(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Annie and bbpotato,

my boi also 3months today! He is going through grow spurt, I believe. He took 120ml and can ask for more.

bbpotato- yah he born on 19 june but we calculate by rite today he is 3 mth

nesher drank too much & i worry he wil have stomachache again..

LFB- mine drinking 180ml FM & if i bring him downstair for less than half an hour he finished up the 120ml plain water & he can sweat alot...
i nid to control his intake or else his tummy really bloated....

ya, I know what you mean. It's scary when they seems to have bottomless stomach. I think it's really grow spurt. My DH also got a shock. She said how can he drink so fast and so much! Anyway, as long as he is ok, I think ok. Btw, are you bring Nesher for his jab? Is there a 3 month jab that they need to go?
My kaelyn is 4mths today!

had pork soup about 10 teaspoons yesterday to celebrate

her last feeds about 8pm, put her to sleep at 9m, her next feed is 4am. Drinking at 130ml-140ml,4 hourly. Her timing is standard.

4am, 8am, 12pm, 4am, last feed about 8pm.

I intend to give her soup and fruit juice first. cereal have to wait maybe till 6 mth. i have to find a job quickly so i can buy milk powder when she's 7mths old. by then my BF should stop, so i can have more time to myself and rest more
Cassey, ur little man is growing very well! thanks for asking abt my wrists, they are better now, or maybe, I had just gotten used to the pain ! I usually feel the pain now only when I bathe my baby. My baby is 7kg at week 12! .. and 2cm shorter than kyle at 62cm! hehe .. and guess what, I had finally bought the pupsik pouch! and successfully using it now to carry baby to the market! ... and I can buy things in the food centre now w/o worrying tt ppl will spill their hot food onto my baby! My MIM sling is collecting dust lor.. still cannot really master it leh.

Ahnetsan, yes yes ... on that topic, me and my hubby still havent succeeded in that yet. too painful! ... what shld we do huh? doesnt work even with lubricants! Mummies, issit normal?
I feel so bad towards my hubby.

Calendula cream - Yes, its good i think! I am using on the ecezema on my baby's neck now and it is healing quite well! .. good buy i think.. and a tub can last a very long time!

p.s. feel so auntie lately... and cannot rem when is the last time i put on make up and dress up like a woman. Going to work soon.. and wonder if I can still rem the things.. ahaha ... dread to leave my baby with my MIL.. and dreading the coming pumping sessions at the workplace already!!! .. sigh.
Hihi Mommies,

Ytd was a very memories day for me. Usually every night will play with Sermaine before her last feed. When she was 2 mths old, when play with her, she will laugh but only 1 tone (ha) BUT last night when playing with her, she surprise me!! She can (ha-ha-ha-ha)!!! And I repeat that playing with her and she did that laugh for more then 20times but each time she only laugh (ha-ha-ha-ha) 1 time. My tears roll down my cheeks. It melted my heart.

Tmr Sermaine gg for her 5 in 1 jab, she is late bcos she took her rotavirus on 14/08, so poly insist must diff by 1 mth. My mil told me to prepare ginseng water for her tonight. Anyone got old folk method?? Some auntie tell me to drink ‘lin yang’. Then my mum say after jab imm give her the fever med 1st to prevent fever. Anyone can share?

Annie, as long as nesher didn’t vomit out I think shld be ok ba. Or not you try to distract him?

Tubbym’ tmr will see what that stupid poly doc gg to say?? Then I will react on the spot.

tiny bubu, don’t worry. It normal. Some of my forum mommie bb can slp thru the slp. For my gal, last feed 9-10pm, next feed ard 5-6am. Some bb can even stretch longer.
Hi Mummy Ash,

So coincidence!!!! My bb is also 7 kg at 12 week but was 1 cm shorter tahn ur bb.

Did the Dr says that ur bb weight was acceptable??


