(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

thks lili.

at 352 am spore time of ur post i actly was stil awake, i try to sleep at 2+.//but 4+ stil awake, now hav to get up for work... dunno can survive thru the day if jus 2 hrs of sleep anot

wah, wat are u doing at 4am in the morning?? hahahahahaa! later u'll need tons of coffee shots to stay awake lor! :p

then he now know how to cross already? or still trying to figure out? :p hehehhee ... u really very evil leh :p wahahahahaa!

yalor, agree with lili. passport photo we dun need to show ppl often one. so dun spend time worrying abt that! :p
SY, i v desparate to renew my passport cos i m travelling next Fri, so i just take a previous (can see) pic and crop it to submit. I hate taking big head photos too. No matter how, it will still look ugly, either eyes look funny or face look fat :s I Dun bother liao la...

bad human weather today :s hope i dun kenna anything today.. counting down to go home :p
Lonerunner arh,

He sort of knw hw to cross with lifting one leg nia haha haven figure out the logic that second leg nid to lift also lol.... anyway ;p


aiyo u poor thing la hw cme still haven slp at that time??
sianz... these few nights xavier kept waking up few times to cry and only stop when i hug him to comfort him... he also kept drooling and cranky too, not sure if he is teething...
shack from lack of sleep, feel like sleeping in the toilet now :p

whenever you felt like he is cranky for nothin which is unusual ,try to apply the teething gel for them who knws teethin might be the culprit.
Thanks for the suggestion Lili, I am planning to apply teething gel for him tonight before his bedtime, hope he wont wake up and torture mummy again hehe =P
hi sorry to interrupt
I have a BNWT Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Stevie (Black) selling at S$288 only and Kate Spade Bedford Street Noel Jillian (pink) selling at S$268 only. All items are BNWT, comes with original Kate Spade dustbag, care card and hanging tag. For fast deal, please email [email protected]. Prices nego. Thanks
re: mozzie bites
may b u guys can try mozzie patch, can get at any pharmacy. i let my baby use it before, so far so good n supposedly using natural ingredient. Both of us r like mozzie magnets too :D

Poor Mer, my baby also used to be bitten on d eye lid and 10 bites on her face alone, really heart pain right? sigh... i hope they wont leave marks like my baby...

that's a very tough entrance exam. this is d first time i heard about K1 entrance exam... it's so nice to be able to identify teething... my daughter also drop in appetite recently but i can't tell whether she's just bored with her food or just wanna give me a hard time... jk hahahahha
:D my baby also reject bottles (i tot i am the only one haha)... but thanks to sandy, ginn n other mommies' support here now she takes water via cup... hahaha he's so funny... made u happy but for 2 months only la?? hahaha.. salute u le, still willing to pump
lolaz, i've been trying to call nestle to get Nan Pro 3 free sample but nobody's answering calls! And no email reply from them too.. haiz

sheepish, i emailed meadjohnson for enfa's sample 1mth ago and guess wat, i just received their letter but they forgotten to enclose the sample! aiyo... think i can forget abt requesting samples from anyone!

overload, good to hear ur gal takes water via cup now!

lili/happy, what gel are u all using for teething? Must get from PD or buy from pharmacy?
Hi Mummies~

SIGH. I am super de, si bei de, very de TIRED. Just started work not long, then got mega event upcoming, then got colleague resign, then now take over colleague's work. Everyday is rush rush rush, and so worried I miss out doing anything. So many datelines until eyes really blur. SIGH. It really super de long never experience such hectic work schedules liao. Come to think of it, the closest I was to such hectic pace was at my very first job in an agency leh. My gosh. And even then I also dun think I had so many things ongoing, outgoing and incoming!!!

Overload, wah, your sweet muffin also kena bites so jialart like my Mer? We really shd hv them meet up la. Later really look the same. Hahahaha... but yes, VERY KEKSIM. I see liao feel very keksim. And Very angry, cuz I also look nice and fatty mah... y the mozzie dun bite me instead? SHEESH. Actually, maybe shd bite my HB, he also quite fatty and delicious. HAHAHAHA...

