(2009/05) May 2009 MTBs

Hi Hi all...

8 May
1:23am Slight mense-like cramp, saw brown
Start to time the pain. bet 10-15 mins
2:30am Get down to glene
4:30am Checked by nurse: dilation:1cm
8:30am Checked by gynae: dilation:2cm...long wait.
?? Epi administered
3:00pm Checked by nurse: dilation:4-5cm
4:30pm Water Bag burst by gynae, water with
greenish tint.
5:00pm Gynae opt for e-csect, baby poo already
5:30pm Epi administered again for csect
6:30pm My baby born...

Now (worried): problem with bf, baby not willing to suck for long, milk flow very very slow, engorged and sore. pump out 2 -3 drips only...
Prob because formula was supplemented at times.
glad that baby was born on edd and near sun down time... a bit disappointed that it has to be an e-csect.

epi side effects: shivering, itch, hot... emotional... i kept crying (prob due to e csect also, then after that was super emotional...

epi: pain was really managable... i succumb to epi at 2cm dilation (as expected)... sob sob...
tinkles mum,
pls add me :
EDD: 6 May 2009
Actual delivery: 7 May
Week: 40weeks + 1day
Hosp: KKH
Birth mtd: Natural
Name of bb: Jodie
Weight of bb: 3.135kg
No of children: 1

u r welcomed!

take care! have a smooth delivery!
<font color="ff6000">Sorry to interrupt.

i have 2 packs of Drypers size S (64pcs each) for sale at $13 each or $25 for 2 packs. Free delivery for Seng kang and Punggol.

PM me for confirmation.</font>
Hi tinkles mum,

Please add me!

Given EDD - 7 May
Actual EDD - 8 May
Week at delivery - 40 week
Gynae name - Dr Paul Tseng
Birth method - Assisted (Vacuum) Vaginal Birth W/ epid
Hospital - TMC
# of current baby - #2
Weight at birth - 3.83 kg
Gender - male
Name of baby - Johan

After the long long wait, my boy came 1 day after due date.

7 may 09 (thursday)

9.50 pm - water bag burst - sudden pop was felt while lying in bed with #1. Liquid started to trickle out of me profusely.
10 pm - set off for hospital.
10.20 pm - in Observation room 2 ~ contraction very mild. water leaking alot still. dilated only 2 cm...
11 pm - sent to birth room 9. Contraction still mild.

8 may 2009 (friday)

2 am - contraction started to kick in really strongly. Seek for epidural (not in birth plan, a bit disappointed).
2.30 am - epi admin (NO ONE mentioned how painful it was!!!)
3 am - settled nicely. can't feel contraction.
4 am - 7 cm dilated.
5.10 am - 9.5 cm dilated. The urge to push was so strong but not advised to.
6.30 am - started pushing. baby head stuck at cervix. Can't push..too tired. wrong pushing method. told to rest. baby head stuck there for more than an hour!!
7.30 - doc came to use vacuum.
7.57 am - baby finally out.
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">Extra BN S-Size Diapers For Sale</font></font>

Hi! I'm fr Apr MTB thread. Juz delivered my B2 via emergency c-sect on 9 Apr. He's a big bb so end up outgrew the diapers I had stocked up. Thus, I'm looking to sell the extras off. FYI: my boy was 3.665kg @ birth and 5.1kg @ 1M. He's rotound bt no Michelin Man -- main reasons he's fast outgrown NB &amp; S sizes of some brands of diapers is (1) waist of these diapers grown too low till poo leaked from back while he's lying down (which's how NB spends their time) (2) Gathers grown too tight around the thighs

<font color="aa00aa">Anyway, I'm selling off 3 BN (unopened) pks of S-size Huggies Ultra.</font> Each pk has 44pcs. I'm selling each pk @ $13.50 each. Must self-collect fr my plc in Clementi Central. No further discount if you take all 3 pks bt I'l throw in another 20 loose pcs of the same thing + 5 loose pcs of Huggies Ultra NB size.

Please PM me if interested. I wl nt b chkg all the threads
Thanks everyone!

I'm now still in office waiting for my hubby to come &amp; fetch me.. will go home shower, collect my things &amp; then go Mt A.
Hi Joyce, all the best! waiting for your good news

Porky, i really dont know. on one hand, i need an extra pair of hands but on the other, I cant really tahan her much... hubby suggested terminating her but i am a little worried...i cant cope cos only maid and myself at home, still with my toddler boy...
i dunno. Maybe my pain threshold is no longer as great as it used to. But I cringed in pain when it was done. I even felt the catether being pushed in my spine! and contraction was great at that time. I could have moved when the procedure was done....=(
Ling Lim, i remember we are talking about having the same symptoms of shows and mild contraction on 23rd April. Guess what? We delivered on the same day, 24th April!!

I've just had time to login again..

