th bb...

yes asian or not, it still boils down that it's a 'man's world', no matter what profession it is, the most outstanding and famous will still be the man...

yes true...strangers trying to annoy or get at me for what, we don't even know ea other...actually i didn't really mean they are bad pple, at most i can say is they are not sensitive enough to spare a thought for others feeling or simply juz kaypoh lor...

*mama to 6Js*
actually i am already v contented with my 3 daughters. It has never ever cross my mind that i try to get pregnant again juz to get a boy...no matter how others say, it has never shaken my determination to stop at 3. somehow my gynae do not encourage me to do permanent ligation and i am also taken aback by the cost of the procedure (4K), we cldn't take out that kind of money in one shot. so we are always taking precaution. and when i've decided to do an IUD (temp ligation, was hesitating initially coz scared of the side effect), bb #4 came into our life. I really don't know to consider 'heng' or 'swey'...

yes yes...i know it's v wuliao to be bother by others remarks...bt easy say bt when want to put it into action, it's not easy anymore...many will think i need to overcome myself 1st instead of complaining abt pple's comments, yup i totally agreed....i will try hard....

when i was pregnant with my 1st gal, i feel that i was the happiest mommy in the world. bt i don't know why when it comes to this pegnancy, the feeling is totally different...

sori mommies if u find my statements offensive or have offended u...not trying to say bad things abt other pple or complaining abt anything...juz sharing my feeling and thoughts...
if there's anything or anyone that need to change, its ownself...

we can't change the environment/world to suit us. we can only and also easier to change ourselves and our mentality to suit the environment/world...

i protest!!!! keke... its no longer a man's world lah! women can be equally capable and very powerful too. dun forget the saying hor.. behind every successful man, there is a wise woman!! ha! :p :p
so anybody going for the New Mum's exhibition at expo this coming long wkend? maybe if i'm very free i might drop by to take a look.
Hey mummies!

Im back from my FA scan today.. Its a Princess! According to the sonographer, all is well with bb and my gal weighs abt 311g.


Well, I didnt manage to make it for the hospital tour but have confirm to have my delivery in TMC la.. Have also just signed up for the FBI card today.

Yes. Precautions are taken at TMC. At the entrance, you are to fill in a form asking whether ur recently sick or whether u've just came back from overseas etc.. then they'll take ur temp and give u a sticker before u enter. No worries la..

I dun tink durians will cause Jaundice ba.. Only know that bb will grow bigger in size i tink. But its ok la.. Even if i have the crave, its not for long de. I'll get over it very soon. My intake is still considered moderate ba.
no la i dun think anyone of us will be offended by u. all of us here r v concern abt u lor. we want u to enjoy ur preg like any preg mom. actually i feel sad that u feelg so miserable over this preg but since its already done, lets just look forward ok. im sure whatever u want to say has been said. baby #4 has fought hard for her place to be in ur family and since this is gg to be ur last preg, just enjoy the remaining journey ok. i know when u see ur beautiful princess u will look back and give urself a slap for hvg all these thoughts :p i know u r a good mom and u cant help feelg all these. nvm just let it all out and feel whatever u want to feel ok? it all takes time. i been there b4 although the circumstances is not the same. i had negative comments passed by ppl unknowing that they actually hurt more than comfort. so dun worry, just be urself. im sure u will be ok after a while.
<u>New Mum's Exhibition</u>...

I just made a trip there today. Nothing much actually. Its a very small fair. But I still managed to get my Pigeon Silent Electric Breast Pump at $199. Tho' I ever saw that sale price at Kiddy Palace, I dun tink its for long. So decided to just grab one lo. I also bought 2 sets of clothes for my bb gal. $6 each set.

oh..is it? hmm... then maybe i'd give it a pass. when and where exactly is the motherhood exhibition? also at expo?
hi mummies,
just visited the MOH website, and they've instructed that "The number of visitors would also be restricted to one visitor per patient" ... means mummies who give birth at this period will only get one visitor per time. wohoo ... i like this sort of rules. cos when i gave birth to #1, despite telling everyone i know NOT to visit me (felt horrible after side effects from epidural, wanted to rest/breastfeed in peace), still had my family and a couple of friends streaming in. had to entertain them for a while, but always used breastfeeding as an excuse to 'chase' them away.
had a moody day today at work.. think it's going to affect my long wkend

just find it unfair at work even though i'm pregnant. One word from boss and your fate is determined? She's obviously bias and showing double standards to her staff! that's why i hate female boss... ok i know i'm female too and i may have offended any female superior in this forum. Sorry, but i still prefer a male boss.

