(2009/09) September 2009 MTBs

congrats on ur princess.. wow u have tot of a name for her too.. me and hb are still cracking our brains on wat to choose for our princess too. We have shortlisted a few. Shall let u all know when we confirmed wat it'll be.

i'm looking forward to my detailed scan next Fri too...

Sheryn, congrats on finding out the gender n also health of ur princess.. finally can go shopping!

btw.. any mummies do any research on BPA free bottles? Is it really neccessary? Seems like the ones selling in SIN is quite exp but i saw online some brans quite affordable.. was thinking if I shld order online..
Ling, can help update me.
Baby gender: Boy
BB Name: Marcus

I love durian but i am restricting myself from eating. I am having constipation on and off. Don't dare to eat anything heaty. Even the multi - vit, i also dare not take too often, so scare of constipation again.

Now i only concenrate on eating high fibre fruit and food. Everyday a bowl of Bran cereal for me(dislike it but no choice)so far Brans works well for my constipation. Papaya, guava, kiwi, grapes, prunes etc and drink lots of lots of water. Sigh......

Wow, can't imagine if i were to delievered a 3.9Kg baby. That was big. Mine 1st boy was 2.46. I push until wanna faint already.

Me going for my detail scan next tues. So anxious to see little marcus again. Didn't feel much baby movement ler.
<blockquote>My gynae didn't exactly tell me cannot take everyday but she just keep telling me 'everything in moderation. once a week is ok'. So I drink 1 bottle of yakult and eat 1 small pack of yogurt on alternate weeks.</blockquote>
hihi.. i'm back.. hehehe..:p

MMmm..my HB HATES durians.. so even if i eat... i gotta eat only when he's not ard... and he'll ask me to stay far away if i eat........
Hey Sheryn!
Congrats! Princess! Can buy many nice clothes for her! Never mind, next time go to bird park before you try to concieve...hehheh. Good to hear that everything is good and fine with Chloe! Ate your donuts already?

How's your scan today? Everything good?

DURIANS!! Aiyo... very hungry now!!

Heng ah! Jokes aside, good that bb is good and healthy. Seems that your dream was pretty uncanny on hindsight! Anyway, CONGRATULATIONS that you get a cowgirl!
So excited.. going for my FA scan tmr. cant wait to see bb again.. hopefully this time bb guai guai, let us see gender..

Anyone planning to make a trip to the New Mum's Exhibition? wonder if its good..

From the brochure in the July mummies thread.. these are the participating stores :

1) Baby IQ
2) Bon bebe
3) Brainy Baby
4) Drypers
5) Espino
6) Evenflo
7) Huggies
8) Innokidz
9) Johnson's baby
10) Kids Tools
11) Lindam
12) Munchkin
13) Pampers
14) Petit
15) Pigeon
16) Puku
17) Pureen
18) Richgi
19) Stemcord
20) Want-Want
21) Wyeth

See all these brands &amp; more at the exhibition.

- Baby Crawling
- New Mom Cover Baby
- Parent &amp; Child Look-Alike
- Games &amp; Quizzes

Program Highlights
- Magic Shows
- Face Painting
- Story Telling
- Balloon Sculpturing
- Fashion Runway

Free Goodie Bags exclusive to 1st 500 visitors daily at the exhibition.
actually our threAD is quiet compared to other threads hor.. sept moms v busy hehe...

congrats to those who have known their babies genders and more congrats to those whose babies have passed the detailed scans. i think our next transition is complaints of backaches cos im startg to have it on n off!

hahah.. ya.. all bz mummies..

your backache just started only ah.. mine started since i duno when lo.. really wondering towards the 3rd trimester when tummy is bigger how? jialat..
yes just started this week. in fact its early this time cos i usually have it beginning of third trimester.

hope this stupid swine flu goes as fast as it comes. govt said minimise hosp visits but we need to go for our gynae visits! i bringing whole family to aus during june holi hopefully by then everything wud have subsided.

hv u found ur CL? u must be v happy finally no need to have mil do confinement for u! see.. everything sure got way out so dun worry too much at first :p

JUL is still in japan huh?

