(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Sarah is sleeping ard 12 midnite. haha. ANd I dunno how to make her sleep earlier too

Felt realli shitty today. Was suppose to go for a body check up complimentary from insurance i bought then realised i got menses in the morning and cant go. feeling blur blur, i locked the door and drop my key into my bag (not into my wallet). When i opened my my bag in the bus, i saw my key not in the original place and felt realli worried whether i lock the door. Thinking thinking, i told myself should have locked it la. but still cant help worrying and took half day urgent leave just to go home and check whether the door is locked and IS LOCKED. haiz. so now im at home wasting my half day. The point is i realised my memory is getting worst and i can simply forget things. I feel so sad for myself.

Btw, does your mummies Screamed and screamed? Sarah does and is getting on our nerves.

My baby takes 1-2 naps.
sleep at 12 midnite.
wake up 11 am
nap 2pm for an hr
Sometimes nap at evening. (beri rare)

Sy! Your baby wake up 11? Wah 930am i alre super envy liao lei! Happy- mayb my baby is talkative lik me! Keke. Since she a baby i alws talk to her, wat ever i do etc. We talk Hokkien to her also, so she knows to say ' mai' she use when dun want e person carry her
ya, i am calling some school now.
Difference between half day and full day
Most activities done in the earlier part of the day. rest of days maybe some storytelling, outdoor activites.
In fact, the price difference is about $100 plus.

I agree playgroup cant learn much leh. 1 & half hr. By the time settle down, left an hr plus only.

There are schools charges 500 to 800. faint. $500 seems realli ex liao.
SY, if u wanna consider child care, u can call cherie hearts, but very ex lor, $930 per mth b4 subsidy, it's at anchorvale CC, can register for next yr liao, zion child care is also open registration for next yr liao. My first skool at blk 302 is very full, must put wait list. If u thinking of kindy, u're catholic rite? Can consider St Anne's Church next time, very popular, think also need wait list.
There are some kindy which has pre nursery but some only Nursery.
which model of dlink do you have? it's the video quality good?

come to think of it, we trained cas to walk barefoot first. then when she knows how to balance herself and walk a few steps, we just put on her crocs or ipanema slippers and she will happily walk
i dunno whether to take child care; seems farnie since i have MIL to take care baby...if like that i can just put her at child care for whole day without MIL...

ya, im thinking of St Anne's church...only for N1 rite?
i'm starting to feel anxious if i were to put my gal to school, think i'll be very heartpain if she cries, think i'll cry too leh... hahaha
haha, we are like msn here. u got msn? talk to u tonite? I am going to work liao. So envious of you being SAHM. PM u my email liao. we can discuss abt schools. haha. maybe we can put both our daughters in the same school. keke.

I confirm cry one. Me cry baby.
i'm not sure abt St Anne's... i'm considering SK methodist church instead and they only have nursery.
Hmm if playgroup, like tough to find good ones ard the area hor... i googled for comments, like all so so only... keke let me know if u managed to find good one.
overload, im here lol...i dont know what happened to my server, just didnt want to load SMH so my posts didnt get loaded ..anyways, the sole distributor for tip toey joey is: Sou Feliz, Regency Park. tel no. 67262506 or 9020455

baby talking:

actually if you want them to say anything concrete, have to keep rehearsing and reinforcing them the right words with the right actions..so when shes happy or when she achieved something, she will say yay while clapping her hands. she says thanks when someone gives her something...she say cheese when she wants cheese..etc..so if u want to teach our babes to communicate with words with real meaning have to keep pairing the word with action and repeat until they learn.. its quite effective i feel..oh another factor is hb and i never speak with her in baby language since birth...probably that helps

happy, i "scold" naomi but i minimize the word NO. i tend to use positive language to tell her not to do something that is not good..for eg. before she starts throwing, i will tell her you keep your toy in your hands ok instead of no throwing. if i dont want her to go to that area, i tell her to stay where she is and she might hurt herself if she goes there instead of no, dont go there..etc..its not easy to detour around the word NO but it reduces the likelihood for them to oppose your instructions since kids tend to do the opposite of NO ..hope this helps


naomi also sleep alot lesser in the day..her nap is down to 2 -3 hrs per day but she also sleeps earlier (if there are no night outings), wakes up earlier but she still gets 10 hrs per night
Hallo Mummies,

DJ Mama sneaking in to kaypoh during my lunch hour... haha....

Hmm... actually to be really frank, I spoke with many of my mummy-level friends before enrolling Mer in SJCK when she turns 3. Most of them said that our kids at this age have short attention spans and they need to have naps and play time and doodle around time to re-charge, to grow and to explore. So Sending our kids for these short hour playgroups are pretty ok. Any longer and they also will not be learning much. You dun want to give them an inherent stress before they r ready to even understand what stress is. That's my 2 cents worth la.

As for potty training and stuff. I believe most of us who can hv the luxury of sending our bbs to preschool and nursery or playgroup instead of childcare, we already have a main caretaker to look after bb liaoz rite... then these type of training can be done at home le bah... like Mer, she is not potty trained but her poo time quite standard, cuz my mum gets her to poo same time everyday... then as for learning to feed etc etc, I think us mummies do it when we hv time in the evenings, over the weekends, always better than some teacher in a childcare bah...cuz we r so full of love! LOL.