really a demoralising day at work... long story but it's all swine flu's fault...
can our company retrench us when we are pregnant? i tot they can't do it? or they can do it but they have to pay for the 4 months maternity leave still? did u try talking to your boss and voice ur concern?

in my case i voiced our unfairness but my boss still has her so-called reasons for it... wat can i do? i'm not the boss and i'm her pet. super no mood for anything now...

there is another motherhood fair in june? Since nothing much for this current fair, think i'll wait awhile b4 getting anything...

hey i also prefer a male boss though of course I AM female too...sometimes i find that female bosses are over-bearing and trying TOO hard to show/prove that they are as capable as the male lor...and they are less likely to empathise with a pregnant female colleague coz thinking: i've been through this also what, no big deal...

sorry...of course there are still good female bosses around la...bt very lil lor...

Oic. Ya.. quite cheap i would say. Sounds too good to be true.. How u know this agency is good n reliable? Nv heard of this agency before. They nv say much abt their nannies too.
i now thk wide wide le.. if try a second time stl the same then i will stop le bah..let's just thk wide wide ok.. then our lives will be easier n happier.. we're always here to support u in watever u do..
u noe i relli wanted a birdy when i see the rest who found out earlier all kena birdies.. but stl we cant choose.. so just be happy with it..

yeah will try for Tiger Ryan or Rabbit Ryan..

congrats too!! I just went to the Bugis Kwan Yin Temple there to buy 12pcs of baby top at 20 bucks.. nice n material nt bad.. now i started to see Bb Chloe's stuff lo.. =)

I tink its pretty normal for u to feel this way but dun let this drag u down for too long ya?

U also dun have to let the gossips n comments get in ur way. Those ppl are really in no position to say anything lo. And maybe, they're just jealous of u to be able to have so many lovely daughters. Some ppl want also dun have lo. Be proud of your princesses and they will be proud to have u as their ever-loving mummy!

And its really not ur fault that all 4 are gals. Its ur hubby's right? If he doesn't mind, then why should we? He should be the one to feel this way, not u. Cheer up okay?

NOPE. Avent wasnt there.. Have listed the participating stores above. Here it goes again for ur convenience.

1) Baby IQ
2) Bon bebe
3) Brainy Baby
4) Drypers
5) Espino
6) Evenflo
7) Huggies
8) Innokidz
9) Johnson's baby
10) Kids Tools
11) Lindam
12) Munchkin
13) Pampers
14) Petit
15) Pigeon
16) Puku
17) Pureen
18) Richgi
19) Stemcord
20) Want-Want
21) Wyeth
actually i've very traditional thinking initially and hope first one will be a boy then wont feel so stressful. But end up the more i want a boy, the more it turn out the other way. haha.. Anyway it's all fate to be related by blood. So think positively and try to enjoy ur pregnancy.

My hubby does not think like me or insist on having a boy to chuan zhong jie dai. So i guess i'm considered lucky too.. in fact i can sense he really loves me and bb alot. but deep inside me, i still hope to give him a boy. I think i'm just being silly. I can't choose the gender of my babies. So just leave it to fate and enjoy ourselves k...
mama to 6Js

uhmm...ya lor...i was even more upset than this time round when i was pregnant with DD3. I even told hub that he has to luv her more coz i wldn't...bt nw, hub says she is the 'apple of my eyes', and hub always address her as 'ur girl' when he is telling me abt DD3...i simply adores her and no matter what wrong things she has done, i find it ok...fr birth she is a easy to handle bb. to me, she is still so cute and 'bb like'...ya the unhappiness has long gone away with the wind...erhmm...yes u are v right, it does takes time, hopefully by then i can proudly upload my princess #4 pic here...

i know i wldn't want to live with any regrets...

erhmm and its true that some pple will unknowingly say hurtful words rather than comforting one lor...juz like when learnt that i already have 3 daughters, will tell me to try no4 for a son...yes maybe meant well and juz trying hard to encourage me not to give up easily thinking that i might be yearning for a son. BUT the truth is im not yearning for one and it makes me wonder if girls are really so inferior...if i have a mixed, will they still say the same thing??....in 2days singapore, 3 kids in a family is already consider a lot. many of the mamas here also want 1 or 2 kids only....

juz tired of hearing another round of 'trying' for #5...and also tiring of explaining to others again and again that #4 is 'an accident', we are not 'pohing' for son, we are too poor to afford so many children, we are contented with 3 daughters, i am going to be a gaolingchanfu soon...maybe i am lousy at fencing pple off. even if i have already said my piece, pple will still be yakking away...

think only when i look like a 50yo granny le, pple will stop asking me to 'try' bah, haha...haizz...