This evening I brought Mer to buy new shoes. She lost one side of her shoes whilst on the way home with my parents today. So funny, now she knows what she wants and will express it without hesitation. She was quite busy bossing me around the shoe store just now, pointing to the shoes she wanted to try on and then actually kicking one of her legs out for me to put the shoe on. LOL. So we chose a nice white pair with pink berries and sequins on them. Hahaha...thinking about her expression in the store makes me just feel like smiling and smiling non stop!

Am staying at my mum's all of this week since HB is out of town. So sian. Tonite already kena nag liao. V sian leh. Already 30 yrs old, married with HB, kid and dog and my mum still talks to me like I am some juvy delinquent. Not that I ever was one when growing up somemore. So so sian. Will be v happy when HB comes hm next week!
Suddenly wish I was back having Mer in my tummy, lying home in my nice comfy bed and sleeping in peaceful silence.

Those days were really blissful, come to think of it. Hungry eat, tired sleep. Everyone also give in to me. I had all the peace and quiet and privacy I wanted and needed. No questions asked.

Now, yesterday seems so far away...

Side note: But still v happy to have Mer with me everyday...
okie thanks happy.. come to think of it, even if i buy, think i'll have problem applying it for my gal cos i dont think she'll open her mouth for me to do it! I already have problems cleaning her teeth!

DJ, think my gal has got same shoes...keke.. isit the hello kitty or bata one? i saw the similar design at bata then bought it, it's $10 cheaper... keke.. i love the sequins on it too! But sometimes kena scratched by the sequins when i carry her.. haha
aiyo, why like tat? u can call meadjohnson and tell them say "hey, u forgot to enclosed e sachets!"

for nestle hor, i juz sent email then they send me e samples quite fast leh... but they never reply to e email, i think... so wait patiently bah... unless it's been very long liao, then shoot them another email...
its so true ..many a times i have also wanted those days back when thooyan was still in my tummy..thats one of the lovely periods wherein u wil have all the rest and no nagging !!!!!! .... but now am also happy that he is near me and playing ....

sandy, lonerunner
i took my boy to my in laws place in a different city for 2 days ..i notice that whenever he goes out of town his intake is not that good ...he does have but not that much ...he kind of eats our food and everything wihtout hesitation ..somehow i feel he is eating more vareity for his age ..i was thinking how come baby eat this now at this age ..but then he goes for it !!! ...he has about 7 teeth now ..how much does naomi and chi mun have ???? my boy he even tries to bite almonds and cashews !!
hahahaha ... u very funny .. feel like sleeping in the toilet :p
this entire week my workload is super heavy, and little one still refused to slp thru the nite or slp early. So I'd been drinking sips of 3-in-1 coffee 1st thing in the morning after stepping into office. Panda eye liao

hahahaa ... in our parents' eye, we are always the little child, nvm that we are already 30yrs old. Maybe some day Mer will complain the same thing to you :p
Mer is very girl girl hor? likes shop and select shoes! hahaaha! that reminded me of wat my little one did this morning. before leaving home for mil's hse, she said "mud"(socks in cantonese) and lift up one of her feet. then after putting on both socks, she'll point to her bling bling shoes indicating she wanted me to put on the shoes for her. Must dress until pretty pretty (at least for the feet level) then can go out of hse, nvm if she was in singlet and shorts only.

I also super duper sianz. So many datelines ongoing until I really cannot keep up liao. Today one bug fix was delayed becos I was in meeting with the new top boss and couldnt responded to vendor in time. Felt really bad abt it, especially when the vendor actually waited 30min past his office hours just for me to response, with his entire team waiting for the go signal.
I feedback to my current top boss on the multiple and overlapping schedules and the impact they are causing (I'm a one px show for a 6px work). And the response? "At the rate this is on-going, I do hope you can complete this by the dateline" and later spoke loudly and sacartically "Things are not just coordinating only. There are lots more to it. Sometimes in life things are like that" with a clasp on my shoulder then walked away. No thx, no appreciation, nothing. After a battle fighting day, this response is really demoralising. And the best part? My new top boss is just beside him, trying to speak on my behalf that things are really cant move and the datelines are impossible. Oh well, at least I got the new boss' support. As for the current top boss, well, since he is already leaving, what is the worst he can do to me? So I'll just ignore him from now onwards. hahahahaa!