My bb just took her 2nd jab last Mon. Had fever and we gave her the medication only after she had fever. We didnt take any giseng water, what was that for?? Her rota was taken on the same day too...
Hi Mommies,

Those who pumped - do ur reduce your pumping sessions few weeks b4 u started work?? Cos back in office, we cant pump so often already right??
re: bedroom activity
hmmm,seems like afew mummies haf tried... me stil scardy-cat leh, dun dare to try...

hi5! i also cant remb when is the last time i put on makeup le... i stil managed to draw my eyebrows only when i go out... now dun even bother to put on lip balm! haiz.. there was once me n my hb were in the car, going out to meet friends, he commented 'when was the last time u used the front mirror to make up while im driving ar?'...i was like erm... dunno leh... den i asked him y leh... nw i very ugly meh? den my hb say no lah, but seems like u dun bother to even put on lip balm after u gave birth to jarius... faint... last time i so vain, now i like so bo chap... he even say even though im married wif kid, also cannot be like dat mah, like auntie liao....

and now worse, he says i talk very loud nowadays... he says he's jus beside me, i dun haf to talk so loud lor..like auntie.... sad sad sad...den i shoot back, i everyday stay at ur plc face ur loud speaker mother, u think my voice will still be soft meh??
Hi mummies,

Sorry to interupt. I'm a Feb mum.

I have 3 swimming sessions from Hwa Xia to let go. My baby has outgrown the tub so would like to sell off the balance of my package. 3 sessions at $52. Usual price is $28 per session without package.

Pls PM me if u r interested.
JessMa: really? Did I go hougang mall huh... you mean weekend? We went vivo leh...

AppleHo3:So far only use the calendula cream from CB, not sure if other brands have it too.
hi Shirley...I did reduced my pumping session from 4 to 2 abt 2 weeks b4 i go back to work...i used to pump 4X plus latch on. Now i do 2 session of pumping at work (11am and 4pm) then latch on 3X when home...Each pump session at work is about 15-20 mins.
LFB- yah bringing him on sept 22 at jur east polyclinic for his jab.. still confuse bout choosing the 5 in 1 or 6 in 1 jab...


qi7- so fast can had pork soup... wow yr gal one mth bigger than mine

shelisa- at nite very hard to get him to sleep..
& in the end give in the milk.. long time didnt pump but at least still got BM.. dont wan nesher to have hard stool if i keep giving in FM every one hour.. headache

ahnetsan- all along i nvber bother bout my look so hubby still seeing the old me & las mon i cut my hair more short .. boy hairstyle & hubby commented now i so boyish.. aiyoh
hi Cassey & Jessma, I was wondering about the percentile thing in the Health Booklet. When they say 75% or 50%, what does it mean? My girl at 3mth vaccination was 5.3kg, 63cm.
Annie,which brand of FM?mine still most of the time latch on so don't know how many ml..

Dolly,weekday saw you came out from OCBC bank @ hougangmall.. not you ?? few days ago liao...maybe i remember wrongly...;p

Shelisa,tomorrow i bring max for his 2nd jab too... i heard some mummies said drink baley 1 day before go for jab to prevent fever.. but i don't plan to try.. and for Max's 1st jab,i just give him drink the medicine that pd gave when hv fever.
so gum, I also plan 22 Sept, cos I told hubby to take leave and go with me. Will do it in the afternoon. Morning go eat dim sum first.
Haven't decide 5 in 1 or 6 in 1. May just settle for 5.
tinybubu, your gal definitely is an angel baby. Let u rest and catch up on sleep. My boy's last feed is ard 7pm nowadays and he will sleep by 8pm. Usually he nurses for very long for the last feed, maybe cos his next feed is ard midnite. If hubby bottlefeeds ebm at midnite, his next feed is at 4am followed by 6am. If i latch on, he will wake up at 2am, 4am and 6am to drink. He usually wakes up at ard 7am for the day.

Today my boy was a little grouchy. Not sure what's the reason. I was so exhausted playing with him the whole day. As usual, my boy only slept abt 2 hours in the day. He constantly needed to be given attention or else he wld fuss. Had to rush thru my meals and do the housework during his naps. what an exhausting day.
jessma- nestle nan.. stopped similac when he was 1 mth+ as it too heaty for my boy. just fed him 150ml at 7pm & he cried for milk at 8.35pm again... so fed him another 150ml & now he asleep...
tried giving him water but he still not full & will cried more loudly..really scare his tummy bloated so put oil for him b4 he went to sleep.

