(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

hehe... enjoy ur lovely candlelight dinner with hb
sounds yummy to me!

I think I saw somewhere that Tekka mall sell unripe papaya. Those indian or malay stores usually stock up unripe papaya. But I never seen how unripe papaya look like. Is it in green colour or the usual orange colour?
comfort, kikismom said that the papayas are completely green on the outside, and the flesh is white.

OK gals, this should be my last post for tonight. Gonna take my dinner, then check that I have everything ready for tomorrow, then go spend some time with hubby. Hope I can sleep tonight. Take care everyone, will try to post again soon after birth!!
congrats Blurmom!!!

TubbyM, have a good night tonight (though i know it's difficult cos I can still surf net and twitter before i went to TMC for delivery.. haha). Have a smooth delivery!!!

Green papaya - according to my CL, dont need super unripe/green ones. Abit ripe is ok and will be sweeter. Dont buy now and store cos they will become bad and soft...
haha... steak! Just has the Black Angus Ribeye from Botak Jones... yummy yummy

TubbyMummy: All the best! Have a safe delivery... I'm still home, not giving birth tonight hahaha

Green papaya, yeah, my friend told me tekka market has it.
Dolly, bbjun, our job require us to run ard which is tiring, but looking back, I think it is doing more good than harm for my pregnancy! .. I would have put on more weight and have more water retention I didnt run ard! heh..

EC mum, try asking the bean sprout husks from the market aunties/uncles who sell bean sprouts and beancurd .. they will give! that is what my mum did and we got 3 pillows out from that! if u MIL/mum are regulars in the market, ask them to try! =)

Tubby mummy, have a smooth delivery! So exciting!
Hi all,
congrats Blurmom!
Tubbymummy, all the best today! So nice to be able to see your bb today! All the best!

Today I officially stop work liao! I can choose to work from home or when I feel good, then go back office. Boss nice enough not to include in ML, and I need not apply leave, yes! Last fri, he even gave me a bouquet of flowers, to wish me smooth delivery! "Touch"!

Just cannot sleep, so woke up to send hubby off work and now surfing net. This afternoon will meet a friend for lunch b4 adjourning to clinic for my checkup! Hope doc will tell me when I am ready. Many pple tell me my tummy not that big leh. That day my boss' friend came to see him, and she thought I put on so much weight. It didn't occur to her that I am pregnant! Oh my! Then boss said,"actually your tummy size not big leh!" Must go ask doc later, sian!

Re:papaya soup
Ya, I also dunno my area got green papaya or not. Mum is helping me buy all those confinement ingredients and hubby will pick them up weekly so that CL can cook.
Hi all!! Good morning!

Ate chendol last night and ended up with a mild stomachache. Cannot eat anymore!!!

Argh, I still gotta go to work today... backache is setting in and sometimes it's quite bad. Every night I think, will I deliver tonight?? haha... a bit can't wait yet at the same time hope to deliver closer to EDD..
amk_gal: Yeah, better refrain from dangerous stuff like chendol! I eat ice-kacang but dun dare to eat chendol, perhaps scared of the coconut milk...

LFB: What a good arrangement! Your boss is really nice, enjoy your last weeks of freedom!
morning all,

gg to see gynae at noon later... wish me luck... hope i wont kenna induce and hope i can survive thru the VE again.
thanks, will try to relax, cannot be too tensed... hopefully bp normal today.

im 37wk6day today... my gynae says 'in case'... so im crossing my fingers. so haf to relax, if nt bp up a little again like last wk.
ahnet, if you got no pains and no signs of labour no need to induce..

yah you must relax to maintain your BP. and hope your VE wont be painful today...
ya lor, dats y... if its cos of BP den induce, i find it a bit stupid lor... so i must try to relax and nt think abt the VE later... actually my gynae did VE is nt painful, but it's just super uncomfortable.
mayb last week first time doing VE and was nervous abt it...
I am 37weeks and 4 days. Haven't done VE yet and I don't think he will do so even today. My gynae super confident. Sigh, wish I will know more at least to prepare. Relax and calm down. Hopefully you won't need to be induce eventually!

Re:Nesting instinct
I had lots of time on my hand and ended up doing loads of housework. I packed the house, clean up my dressing/makeup counter, washed 2 loads of clothings, did some ironing, sorted out my clothings etc. Just realised the satisfaction of doing these chores!
Blurmum, congratulations!

Tubbymummy, Jia You!

Ahnetsan, why have to induce?

LFB, you started your maternity leave?
I am in my 38 weeks... gg to c gynae tmr
morning ladies,
those delivery in tmc, can advise how many set of pyjamas to pack into our bag? when in delivery suite, do we wear our own pyjamas?
LFB, so envious of you having time on your hands. nvm, next week i also join you as friday is my last day in office. still have soooo many things to do. havent wash baby's clothes which i intend to bring to hospital and still havent pack my bag! keep delaying it and last weekend hubby cleaned up his side of the wardrobe so had a lot of things to wash.

today when i go back still got 1 more white color quilt cover to wash then can start washing baby towels, blankets and other white stuff..

agree that doing housework is very rewarding! wish i can stay home and clean my cats, this morning when i left they were looking messy.
morning ..

caramelle- now i regret staying at home .. i rather work as at least take my mind off in tis waiting game... baby seem not willing to pop out yet
annie, never mind. use this time to pray, catch up on rest and just slow down. because once baby comes you will be very tired and not have time for much else. every morning when i leave for the office, i keep wishing i can stay home the whole day and do some housecleaning or just rest. maybe cos tummy getting heavier to lug around so wish i dont have to move so much.

