(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs

Re: H1N1 vaccine

Actually... i think SG's objective is to achieve herb immunity. To do so, a certain (i think 75% or soemthing like that) % of the population needs to be immunised. Which is the reason why SG is so "on" about getting more to be immunised. Dont think they bother what would happen to individuals as long as overall population is alright.

I would opt to take it only later on... when the vaccine is more established and more importantly, when my bb is more than 1 yr old. Cos i cant bear for her to suffer the side effects (fever, body aches) of the vaccine for now. Think she quite poor thing already.. took so much vaccine.

my hb's coll bb took the vaccine n got fever aft tat... but i tink realli depend on individual bb's sys on how they react to the vaccine...
Agnes, thanks for the info..will try to steam apple for baby Jo.hehe..so when will u come back Sg?

Hi jtho, im new here! nice to meet u!

thanks all for the info tat pneumococal jab can use medisave! yeah,..then i don need take out so much cash!

ya read from newspaper that the H1N1 is safe for baby..bcos recently dunno which country, many kids pass away due to H1N1..kinda scary when hear this..but i will same as Asura, only give BB when he is 1yrs old..

ya so many jabs nowadays..not like during our parents/grandparents time..no need so much jabs..see also "sim tia" then kena fever somemore..but no choice..we will give our LO watever is best for him..
H1N1 vaccine:
China is offering free vaccine for their ppl. Its China made vaccine somemore. Dun think I will try for my boy even if its FOC. Anyway, we dunno how the virus will mutate further and furthermore the vaccine is still very new in the market.. Vaccine needs time to develop. Never know vaccine can be develop and be available in the market in such a short time.

Will be bringing my boy for his pneumococal jab this sunday. Get ready for fever!!

Jo'smummy, we will be back for CNY. Anyway, my mum's in law already started to miss my son. Hear fm my hubby that she looked at his photo CD everyday when she went back a few wks ago.
FYI, Facebook is blocked in China, so is blogspot. So I can't access it. Sorry if i can't added anyone of you to my facebook.
FYI, Facebook is blocked in China, so is blogspot. So I can't access it. Sorry if i can't add anyone of you to my facebook.
The GP I visited sort of said the same thing as u. That time, the vaccine not yet approved for below 10yrs old yet. Was told there will be another vaccine next yr that has H1N1 plus other types of flu together one...if taking, will take that one
Just to share my boy and gal video.

for pneumococal jab, not only get ready for fever, get ready for rashes as well.
standby whatever cream you have.

my #1 din got fever but rashes outbreak, scary..

Hi all
sorry to intrude... I have 2X <font color="ff0000">Ultimate Michael Jackson Tribute Concert</font> tickets to let go - $83 per ticket for Tues 15 Dec 2009 at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. Unfortunately, hubby and I are unable to go. Please PM me if you are interested, thank you.
Actually not really will get fever etc. My gal took all the jabs even for pneumococal, she was fine throughout! Just ensure that you give ur baby lots and lots of water then everytink will be fine.
This sunday will be his 3rd pneumococal jab. Hopefully now that he is bigger, can tahan the virus and wouldn't get fever. He always had fever for 1.5day after every jabs. Touchwood - wouldn't get rashes!!
hi everyone
my boy took the H1N1 vaccine today already... so far so good, and he didn't cry during the jab... he didn't even realise the jab and continued playing... hahaha

anyway, this is a decision by both me and hb to let my boy take the vaccine, to protect him since he goes to the infantcare
oh ya, today i also received an official complain from the teacher in the infantcare... my rascal had been terrorising other crawlers today, go and 'poke' them with his fingers, made them cry, he laughed, then moved on to his next victim...
other times, while playing, he would suddenly scream and made other babies cry and he laughed...
oh my!!! i think i will have a hard time disciplining this bully... told the teachers to smack his butt 3x whenever he is naughty in future
heeee made something for Gracie at 3am in the morning and I am so so so pleased with it that I just have to show everyone. And one of a recent pic of Gracie too. Gracie all bundled up and NOT happy cos she couldn't move at all. hiak hiak


damn tired though. Like a zombie this morning. Gracie is well now but I am the one still nursing a sore throat and stuffy nose. Bummer.

Our thread is now like a ghost town compared to before. Pity that. But I guess it is part and parcel of being in an online community. Over time many of the regulars would have formed meaningful relationships with like minded ones and they would naturally take the friendship offline after that.

