(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

congrats wishaboy and sportyger on your respective prince and princess

Ya lor .. stress man .. actually for those only son , the best is 1st one is boy then next one no problem .. me very stress lah .. first 2 gals .. though both PIL say never mind but think deep inside still want boy .. even my own father yesterday ask my sis how is me getting on with my preg and know is boy or gal or not .. he also hope it's boy if not I so stress out and tired out as he also traditional thinking man .. though he told my sis , everything is fate if gal also no choice , but he tell my sis he hope I get a boy .. feel so touched when my sis tell me .. my father is 100% old China thinking man .. last time only dote bro more ... me still ok as youngest but my sis in the mid get the less of everything ...
till now I still dont eat alot.. now 18 weeks already. my gynae said mother dont gain weight it's okay as long as bb grows..

any mummies not working/working at home?
how do u spend ur time everyday? I feel so bored and no mood to do anything..today woke up feeling so moody..
miss83 ...

me watch TV ... look at the forum ... chat with frens on msn and JUST set up my facebook hahaha thats how bored I am too

but at times i will need to look aft my #1 too when my mum needs to cook etc

Sorry to barge in. I'm a Feb 08 Mummy.

I have the following items to give away.

1)Pigeon Battery operated breast pump(Used less than 5 times)

2) Avent ISIS Comfort Breast Shell Set (Brand new)

PM me if interested.

i have not been working for 3 months now... quite tough to get used to... last time during school days i always worked during holidays... for me, i read books, play psp.. (like small kid..haha), went out with my frens, go exercise..

my hubby bought for me a lot of pregnancy books... yup.. i bought the Pregnancy and Childcare written by Mdm Wong and a doc.. i find the book the best of all the books i had...

btw mummies.. any idea if brazillian waxing is ok?? i wanted to do when i was in my 2nd mth but got rejected.. each time i see my gynae forgot to ask.. from my understanding.. when u going to give birth, the nurse or somebody will shave the area for u... i think to prevent baby from Group B infection or smtg...

oh i went to the metro baby fair at paragon.. a complete waste of time.. what u see at the advertisement are the only items literally on sale... my hubby & i quite shocked.. yesterday i went to Baby Kingdom and Baby Hypermall at Kaki Bukit... so kiasu.. i went to all the department stores.. baby dept at orchard already... but roughly i know where to get what...

btw.. what do mummies think of snuggle nest? (www.snugglenest.com).. i don't want to get a cot.. too bulky...
Jasmine : Yes , stress on being only son's wife .

SAHM : Really envy you all at one pt but if everyday at home I also don't know do what .. unless is looking after my gals and cook for them then is different .. time then pass faster .. if not MTB stay at home , can only sleep , eat , watch TV , forum , chit with friends .. that's all ..
i'm just like seabreeze! Besides doing laundry, I'll watch TV, surf the net, check facebook and chat with my friends on msn or skype. Sometimes when I have the mood, I'll cook

Good luck to your detailed scan and hope Dr Chua is correct with her prediction in your case.
nana n other mummies,
are u sure the nurse will shave the area for us?
hee..hee..coz been wondering about it too..

during my 1st trim MS, I everyday reading books and watch tv..now so bored already...TV show only interesting at night..my only activity now is reading this forum..not so much to do..
envy u all who are SAHMs. me cannot stay home for long. everytime i need to clear my leave, stay at home, will surely fall sick after a week. think i'm "addicted" to work, if got nothing to do, will fall sick for sure...haha
all along i thought before delivery, they will ask u to clear ur bowels, then shave for u, no? if need to shave, think i rather do it myself before going to delivery
elina... i agreed with u.. if u cannot clear your bowels... they wld insert something so that u can clear... ya i rather shave myself if need to.. but i really love brazillian.. feels so clean... if cannot.. then must use mirror to shave.. by then.. we all cannot see down there.. our big tummies would be in the way..
Last time the nurse thought i am natural birth and she inserted don't know a medication or what for me top clear the bowel. Only after that than she know that i am c-sect than she shave for me, so i think natural birth do not need to shave and c-sect only shave the top part, below did not shave at all.
tks for update on metro sale.. i did not go down last wkend. think no need to go liao.
where exactly is Baby Kingdom and Baby Hypermall in kaki bukit? will go down to take a look with hb.
No leh .. I only remember that first preg , c-sect , they shave for me only area below belly button .... 2nd preg natural delivery , they insert something and help me to clear bowels and that's it .. then I lie down and wait for delivery ...