my bb has only 4 teeth!
the 2 upper central teeth are just emerging, but the 2 upper side incisors and 2 bottom central teeth are quite big and visible already! Now she smiles like a vampire! hahahahaa! :p

Tell me abt it, panda eyes... mine looks like my hb constantly box me in my eyes hahaha, so black lor

Aiyo, your current top boss is leaving anyways, so dont bother to feedback anything to him as its none of his concern in his opinion, but its good that you are garnering support from your new top boss, because eventually he may approve increase in headcounts as he can see that its impossible with your efforts alone only, thats positive news! hehe
as for me, i am constantly bored at work with nothing much to do, yet no access to msn so very sian lor... anyway, i am trying to get out of here or to do internal transfer if possible after i get my B... hehe expectations are not high either, SIAN
yday i we went ntuc, petpet is having promo 2 for $32.95. Then we saw NTUC housebrand, 2 for $18.95! Waseh! Half the price man. We decided to give it a try. :p
any mummies in e east wanna share bp of enfagrow? it's $26.20 for each 900g tin... i need to buy 24 tins then get free delivery... so if any mummies got car and dun mind picking up from my place near tanah merah mrt, pls let me noe via pm...

fyi, it's e new packaging 1... thanks ah in advance!
Mommies HELP Advice Needed:
My baby doesn't nap... any special method, place or habit i need to do to make her nap at designated time everyday. I am so fed up with the half an hour or 10mins nap she has during the day and overtired-ness at nights... please please share your method!!! I am desperate...

my baby is like urs lo, also keep on ordering ppl to wear her socks and shoes... hahaha
Hello mummies,

I have posted on this thread about 2mths ago and been quiet after a while since I’m more active on another thread. While browsing thru FB, I stumble upon this group for Feb 2009 Babies and already been a fan. The site on FB so quiet though.

A lil bit update on me - a full time housewife to my baby gal born on 15th Feb 2009. Currently we’re in Norway due to hubby’s work and will be moving back to Singapore next month since hb’s contract ends early next month. Am looking forward to go back coz I can’t stand the cold weather here lah. Plus, my gal needs friends and its difficult here to bring her out with layers of clothing and bulky stroller.

My gal now have four teeth – two at the bottom and 1 on the upper and 1 more upper tooth just emerging. Regards to foods, my gal likes whatever we eat but she still cannot chew her foods well and tend to swallow and end up getting choke. Usually, I pureed her food instead of giving her chunk foods. Does any mummy experienced this or do you guys still feed the babies on chunk foods?

Any mummies sent their kids to any playgroup and how do you find it? I intend to send my gal but not sure whether it’s childcare or playgroup since I need my ME time sometimes. Last year when we’re back for Christmas, did bring my gal to bambini and she loves it there but it’s too far for us to travel since we’re living on the east. I just find out there’s another play area for kids at East Coast and it looks cool. I would like to go there one day to try. Any mummy been there and how do you find it?

Do you guys do some kind of gathering or activities together coz I would love to do that? Since I’m coming back next month, there are so many things I want to do with my gal..hehe. Would be nice to meet up and lets our babies to play together. I don’t mind doing gathering or meet up at my place too and I’m staying at Changi.
hi mommies, im back from my road trip and workshop..im physically and mentally drained anyways...naomi had fun going after the dogs and cats there..both mornings she will wake up saying cat and pointing to the door...have to thank hb for bringing her around and babysitting her keke..BUT he brought her to mcdonalds and let her ate fries...faint

ramy, naomi has 7 teeth and yup...naomi ate little these 3 days during the trip ..but i think shes too distracted cos she is always looking for the cats and dogs that belonged to the resort..

