(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

toffeecat: Thanks for the updates on the steamer + blender

ahnetsan: I use the glass bottles mainly to store milk, seldom use those for feeding. Half of my glass bottles were passed down from my cousin which she used 2 years ago... so far ok leh, I sterilized them before use.

createjoy: Think the Y teat require sucking action to release milk, kinda different mechanism.

My baby has been losing appetite recently leh, but at night he will have a super long (1 hour or more) latch before falling asleep, then will wake in the middle of night and keep feeding on and off (every hour or so) till morning... any other babies has similar pattern?

<font color="0000ff">long time since i logged in.. super busy with work cos colleague went on maternity leave and i covering her work..

createjoy >> thanks again for the bottles! how's your boy cradle cap? =) my boy also flipping liao though not very often..

re : weight
my boy seems so light compared to all your babies!! at 18weeks old he still 6.2kg nia~ drinking about 700 to 800 ml ebm a day.. still ok right??</font>
dolly, i think my boy is having a growth spurt. His last feed is at ard 8pm just before he sleeps and in the past he can last till past midnight or even later but he has been waking up for a feed at 10pm recently. And at nite he is waking up 2 hourly for feeds. previously it was 5am after the midnight feed now back to the 2 hourly feeds at 3, 5 and 7am. So tiring...
<font color="0000ff">createjoy >> my boy only using pigeon wide neck now. difference between M and Y is whether leak proof or not only.

my boy prefer leak proof one. so when he no suck, no milk. so he wont choke if he cry and drink. hahaa</font>
createjoy: Y is normal milk drinking teat just that it is anti-leak. which bb needs to use more strength to drink. my boy was on Y previously and i just switched him to normal M and he is drinking better. Also for Y, due to anti-leak, very difficult to test for the temperature...

wanted to join you mommies for the gathering but i have to attend a workshop on the same day...

my boy also drooling a lot. always sucking his fingers and stretching his tongue waiting for anything to be near his mouth and he will lick them. in-laws say that he is teething, gum itchy but i noticed he is licking &amp; sucking rather than biting/chewing leh.. i bought him a teether which he show no interest at all.

dear son has been sleeping with us on same bed because it is easier for me to bf him and also monitor/attend to him when in need. when put in his cot, he will sleep only 5-10mins.. how can i make him sleep on his own in his cot?

what toys do you give a 4mths+ bb to play?

my son has been sleeping lesser in the day. is it normal?
MaryG: My baby also sleep w us most of the time,I try to put him back to cot (which is in the same room) after every feed, but sometimes I'm just too tired. However, I'll still put him there whenever I can, like just now

bbaugustine: But my boy dun drink so much in day time leh, the nanny even ask if I eat something funny, but in fact I'm quite discipline this week... haha... maybe he prefer spicy milk?

I think my boy is kinda train to use the normal (narrow bottle) teat by the nanny. Cos at first I bought the Pigeon wide neck glass bottle, she dun like so I just substitute whatever I can find in the house, which were from the gift pack and normal neck. She also go ahead to buy small bottles for my boy.
So when I pass her the new BPA free bottle wide neck bottle, she said my son dun drink from it loh
ahnet, styliciously,
My girl also took 2 jabs liao, at 2mths &amp; 4mths, so I guess for this year, I'll only be claiming for the 3rd jab at 6mths, so won't hit the $300. But ya, wondering if it's better to use CDA, or Medisave. I very stupid, 1st time jab, CDA haven't proceed, cos I procrastinated. 2nd jab, forgot to bring CDA atm card. *faint* I believe SAHM can use hubby's Medisave...it's his kid also what! Haha...
I think at poly also must wait till 1 Nov, which is quite soon anyway. But better check directly with poly. And yes, a bit lame right, they wanna make it compulsory jab, then make it cheaper lah! Can lump it altogether with 6-in-1 and make it 7-in-1 right...

createjoy, not sure if it's 1 Nov become compulsory, or 1 Nov onwards can claim from Medisave... Maybe u can check with the nurse if can wait till 1yo to jab?

Trying to buy hospitalisation/medical insurance for baby, and stupid AIA sent me letter saying that because we never supply the additional info that they required from us, they have decided to not process our application. If I still want, must reapply. I DIDN'T RECEIVE ANY NOTIFICATION FOR ADDITIONAL INFO LOR! So screwed up.
Don't buy from them liao.
dolly2009: i tried putting him back to the cot when he has fallen asleep but he will wake up after only a few mins or almost instantly. but he will sleep soundly and very long when he sleep with us on the big bed.

my son also wakes up a few times in the night to latch. so tiring... he will latch on one side and sleep then an hour or two later he will wake up for another side... feel like stopping bfing when he hit six months... but must persevere...

recently heard from my cousin that her friend who is on total bfing, her bb every time will still fall sick. her pd told her that if bm quality not good. bb will still fall sick.

