(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

alfafa 77,

wah, u oso look slim leh with a small tum tum..
my tum tum rather round thou is a boy.
up by 2cup size alot ..wah drooling..hehee
now venue for the aqua aerobic is not finalised yet. the instructor have existing class at Pandan Valley Condo,mixed. so i am trying to organised one for ourselves . But instructor prefers classes in the West and pax 12 for that rate.

Hi Kome,

with u , we will be 8 i the class. 4 more to go!!
Anybbody interested??

yr tum hide quite well... so envy u...

must start monitor bb's movement now? wat's the purpose?

i need to double cfm w u again on aqua aerobics as attended WBB's class, she said if low placenta not adviseable to do aqua aerobics... i need to chk w my gynae tis sat b4 cfm w u...
btw, where's will be the venue if cfm? too far away oso prob...
You don't go for pedicure means you are doing your own nails? Pregnancy is the only time I go for religious express pedi cos I will die of suffocation when I try to trim my own toe nails.
yap.. so happy to see him.. my next visit oso this month le.. think becoz my doc is going on leave liao.. so next visit push to 30 dec instead.. so happy can see baby twice in a month.. =)yeahh..

Today's weather
ya.. so hot sia.. just bring my dog down to pee and now is like sweating whole body man.. decemeber still so hot.. so weird sia..

I heard that drinking bird nest will cause bb to be asthmatic later on. is it true? have been drinking every forthnightly leh... now worried
at least u can go for express pedi... my hb dun allow me to step into the salon, saying those chemical is harmful to bb if snift in more...
then i told him those manicurist preggy oso continue working, so not harmful, he still insisted cannot... buay tahan him...
Steph : My first preg hor , I gain abt 20kg lah .. baby was 3.1kg .. 2nd preg gain 10kg but bb was 3.5kg so hope this one same as 2nd preg ..
My hubby very cool about such things. I can even go perm or colour or rebond hair and he will still say ok. :p I would agree that too much sniffing of those solvents is no good but we don't do that everyday, whole day mah.... Everything in moderation ;)
i oso told my hb only moderation... but he still said 'NO'... me oso dun bother to argue w him, nvm la... aft birth, he'll hv no more excuse stopping me doing liao... hahaha
hi sunshine,

no problem, it is better to chk with ur gynae first, it is afterall our wish to have a healthy pink bb ;)
Re Bird nest, i just heard my coll say leh, dunno true or not

Hi Queenie,
yes , cck is considered the West.
Pups, can ask the gal to cut the nails for us?
so far i still can cut but tum tum grow bigger cannot liao, cos sa u said, cannot breathe n bend dwn back will be suan...

other MTBS also go pedicure often now?

oki Alfafa, will try to doll up when gt mood :p

Sunshine, how was ur facial?
Yalor I am concern abt the smell in the shop so didnt go for any pedicure, usually yr end will go for one to pamper myself, hmm..let me ask my gynae abt this
wha envy leh.. one mth can c baby two times..

ya i agree these 2 days the weather is v hot..
at night oso donwan to rain.. den me end up switching on air con den my poor hb suffer.. coz he got sensitive nose. when i don go swimming no rain one.. wan to go swimming most of the time rain heavily.. $%$^%^$^

i got take birdnest but not very consistent..
oni drink it when hb boils it..
i tink if is not clean den will cause asthma?
now only left with the birdnest my mil bought for me to boil..
donno is i sensitive or what, hb boil 1 piece, i c the birdnest got alot black black small small things.. donno issit he nvr clean properly or wad..c liao i don dare drink. i told him tt black black thing donn will cause bb asthma or not. den he flare up.. den i LL drink up whole bowl n i told him don blame me if ur bb got asthma..

if the class is ard bt batok - cck i don mind..

as at week 20, i weigh 0.5 kg less than my pre-pregnancy weight. cos i lost 3 kg after vomiting so much and loosing my appetite in my fist 4 mths.

i am targeting no more than 6 kg till delivery cos i am already big in size.
some nail varnish is really harmful to us..
start with 'P' one.. but i heard OPI is safe..

i saw one article at my gynae's clinic..
they say is best to avoid coloring and rebonding once we conceived.
but is ok to perm hair..

i super long nvr go do pedi n mani liao..
i pedi myself.. now still reachable..
hb say will pedi for me if i cant reach..
but i doubt he will.. coz he most probably scare will hurt me instead.. lols.
Ya lor. I think not selling liaoz the MUAR OTAR. Me craving for it also. So sad. Hope she will reply my PM.

