(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

TPY mommy, can you use ur manager or boss room to pump when they are not around? Actually sometime i need to station at construction site, so i will ask all ppl to leave the container for 20mins and i will lock the room and pump. A auntie told me to use our ebm to bath baby, like that their skin damn smooth but so far dare not do to Sermaine

createjoy, for my gal is 'hole too hole'. Anyway tonight bringing her to a female PD intro by jess and superbee

New mom,
i have used both similac and enfalac. both milk contains bubble when we shake it to dissolve.

i am now using Wyeth. it has no bubble. it is also more oily (got to wash teat several times to remove oil!) but i think the oil is good for baby. heard friso also no bubble.
Mei - i agree with Dolly's suggestion, that is to pump it out.

Dolly - it all started with her ears first... or rather we noticed the smell in her ears first. Cleared already, then came back. Now ears better. Only the head.

Artist - thanks for the info. I started her on S26 first .. but she had constipation. So now change to Similac. Started yesterday only.
Hi, which brand of olive oil is good beside johnson baby?

dolly, my boy cradle cap not very serious, just the front part, where it is the softest part of the head.however, when under bright sunlight will look very serious to me.

New mom, for milk powder, maybe dont shake the bottle, use a spoon to stir. it helps to reduce bubbles.

My daughter due for her 2nd vaccine next week.

Do ur bring ur bb to PD or GP for jab??
Cos the Dr will do assessment. Tot it will be better to bring her to a PD. Wat ur think?

bbjun: My bb also woke up once for night feed only nw and it took us 1 hr to feed her at night. But if i let her sleep thruout...is it too young to skip her night feeds now? She is coming 3 mths old next week.

2nd question: Those mummies who already started work, do ur experience reduced milk when u go back to work? I am afraid my supply cant meet my gal's demand now...
Hi Shirley,

My bb is also coming to 3mth next week. We bring him to PD. I did consider poltchinic before the 1st job but HB's colleagues 'scolded' him as they all advised him that for 1st child we should go for PD as we are inexperienced first time parents. Hence he insisted but I paid 1.4k for the package, luckily it is from my BB's CDA account.

All mummies,

I'm super duper 'peng san' (burn out) today, BB got all excited when he saw my HB came home at midnight and talke to him while changing his diaper after his last feed. And BB did not catch any wink from then on so I was up all night. Sign Sign.

New Mom - I use Similac too, to avoid constipation, my PD says can give BB 30ml water a day.
New Mom - Have you try to drink green papaya fish bone soup to increase your BM? My supply dropped during my first month and it came up again when I start to drink this soup, I was quite skeptical when a fren asked me to try this soup but apparently it is helping. So the little one is on EBM except for 1 feed of FF daily.
Re pump or not pump: I guess I'll see how it goes. It could be a temporary thing, for all I know. Hopefully the fullness/engorgement will correct itself over the next few days. It's like this - I suspect - coz she just finished a growth spurt.
Hayoki - thanks for the advice. I tried to use a spoon to stir the mixture just now. And yes, it helps! Thanks!

Joyce - what PD package is that? What does it consist?
My baby used to love water ... but do not seem to like drinking water these days ... eg when she hiccups, she does not like to take in the water like she used to.
Thanks for suggesting the soup .. yes, i've tried. Drank loads of water but didnt help. Good to hear you are successful in BF/EBM.

All mummies,
thot to just share that today we started to let baby use a Pigeon M size teat (baby is now 11 wks as of today), and she finished her milk in 10mins! She used to need 30mins to finish 120ml of formula milk. FYI just in case any of you are having some challenge in feeding baby ... or maybe my husband and i are just abit slow on this! =)
I believe other brands also have different size for different age.
Any of you let your baby sleep on tummy or side ways?
They say it will help to let baby have nice head shape ... but i think my baby's head (who has been sleeping face up)on the back like already flat already ...
Tried to let her nap side ways but she didnt seem to like it ...
Hi New mom,

I have tried letting my bb slept on stomach but she didnt like. She will keep turning head. One of the risk factors of sudden infant death syndrome is stomach sleeping...
Side ways or back for me. I tried letting her sleep on her tummy but after a few minutes, she started protesting. The only time she'd ever sleep on her tummy is if she's on my chest or the HB's.
artist, bbPP,
thanks! will try ur method.

yeah lor, Jarius also like dat one... he wont suck the teat but he will chew the teat and den bo bian den swallow the milk dats being accumulated in his mouth.

hello tiny bubu! its bn so long!
how was ur aussie trip?

Jarius also having blocked nose! worse, he also has running nose!! i suspect the main virus spreader is tat KTB!! cos after jarius got it, i also got it... now my nose stopped running away le....but poor jarius' nose sounds quite bad...dat stupid pigeon pump doesnt seem to work very well leh, he keeps yelling and turning his head away too... only his papa can manage to subdue him...surprisingly, he jus lie down quietly and keep laughing and talking to papa when he's pumping jarius' nose.