LFB- mine is poly choose for us in the morning...hubby will accompany us then noon time go back to work..

26th kelly comin to my hse to take pic for him.. i believe i m the only mum who paid advance & the las one who took on his 3rd mth.
bbaugustine - my boy has similar feeding pattern as yours. I'm praying that he can sleep through the night soon as I'm going back to work soon.

annie - thanks for your posting, I'm more sure that I should change from similac to another brand, my boy has problem passing out his stools as he is partial on Similac. What brand are you using now?

JunBB - My boy is 7+kg at 12 wks, I did checked with the doc if he is overweight, which he says not really, the weight gains should taper off in the next few mths as the activity levels goes up. I'm quite petite, so it is becoming very tiring to carry him, like today, he has a fever from his jab & wants to be carried the whole day.
joyce- u welcome.. i got no choice to switch to nestle nan as many ppl did comments tat similac is the most heaty milk powder.. in fact all FM are heaty so i gave him plain water but he still pooin 5 days one time but yesterday & tis mornin he poo alot
so happy except very tired when he drinking too much at nite
JessMa: Oh weekday! Yes, it's my hubby and I! We went to open account and collect whatever gift for my baby

hmm... I bought a small tin of Friso for his first night w the nanny in case there's not enought ebm. But the nanny let him drink it at 2am because it's easier to prepare. That feed last him until 8am. But I notice today his pee stink until we thot he poo. When he finally poo (later than usual) it was more stinko then normal.

Anyway, he behaved like an angel at nanny place, but last night drinks almost every hour from 2am to 7am! Maybe taking revenge because we are not with him the night before... hahaha
mummy ash & ahnetsan, im guilty of dat 2....very little make up. onli eyeliner n face powder. n hardli dress up. d thg is i still cant fit in2 my old clothes. stil wearing leggings n loose tops. m 10kg heavier dan my pre pregnancy weight,even tho i breastfeed. i get hungry often, so i eat alot. sigh....i feel like an auntie...
hihi mummies,
drop by and say hi, busy clearing my spree items.

Me zombie now, Cayden have been waking up every one or two hour at night for feeding for the pass two days. But he dun really want to drink in the day. Worried don't know what happen to him.

today hb bday but tired and no mood to get him a present, first time he got no bday present over 14years. Feel bad for him.
<font color="cc0099"> dolly, yeah
Kyle's neck went missing quite some months ago. Oh dear... nvm. I guess the weight will start to come off shortly as he gets more active. My niece also slimmed down from 3-6months.

ahnet, don't know where all the days go. Wake up, go out meet friends, come home and it's time to put Kyle to bed. And yup, he's still exclusively breastfed. SIAO la.. how wide can you open to cause bleeding?! Silly woman! Don't worry... I asked my gynae and he said periods will be very erratic as long as still breastfeeding. So I guess it'll range from spotting to full on heavy period.

Haiyo.. if you and hubby have the energy, chance and inclination to go the deed, I SAY DO IT LA! Your wound would have healed ages ago!! But apparently breastfeeding mums produce less lubrication so may need to buy jelly.

amk_gal, yup. From health booklet. GlenE's PD used to mark and tell me what percentile is it. But current PD doesn't so I have to try and figure it out myself

Bubu~, Sophie's bedtime is SO early! It isn't one I can keep to personally, but I think it's a healthy one for babies. Not healthy for mummy's social life though!
She's a good little girl.

BlueDream &amp; neeciel, I'm hoping not to start Kyle on solids any earlier than 6months... altho sis says he may be showing signs he's almost ready. He always wants to sit with me at the table now and sometimes reaches for my plate. He sat with my family on niece's high chair and just stared and sucked his fist and burpcloth the entire dinner. Hasn't lost his spit reflex though. Hmmm...

> Anyway, probably don't start on porridge first thing. Starting babies on solids are actually only giving them tastes to try and not for nutrition so apparently, a wide range of things are ok - from baby cereal to flavoured cereal to fruit gels and fruit/veggie purees. I'll hope to expose Kyle to different tastes and textures once I start him on solids.