Anyway, was just thinking about how much fun we had before and kinda missing those days when missing one day of action meant spending hours backtracking posts!


oh yes, hello to all the new members of this thread!
thanks. I just came back in fact. Spent the last 2 months in northern California visiting family. :)

yah boy, Oli the owl is fearless. Hahah and a little terror in the making I see, albeit cutest one ever.

Re pneumococal (damn this word is hard to spell) jab. Still have yet to bring baby for hers. Reckon it will be after 1 year old for now. Yah didn't let Gracie take H1N1 in the states either. Wanted to but then decided that she has had enough vaccines for now. So that will come after 1 year old too. BEsides I didn't want to deal with the side effects while overseas. Good thing I didn't cos I read in the news the morning after that people were queuing up to t ake the shots since the night before in the freezing cold. wah lao.

Gracie is 8.6kg now and don't know how many inches tall. Longer than the plane bassinet seat that's for sure. :p Lazy mommy here didn't bother t teach her any tricks except for "shake shake shake" hahahahahha. Everytime I say that she will break into a cheeky grin and then shake her head vigoriously at the same time. Especially funny when hubby nods his head to say yes and then she shakes her head vehemently as if to say otherwise. HAHahahah damn funny

My little girl has problem sleeping through at night. She goes to bed at about 7.30 and she wakes up about 4 or 5 am for her milk. Usually after her milk she will go back to sleep. For the past 5 days or so, every time she wakes up for her feed...she will play for about an hour or so..and refuse to sleep.
She wouldn't want to play on her own as well. She would only calm down after i get upset..and talk to her in a very stern voice..(that would be an hour later from her waking up time).And then only she only she would be calm enough to fall asleep.

is the any where for her to fall asleep right after her feed? she used to such a good sleeper at night. is it due to teething? she has got two teeth coming up on the bottom gums.

im really exhausted with her not being able to sleep at 5 in the morning. My hb is very sick. he has got vertigo. his inner ear fluid is imbalanced therefore he is experiencing bad dizziness and throwing up. So im taking care of two persons right now. One has vertigo and one is not sleeping well.

Is there any trick or ways to make her sleep right after her feed?
alfafa, GREAT job!! i'm still waiting to go to class (hairclip making session class) haha!! do inform me when it's up okay!!

hugs to gracie! hope she get well soon! and trishelle too. coughing so bad after coming back from HK. Aiyaya.
can i learn for myself? Cant make for my babies since they are both boys! you are really creative.

why send oli to IFC? your nanny resigned?

what a short hi/bye on the road on friday..how is caroline coping with IFC? when are you starting your SAHM status?
Hey Mummies,

Haven't had a chance to post in a while. I usually just enough time to pop in to have a quick scroll down. Hope you are all well and gearing up for all the upcoming festivities with your loved ones and LOs. Nice to see quite a few new mummies joining the March thread and keeping it alive.

Re: H1N1 Jab
My PD is on the cautious side and will only give it after 1 yr that it's been offered to the public. She also said she doesn't want her young patients to be guinea pigs.

Re: Pneumococcal
Shayna has taken 3 jabs so far. I think my PD mentioned a 4th one after a year.

Beautiful clip! Nice work. How's Gracie doing? Hope can catch up again soon when you are feeling better.

This whole week's been busy and tiring as I had to attend 3 full day training at work. Luckily, it's been a great day out today, taking Shayna to 313 Somerset to meet Santa for the first time. Then a dip in the Safra baby pool. She went crazy, loving the pitter patter of the water.
Cindy, KrisEng, Sinmey, Vicky, Pig Pig, Annmelody,

sorry for MIA re the gathering. Was busy for the first two weeks after I got back as Gracie was ill. Let's fix a day this week. How about Wed or Thu? Pls indicate. Sorry am sticking with the original respondents, and not anymore. Anyway this is a gathering not a class per se. :)

Ivy, happy to make an exception for you as I owe you one! Let me know which day is good too.

Please prepare some fabrics/ felt sheets, buttons, clips, ribbons of your own ok? Actually if you guys are happy to share among yourself you should have enough to go around lah. I can't offer my stash to you, sorry, not even if you are willing to pay cos I have precious little felt and embellishments myself. Paiseh.

Sharlin, Donroxx, babe
thanks for the compliments. heee I like the picture too. hahahah

Babe, oh you are no longer a sahm? working now? aiii one less khaki to hang out with
alfafa, weds or thurs is fine.