overload..maybe u can make her do activities that can tire her out?? naomi doesnt have a designated nap time..she naps when she is tired..is ur baby eating snacks and products or drinks with sugar?? cos they can be overcharged and energetic (yet restless) when they have too much ..but i still think making tired is more effective because thats the time when they are willing to rest
what type of activities that usually tire naomi down? mine also has no designated nap time so i am a bit stressed cos at night she'll be very tired but refuse to sleep. i do not let her eat many things with sugar except for white bread. other than that she eats fish and veges le..... hmmm... today i successfully made her sleep earlier by holding her to sleep but she cried so badly cos she still wanna play (altho she's crying with closed eyes)

we usually let her play and roam around whole day and we bring her out for a walk almost every afternoon... what else? besides walking? swimming? i never try that one before... what else ho?
Hi Mummies..

I really feel so sick sick sick of my job.. Sometimes, I dread going to office but when I reach there, work feels not so bad.. I duno if I am sick of working, sick of this organisation or sick of HR, or sick of the people... Just so sick..

Intending to resign in april after bonus. But I cant find the energy to look for a new job, to edit cv and to send it out.

I am burnt out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Ross,

Welcome! My gal also have 4 teeth.. And only around 2-3mm, very short and growing very slowly.

I am quite inactive in the forum now. Hehe. Will be putting my gal in childcare to learn how to socialise with kids. But will enrol her when I am free. I am very easy de, wherever is nearer and convenient to me. Nvr do much research.

Think lonerunner has alot of info on this.

Take care!
hitegalz, take care! Cheer up and feel good 1st, then maybe not so sian. Maybe take a few days leave and go for a short trip with hb and leave kaelynn with ur mil? I remember you were worried abt finance if u had 4 kids, so maybe want to think twice before quitting? Just my 2 cents' worth, so no offence. Before my boy born, I also quite sian about my work, then thought of changing environment after Mat leave, but after returning and now after realising the expenses we need to pay for our bb's education and everything, beginning to start to treasure my job as I need to afford a lot of things for him. And I used to hate parents who were too demanding on their children's teachers, but now I can better understand how they felt about their children's progress as I am now a parent, I also want the best for my boy too. All The Best, Jia You!

Ross, welcome back!

I am a very busy FTWM, but trying my best to come in as often as I can and trying to spend more time with my boy whenever I can. Ya, I would be interested to join in any activities where our babies can interact as my boy also usu at home most of the time esp nowadays when weather is so bad. But hopefully got more time in June holidays after the siong period - SA1 which is coming.

But pls inform me when there is a gathering! THank you! Perhaps when Sandy is back, we can arrange a gathering again? Or Sandy would you like to organise one? I would love to meet you and Naomi!

But hopefully, this time, it will not clash with Mothers' Day again then I have to be "forced' to celebrate with my MIL and cannot go like last year. Time flies, it's been a year since or rather 2 years when we first knew each other in this forum after finding out we were preggy! Hope this friendship can last forever till we are old and we can start gossiping about our daughters-in-laws or sons-in-laws just like how we complained or praised our MILs, mothers etc when we were expecting. Ha ha ha, seems fun but wait long long 1st lah....

Welcome back to the thread...wuhoo..Norway a super duper cold plc i cannot imagine the totureous weather...faint...When i bring my boy to snowy moutain and dress him up thick he dun even feel like moving already since it so hard to move ard....

Actually they shld learn hw to chew already so maybe u can start instead of eating fine food graduate to slightly lumpy food then increase to tiny bite size...

So sad u guys can gather together while i only be back next yr to join u guys....


I forgot eh yr daughter slp in the same rm with u rite umm does she slp in her own baby cot?? or just mattress?? ACtually i was thinkin hor if she slp in her own cot hor u can leave her in there and try the leave her alone method and leave the rm if she cry you let her cry 5min..go in then tell her gd nite n everything...then go out again then stretch again...

Ultimately they will cry till tired...sound very chiam but then hor....after a few days or wk of training they may get used to self soothin to slp le then will cry lesser and slp faster...

