(2009/06) June 2009 MTBs

Ling, I am the fat fat gal behind the class, leaning against some cabinet. In all black. Yesterday half way through, I am hungry liao! So I rushed off for dinner! What were you wearing? Seated front, middle or back?

any MTBs going to do total breastfeeding after you give birth?? or anyone has done so for previous pregnancies??

I was thinking if I can express breastmilk and feel from the bottle before every feed.. so can check how much milk baby drinks.. or is drinking from the breast the best?
think most of us would love to do total BF, but the reality is it might be difficult. I read from March thread that many mummies are suffering from insufficient milk supply and also baby not latching. Many succumb to formula. I am also thinking of total BF, not even expressing out, but dunno how possible it is, reading what those mummies feedback.
fatmom, I had nose problem my whole life too, allergic rhinitis, deviated septum, etc. I had blocked nose throughout the first 20+yrs of my life, and it was amazing how I managed to smell anything at all (which would explain why now my sense of smell is keen like a dog, cos whole life had been trained to smell thru blocked nose!). It also made me very susceptible to throat infections, colds/flus. I took my doctor's advice and did surgery. Probably the BEST medical decision I've made in my life. I can breathe, I don't snore anymore, I don't get infections and fall ill so much anymore.

I'm of course not telling u that u need to go for surgery, cos everyone's problems and symptoms are different
I'm just sharing with u that's all, cos I understand that misery of having nose problems. I totally love my ENT specialist now haha...
Actually the BF trainer yesterday said that when our bbies are born, their stomach is liek a walnut so small so should be enuf production.

Also she discouraged using bottle even for bf cos it causes Nipple Confusion and latching problems. Recommended to only start feeding with bottle after 3-4wks.
Yeah, today pretty quiet, maybe everyone go out and enjoy?
Also heard that breast milk might not be sufficient sometimes, and the first 2 weeks of BF is the most tough one! We all must endure!
my colleague uses a teaspoon to feed when she use EBM. She said this will not confuse bb and stop them from latching. Apparently, tits from milk bottle are easier to suck than mummy's breast. So if baby drink often from bottle, they will get lazy and refuse to latch on. And if we stress over whether we have enough BM, we will likely to produce less cos we are too anxious. Must constantly remind myself to relax by then!
yeah.. that's wht the trainer recommended to use teaspoon first until 3-4wks later

also the Green Papaya Fish soup macham miracle soup... hehehe ... drink and u will be better than the supermarket production.
Ya lor! Then there is this herb, fernugreek(something like this)! Also got this Horlicks, that only Mustafa sells, that will increase milk supply. I got a contact from March mommies abt this lady who can massage block duct and help clear lumps. Apparently she did wonders to many and those with blocked and lumpy breasts are seeking help from her. I standby her number first. Of cos hopefully I don't need her eventually!
yeah yeah... trainer also suggested to get hb to suck...

that's when she crazily put a visual image of her friend's MIL drinking our breastmilk for us... everyone fainted
read somewhere about BF and bottle feeding. Only mother can give BM, so get the other (hubby?) to feed if feeding milk from bottle. BF also create the bonding, where bb and mother can stare at each other
hahaha ya that's what the whole class was thinking... I was so shocked that I exclaimed so loudly HAR??? then everyone started laughing..

Some new form of MIL and DIL bonding hor..hehehe

Cheh, in the end the trainer said is the MIL drink from cup after she expressed out... even then, also yucks!!
hahhaha... i think we can bathe in it... ROFL like Nivea milk...ahahah

Trainer said that Zoe Tay used hers for facial.. but I said that it didn't really help then...ahahha
Talking about milk bath.... Dun need whole bath tub of milk one, just some will do. Read somewhere that we can used those expired milk (cow's milk, whatever) and pour them into bath tub for bathing, then won't waste
Won't lah, start swimming once in the pool... we now easily can get dark, so better avoid the sun

But of course, start slow if you dun swim often.
Dear mothers or mothers-to-be, if you are looking for an experienced nanny, feel free to contact my mom by sending me a personal message.

My mom has a lot of experience taking care of children as well as newborn. willing to take care for day and night.
sweethalo, getting baby to drink in different positions to clear blocked ducts, I've heard of it before. I just didn't understand the upside down one hahaha.... Then it looks so awkward to stand and bend over to feed your kid, just to get to that 6oclock position. I was like har??

Haiyoh, my fat cat just threw up his dinner again. AARRRGGGHHH!!!
haha... Think mummy do handstand better, cos baby being upside down is just asking for trouble, so easy to regurgitate all the milk hehe...
hahaha ya cldn't understand wht the dear trainer was saying...