I don't have clips, buttons, fabrics/felt sheets eh! hahaha. where can i get them? but i do have the ribbons we bought together. hhaa.

kriseng, sinmey, vicky, pigpig,annmelody, u girls have? shall we share? i can share my ribbons. hehe!!
haha yah got woken up to latch grace; she still wakes up alot aiiiii

yah we are both fine now, thanks for asking. my hubby though is down with flu again. *sings* it's the season to be sickly, fa la la la la la la la la :p

cindy, buttons? just rip them from old clothes, fabrics too. fabrics are the easiest. tea towels, baby's towels with prints etc, old clothes (think yours, trishelle's, travis' n your hubby's), . as for clips, if you don't have thm we can attach the embellishments yto the stretchy lace instead to make into headbands.

Btw guys, I am fast losing interest in selling coach and kate spade bags. Oh yes .. what's new right? I seem to be jumping from stuff to stuff alot. Only thing constant is my love for crafts. hahaha

anyway here is the link to the public album. Make me an offer. No harm checking with me so just ask away. Help me to spread the word too please. Been procrastinating for 2 weeks to list on ebay. Lazy.


Great as Christmas gifts for friends or just hint to your hubbies. Hahha help me ask your friends too if you don't mind. thanks.
speaking of which. I still have tons of beautiful (read: expensive) and untouched imported fabrics left at home. can't bear to part with them but I have lost interest in making baby dolls for now. aiiiiiiii got to wait till I rekindle the fire for baby dolls. Terrible me. Whatever happened to the elephants. HA!

Cindy, if you really want some of these fabrics then I'll just sell small squares to you cheaply. But seriously, I'm dead sure that you have enough pretty fabrics lying around at home waiting to be discovered.

Major de-cluttering going on. It's almost 2010 and my house is a mess. 2010 is going to be ane xciting year. Well hopefully. Hubby and I are planning to sell off our house once it reaches 5 yrs old which in in 3rd qarter of next year. This means we can start soliciting for buyers' interests earlier in the year.

Wonder how the property market will be like next year. As it is it seems to be insanely hot! One of my neighbours just sold theirs (and it's poorly located i.e. right next to the estate's rubbish chute) for more than 500k. Ho ho ho good news to us.

ok enough of monologue for now. Hey guys, come back to play will ya? March thread is dying. Come back before it is dead for good.

See ya laterz
I m on leave TODAY only and ll be working for the rest of e week. No chance to attend ur class again.

I ve lots of ribbons too.some buttons and fabric. i can pass some to u if u want but i m staying at east side. U?

Oh dear! Yes.. it is the flu season. Weird weather lately, some days hot some days cold.
I have the same problem as u.. very lazy to list my stuff on ebay. But got to do it else becomes white elephant at home.. lol

Yes.. i need major de-cluttering at my place as well else i would have problem with venue for BB C's 1 yr old celebration. Oh how time flies... from 1 mth old celebration to 1 yr old celebration. my hb's stuff from US has arrived,... i havent got to see yet.. but i cringe when i think abt seeing them when i get home. Next prob is how to make sure char doesnt climb all over the boxes. Got a feeling she would be super excited when she see them tonite. They are very into boxes and papers lately.
alfafa, ok, u sell me yours la. i'm too lazy to go dig out whatever that I have. haha buttons mine are the big ones. I will bring my headbands, but i would prefer to make clips as trishelle hates headbands these days, keep pulling them off! haha!!

pigpig.. OH no.. I'm taying west! haha means u cannot join us?
oh oh forgot to add that gracie somehow learnt to wave goodbye by herself without anyone teaching her. went out for dinner with my in laws and she responded to their farewells with wild hand gestures of her own. so cute!

Wondering when will she start walking. she has been standing very steadily since 8mth plus. she could stand while holding on to whatever is nearby with one hand and then play with stuff with the free hand.

she has 4 teeth now. the 4th upper front tooth is half way out. needless to say, my nipples are suffering

am hoping to continue with tbf until she turns 1 year old, after which we will introduce full cream dairy milk. We don't intend to introduce fm. following the americans. heeee

cindy, if i can find scraps big enough i'll just pass them to you surely. only if i need to cut fabrics out for you then i'm afriad i'll need you to pay for some cost. ythanks for your understanding.

cindy - wed thu
sinmey -
annmelody -
kriseng -
vicky -

pigpig, sorry to hear that. my bad. went missing after i got you guys excited. was battling with my flu, gracie's illness plus jetlag for both of us for quite some time so hosting the gathering was then the last thing on my mind.

sama sama. i really should be more disciplined and list the stuff for sale on ebay before the christmas season is over. sian. all i can think of now is my new craft projects. no mood to think of bags at all.