For natural delivery , think 1 month before due date , gynea will check don't know for what bacteria or yeast at virginal area and if have , they will give u some medicine to insert and clear away in case affect the bb .. that's all lah ..
i am oso like u.. SAHM.. sometime can be very sianz.. but hopefully i still have freelance to do in future to come.. arbo i oso do nothing, sleep, eat, see forum, cook, do laundry and take care of my dogs..
Baby hypermall at 69 Kaki Bukit Ave 1...

Opening hours: Mon- Sat 11am-9pm
Sun/ PH 11am-7pm

Baby Kingdom just few stores away.. no.. 83..Shuan Li Industrial

Keep your mind open.. Baby Hyperstore is rather messy.. There are a lot of car seats and strollers.. Baby Kingdom rather new.. 1st floor selling mostly combi strollers and baby cot.. 2nd floor... baby supplies like moisturiser, bottles...

For dept stores... i find the best is Robinsons at Centrepoint... Quite a selection of items there.. Should there be a need for you to go to Babies 'R' Us.. i find the best at Vivo...
i went to hypermall and baby kingdom yesterday and true enough...hypermall is really messing compare to baby kingdom and seems very packed inside too

Congratulations on your wish come true!!! So Happy for You!

Re: Wife of only Son in the Family

I'm also wife of only son in the Family... Kinda stress also...
I think will feel more relaxed if #1 has a Birdie.


I am also SAHMTB alone at home, I pretty much enjoy at home though sometimes get bored,
have I answered your post on the same query b4?
I think i answered one similar post b4 (pls search for my previous post ok?)...there are lots of things to do actually.
If not, u wanna try cooking??? It will take some time off the afternoon with the marketing and cooking.
Try this website which I like very much:


Just like seabreeze, I'm doing pretty much the same things. I am also quite hooked on facebook, esp. the online games.

Re: Brazillian Wax

I think I read it before that it is safe to do so. U need to check out with the salons if they have any therapist
specialised in doing for Preggies. I know Strip Salon and Revive Wellness does have the specialised ppl. I also heard that we will
feel more painful than if we doing b4 pregnancy. It is also not advisable to do less than 2 weeks before EDD, the
therapist told my friend the pain might trigger contractions and labour. Hahaha

i think I will do it... I am a regular BW person, can't stand having hair. I still remember i went for my first
gynae appt and i was hairless...doctor gave me a weird look. My gynae is 'Old Man' type la...It's been months and i'm
now with full-crown...so uncomfy. But as I'm having mild infection now, once it's cleared then I will go...

i also heard natural delivery need to shave...Hmmm...I won't let them shave loh..later pricky feeling...
aiyo... mine r big dogs.. very tiring in taking care of them.. they can be very naughty at times... sometime i wish mine r toy dogs.. at leats easier to take care and wun mess up the house easily..

initially i thought the term Hypermall means a huge place with many babies stuff... Kingdom too...Singapore is really lacking in a super mall meant for babies...
since preggie, no mood to cook...maybe only once or twice a week I cook simple food.
I do laundry and house cleaning myself..but that also need to really push myself to do it coz vr lazy..vr strange bcoz before preggie, I love cooking and cleaning..
after this I decided to read my pregnancy book again..at least kills time..
tonite hb asked me to watch eagle-eye at orchard..looking fwd to it!
I used to BW and can't stand whenever the hair grows out haha... I had package with Strip until I went for laparascopy and now i've completely stopped cos i'm worried that the waxing will hurt my "wound" or cos the wound to bleed. But Strip wouldnt allow me to get a refund on the pkg... so angry lah cos i'd been a regular with them for 5 years already!

I like the blog you attached, the dishes look so interesting!
Haha......hb also stomach not feeling well since yesterday night. Today he went to see company docor and gt 2 days MC. We are sure husband and wife manz...... :p
Congrats Wishaboy on your littel prince and also to all mtbs who know bb's gender!! (too many can't rmbr who liao..sorry!!)