in-laws bought bb a jumperoo. he tried yesterday and was enjoying playing in it. but i limit him to 10mins playtime in the jumperoo as he is still so young for it.

i didn't know bb suddenly dislike avent bottles when three months old.. and i have opened up four new big milk bottles and bought new teats for three months old... arghhhh.. now i don't know what to do with the extra bottles and teats!!!
tubbymummy: my son also has taken 2 shots of pneumonoccol jab before the news.. think i will want to use the CDA for his next jab. how to use the CDA atm card? i am not clear as hubby is the one who went to apply for the a/c. only can be use for pneumonoccol jab or other jabs also can?

any mommies considering of giving their bb Hep. A jab, flu jab or chickenpox jab? is it necessary?
To use CDA to pay for pneumo jabs, photocopy the trustee's IC and baby's birth cert, bring and pass to clinic and tell them u want to use CDA to pay. Then they will use the card to swipe n u key in the pin.. That's it.
MaryG: I've talked to the PD cos we are going for holiday in Dec, flu jab not recommended for baby below 6 mth, I'll jab myself instead, and pass some immnunity to him via bm
bbaugustine, after the last feed at 8plus, my baby usually will wake up after 5 hours. But now wake up every 3hours interval for milk. I suspect is due to her teeth sprouting so cant drink much and split in shorter interval. But seems like happen during nite feeding leh.

Jling, my baby also droolng alot in her 3rd month and put everything we give her into her mouth. Its the symptom of teething.

Tubbymummy, super angry hor. Write in and complaint den buy from others. haa
Hi mummies,

JUst bought Pampers Comfort size M for my gal but was too small..

Anyone wants? i sell cheaper than outside. All 58 pieces nvr use before only opened the pack to check the size.

Interested pls PM me.
bbjun: ok.shall do that for the next jab. thks.

dolly.200906: oh! that is so innovative of you. hehehe. wah! holiday... i hope to go for holiday too..

how come i can't post things to sell in this forum huh? i was prompt that i am not a member.
hi mummies,
I guess my boy is one of the heavyweight ard here but luckily he's not alone.
For a moment, I was quite worried actually. He still cant flip but I guess let nature take its course lah.

Hi creamer,
ya, i find that my bb boy is waking up more often for feeding at night. Wonder what happened.. last time used to be once or 2x now like 3-4x leh. Maybe it's time to intro him to solids?

Hi tubbymummy, if you dun mind, I'm from AIA. Maybe I can help you check it out? Do PM me if you're keen k?
MaryG: U need to be a member for at least 1 year before u can post at those restricted site.

Solids: My nanny has introduced rice cereal to my baby... cos she thinks my boy need more "solid" food other than my BM... and she said my boy was more contented and can play by himself instead of keep calling... so shall I buy that tin of rice cereal for him?
hi there.. my boy went for 4th month injection yesterday.. only 6.2kg.. 25th percentile. nurse says it's ok as long as he's gaining weight, happy, active, healthy..
Hi all, I wanted to ask about solids as well. Was thinking to intro cereals to baby, but dunno where n what to get.
My GP tells me that if i really want to give I should just get rice cereal, without formula milk content cos it might cause allergies n that the earlier I intro the earlier I m exposing baby to possible allergens. She told me till bb turns 6 months old, BM is sufficent. And no brown rice cereal cos difficult to digest.
With these, I can't find something in NTUC. can mummies here share their solid feedings for 4 month old?
Elaine Heng: My nanny show me this Nestle rice cereal, it's pure rice without any other thing. And yes, I wanna introduce later but my nanny very keen on it leh.
Hi Elaine
i think 2-3 yrs back Heinz rice cereal shows for 4mths above. But nowadays I cant find them in the supermarkets anymore. I think they may be revising their packaging to indicate 6mths old onwards. However, there's still one brand Si Sen that indicates suitable for 4mths onwards.

I'll probably feed my boy solid when he turns 5mths cos' to minimise possible allergy N i guess, I'm too lazy to clear up the mess! hahaha...
oh so Y teat is not necessary bigger than M teat.. does wide neck also have y? haha i v funny leh i use std &amp; wide neck glass btl w std &amp; wide neck pigeon teats, am i confusing him haha... didnt know wide neck suppose for bf bb , my bb is on ebm since 3rd wk of birth..

btw do anyone want to buy glass btl? i got 3 extra momo BPA free,lead free glass btl,9oz for sale : http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/449183/3137363.html?1256129334
11 beans , u r welcm. his scalp drop qt abit last few days. haha drop most wn he scratch own scalp think itch ba.. he didnt flip anymore unless we put him abit slanted haha
those bringing bb to kidslink for jabs...pls note that kidslink is NOT able to use medisave for pneummo jabs! i jus called up and asked...
I very sad, suppose to bring Cayden for 2nd jab but he down with cough. Is my fault, hb keep remind me not to let jiejie go near him as she is coughing and sneezing but I still leave him on sofa or rocker. Jiejie go and kiss him feel times so he got the virus.
the past two night he cant sleep well, I have to off the air-con leave the fan blow direct on him, he still sweating, no appetite, hard to fall sleep then cough till wake up.