Jarius also like dat leh... as if nt interested to eat like dat.. and he drinks so little alrdy... damn sian at times.

i seriously hate dat KTB!! and there's no way he can be out of here!!!
my hb says im being selfish cos i blamed ktb for spreading the virus ard... wtf lor! hw come someone be so accomodating still when there's someone else spreading virus ard! and dat ktb is not even jarius' sibling to begin with, i find dat's so unfair to poor jarius... have to suffer under such plcs....

any good buys at robinsons?

re: cradle cap
Jarius also has it.. but it's not alot as in it covers the whole head, so i just leave it.. i din apply any oil or watever too..
re: cradle cap

my bb had cradle cap very long. didnt realise it initially. then i realised that her head stinks, and i couldnt figure out why.... finally realised tat its bcos of cradle cap!! applied olive oil in the morning & baby oil in the evening... but it didnt help. bought dentinox cradle cap shampoo, and it really helps!!!
shirley, I think u have to listen to your baby's cues. If she is not hungry, then dun need to feed her. But to feed her for one hour, isn't it a bit long for a feed??
Hi bbjun,

I know is long but she cannot finish even 100 mls in the middle of the nite. She will fuss and get cranky. We have to stop for a while and feed the balance to her, this will take abt 1 hr to feed her.
Hi Shirley,

Could it be due to the teat? Maybe like my baby's case, the teat's hole is too small .. baby finds it too challenging to drink (takes alot of effort from baby) .. so drink so long? i changed all her teats to a bigger hole size and she now takes 10mins to drink! Today last feed at 8pm, she took less than 10mins!

Papaya123 - thanks for sharing! I must go get dentinox for my baby soon!
11 beans : i'm really thinking about it.i feel so sad everytime i think about going back to work and missing sophie's smiles and giggles.

my hubby says we will learn to adjust financially if i want to quit and take care of the baby but it's so weird for me to be financially dependent on another person.i'm so paranoid that it will lead to quarrels.

and also,my boss has been sending me text messages saying he's looking forward to working with me again because my replacement is doing a shitty job.so i would feel like an ingrate if i walk into work on the first day and hand in my resignation letter.

ahhh.really dunno what to do..

go first first than see how loh, anyway now already sept wait afew more months get aws le, if after that still cant adapt den think abt resigning ba..just take it as this 3 mth is an adapting period..
hello mummies,
long time never post.. re cradle cap, i also used dentinox.. but i feel it is a bit too strong, so i alternate with mustela cradle cap and dentinox cradle cap shampoo.. my bb skin very sensitive so i think this works better for me..

i also thinking of getting a carrier, but my bb is already 7.3kg.. should i get one? i cant imagine carrying her when she is 10kg so not sure how long a carrier can last..

papaya, i tried using no 3 teats.. it is a bit too fast for my bb.. using no 2, she takes 20mins to drink 180ml.. but if i use no 3, she will not suck cos too fast, she just let it drip.. so i change back to no 2.. btw, that was one wk ago when turned 3 mths

tiny bubu, i also thinking of quitting but i decided to wait for a while more.. let me see whether i can adapt or not.. if not, then quit.. cos i intend to send my bb to play group at 18mths.. if i quit now, not sure what i will do 1yr later

mummies, just want to check.. do u think it is worthwhile to sell away my ameda dual pump.. i only used it for 2 mths.. still got receipt but i now no more pump so wonder should i sell or keep for no2.. if i keep for no2, it will be collecting dust for 2 yrs, but if i sell, i think not much money.. i bought it for 388.. not sure whether i can even sell for 280
fat_mom..think u should keep the pump since u are planning for no.2, just keep in a box or something..i keep my pump for abt 18mths still usable..
re: teats
i should probably try no.3 for my bb soon. she is taking abit long to finish her milk, and she sucks really hard!

have u bought alot of toys for ur bb? i'm still wondering what i shld buy for mine...
I guess w must harden ourselves if we want to go back to work.i just feel really sad knowing sophie was everywhere with me when i was pregnant and als during my ML.now she'll be seeing somebody else's face when she wakes up from her nap and if she needs a hug,nobody will know...

maybe i'm the one that needs her more than she needs me.hahahah.
Those interested in getting Fitti diapers, Carrefour (at Suntec) is having a promo for where you can get two packs of any size for $22.

Hai...my baby's poo just now was green and frothy - foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. I guess it's because I was very full throughout the day and she couldn't empty the boob enough to reach to the hindmilk. :S
<font color="0077aa">Mei, Cassey passed us a contact before for Fitti Premium $10 per pack and they deliver to ur house. I think got minimum order 6 packs, and 3 packs must be same size. I find Fitti premium quite good. I overbought S size diapers, now got Nepia, Pampers Baby Dry and Fitti Premium. i like Fitti best, absorbent and so far never leak for me</font>
Hi tiny bubu,

I share the same as you, I'm returning to work next week, already I get teary thinking of that as I will miss my ZZ, and his smiles.