Tinkles Mum, my details:
EDD: 2 May 2009
Actual delivery: 24th April 2009 (38th week)
Mt. Elizabeth
weight at birth: 3135gr
Joyce, take care . All the best for your delivery;)

i just returned from my gynae chk up. My weight dropped 0.5kg but gynae said baby has grown big from last week. Hence the baby moved up and baby's head is high when gynae checked by doing the VE (last week baby's head was engaged ). Gynae suggested i may need to do a Csect (cos baby's shoulders may be too wide to come out naturally) and asked me to visit him this Fri which is supposed to be my EDD. I'm feeling a bit stressed now...

Mummies who had Csect, did you opt for epi or GA c sect?
joyce, all the best to ur drug free delivery ! update us ya

graceofgod, oh thats bad...if no CL around, u can cope or not ? i will sure miss my CL if she left...she loves my BB a lot leh, i can see lah..cos my BB move little bit, she will go over to see...and she do things very fast..

star, i choose spinal c-sec...cos i wan my hb to join me to witness bb first cry
TinyM has pop this morning to her little princess 3.1kg !!! congrats again. she is in TMC, anyone still in TMC can party liao..haha
juju, ya loh, really very lucky...else i sure faint ah..and my mil at home keep nagging...my spinal c-sec...meaning i sit up then they inject onto my spine. then i numb half body very fast leh...then my gynae cut and ask my hb to go into OT, then gynae push out my bb and ask my hb to snap photos...everything very fast lah...hehe
Dear all,

I'm settling down at Mt A already.. just popped medicine.. it should help to bring BP down..

Just hope labour signs will come soon &amp; hv a quick &amp; drug free birth instead of having to induce!
Hi Thanks mummies for your well wishes and Congratulations to mummies who have given birth.

Here is what happened on 30Apr and 1May09.

8.05am gynae app, 1 cm dilated, chosen between going home and wait or induce in the afternoon. Gynae reserved a delivery suite at 2pm. HB went back to work. I pig around in the hospital admission and TPS area to wait for admission.
12noon Had sandwiches from prima deli for lunch.
1.45pm admitted
2pm strapped to CTG
2.30pm inserted prostin tablet
3.30 pm went back to ward, no reserve of bed but luckily allotted the one near to window
5.30pm served ‘1800 calories’ dinner. Told HB to rest at home after work, don’t know will give birth the same day or not.
9.50pm asked to go back to delivery suite
10.21pm gynae checked that dilated 3cm, burst the waterbag (painful when doing the VE and bursting). Call HB can take his time to come. Pain! Contraction kicked in ………. Already informed I want epidural.
11.15pm still waiting for epidural, husband arrived at delivery suite finally, but was asked to wait when Dr performing epidural.
11.45pm HB came in, can finally rest and nap, really tired after the whole day walking around and waiting.

1am mid wives came in between to check on dilation. Epidural wearing off, given laughing gas and taking deep breathe. Mid wives encouraged to push. Legs numb, couldn’t control movement and shivering. HB said can see baby’s head.
1.45am Gynae came in, asked to push, don’t know how many push. Isaac arrives.

I told nurses in the nursery that I want total breast feed but they warned me that I have gestational diabetes, so baby will also be monitored for the blood sugar level, if baby is too hungry and blood sugar level too low and affect his jaundice level, he would need to be on drip. No choice, inform the nurse to feed formula milk after I latch him on.

My milk supply came on 3rd day but till now 11th day, my supply is still low, only 10 ml from the pump! Quite discouraging! Isaac has not been sleeping well from the day he got home. He wants to suckle on the breast even after feeding formula milk (latch on before every feed). From feeding time till he sleeps would take about 1 to 2 hours. Most of the time, he is awake the moment he touches the bed and will scream and cry very loudly. I’m quite exhausted! I don’t want to make it a habit to carry him all the time and I need some time to express the milk.

Any advise from mummies?

Thanks for sharing ur birth story.

think you will want to know the following:

Increase milk supply:
Drink more water/fish soup
direct latch as much as possible

bb sleep:
We have carry our bb in our tummy for 9mths.. it's naturally that he wants to cuddle. try using sling, which will help your tired arms.
let him sleep on his tummy.

Most likely you will not be able to yield much since u said supply low. Direct latch will help to establish the supply.
Hi JasC, Congulations to u and ur newborn!

Regards to breastfeeding, 3rd day till now 17th day I only managed to pump out 30ml. Maybe u can:

1) Let bb suckle each side 15 mins.

2) Take more fish and drink more water.

3) Pump every 2hrs.

Any other advise?
hello mummies,
hope everyone is doing well!

i had my gynae visits yesterday (my 37th week), and am now rather puzzled..

Visited both Dr Paul Tseng my gynae. Reason for being visited both doctors is because i wish to have more advices on my wish and feasibility to have VBAC for this delivery.

These are what the doctors commented upon the scannings (same views for both):

- Both estimated baby's size at 3.2kg.
- Both said baby is not engaged yet.
- Both commented baby will not pop that soon.