Ya.. the swine flu is a real headache for many.. My mum's side was still planning to go au this june also. Hubby ask me to tag along.. but didnt feel comfortable with it now that im pregnant. Good thing they cancelled it this morning.

yea.. im happy tt she's not the one doing for me.
perhaps i really worry too much.. been worrying abt alot of things lately too.

Hmm.. still looking high n low for a CL leh. A tot just came back to me today whether by engagin a day time CL would be better than those 24hrs one cos of real space contraints. But the prices are really ard the same. Do we need the CL 24 hrs? Wondering is its worth lo. My mum told me that we dun have to feed bb every 2-3 hrs every night.. just feed on demand when bb cries..

Oh yah hor.. Jul went to JP.. Duno if she's back.. haven seen her in a long long time.
hello all!!!
did anyone manage to eat durian this evening? i had guava for fruit ... such a far cry from durian. maybe weekend i can try to get some to eat.

i was planning to go for a short getaway in may, but haven't decided where yet ... aiyah this swine flu is really quite troublesome. have your booked your tickets already? actually i can't remember how long sars took to abate in 2003? maybe can use that as a guide. all i could remember from the sars episode was that i was mugging for exams then, and was quite worried whenever someone sneezed in the library. cos we knew of one sars case in school.
<font face="Comic Sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Tiwi / Sheryn,

<font color="aa00aa">Rach,

Yupz.. I'm not working now. Sure PM me yr HP no. Will buzz u b4 I go over to Chong Pang next time. My DH also hates the durian smell but he will still help me to open lor. *hee*</font>

<font color="0000ff">Mamato6Js,

Scary hor... I didn't even realise I had eaten 22 seeds till my helper tell me. Anyway I guess e durian will be replacing all my meals today. Still feel so bloated now.. dun tink I can eat my dinner

Yupz, my gal is considered big for a preemie which was a blessing. @ least she didn't hv to stay in NICU.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">KiKi,

Tink we are talking about e same stall. Tere's tis young chap whom I find it's abit dishonest. We wun buy if he's e one tending e store.

Tt's another shop tt sells durian. It's near to e end of e food centre. Just walk down e stretch which sells Dim Sum, Western Food &amp; u will see e shop. I've nv purchase from them before though</font></font>

thanks ya...do u know that u are the only one (so far) who congratulate me...no one has ever congratulate me upon hearing that i am having a baby girl AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN...(relatives, family, friends)...and ur well wishes suddenly makes me feel so, erhmm...so...touched...and same time feel sorry for my baby...


Come on, why feel bad for your baby girl? You and your hubby love her and her 3 sisters will do so too! Eh.. I always wanted sisters but never had even a single one. Maybe your friends and family didn't really know what to say cos they probably know that you are disappointed. Only I buay pai seh still want to say congrats mah
Don't take it too much to heart. You are lucky to have your baby girl and she is lucky to have you as a mother. The other people don't matter.
argh. i have no enuf durians la.


me always cant get to sleep la, always awake middle of nite lor. i think work stress..

one contract staff trying to prove herself very much and taking all my jobs away. and my boss like her very much, cuz she really good in talking &amp; carry balls.. maybe she wish tat my boss will make her a perm staff la..

Maybe whenever i on MC or on hospitalization she always suggest alot of things to my boss..

I working so hard for these years til now company settle down and all good things taken by her.. no choice..

i guess to be in Peace, i need to leave it to GOD to decide my fate..
for durian puff, my forever favourite is 717 durians. heee..

i wan to eat more!!! today i weigh i only put on 200grams after ytd durians.hee

i drink ENO immediately after my durian feast la.