Umm as for designated time to nap is unless they wake up at fixed time everyday and then i guess they will be able to nap at the same time everyday...as for the duration of time they nap is prob to tire them out first??

Umm does she slp back if she lie on yr bed and snuggle with you?? Cos for Bryston,when he wake up in the morning i will put him on our bed then snuggle back to slp again hehe....

I think hor need to list out in exact scenario and we shall all examine together hehe.... like a criminal investigation lol.... must yan jiu the little girl

yes, swimming is very effective...everytime we come up from the pool, bathe her she concussed immediatley without food and milk...there was twice she slept while showering after the swim..her usual physical activities includes walking around, explore, now climbing up and down the sofa...nowadays her battery can last for 6 hours without a nap ...after 6 hours she auto concuss..imagine she woke up at 9am, stayed awake, went to playgym for 1 hour of work out and then finally nap at 3pm...but she nap really well for 2 hours..i guess our kids now are full of energy and very hungry for exploration and sometimes "bu she de" nap or sleep
hahahaa .. just share a story ... tonite while trying to tuck bb to bed, this terror dun wan to lie down on her bed. Kept insisting to sit up and climbed onto our bed and lie there. After a couple of times putting her back to her bed on the floor, I gave up. Now she is sleeping soundly in our bed again. There goes my spacious sleeping space...

hahaha ... looks like many of us are having Bonus and Work blues! jiayou everyone! Things can only get better since we have already hit bottom rite? hehehehee!

I downgrade my expectations liao. if I got 2 kids, I very happy already. Else this panda eye of mine will be a permanent feature on my face. My collegue told me yesterday that things will definately get better once our kids are 2-3yrs old.
And, haahahaha ... no lah ... I duno much on cc. I just very kpo to find new info only :p

hey welcome back!
I seldom give my girl chunk food cos I dun think she got the patience to chew on it especially when she got only 4 teeth. The biggest chunk shld be cooked rice or cube tofu 1cm by 1cm?
Oh, here are some links I have for CC. See if there are other mummies with more links to contribute?
http://www.kiasuparent.com (This is my favourite for quite sometime :p)
List of Pre-school/kindergardens + school fees:

Sandy will be back in May for just over a week. Maybe if we wan to have a gathering then, 22nd May (Sat) will be good cos that's the only weekend date she's available. Dun think dbaby would be available to organise a Feb09 bb and mummy gathering this time as she has been quite busy at home. Any volunteers?
hi lonerunner, i dont mind coordinating the attendance list but i can only do so starting april..i will need help for logistics planning since im not physically in singapore now heh heh...if u want a simple gathering, we can just have a meal together in a child friendly place..not much planning needed...any opinions?
u r not alone la. I also v stagnant in my job liao. everyday i come to work like just a processing machine. do what i need to do, time's up i leave. nth more, nth less. morever, "human weather" here changes often. so have to look at weather to work. i stay put jsut to keep my source of income coming. i also v lazy to look for a change. and i m not willing to stay home. that's my problem lor.

Your gal is catnapping. There could be many reasons bb dun nap. Do you have Tracy Hogg’s sleep book? I always refer to her book whenever I need solutions re sleep or any parenting qn. Her book also covers bb nap problems. If you want to read it, let me know I can scan and email to you tat section so you can tackle the problems and adapt a correct method. Toddler below 18 mths should have at least 2 to 2.5hrs nap time in addition to the night sleep of 10 to 12 hour, in total they shld have at least 13 to 14 hours of sleep in a day. We also need to know when should switch to 1 nap to 2 naps. I dun cuddle my gal to sleep. I usually put her on my shoulder to calm her first, once she is settled will put her to bed when she is still awake. According to Tracy Hogg and scientific proven, put them on bed when they are awake they will sleep longer than if put them on bed when they’re asleep. When my gal refused to sleep and cry even she is tired, I will adapt Tracy Hogg’s method Pick Up (PU) and Put Down (PD) instead of let her cry it out. I don’t really agree on the Cry It Out method.
Morning mummies,
My period finally started today. haiz. Abit not used to it. No wonder tummy like bloated past few days.