Sometimes my tiny cat also eats too fast, and out it comes again... HE can be quite disgusting... cos he eats it back again!!
Both my cats are disgusting, cos the fat cat is the one that throws up, then the smaller one is the one who goes and eats it up when no one's looking!
How many packs u thinking of buying? I'm quite confused what size to buy also. Oh, I saw Mamy Poko NB and S size just now at Meidi-ya supermarket. Just in case u or anyone interested, the details:

Mamy Poko NB - $11.90 for 28+2pcs
Mamy Poko S - $$19.55 for 48pcs
So far,

I hv the Huggies Ultra NB(24) from the BF class... plus thinking the hospital will hv a pack of pampers nb for me to bring back... and also attempting to use Nappies to try out...

So don't think I shld buy too many NB sz. Heard that they can grow out of NB sz within a mth.

Also bought 2 packs of Pampers S sz
Hmmm, then you sound quite ok for now already. To me at least. I have 2 packs Huggies and whatever that I will bring home from hosp, then I have no size S, and one pack size M Goo.n. I was wondering if I should order 1 pack size S Nepia.

I'm watching S Factor on channel5, and my goodness! The first few girls that they featured (who got kicked out) are so yucky! Face ugly, body worse. Ooh, commercial break over.
I heard S sz- baby can graduate to M sz at 4mths oredi... so not sure how many S sz to get

Wah ... yala..the prog dono how they get those women.. so yucky and want to be cover girl..faints
My hubby watch the prog until he can't stand it, now change channel. He said it's so gross watching the girls haha...

Maybe u don't buy anymore S size first, and see if u succeed with using cloth nappies? Cos if u do manage to use nappies in day time, then u only need 1-2 pcs of disposable diapers at night, then having 2 packs of Pampers should last u 2-3 mths already, and u may not need more S size...
hi mummies, sorry i MIA so long..was enjoying last few moments with hubby since friday. he left for taiwan this morning. when i came home i just started crying, because i missed him so much and felt really guilty for bullying him when he was around. must show him more appreciation when he comes back...so sad he had to leave on his bday. and i've been so caught up with work that i didnt plan anything special. just wrote him a card..

im feeling lonely now, but im sure my friends here will keep me company. 28 days will fly and before i know it, he'll be back.

sorry to be rambling..but just needed to tell someone abt this..
<font color="0077aa">KateLee, Tubbilitis alert!!! Your hubby is so sweet!!! I imagine a grown man walking around the bb department, picking up and choosing tiny little girlie items. *SWEET!* Mine says he can't figure out the clothes without a baby's body in them. I asked him if he wants to take bb from hosp and go put various clothes on him before deciding... HOW SILLY!!

LFB &amp; Kate, aiyo, exchange mobile numbers via PM la... Ling and I exchanged mobile numbers and finally met in between our classes yesterday! But only briefly.

Tubbym~, I'm still considering possibilities. Dad's company is sending my bro-IL overseas on business and he flies Sat, you see. >100 pax celebrations, how to reschedule on my account?!?!?!? Mum wanted hubby and me to emcee. I told her I have gathering. She thought it was a school reunion and when she found out it was forum mothers, she wasn't too impressed. I'm thinking maybe I'll go by later in the evening, perhaps 8+??

sweethalo &amp; KateLee, hubby and I had no probs with the videos at all leh. Ling warned me not to go in if I don't like blood and gore. I told her "OH! Cool! Great! I wanna go in liao." Heehee... I think I've watched so many on YouTube already, I feel more prepared for birth.

> After watching last night's, hubby came to the same conclusion -- That it doesn't seem as bad as we've been psycho'd to think. Cos you see very evidently that there's some downtime in between contractions even after bb's head crowns for you to gather your strength for the next push. As for the blood and stuff down under, tt's for our midwives and obgyn's viewing pleasure, not our own.

> I say, bring it on!! The videos, I mean, not the birth. I'm still a pain-phobe after all.

amkgal, do you mean total breastfeeding or total latch on? I'm hoping for exclusive breastfeeding, but not always latch on cos I want dad to have an opportunity to feed bb too. You're absolutely right. In some circumstances, expressing and feeding with a bottle is good for tracking how much baby is drinking at each feed. My sister has had to do that now and then. However, I've come across several books/articles/ppl's counsel to only give a bottle AFTER a latch-on to avoid nipple confusion and breast rejection. Hmm....

sweethalo, don't worry abt the birth. Our bodies were created to do this and women have been doing it through the years. We'll cope with it. Experienced mum's have been encouraging me to try without epi. They say it's excruciating, yes, but then it's a forgettable pain. Once bb's shoulders are out, you completely forget the pain of just seconds ago so it isn't absolutely unbearable. So many mothers have ended up asking for epi's too late and they just plodded on, delivered au naturel, and aren't any more damaged because of that. We can do it!