> Contrary to what's been said, I've read from multiple sources that it is not necessary and not beneficial to give babies fruit juice as it is high sugar and low in nutrition. If giving, should be very diluted. Cons: sugars increase risk of tooth problems &amp; increased appetite for sugary drinks and foods and they grow up.</font>
<font color="cc0099"> Ash~, so I'm not the only one with a little sumo on my hands *keke* Glad you found something that works for you. I've been putting Kyle in bb carrier now so sling also out of action now.

> As for make-up and dressing up, do it for yourself! It makes you feel heaps better. I'm trying to get back to my heels now... was worried about balance carrying baby but it's been a breeze so far
On a bad day, just doing yourself up can make you feel better and you walk straighter on the streets too.

ANNticipating, percentile is simple. 50th percentile means baby is average compared to other babies. Kyle's 75th for height - that means he's taller than ~75% of babies / ~75% are shorter than him. So by the same token, he's heavier than ~90% of babies / ~90% are lighter than him! Get what I mean? I hope this explains it clearly. By the way, not being average does not mean not normal.

bbAug, goodness me. Housework - what's that? *chuckle*

Raudha, you were slim to start off with ma! Gracious, I'm the same. Always ravenous... I only put on about 5+kg during pregnancy and lost 6+ within a month or 1.5mths after Kyle's birth. But now I think I've put on more. Sigh. Old clothes tight around tummy. *argh*

EC_Mum, Kyle shares your man's bday! just give him a nice foot-rub and sweet kiss? Or give him a facial (just mask la).
<font color="cc0099"> Oh... Re-signed up for BabyCentre and here's an article just delivered to my inbox. (Any <u>emphasis</u> my own)

First solid foods yet?
You may be beginning to get nudges from eager grandmas or friends with older children to start introducing solids. Some doctors still recommend solids for 4-month-olds, but <u>many currently advise waiting until the 6-month mark.</u> Until you start the transition, all of your baby's nutritional needs are met through breast milk or formula. Somewhere in the 4- to 6-month range, his digestive system will finally be ready to accept solids as another element of his diet.

Every baby shows readiness on a different timetable. Some signs to look out for:

• Wants more than milk alone and still seems hungry even after eight to ten feedings a day.
• Starts making chewing motions and begins teething.
• Can control his head and keep it upright and steady.
• Has doubled his birth weight.

Most doctors recommend <u>starting with rice cereal</u>, as it's less allergenic than other foods. Begin with one feeding a day of about a tablespoon of cereal, mixed with enough breast milk or formula to make a semi-liquid. As your baby shows more interest, gradually thicken the consistency of the cereal and add another cereal feeding or two. After a couple of weeks of cereal, you can start introducing new foods at three-day intervals. This schedule allows your baby to get used to new tastes and helps you tell whether he's having an allergic reaction to any new food. Of course, your baby will still need breast milk or formula until he's a year old because solid food can't replace the vital nutrients he gets from breast milk or formula. He won't be able to tolerate cow's milk until he's 12 months old.</font>
<font color="cc0099"> EC-Mum, oops... maybe you need to offer ermm.. special service?

My birthdate also 18th and it's my pride &amp; joy! 181181 - reflects left to right and top to bottom!!</font>
hahaha no specisl service, cant offer now, dangerious.

nice bday, wow u so young.

I intro my girl her first semi-solid on her 4th mth bday.

Cayden show all the signs, but he only 3mths + 10days old still cant give solid.
i also cant really fit into my old clothes arrrgghhh. so now got excuse to buy more nursing clothes. Im contemplating whether to buy the nursing dresses from Maternalove...hmmm going to burn a hole in the pocket again. so tempting. anyone knows if there are any good buys for nursing dresses? I miss wearing dresses cos dont need to spend time to mix and match.

Cassey! Don't u have to do housework????you lucky SAHM...i do everything on my own-cook, clean the house and look after the baby!! very tiring k. esp when i have a high needs baby-forever needing my attention in the day...he is as active as an energizer bunny. If i gave birth to him any older, i think i will pengsan...
Cassey: Wow, you so young!