For Constipation, me too been drinking prune juice everyday.. one bottle per week.

these days i cant stand &amp; walk long now.. sooo tearfully painful my whole back down to legs..

so sad.cant shopping much...

today suppose to go swimming one, but today i stand &amp; walk alot go back home crying and soak myself in tub... and paralyse(handicap) for 1.5hrs
i have already booked my tickets and even my 2 fsrm stays cos those farms r hot fav and really good n i dun want kids to end up stayg in some boring farms with some boring animals. but now i think of swine flu then i think of the pig in the farm -----> my hair standing liao haha!!

aiyoh why u say that. maybe cos they dunno what else to say lah or like what delfine said scared u feel bad for urself. nobody also congratulate me that i have another boy leh!! only the moms here! aiyah no big deal lor. i happpy my hub happy my kids happpy can oredy who cares abt others hor. they r not the ones who r gg to feed my kids anyway!
Got my durians! Woot.

Anyone here still go to the gym etc? I went yesterday, felt good and everything, took a nap on the sofa from 10.30 - 11pm, when I tried to get up I had this horrible cramp around my knee, couldnt even stand!!
Went to the Robinson private sales yesterday. mostly 30% on the baby products. so i bought the medela electric pump at $135 (UP $193) after discount. and a avent express steam sterilizer at $128 (UP$183) after dioscount.

so happy, finally something down my list =)

may i knw which medela electric pump did you get? i went yest too and tinkin of getting but dunno which is gd so din buy in the end
yeah..i got bai bai before i go scan.. so heng everythg ok.. dun worry..urs will also be alright.

thanks~ ur detail scan also coming eh.. good.. its longer than the oscar scan relli.. i reached at 1.30pm n left at 3plus pm.. in betw need to walk to toilet n go take some food.. cos bb chloe is not cooperative.. she needs to wait for some professor to come and not doctors then she will cooperative.. noti noti.

Yeah~~ u noe hb n i were hoping for a boy.. but nw ger ger also nvm la.. relli must spend more to buy all the beautiful gers stuff..

hahaa.. yeah.. n refer to the china lunar calendar..cos its accurate lo.. its say mine ger n relli ger.. so next time i wan conceive boy i also must go refer to the chart then try again.. if financially ok we wan to try for either a tiger or rabbit. I'm over the donuts le.. so fickle rite? hahaha


like i say.. hb n i were hoping for a boy.. cos 1stly we also financially ready for just one child.. then everyone kept saying boy la boy la.. so we oredi pre-installed for boy.. but turned out to be ger.. then hb was like obviously disappointed.. he immediately said Yin1 Sheng4 Yang2 Shuai1. then i just told him ger or boy both also ur baby..dun tell me ger then u dun dote on her anymore.. he just say he's not as excited oredi..hw sad rite? but as least last nite he's like more into the reality le lo.. then he started sayanging my tummy's bb chloe.

but on the overall, as long as our babys are healthy can le.. u noe my fren had one pregnancy where everythg normal until she went for detail scan and doc say has to terminate cos even if bb come out also wun survive.. its like u paid so much from week1 to week22 then hv to go thru the painful delivery n not get ur bb in the end? so we must be grateful and thankful for our healthy bb le.. be it boy or ger! tis was how i console myself ytd..

whenever pple ask me, what my baby gender, i say i duno yet, then pple will proceed to ask me, you like to have boy or girl.


i have one colleague #1&amp;2 is girl, when pple ask when dun she try for antoher one for BOy.. she dun even have the courage to try afraid turn out to be a girl.

at least girlygirly, u have the courage to try again rite?!
started more than 1 month ago... especially the tail bone. think may be coz sometimes i bend down to pick up #1 who crawls around.

looking forward to detailed scan on sat
yes daddy and sisters luv bb v much...everyday eldest gal without fail when back fr sch in the evening, she will say to me: come let me see tummy..(and then she will stroke my tummy)...
hub actually scolded me again yestersday, saying that bb is so korlian and say: do u know that Dr cldn't find bb's bladder?? it's only found at last...and u only care if bb is boy or girl...
well...i really didn't know abt that...for a moment i feel so guilty...