Oh no, I'm not asking you to coordinate!
Just asking for volunteers to plan out the gathering if we all like to have one. You are not physically in singapore so it is quite hard for you to coordinate too, I feel lah
I'm not sure if there is any child friendly place leh. Been asking the same Q for some time but no answer. I am not sure at this point of time if I am available for coordination as my office workload is quite heavy now. I slp at 2.30am this morning
yalor, u r not alone. im fedup with my job oso. my boss an old man and stubborn. my the other boss in overseas is a workaholic, 30yo+ not married. im damn tired.... worst is!!!! my company w +ve growth last yr despite economic downturn but we dun get BONUS! our competitors giving out 6 mths bonus. i wonder wat motivates us to work for the co??? btw, why u dun like HR???

i have 3 packets of enfa 3 sample. my gal not on enfa, so i want to give it away. if you want, pls send SAE to me to post it to you. PM me if you r keen
jus wanna to share w u....i finally sold off my flat within 1 hr on the 1st day of open house last sun. many of them offered at our min asked price but there were 2 couples offered cov abv 50k of our min asking... so happy! according to agent tis is highest transaction for 5-rm in our area. can use the $ to renovate our new house.
Hi Sandy,
Ya, my baby drinks water from the cup. But I think it would be quite messy for him to drink milk from the cup. I tried giving him those straw cup and he did sipped a little of NAN pro3 after a few attempts. I'm already quite happy!

You can try requesting samples from the Nestle Baby Club website. My friend said they mailed her within a week. www.nestlebaby.com/sg
Whitegalz, Catmomo & Deedee

I think that’s not the right job for you. If you don't like the job, you will get sick of everything. I used to be on the same boat – working as a secretary which I find does not suits me at all. Sitting on the desk arranging things for my boss and do all the paperwork, really suck! I just quit even though the pay is good, my boss is nice and the working environment is pleasant. My boss thinks I’m taking the wrong decision but I definitely follow my heart. I’m the type of person don’t like to do the same things over and over until I found a job that I likes. I think it’s all depending on your personality, what you actually like doing and not what you are supposed to do. For me, as long as I’m happy with what I’m doing, I don’t care about things or peoples giving me shits coz at the end of the day, I just produce result so the rest I take as a challenge. A lil bit of stress ok lah since we need to think sometimes but overstress already a sickness and not good!

Overload, my gal usually goes to sleep when she’s really tired. There’s time when she’s tired but still want to play so I let her do that till she fall asleep by herself. Sometimes she just falls asleep on the floor. I agreed with Sandy that’s the effective way is swimming. In sgp, I used to let my gal swim 4 to 5x a week and not only she can sleep better but sleeps thru the nite.
Same like Deedee, I don’t agree on the Cry it out method.

Whitegalz, your daughter also has 4 teeth..haha. I used to kanchiong when my gal grows her teeth late and then read an article that the longer they don’t get the teeth and healthier the teeth will be. I intend to sent my gal to childcare when we’re back in sgp coz I see that my gal likes to socialize with other kids and she’s not afraid even the kids are bigger than her. It’s a pity now she only has me and daddy to play which requires a lot of our attention coz we don’t have the same energy level as her.
You want to have 4 kids? I also want to have 4 kids before but too bad married late so I think can afford another one and close shop after that. Hehehe

Liting, thanks dear and hope that you can spend more time with you boi boi. So, are you a teacher?

Lili, thanks dear. Yes, Norway is indeed cold country. We came here last summer but I still can feel the coldness. During winter we were covered with layers of clothing and walk like a zombie. I admit that I like winter and we can dress up in winter clothings and boots but it’s not easy when you have push a heavy stroller and walk on uneven pavement. It’s a nightmare!
So, you not in sgp. Where are you currently residing?
My gal actually can chew but still get choke. Yes, I have start giving her slightly lumpy food. I tried giving her tiny bite size like bread, fruits but she takes her time to put it inside her mouth and chew lil bit then swallow. Or she will take the whole lot and put it inside her mouth end up choking.