Semi solid: Guess got to tell my nanny DUN give my son solid when he turns 4 mth old... She told me before that she introduce solid to her other care. But I'm quite afraid if introduce too early my baby might increase chances of developing allergy to certain types of food. Hmm, how to tell her and yet dun sound like questioning her professionalism leh?
dolly, i'll just tell me nanny i want to introduce solids at 6 months... =) think she must follow la, tat's your son, not hers lo.

chris, yeah went isetan sale... didn't buy much la. so many private sales this year sure there'll be another one soon!
Dolly, when bb takes FM the poo poo will be more stinko than taking BM.

Sharon, thanks but i cant tahan dun pump cos i will feel very very full at 4 hrs...how to reduce??? Wished i dun have to start work..
cassey- u put on so little weight during pregnancy.so lucky!i put on 20kg. n now i lost oni 10kg. a long road ahead 4 me!hahaha!

bb augustine- u tkcr of bb n do housewerk alone? steady ah!how u do it?can u put down ur bb n leave him alone 4 long periods?i put down my boy on his rocker but at most half hour oni...dan he wil start 2 fidget. how?any good ways 2 occupy them while we clean n cook?
Shirley, doc said that she is very happy with my baby's weight, it is good! or so she says.... heh

Ahnetsan, let's be pretty mummies at home. How about a new resolution.. to put some make up on, at least look more rosy everyday for our hubby? hehe.. so that we dun look auntie and they still enjoy seeing us when they reach home! ahahah ..
Raudha/EC mom, yes i do the housework (clean the house), cook and look after baby on my own. My day starts at abt 7am when baby wakes up. I will take my breakfast while hubby looks after him before he goes to work then i will bathe him, feed him and put him to sleep. 1st nap is ard 11am. Then i will go prepare the food for cooking lunch and dinner, wash the toilets, clean up any mess in the house, put in the laundry. My boy usually sleeps for an hour at a time so have to hurry to do the housework and squeeze in lunch too.

When he wakes up, i will play with him. He usually stays awake for 2-3 hours then he will be sleepy again. So i will put him to sleep at abt 3 pm. Then i will prepare dinner. I will also vacuum and mop the floor if possible. When he wakes up, I will keep him company again. I don't leave him alone for long periods cos he will cry for my attention. There are short periods when he will be in the stroller but he will be placed where he can see me while i do the chores. I will switch on the music to entertain him or keep talking to him so he knows mummy is still around. My day ends at ard 8 plus when he goes to sleep. Sometimes after that still have to finish up some chores that were not finished like hangng the clothes that were washed. Fortunately, hubby tries to help by washing the dishes after dinner. So thats my day for most days. Can be quite tiring at times but getting used to it.
haha, dat's a good one... initially i will let mil to take care of Jarius while i go take a shower before my hb comes home.. den i can still look and smell nice and fresh.. but after a while, i simply haf no time to leave Jarius alone and also i cant leave Jarius with my mil for dat 40mins... so i haf to bathe at night, after 10pm... i only bathe when my hb is back and after we had our dinner, he takes care of Jarius and i go bathe... haiz...and normally before my hb comes back, i jus quickly brush my hair (which is now alrdy very bad condition) and at least *hopefully* i dun look dat auntie. haha

wow, i din know you are so young nia wor. haha.
and YES, i love ur bday!! it's so NICE!! AND EASILY TO REMEMBER. HEEHEE
ANNticipating,Cassey answered you already..

Annie,we stopped similac too.. we brought Enfalac a+ for Max.. one day give him twice FM,the most is 110ml..


Just back from Xinhua's vaccination appt.. 3 months,Xinhua's weight is 7.35KG height 66cm

Solid food:
Nurse advise that start from 6 months onwards and it's depends on individual baby..
<font color="cc0099"> EC_Mum &amp; ahnet, whoa piang. We've met... Do I really look that old? *sigh* Thanks ah!!

dolly, EC_Mum and ahnet~,There are many younger ones on this thread wor - caramelle, Shelisa, Mummy Ash, for starters...