Gatheirng at Fang’s place,
Was so look forward but don’t think I will go, don’t want to pass the virus to other baby. mummies enjoy
hey mummies, is it normal bb w cradle cap will scratch till abit red? he scream just nw wn i was in kitchen, i rush in and found alot of scalp on my bed and obviously he scratch them red...
i worry it get inflammed..

EC mom nvm lah just delay the jab it's alright one.. didnt someone mention those kids at childcare get sick often grown up more immune? so it's prob alright to expose to abit virus. hope it dont get too serious or else not only we suffer frm heartpain, bb also cranky.. i also having abit of cough.. catch frm hb.. he funny lor, bought a mask then in the end also nvr wear..
mummies n fang....

im so veri veri sori. cannot attend tomoro's gathering at fang's place.im down wif flu n sorethroat. hubby passed 2 me. n veri likeli 1 of dis days my boy oso will get infected. tink we betta stay at home 2 rest n recover.

so sori ladies. so sad cannot go. will mit u ladies another time.

tubby mummy- dun b angry k...about d failed application wif AIA. I am from Prudential. feel free 2 call me. I can give u my opinion/ advice. 81134767. from there u can decide.

mummies, we catch up again nex time.
hey mummies w milk btl std, r they suppose to be w/o cver? dont the dust go in n i'm scare of insect.. 4th flr alot pests
Huajing and Raudha: Do rest well! Yeah, when I was at IKEA just now, a lot of people coughing around leh!

createjoy: I got medela bottles, it comes w both cover and teat cover
Dolly, I ask my gp, she said must be for 4 months then can. She ask me to try looking from organic dept.
Oh she also asked me not to give bb juice or sweet drinks. Will cause phelgm and coughs.

Bs_s, I might wait till after 6 months since doc said EBM is enough for her now. Or might just start with giving her home made purée. I m quite excited to give her solids haha. Perhaps see her always drink milk... Solid might be interesting.
huh?? dolly i'm asking the milk btl stand. the one to hang dry btl... :p

i think weaning is fun but mafan haha since nw many say 6mth i think iwill sick to it. anyway he haven sit.. not even flip dun say sit haha... goodness me, my cough getting worse sigh throat so itch got phelgm. 3+ wk up pump then hb cm hm slp with me, he keep tossing &amp; my throat itch 7+ then fell slp then 9 jayden wk up cooing for milk.. shag.. sigh hb dont slp w me for 4mth plus only on wkend so far 3rd time. like so weird can't slp w him ard.. so used to have own bed and freedom yet i find it unhealthy for couple to slp apart..

mummies it it alright to be using different teats? am i confusing bb ? i use pigeon m wide neck &amp; std neck. i got a variable avent that he dont like last mth if i use back will he confuse dunno hw hard to suck? i also thinking of buying y teats but then again is it alright to mix m &amp; Y teats?
btw anyone has used nipple cream but stop bf already? i gonna buy 1.. but using till dec only cos intend to stop in jan so dont need alot. forum someone quoting avent BN $5 i think cheap already lah but just thought if anyone here wanna giveaway used ones.. any brand will do.
thk amk gal! i PMed u. sigh u wont believe it by now shd be v tough nipple but.. i still bruise and peeling underneath. my blood clotting is no gd very easy bruise so this 5 pumps a day mk it nr recvr at all from day 1 till now + dry skin lor so nipple cream mk it more better lor...

that day some one mention hole puncher for teats is it good? then no need always buy teat right 3mth once? is it a good investment? again i fd a lobang $4, worth buying??
Hi Elaine
I brought my bb for his 4th month jab at poly and the nurse mentioned that can start intro-ing cereal once a day to bb when he's 5.5months. So that by the time he's 6mths can intro porridge liao. Think I may just try this. For my #1, i was too lazy to intro solids to him so now he dun really like to eat food. Mainly milk only. hahaha... very extreme hor?
createjoy: where do you find the hole puncher? Forgot to go kiddy palace, only walk around in Metro but can't find it.

Fang: Thanks for organising the gathering! Somemore got speaker to teach us how to discipline kids
Hi mummies, I'm a Jun mummy too! Trying to gather 10 mummies to buy Avent Baby Monitor at a special price of $140, original price is $199. Its a digital crystal clear voice, 2 way communication monitor. Anyone keen can pls pm mi asap or contact mi at 9793771, Thks!
createjoy: Oh farlin...maybe can check the price w neighbourhood baby store. I once buy breast pads from Bedok and it's farlin