Pinkdemoness / sung, me also having my deatiled scan in my week 22..and i tot its kind of late too..

Kome, hope u will recover soon..drink more water and take good care. =)

MTBs, me just came back from appointment..i'm in my 21 week nw..and i gt my triple test results..doc says normal..risk 1:18000. bb nw weighs 410g and 1've gained 3kg since my last visit (1 mth ago). Tats alot lor..and my gynea asked me to control my diet..MTBs, care to share hw many kgs have u all put on since gt bb? me a total of 8.4kg since week 7..tats really alot wor..and i tot i'm eating normal..so scary..kind of worried nw. =( my mum said dun really see me eat alot, wonder is it water retention.

2dogs1kid, thks for your advice, will cut down on sugarcane drink..
by the way, any mtb need roller blinds or curtain for ur home or baby's room? i got lobang on tat.. just did mine and the price quite good as well.. let me know and i can email u his infor..
congrats wish a boy for getting a prince!
congrats sportyger for getting a princess!!

Re:Detailed Scan
for me, im supposed to go for DS at TMC this wed early afternoon and to return to gynae's clinic in the evening.. im doin the DS at 20 weeks..

i havent try it b4... but will be goin b4 delivery.. no matter getting c-sect or natural..

can u sell away the package to other pple?
better dan leaving it there FOC for the co.

ok la. me quite a piggy.. always slp until quite late. dan i will wake up and read the posts u all posted.. from morning until afternoon. haha
dan afterwhich i will go for dinner..walk walk , come hme watch tv again..
on n off i go sing ktv, but i have wkly things on, teaching tuition to my niece n nephew, goin night class. so i wont be at hme for the entire 7 days a week de..
sometimes also will cook simple meals.
but i really enjoyed staying at home alone.
i cant imagine if im still wrkin now, i might die of tireness .. so i realli admire FTWMTB/FTWM..
SG, I gain around 2-3kg only, from pre-pregnancy weight to last visit at 16 weeks.
I’m on the small size, so gynae would want me to gain more weight. I ate a lot but don’t know where the food had gone to.
You better take care of your diet, as 8.4kg seems quite a lot.
Weight gain. Humm... I think I gain total of 3kg since preggy as I lost weight during 1st trimester. As long baby growing think should be ok ba.
since pregnant till now i put on weight ard 3.5kg? not sure if my ikea's weighing scale is accurate or not.. will inform u all this wed again when go clinic to tk my weight...

congrats SG for the triple test ..

don eat too sweet stuffs lor. like cakes ?
u got drink plenty of water mah? i heard lacking of water intake will cause water retention, but i donno how true is it..

haha for me, i cant tahan sweet stuffs. tt day order the dessert - orh bee buay . is quite tasty but is too sweet so i can oni take half bowl nia..
oh btw, yday midnight my hb finally can feel the movement of the bb's kicks liao.
tho i start to feel it few wks back, but he doesnt have the patient to place his palm on my tum tum for more dan 30 seconds. haha.
once he felt it, the bb kicks more den once to let hb feel.
tink he over the moon .

haha but me still on cold war !
SG, since pregnacy, I've gain abt 4kg. Try to cut down on fried / fatty food if u have been taking alot of them. They are also hard to digest

Experienced mommies, can u share when u start buying nursing bras? 3rd trim nearer EDD when our boob size more or less won't get any bigger?

Also, during confinement, do u wear paper or normal underwear? I handwash my undergarmens now but wonder if it wld be weird to ask the CL to wash them for me, esp if stained
wah..irene/jasmine..looks like i've really weigh alot of weight wor..my weight is slightly below avg. b4 gt bb..initially gynea says ok to put on weight but nw looks like i have to control my diet liao. i drank alot of milk but all low fat one leh..??? sigh...
u calculate ur BMI before pregnancy..
dan c what is ur index..
i read some where tt pregger shd gain certain weight based on our BMI..
based on my BMI i shd put on weight more than 10kg. i wan to FAINT.
i try to dig out where i got tt information den i post again .. maybe at night?