BB has not poo for 4 days even though he is on BM, am getting worried. Thinking of taking him to the doc tomorrow, does any muumies have the same problem? Any suggestion on how to get him to poo?
11_beans, tiny_bubu, i also wish i can resign... my work not that fantastic now. thinking of changing job actually... it's impossible for my husband to take over all my financial commitments so i must work... can afford to earn a bit less though.. i agree with tiny_bubu, take 3 months to adapt and readjust and see how.

my current worry is breastfeeding while working... will have to make time to pump. my supply already so pathetic cannot afford to let it drop further..
I'm starting work next Monday too! Hopefully things are fine... Went to Mt A yesterday to ask for more bottles, a lot of cleaning to do!
Hi Joyce,

My son also have the same problem and I checked with PD when we went for vaccination, she said is ok for baby on BM, so no worries. But of course if more than one week must see doctor ba.
Hi Mummies,
Have you ever encounter when BB latch on one side, and after feed u pump both sides.. the next time u pump both sides, the side that baby latch will always have lesser EBM...

It always happened to me.. is it normal??

Any mummies can share?
vogue_mummy, yup i experience the same as you... it's normal cos baby just latched ma??? letdown is slower when breast is less full..

my baby is finally sleeping. started using hammock today. at last can sleep more than 30 mins at one go!!! the situation was so bad the past week that I had to carry him all the time in order for him to sleep. if put down he either wake immediately or after 10 mins, and when he wakes up he's one angry baby. take another 10 mins to pacify him and the whole episode repeats again and again...

bo bian.. have to use hammock. now take less than 5 mins to get him to sleep and dun even have to shake the hammock at all....
Hi amk_gal,
thats not what i meant.. i mean the next pumping session, the side that BB latched will still be lesser... wondering issit the body is catering to breast pumps rather than suckling?
Hi vogues and all mummies,

Just to share, it is common and normal for different amt of EBM from each breast, I learnt this from a lactation consultant, esp if you are expressing milk after the feed. Hope this helps

Hi Capriho

Thanks alot, I feel more relieved. I'm bringing zach to the doc tomolo as it is one week now. He had a little poo today but not much. He is so grouchy today and had a constipated look (that looks quite cute), poor thing.
re: cradle cap

just now put a little of johnson baby oil on the affected areas. then use a comb to comb his hair. his hair was dropping, so i stop. it is normal for hair to drop? only some of the cradle cap is coming out, is it because i used too little of the oil?
vogue_mommy, i see i see.. misunderstood. i have this situation too. the last fed breast will have lesser milk in the next expressing session.

hayoki, actually just put a bit of oil, leave it for a while and wash off with shampoo.. the dead skin will come off... but dun do too often, cos i find that my boy's scalp become red after tat.. think too sensitive...
<font color="0000ff">amkgal, tinybubu,

I need to resign cos got another job offer.. Wasn't really looking but opportunity came. Now dunno how to tell my boss.

Same same, my boss also send me sms lately saying looking forward to my returning. Dunno how.. Haiz.. Shd i tell her first before i return to prepare her? How about close colleagues? Would you all inform beforehand?

Or just simply go back, throw letter, then see how? </font>
Shelisa, yes I read your posts on the Polyclinic doctor. Hope everything is ok though.

My girl also recently not pooing everyday and she's on formula milk. Earlier on Cassey &amp; tubbymummy advised that if the poo has black streaks or reddish or if haven't pooed for a week, then should bring to see doctor...

Mummies, when baby starts to learn how to turn, does it mean that we have to check on baby more often in the night?

My girl had also developed a habit of sucking on her left thumb.. it's all red &amp; swollen. How to wean off? If put pacifier &amp; pacifier drops off, she'll start sucking on thumb again.
hayoki: Just put johnson baby oil, gentle rub a bit and leave it overnight. The next day wash it off using shampoo (or bathing lotion)
11 beans,
maybe you can sound your boss out first. if your boss were to offer you better pay and higher position, would you stay? if your boss not those positive type of person, then u better throw your letter than letting her to know first... ;p

i also intend to look for other job for better benefits. but because boss helps me to cover my work during my ML, i felt that i should work a bit more with her then find other job.

those bb constipated,
we can try the "l love you" massage method on bb's tummy. also do a lot of cycling movement on bb's legs. it will help to loosen up the stools in stomach and can help bb to pass motion.

my bb is on FM. as he has reflux and colic problems, PD advised to give him Friso Comfort to mix to FM. this Friso Comfort will make him poo quite a bit.

if your bb starting to turn and flip already, then you got to lower down her cot etc so that she wont fall out of the cot accidentally. so no need to keep checking bb in the night.
artist:Hmm... I love to play w my boy during cleaning/diaper changing time and move his legs in cycling motion, is it that's why my boy still POO few times a day?!?!?
Dolly: I don't think that's the cause. I don't do that, yet she still poos a few times a day (at least twice), especially after a feed.

Hi mummies, my boy is borned end May, he is on TBF for the 1st mth and i have problem to continue to BF him subsequent mths, thus i have stop BF him when he turn 2 mths old, lately, he is rejecting formula, thinking of introduce him BM again to try out, any of you hav extra EBM to spare for my son, appreciate you can pm me. Thanks