*mama to 6Js*
if one has 10sons, pple will think u are lucky and lihai. on the other hand, with daughters, even i walked passed the coffeeshop, i've ever heard comments in despising tone: all also girls...
as the saying goes: ren2yan2ke3wei4, the impact of others comments and gossiping can be great and hurting...
I luvs my daughters...bt bcoz of them i have to bear many hurtful remarks/comments/treatments also...when i was pregnant with DD2, i was invited by a friend to her son's full month celebration, there my friend's mom asked abt the gender of DD2, when i replied: girl. she remarked: arh...ko si za bor arh? (what? girl again). when i was pregnant with DD3, sil's mil saw that i was pregnant, immediately comment smilingly: wah pregnant...hopefully a boy... blah blah blah...when i replied: girl. her face suddenly become awkward and stop yaking...and many many pple also asked me if if i feel disappointed that #2 and #3 is girl...actually many many stories juz that i cldn't tell it all...i also don't know how i manage to survive through all these comments fr these stupid pple all these yrs...i think it's the support fr hub bah...

yours the 1st bt mine 4th le...yes i try to think of the good things of having daughters also, daughters more guai, more tiexin, in future no mil-dil relationships prob (sori to all mommies with son if i haf offended u with this remark)...bt if it's really so gd and fantastic, wldn't need to 'console' ownself liao right? irony isn't it...bt thks i know u meant well...

ya that's what many think lor, 10 out of 10 pple thought we are trying to 'poh' a son...bt i didn't want this pregnancy in the beginning...we are keeping coz both me and hub are against abortion....and i don't have any pressure fr hub or mil to have boy also...more like pressure fr the surrounding pple with their nasty remarks. even stranger whom i juz know and started a casual chat with will asked/tell me to 'poh' for a son after learning that i already hav 3 daughters...of course i don't care a damn bt will still feel annoying and disturbing...even when i said 3 is enough no matter is son or daughter and i am already not young...they can still reply, no la u still young, can have another one...

I am feeling very puzzled also...no pressure fr mil to bear her a grandson and hub assured me yestersday after seeing that im so 'upset' that even i bored him 10 daughters, he will luv me the same. it doesn't matter and are not bother abt what others say...BUT why am i still feeling so unhappy...why am i always bothered by what other pple say...

PS: sori for being lohsoh, think this is the longest msg i've ever post...
Good Afternoon Mommies~

I Had 3 Medium Sized And 1 Large Durian Last Night!

My Hubby And 2 Other Pals Struggled To Finish Them... Hahaha...

I Just Had My Lunch Of 8 Chee Kueys Topped With 50 Cents Extra Chai Pok... =3

Happy Belly Now...

Now I Saw Glutinous Rice Balls On Television...

I Wanna Have Them Too.. :3
So long din log in liao. Have been busy coping with studies. But term break is coming liao so quite happy =)

Still don't know the gender yet cos' the other time baby was in a position which was difficult to determine the gender. Going for FA next week to confirm!! Quite excited.

Jenifur and Rach, I live around Chong Pang area too!! Next time can chio me for durian feast and also swimming. But hor, I still feel that Yishun swimming pool is quite a walking distance from the bus stop where 969, 965 and 858 stop leh.... like machiam have to walk one big round like that. Maybe I check with my relative to see if we can use their condo pool then no need to share with the public liao.