Lonerunner, thanks dear. Seems that most of our gal here have four teeth

Oh ya, I also gave my gal sometimes rice that I lump like a meatball and she loves it. If I don’t feed her, she will play around with the foods and not eating it. So, I mash her foods and she can eat better and faster. I sometimes got no patience lah.
Thanks for the link, it’s very useful for me just now and I’m still thinking where to choose. Think need to call up a few and find out before I decide.

Sandy, where are you currently residing? I agreed with Sandy that it’s best if we could get together for a meal at child friendly place and lets the kids roam around…and we can chit

Deedee, great to know that you sold off your flat within 1 hr…already break record..hehe
I also plan to sell my flat after get married since hb already got his own house but reluctant to do so. I bought the flat with my parents while I’m still single and like the flat and the surrounding. My friend told me that now the hdb houses selling price been going up but my hb thinks that it’s best to let my family stay there and they continue paying for the mortgage.
Thanks Mommies on concerns and suggestions...
My daughter sleeps with us. That's the problem. She can just roll around and proceed to go down to the floor and walk while crying with sleepy eyes which really worries me cos she usually walk very unsteadily since she's sleepy...

I really wish my daughter's battery is like Naomi's. Hers seems to go on n on... better than energizer bunny... if we dun make her nap, she'll never sleep til night time, which she'll be super cranky n over tired.... i will try swimming once got approval fr husband. He is not comfy that his child might swallow chlorine water that might or might not contain other's people's pee :D hahahah well, i quote almost verbatim haha...

LOL on Naomi's sleeping during bath hahaha...so funny picturing it..

wahlau, ur place must b super nice for them to like it that much...
so happy for u.. ya, i read d webbie that u used to post also, shall change d routine a bit like the webbie suggested n see how... thank u so much, i really like some of d suggestions..

Wahhh sleep on d floor!! haha so cute... actually i saw some mommies' blog before i forgot who, d kid can sleep in jumperoo le... i was like wahlau... my kid scream n scream if nobody accompany her in her play area... inside jumperoo (last time la) also need us to accompany her n sing along haha... i think we never leave her much before now a bit too late lo...

hehe i also like dressing up for winter but can imagine it'd not be as fun with strollers like u say~ haha... Re: Chunky food... we used to show our baby how to chew... show her we put in d food and said "chew chew chew" and making the action with exaggeration (if u know what i mean) and then after we put in chunky food inside her mouth, we'll repeat saying "chew chew chew" with some actions also.. we did that for quite sometimes until she knows she has to chew every time food comes in... dunno whether will work with urs or not...

ok, will nag my hb on whether i can bring baby swimming now... wish me luck!!!
i let my bb sleep using e cry it out method... but not everybody is comfortable wif it, as bb will really cry a lot in e initial stage... esp now when our babies noe how to sua pi qi...

i can meet u! i stay near tanah merah mrt, quite near u?
Hi Ross, yes, I am a teacher but only has time for my pupils, not much time for my own boy. So sad rite? Many of my colleagues also in the same situation. So guilty sometimes when I feel I spent more time with my pupils than my own child.

Regarding work: Also felt quite drained by the amount of work and long hours, coupled with the lack-of -time situation for my boy, sometimes also asked myself if I can do something else. But not daring enough to stay at home as I think all my education would have gone to waste.

Lonerunner, thanks for the info, they are good links. You also quite resourceful...

Whitegalz, so how's ur try for #2? Today's world very competitive, indeed 4 may be too many. I learnt from my parents' lesson - 5 kids in total including me, so I told myself I am not going to have more when I was married. I was also prepared not to have any. But HB wants....

eating with 4 teeth:
cas also has 4 teeth...and i'm giving her lumpy foods coz she knows how to chew. she will put most of her food in front and chew using her 4 front teeth! it's even funny watching her coz sometimes she will put a big chunk of white bread in her mouth and eat it like that...so some of the bread is hanging out of her mouth while she "process" the other half! makes me want to laugh remembering it :D

ey mummies, u know where to get boots for our toddlers? i want her to wear one when we head for korea! hehehe!