wow lucky charlene! she's going to have so much fun tonight. don't forget to leave some unwrapped for her christmas gift/s. We finally got around to dressing up our christmas tree and had the "official" light-up yesterday.

such a wonderful feeling. we had our front door, the bi-fold door that is our enture front wall, fully opened up so we could see our little yard. then jon played a lovely christmas carol album on our stereo while he went about preparing a sumptious lunch spread for our family (mom's birthday yesterday). Baby was on her high chair enjoying her daily dose of bb biscuits and teething cookies as mommy here busied herself with the christmas tree. aaaaaaaaaahhhhh family bliss. Wish time could have stood still then.

alfafa, JIA you on the BF, just a couple months more. hehe and yes charge me if there is a need to. I just wanna have some fun doing some crafts when it's still holiday time for me. Going to be hectic yr next yr!

and good for gracie! seems she and kirsten are super fast ah! standing steadily. trishelle can stand for a few seconds, so iwon't classify that as steadily but yes she can stand and cruise along when there is support.

we can get keys to our new home on 21st dec and hubby and i are toying with th idea of getting a xmas tree. We saw one that has the snowing effect and it is sOOO tempting!!

pinksorbet, u still around? hehe when are you getting your keys?
hey my sis bought a 6 ft tall plain tree for 29.90 at carrefoure. dirt cheap man. she bought the lights seperatelt at 30plus.

mine is 6 ft tall prelit with blinking led lights. cost us a bomb at about 160plus or 180plus. can't rem. yes yes you should as a treat for yourself. it is a wonderful investment that is set to become a family tradition. I can imagine travis busy helping mommy and daddy dress up the tree. there are 12 days to christmas anyway. but do note that christmas decorations cost a bomb!
6ft christmas tree is nice! i got a 3ft one cos there is no space at home. and yes deco costs a bomb. bought $150 worth of deco for a 3ft tree, alamak!

love this time of year, looking forward to clearing leave (18th til 31st! horray!) and isetan sale (horray horray!)
wah $150 for deco. hmm come to think of it, we probably spend more over the years too for the 6 ft tree. But isn't it just so fun shopping for christmas ornaments? Love the christmas spirit heaps. heee heee

quick quick go buy the 6ft tree at carrefoure.
alfafa, the snowing xmas tree i saw was 3ft, comes with decors and lights and the fake 'snow' which will just be blowing out from the top of the tree. Travis was SO excited just looking at it from the shop window. the only thing is the ugly umbrella thing that is below the tree which is required cause the 'snow' has to fall down into some place. haha. costs 240. Still thinking if should get!

BTW, alfafa, can i opt for thursday for the mini gathering? i am thinking of getting some clippies and doubt i can receive them by weds. oh yes, u think u can pm me your address? I get her to mail it to you so i just go to your home direct. haha.
btw re 1 yo birthday celebration. have not worked out if we will keep it to family or host a party with friends. Anyway, I've decided to bake her a cake myself. It's the first birthday cake of her entire life so it will be extra meaningful if mommy bakes one for her. Priceless. Now looking to buy or borrow cake toppers.

Got the idea after I recently bake christmas themed cookies which I intend to give as gifts. Just spent alot on packaging at Phoon Huat. Duh.

alamak. take my eyes away and Gracie crawled over to the tree to help herself to the ornaments. tsk tsk

cindy, no no kirsten is the undisputed wondergirl in our thread. she can stand unassisted. Gracie still needs to hold on to something with one hand lah.

cindy, ok ok pm you in a bit. wow 3ft at 240 is pretty steep. The snowing effect sounds nice but seriously, a good sized tree is still more important. You won't regret buying a 5 or 6ft tall one. :)

cindy - thu
sinmey -
annmelody -
kriseng -
vicky -
Nope, not back to work. Just that training is compulsory to attend. Let me know when you're up for a cuppa.

So sad we missed some of the xmas gatherings some of the mummies have organised. Glad you all had fun though.
babe, want to grab a cuppa tomorrow? been stuck at home for 2 whole weeks since cming back and I am bored stiff. Didn't make it to any gatherings either cos Gracie and I were not well. We are both in the pink of health right now though. Holland V? Tanglin Mall? anywhere?

btw all, i changed hp and lostn all your hp contacts. paiseh

welcome back! Forum more lively with u ard :p Glad u and Gracie both recovered. Hope ur hubby gets well soon too! My boy also down with cold.

U planning to sell your place? Shld be able to make good profit
But unless u move out of town, else will also be expensive to buy another place given the property "hotness" now.

Btw, u got PM.