ahnet~, Justus rolls his eyes whenever I tell others abt the reflecting numbers of my 6-digit bdate. BUT hey, it really is something fascinating ma!! No? *humph @ Justus*

bbAug, I do hv to... just that I always procrastinate n try to get away without doing them for as long as I can. *oops* I have a PT cleaner who comes in every fortnight. Other than that I clean the floors and do my own laundry. Used to but seldom cook anymore and don't even wash toilets either. Whenever she comes, my sink fixtures are GLEAMING and my tub is super bright!
She's great!!</font>
Housework: I'm supposed to do housework, but I've decided not to bother. The floors can go dirty for all I care now. Where got energy?? I don't feel the floor cos we wear slippers at home wahaha! I did vacuum 2 days ago, but that's a rare occasion. Hubby will try to do some tidying on weekends. I concentrate on all baby related chores, like washing up bottles and breast pump, baby laundry, putting baby stuff away, and obviously, feeding and looking after baby. I hardly cook anymore, so end up eating junk for lunch if I'm home. When my parents visit, they'll da bao lunch for me, and hubby will da bao dinner.

Solids: will only start at 24wks soonest. And if she has to double birth weight before she can start solids, I reckon I'll have to wait till then regardless!

Prettifying ourselves: Just today, I put on make up, wore my pre-preg jeans, halter &amp; 3-inch heels, and went out for lunch with hb &amp; bb! Wahaha! Finally felt normal again. (Impt note: I have pre-preg clothes that range from S-XL size, so wearing pre-preg clothes doesn't mean I've actually lost my pregnancy weight!) But I've worn makeup throughout pregnancy, and post birth, I've worn makeup almost every time I went out (other than to nearby hawker centre for lunch lah). It's just something I do for myself, cos even if I'm becoming aunty age, must still look presentable right?? Will feel even better afer I trim &amp; colour my hair! Come on mummies, you can do it!
<font color="cc0099"> Tubby~, WHOA! Skimpy outfits back out again huh!? Dare I hope that I inspired you wrt pre-preg jeans?! *keke*
I'm also a make-up junkie... I guess that's cos I look like the undead otherwise.
Btw, auntie age your head. Still a decade or so to go!

S. L. O. W. saturday with hubby at uni.

Eating confectionery bun n Kyle kps wanting a pinch of it.
He's already knocked two empty melamine bowls over today. Humph.</font>
Better dun let my hb know, sure he suan me, what I do now is only carry Cayden whole day. Occasionally feed my girl (if timing right) and help to keep the laundry. All other chore was done by my mum or hb.

No lah, you dun look very old, you look mature.
Sometime I envy your are young but already have kids.
<font color="cc0099"> EC_Mum, Haha... thanks! That's just a more diplomatic way of saying, well, <font size="+1">OLD</font>!!!
Why envy? Feeling pensive huh? I guess different ppl go through different life stages at differing times. I can also envy the 'older' mummies for the freedom they've enjoyed before settling with a baby, eh? But I'm happy with what the Lord has given me.

Actually, bbAug, I haven't the privilege of having any help from my family at all whether it's baby minding or chores. But I find my PT cleaner a superb support even though she only comes in fortnightly. I don't think Augustine sounds very needy. He's pretty alright, seeing as he actually naps quite a few times throughout the day, enabling you to get chores done!

> If you're weary and feeling stretched though, some things need not be done every day . Like the babycare books all say in reminding us to rest, the world won't come to an end if the laundry waits another day. So if you're feeling bushed, take a break and put your feet up! *offer you a lovely chilled JUMBO pack of boysenberry flavoured Yami yogurt*

ahnet~, speaking of Yami, I had boysenberry, raspberry and grape recently (last 1 mth or so). Stopped buying tubs home cos it's very expensive since I end up devouring them in a single seating.</font>
my baby is really small... only 5.3kg, 60 cm at 3 months.. all other development is quite fast, just look small only.. so sad..

sweethalo, is it???

hmmm. dunno if i'm the only one who's getting paranoid about baby's growth... srutinised the growth chart from the health booklet. went to kkh for baby massage class today and the therapist said that he does weigh lesser than other babies of his age. =( even my cousin's son who's one month younger looks bigger!!

but my baby is full term leh.. dunno why like tat.. feel so inadequate as a mother. like there's something wrong with me, why my son like tat... sigh... dun think it's a drinking problem cos after i BF him i'll top up with FM but he's been spitting the FM out. he only drinks when he's hungry, but i do find his appetite smaller than last time. only take about 100ml each feed and sometimes cannot even finish!