but that time i stayed home for 1 month and work from home, i didn't even go out to buy lunch. in fact, i pretty much stayed home the whole day. some more i stay alone with the cats. so will wake up around 8, work a bit, watch tv, take afternoon nap, then wake up work a bit more then before you know it, already 6pm.
caramelle- las time not pregnant i love to stay at home cos can go foot massage wif dad & go makan here & ther but now can only stay at home watch HBO, play games, & if i take a nap, i wont be able to sleep at nite..

not much housework to do as everything done
aiyah sian
in office at least still can go store talk to the ppl & clear my work
hubby dont wan me go out as wat if i suddenly pop out...
chidori- if i not wrong my ex colleague who delivered at TMC brought wif her a set of pyjamas...

as i be delivering in KKH, we jus wear their clothing
thanks.. my hubby also want me to stay at home.. but i tell him i will finish up this week coz my bb not engaged even though EDD 7th Jun.. dun wan to wait at home mah..
but getting heavy to walk around liao..
chidori- i wan to go to work (sob sob) but HR mgr said i will not be covered if something happen to me as i in HL now..

walking is good as i can feel the baby getting lower & lower.. so every morning will insists go buy breakfast wif hubby
congrat to all mom already pop!!

Chidori, mi edd is on 9 jun…start ML since mon hv been in waiting game oso…

Comfort, my last check up was in wk38 I oso tot woody will ask mi to go induce leh cos I oso experience lower abdominal pain now & then but he say is normal & ask mi to wait!

Superbee, woody nv did any VE scan on mi leh…I oso nid to c him weekly but his nurse tell mi clinic not open f fri & sat cos he got something on….so I hv to go back 2moro morning to chk…not sure dis time he will ask mi to induce ma cos will b n wk39 leh…last 2 wk I chk wif him he say bb is engage position leh but seems dat bb too comfortable inside dun wan to come out leh! U mentioned yr last visit woody take yr blood test?? He din took f mi leh….wast tinking dis fri & sat he might b oversea since bth CCK & SK clinic is closed….sekali going to give birth in dis 2 day dunno how??

Cassey, so fast back to pre-pregnacny wt leh! Happy f u too!

Amk_gal, u same as mi leh…everytime aft check up know bb wt will buy 4d hope bb give mi luck but seems dat so far buy liow no luck leh! U leh bb got give u luck ma?? Hee hee
chidori, has your gynae given u the packing list yet? we have to bring own pyjamas @ tmc, preferably 2 sets.

Annie, you are on HL so not gg back to offc anymore lor.

Jam, i also buy 4d after knowing bb's wt. no luck at all heee
baby sara, haha not easy to strike hor...my colik all gun jiong ask mi give birth liow or not?? cos they wan mi to give them bb 4d no. c got luck ma! hahaha!
Sweethalo, hopefully most of the increased intake of food is going to baby.

Annie, actually i will just eat when I am hungry. I don't really worry abt baby's size cos so far gynae mentioned my baby is of average size. If hungry don't eat then will have gastrics.

Congrats to blurmom on arrival of baby daylon. Everyone is popping! I very envious...i wanna see baby soon too but still have to wait for him to be ready to come out, don't wanna rush him.

Dolly, you don't pop yet ah...must wait for me hee. Why can't take cocount milk? I just had curry chicken last nite=P

Hope TubbyM had a smooth delivery. Her baby should be out by now. Any news so far?

Annie, just focus on doing the things you were not able to do when you were working to relax cos when baby comes hard to have leisure time also. Don't keep thinking abt delivery yet. The baby will come when he/she wants to come out=) I also try to do some walking each day cos its supposed to aid delivery.

Chidori, I packed in 2 nightdresses as pyjamas and for breastfeeding. I thought hospital only provide the gown for delivery? I really admire you. approaching 40 weeks of pregnancy still can go work. Your belly must be very heavy now and you should be finding it difficult to walk. I am like aching here and there.
Annie,hehe ya.. we wait for shelisa first,keke.. you cook everyday ya?don't eat too much of deep fried food lehh..

How is bing?
bbaugustine: avoiding coconut milk based on my own fear lah, high colestrol and easy to spoilt
hehe, now your EDD earlier than me, go and give birth after the SALE this weekend lah, got Robinson Sale and the Motherhood exhibition. Hopefully baby cooperate!

chidori: I also put in 2 nightdresses for breastfeeding, now still thinking if I should wear my own night dress during delivery
bbaugustine- as i having a fat baby so must control & control my diet

hubby has been nice & would rush back home immediately once he can come out frm the air force camp so not so bad as he reached home mostly at 3+pm

But really wish baby will pop out soon then don have to wait anymore

jessma- i wan wait but shelisa so long leh..
not everyday i cook as sometimes is mum or my elder sis.. hubby dont like my elder sis cooking as she tends to put alot of oil & very saltish..he liked fried chkn joint wings cos i aded XO in it..

today lunch is bak ku teh.. morning is chkn biscuit wif hoclicks
annie, you so lucky hubby rush home after work. my hubby if i don't ask him to come home, he'll just stay in the office and work.
Annie,this morning i heard got msg then quickly get up and check whether is from shelisa.. haha... but then not from her.. i almost everyday ask her how is it and ask her inform us when she on the way to hospital.
Annie,your lunch is so yummy... heheh... you added XO source before fried the chicken wing mah?morning you can try to drink milk or eat egg.. biscuit too dry right..