I went to ask Hock Hua the chinese medical shop about bird nest. The person said bird nest is ok for preggy woman. Heard ppl saying will have a lot of phlegm if we take too much bird nest. She replied me said it is ridiculous. It can help alleviate the trachea, smooth breathing, benefit the control of asthma, expel phlegm, recover vital energy and extend longevity. Not sure true anot.. Said that it may be other food which causes phlegms.


Another one... See liaoz dun vomit... Also dunno true anot..
u can ask yr hb to trim yr toe nails for u... i intend to ask him to trim for me when my tum tum becomes big... hahaha

facial : so far ok...

think water retention is caused when we don't drink enough water and our body starts to retain fluid to prevent dehydration.

we should drink as much water in the day time but not after 8.00pm... if thirsty at night, then drink a mouthful.
i think walk too much will cause leg swell...
i heard not enuff water intake den will cause water retention

sad hor... i tot is alright to sell?
hmm i tink somewhere in town is selling the same thing. but i cant recall where is it. i ever saw it in tv programmes..

mrs wong said is ok to drink. but oni drink liao skin fair other den tt nth much?
Ya loh.. I think someone red eye complained against her selling it in the forum. That's why she suddenly closed the BP. The lady really damn jialat.

About bird nest, i also dun care. i started taking since week 16th.. i only stop taking when i am sick on western medication.

About babyplus,
I bought and now on lesson 2. i was told that it will have no benefits. In china.. a few babies are born deaf cos of such devices. that's why i am a bit in dilemma now. i know that our hear and digestive system already produce a lot of noise... then was told that no point adding on to the noise. haiz...
She replied my PM for the Muar Otar. She said she is updating the stock and will update me. Will let you know when she replied.
Yippee.. Can get our MUAR OTAR.
I agree with pups...do everything in moderation! =)

mangogal, i used to do mani & pedi on my own (save $$) but i just went for a pedicure..felt so good so i've decided to let others do it!!

woodlands swimming complex also have the course.
but i missed the enrollment date.
den the sessions will oni end somewhere in jan.
and is again subjected to no. of paxs enrolling.
sigh.. by then like abit late?

i ever come across about the how much amount is required per day. it differs to the person's weight. for me.. i will dink till my pee is as clear as tap water, then i think its enough.. else i keep drinking it slowly..

i have a 1.5l water bottle in office which i take a mouthful every now and then.
shiok hor, when pple doing mani/pedi for u...
i oso intend to do mani/pedi to pamper myself for CNY... can ignore liao since hb dun allow...
are the china people using the authentic babyplus? they got so many fake products... it seem like no bad news from the west le..
my pee seldom clear lei... mostly is yellowish, tat's mean i'm not drinking enough issit???
oh gosh, which mean starting fr preggy till now, i'm not drinking enough water... tat's bad...
i oso hving a 1l wter bottle in office n norm i'll drink 2 full bottles daily... tink 2l oso not enough for me... if drink excess, no issue right?

water is ok cos it clears our system.. excess will get pass out. even if we are not preggy, we are prone to urinary tract infections if we don;t drink enough water.
re: babyplus
since some of mommies already bought it..
don use it like v wasted.. why not juz play it as usual but not attached to ur tummys?
icic... noted... will drink more more more water fr now onwards...
if the shoe we are wearing too tight will cause anything to our feets? swollen?
ma po otar... u heard b4?
a small fishing village in m'sia they got tis otar v popular n nice..

btw, u getting all fish or mix?
donno shd get all fish or wad..
wad u suggestS?
thanks .. hugs! pray hard we will get..
if her stock not enuff, gimme 1 box i oso happy.
but 1 box means i cant share with my family liao.lol...:x
muz drink more water ah.. coz our baby in the waterbag need water mah..
think at 3rd trim if gynae says our waterbag not enuff water is not a gd sign tho...

everynight, leave up ur feets above ur tummy can help..
coz sometimes, our uterus oso will cause feets swell.. coz the blood circulation not tt good for our lower body.