Tubbym~ &amp; sweethalo, EEEWWWWW!!! Your furbabies eat regurgitated food?!?!?!?! *gag Gag GAG*
caramelle: hope your work will keep you occupied in the next 28 days. It's really hard to be alone, my hubby went overseas for a year 2 years ago and the feeling was not that great either! It's ok to cry out, how's your eyes now? Must wash your face often to dilute the tears! And remember at least your bb is accompanying you
Talk to your bb more! And you can talk to hubby everynight via MSN/skype/yahoo as well?
<font color="0077aa">Poor you, caramelle. *sayang sayang &amp; hug* It's the hormones... hopefully he'll be back very soon and you can enjoy the reunion and resolve to spoil him silly!

Re: Diapers
Sis says niece has been home 2 weeks and used up 80 diapers on top of the pack hospital sent home with her. I thought it was reasonable cos I'm planning on standing by 120 pcs of NB sized diapers for the first 2-3 weeks and then seeing if bb's graduated to an S or I should stock up on more NBs.

> They'll work thru the diapers so rapidly that I'm not considering stocking up bigger sizes until they need it. Can get diapers almost instantaneously anyway and I've seen ppl trying to sell diapers cos they stocked up and bb grew out of them. Colleague passed me Mamy Poko S cos of that! Said poo was leaking out. YEECH! </font>
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Paging for Bubu~, just out of curiousity... When is the big day?!</font>

sweethalo, me drinking coconut now.
caramelle, be brave, it'll be ok... We're all here remember? And if chatting online here is not enough, we can always meet u up for dinner or something

Cassey, if baby's dad is going to leave town, then it's tough. Wah, it's such a big do. I get scared just reading about it! Hehe, sorry, that's just me. Sounds like the baby's full mth celebration will have more ppl than my WEDDING! I only had 123 ppl at my wedding, and that was already a compromise from me, cos I only wanted a cosy 30pax! Haha... So u said maybe u'll drop by 8+, means u'll come by the gathering first, then go to baby's do at 8+, or other way around?
LFB.. I'm the fat one sat in front leh.. navy blue shirt with brown bottom.. did you sit near the biscuits &amp; drinks there ?

Cassey, omg.. I sat exactly in front of the screen, my jaws dropped.. whoa.. baby really used up that much diapers..? All NB size I suppose, gotta re-count my stocks then.. thanks Cass!
hi dolly, thanks for advice abt the eyes. you're right, im not completely alone as i have my bb with me and i will talk to her more. in fact, going to read to her a story after this. my hubby may not have much internet access so i just sms him all the time. i told him doesnt matter if he dont reply, as long as i know i can reach out to him that's enough for me.

hi Cassey, thanks for the kind words. hey, what's this i hear abt the gathering? i havent gone thru the archives but im guessing you cant make it is it? or you'll be coming later?

hi Tubby, thanks. i know i can count on you girls to keep me company. im going back to work tmoro so the weekdays are bearable. he even ordered tingkat dinner cos he's worried i might not buy dinner/mum dont cook and i'll starve. the weekends are trickier but i will learn to manage.

we went to see baby yest and she weighs 1.2kg at week 28. also asked for some meds for my piles which i just discovered. dr said it will worsen during delivery..piles meds application are the worst! i wont even go into details here..
<font color="0077aa">Tubbym~, *hi-five on the coconut!* Most likely to be gathering first, niece's later. So I may not get to meet MTBs who can't make it on time. That's a nice cosy wedding of yours! Hubby and I wanted no more than 200, but ended up with ~400. My sis' wedding was first of the family and they had a total of 800+pax. It was complete and utter chaos. Big families, u see. What to do?

Ling, no worries... sorry abt yesterday. I was stuffing my face with Mc'kers and ended up paying the price with a middle of the room mat. TAILBONE was so excruciatingly painful when she made us lie down and do our Kegels and the silly pant pant thing tt I was bracing myself just to shift my weight. Ended up resting knees on one side first, then the other throughout the lie-down exercise. *SIGH* Hubby turned to me and said GOOD LA. McCHICKEN SOMEMORE LA. *sob*

> NBs do use up that many diapers. As I was sharing with ahnetsan (i think), babies have about 6 dirty diapers a day, breastfed babies even more due to higher water content of breastmilk. So I based my estimates on 8/day.

<font color="0077aa">caramelle, my mum just told me that my niece's big first month bash is going to be on the exact same night.
dolly, eh, actually I just anyhow buy a coconut from Cold Storage. Hehe... not taking it for the cooling properties, I just bought cos I felt like eating it. Someone mentioned that NTUC sells young coconut, that is was written on the packaging, but I checked this one, it doesn't say leh. Think it's not a young one...?

caramelle, your hubby is so thoughtful to order tingkat dinner for you
So you're well taken care of while he's gone. I think my hubby doesn't even know these things exist....

Cassey, I have a huge family too (each parent has 10 siblings). But my parents are very cool like that, they know that it's my wedding, and I am entitled to have it whichever way I want. So I was gonna do a 30pax thing at Les Amis or some such (got all the menus ready some more), then I thought about it and decided not to deprive them of inviting some ppl, give my dad an opportunity to give away his daughter. Just as well, cos my sis didn't even hold a wedding in Sin.