Some differ views:

- Dr Tseng estimated baby's head circumference at 34.5cm. Dr Ang estimated at 36cm.
- Dr Tseng mentioned "still can try for natural" though baby's head circumference is his biggest concern. Dr Ang told me straightaway "do not waste the effort and take unecessarily risk", he suggested a c-section scheduled this or next week.
- Dr Ang did VE and said my cervix still tight, no sign of dilation.

So im rather puzzled over the best decision to make. Need to consider many factors: risk involved, recovery period, costs etc.. to decide whats best or less risk option for baby and me. Another factor that bothering me is the umbilical cord around baby's neck, though it maybe common but i still feel uneasy, baby may get destress in the process of trial of natural birth. And im rather disappointed to hear that baby is not engaged yet, which means he is likely stay in my tummy longer and his head &amp; size will keep growing bigger and my chance of natural delivery will be lower...
joyce &amp; andrea,
glad to see both of u sharing breastfeeding tips.
i only managed to pump out 35ml &amp; 20ml today, previous days only a few drops...
how do i get baby to latch if she keep refusing me? is it a must to see lactating consultant?

I guess you have more or less know what you want.. but just nid assurance?

If I were you, considering so many factors and chances of VBAC is so much slimmer, might as well go for C-sec directly!
most likely she is having nipple confusion loh.. u have to unteach her to suck bottle, by using cup feed..then try bfg again.

Try cup feed for 1/2 days, then decide to see lactating consultant.
Hi juju78

My bb also dun wan to suckle, so i just keep pumping

Where did u deliver? I deliver at TMC and they really provide consultant to go to ur house and teach u. And they did mention that to give bb cup-feeding as they will not use to bottle-feeding..

And pls dun stress urself k... and rest more...
Hi Mummies,

It has been a long time since I log in. I have been vomiting since day 1 I know I am pregnant. Today went for my check up at 38.5 weeks. Dr KT Tan ask me to admit this Friday to induce. I am feling tense even this is my 2nd pregnancy. But looking forward to see bb. I am rather confuse. Sigh
Hi tinkel mum, just saw my name on the list &amp; realise i havent update here.

Given EDD - 12 May
Actual EDD - 30 april
Week at delivery - 38 week
Gynae name - Dr LN Sim
Birth method - Natural With Laughing gas
Hospital - TMC
# of current baby - #2
Weight at birth - 2.64kg
Gender - female
Name of baby - Cassandra

Anyway, nothing much abt this birth.
2.10am- Contraction started. I thought i need to poo or suffering from some indigestion so stayed quite awhile @ hm toilet.
2.30am- out from toilet but tummy still painful. Didnt bother went back to bed.
2.45am- felt water leaking so decided to go hospital for a check.
3.20am- reached TMC. was shivering in pain &amp; still had to fill in the swine flu form!!! waiting in observation rm to confirm in labour.
3.40am- nurse confirmed 5cm dilated &amp; ask HB to do admission. Got pushed into delivery ward.
4am- Pain was unbearable &amp; urge to push is there so press for button to call nurse but just nice Gynae &amp; Nurse came in.
4.15am- bb is borned naturally. This 2nd birth was more painful.gynae ask nurse to take my laughing gas away when pushing. No chance to go into space. This time i felt the pain of horrible contractions, the episiomy. The aftermath was worst aft bb is borned. horrible stomach cramp for 4 days!!!

I have the exact same prob as you.
But I insisted on trying natural since pelvic can allow baby to pass but problem is she's not engaged yet and seems unlikely she will engage anytime soon. So this sunday will be admitted for induction then if by monday morning 8.30am my princess shows no signs of engaging doc will send me for c-sec immediately.
I think I have resigned to fate already. If it means a C-sec will not harm her by forcing her to come through natural birth then so be it... but like you am worried bout the cost. I booked single room so really freaked now :/
Did you do the pelvic xray? My babys head is at 37cm at 37 wks.. if you do the calculation the diameter is approx 11.5cm... its much larger than normal dilation so it will be a lot of agony for us and the baby...
Have faith ya? Keep me posted on your decision? I feel so alone man... sigh
hi porky,
When u did the spinal c sect, can u feel the pressure of the tools cutting on your skin?is it totally painless? Cos my neighbor had a scary experience, she could actually feel the knife cutting layer by layer.
juju, ur mil staying with u ?? mine is staring at my CL when she do things...i am very satisfied with her..but mil still wan to nag...aiyo...dunno how lah...but my hb say as long CL takes good care of me and bb then shd be fine loh...my CL writes down my bb feeding time and poo time then report to me everyday leh...not bad right ? so how are u coping ? still pumping ? i not yet started...

star, OMG !!! ur fren experience is really scary leh...i cant feel anything at all...din even knw when my gynae has already cut me...only when they ask my hb come into the OT...then my hb tell me a lot of blood flow out and drip on the floor leh....then i realise it has already started...less than 5mins...i heard my boy crying liao...