By the way, anyone went to TMC recently? My husband a little kancheong say if the swine flu thingy is not improving then he may not want me to go for the FA next week. He is concern that hospital is one of the top places to get infected lor.... So those who went TMC recently, were there precautions taken?
yes yes i know how u must have felt. i cant say that i understand totally cos my situation is different from yours, as what u said. we r living in a traditional asian society so whether we like it or not, ppl will always value sons more than daughters and for that matter of fact they will value mothers who r able to bear many sons more than those who bear daughters. its hard to ignore comments and whispers from other ppl thats why it has to start with ourselves and how we view our worth. u r definitely a capable mom, whether or not u have sons of daughters and u dun have to depend on other ppl comments to lift up ur worth. many older folks seem not to understand that we r not the ones controlling the genders it our husb's sperms so why always put blame on the moms. those drama serials r not helping much either lor cos they always talk abt mil despising women who cant bear them grandsons.

sidetrack a bit. our daughters will be the ones who will look after us when we r old and sick. most of the sons belong to their wives when they get marrried. daughters will always have their mother in their hearts esp so when they become a mother themselves. this is a lame consolation lah i know but u will only appreciate them when the time come i suppose? of course there r sons who will be filial and i do hope mine will be like that. but generally daughters will always be daughters.

u r a very good mother ok. dun let other ppl comments bring u down. God has given u a healthy baby albeit not the gender u want but there must be a purpose for this. when i go to heaven i ask God for u ok :p cheer up ok girl! u have ur whole family backing u esp ur husb. if he doesnt even get upset thats something for u to be thankful, a good husb.
<font face="Comic Sans ms"><font color="0000ff">Girly,

Don't let others comment get to you. They are not e one delivering/raising the child. They didn't contribute to anything so they DO NOT have any right to judge / make any comment. What matter most is you have a very supportive husband.

God has given u a healthy baby though not the gender you want. Trust me.. having a healthy baby is the most important thing. Imagine having a boy but yet tere's a problem w BB's health rite, like no bladder??!!

Cheer up and await the arrival of your beautiful princess ya

<font face="Comic Sans ms"><font color="aa00aa">Lilac,

I was @ TMC on Monday. No precaution measures leh.. Maybe you check with Ling when she comes back. She went for her FA scan today.

Good.. so many durian kaki staying nearby. DH banned me from eating durian today, only can open e fridge to smell

I usually go swimming @ Yishun Safra or Yio Chu Kang Swimming Complex as they hv slides for my children to play.

Let's meet up when you have your break from studies.

Can buzz me at 9820 1177 or msn: [email protected]</font></font>
Bois or gals:

I guess mine r exactly opposite of wat some of u r gg thru... Whenever I said mine is a gal, they always got gd comments like gals gd...got parents' heart...wherever I go ppl got gd comments on having gals... until nw oso the same... when I mention 2nd 1 is a gal...they will say oh...I said I like mine 2nd 1 to be a gal... then they felt relief n said gals gd loh...wat wat..wat...I guess if u really strongly feel gals gd or watever gal or boi gd is ur choice and u r happy abt it...it will be... My hb no preference n he so sayang my elder gal.. I c liao oso heart melt...When my gal call mi mummy n hug mi...It worth all my hardwork...so sweet... Juz be thankful they r well, healthy, n we r fertile to hav many kids...

mama6> hehehe. yah.. sept moms are a little busy still... still lotsa time.. hahha.. :p
When are we next meeting up to feast?????????

Ling> so sorry didnt on PC last nite.... tonite i doubt so... er... i try to ask the girl who send me to email u hor....
paiseh.... I've left her a PM liaoz.. hopefully she can send to u faster.. so sorry abt it..

New born needs to be fed every 2-3 hours coz breast milk is diluted... so i think in the 1st month... u'll prob need to wake up more...

jenifur> PM u liaoz.. hehe.. :p
Just realised we have the same EDD too. but u are gg to TMC.. hehehe.. :p
My HB will stand FAR FAR away from the durian la... if i wanna eat will have to get mum and dad to help..
they love durians too. though they cant eat too much of it... :p

myfavchoco> need the robinson card then can have the discounts issit???

lilac> wah.. good la.. i tot last time a few yishun-ners.. how come all disappear.. hehehe.. good good..
PM me ur numbers la.. u working or not de???
I just went swimming last thur.. today didnt go la.. got meeting in office. need to come back...
But the bus stop ok la.. u can take 812 to stop opposite the swimmming pool but then gotta cross the bridge also....