So mummies, dun stress so much on whether you get bang for your buck for these playgroups etc. At the end of the day, its just a couple of hrs in a day for them to socialise and learn thru fun n exploration in a setting different from home or usual. Just one more form of exposure nia lor...

Personally, I cannot bear the tot of hvg Mer in a childcare or anywhere without myself or family for more than 3hrs leh... lol...so scared she will feel abandoned, lonely or sad or so many so many feelings... when I had to go to Nursery, I often felt abandoned and cheated by my dad de.... cuz he always say buy me chocolates but nv come bk until so many hrs later and still not chocolates... and I got bullied by other girls too... so v sian.
I was too young to tell my parents I was bullied... so everyday I just cry at the gate when my dad says he is going to buy chocolates.
Sandy, i shall try ur method instead of saying "No". my gal's really enjoying throwing more and more, i dunno how to stop her. She takes a piece of bread from me, play with it and throw on the floor. And now when i feed her water via doidy cup, she wanna grab it and put her fingers in the cup and play with the water!

DJ, yeah u got a point too, more for exposure for them... Ya when i walk past a child care, i feel very sad when i hear the kids cry leh. heartpain man...
haha, no wonder... u were laughing from a pt of understanding! :p

i oso think our babies are exploring and learning abt e world... my gal will "boo boo" wif her lips, causing saliva to fly everywhere... hates it when she does tis while eating... then she'll throw my phone on e bed, threatening to throw it down on e floor... i will grab it back, say "no no" then put it beside me... but she'll do it again, e next time wif a grin... guess she thinks i'm playing wif her... so we'll have to teach slowly lor, gotta be patient...
Saying "NO":
when i say no to cas, she will immediately shake her head and then still proceed to do what she wants! i will try and do ur method sandy and see how it goes.

cas has learned a few words like mama, da for daddy, do for dog, wow when she's amazed at something, de-de when she wants milk, ma-mam when she wants to drink and other mumbo jumbo words that i am yet to understand! hahaha!

I dont say NO to him in the past for fear of creating a negative environment for him to grow up in, so I used to tell him that is not right, because its very dangerous and you will get hurt etc etc, but the point is he doesnt understand and still proceed to do what he wants... so I felt geksim, I spoke to his PD, he told me its ok to use the word NO, because NO is very effective and too bad that they dont understand why we keep saying NO, and can only explain to them when they are older in the future, but he pointed out we are like their wall and there are things that we should say no to since they are still learning and exploring and growing, just like power socket, if u dont say NO and they touch and get electrocuted then we will regret right? but i really dunno what is right, i also read that we shd not say NO to them too often because this results in them growing up negatively, but if i dont say NO, he continues to do what he wants also jialat...
how? lol
preschool: a bit confused here. when u all said pre school is it N1 and N2? or play group? how to differentiate the school whether they are play group or pre school or N1/N2? wat kind of programs they will teach in the school?

Saying ‘NO’:
i used to say NO to my ger but dun seem to be effective at all and she tot I was playing with her. Until recently HB and I discovered a new way of discipline her but not sure if this is right or not but it worked. Last sat, my ger wanted to press and on/off switch socket and my hb said a firm ‘NO’ to her. My ger tears straight away and grab me for hug hug then I tell her ‘you can’t play with that cos is dangerous. u dun do it next time if not papa angry’. Then she kept pointing to the socket and ‘scolded’ the socket with action for almost 1 min (so funny!). then she proceed to her papa and gave a hug to papa like telling him ‘I’m sorry and I wont do it again’ Since then she never touch tat again wor when she saw it.
i may sound like a scary mother. my boy likes to stick his fingers in his mouth and suck. I pull it out, he put it in. I tell him no, he still do it, repeatedly. so i came up with new trick, he bite his finger, fine. I pull it out and i get a bite as well. I really bite it, painful enuff for him to stop doing, but not to the extent of breaking it lar... Guess what, he stop, but he try to put it in my mouth again but shrink it back just in time before it reaches my mummy's mighty teeth again. Haha...This thick-skinned fellow just look at me with a sort of stunned face, no cry, no yell. I think he thot it's fun, but didn't dare to challenge my mighty teeth...
iceblue: no need to hum / sing lullaby is a past tense. :p
now i start sing lullaby... dont know for good or for bad... :p

overload/happy: han also shake his head for no-no.
his cousin just taught him on CNY eve and he keeps shaking his head.

lonerunner: i keep repeating 'mummy' to han.
i think he just dont want to say...
hello liting hop e tat yr bb gets better.. oh ive decided to send my bb learing vision after been to more than 20 school waiting list on pat,little school house,carp diem, cherie hearts...best is still LV they r same company as pat's.. u have to go visit the centre n explore talk to the principal find out the curriculam , students to teacher, menu...etc...
i also contempt aircon n non aircon but then the aircon kept very low..cant really feel very cold...in fact w aircon its cleaner.. hate the open toilet smell..

preschool refers : before proper primary education be it put in child care or kindergarden...
as mention from a mummies here..there's difference to put 2hr n long timing..except child care as its whole day too much to do n almost same price

i also cant bear put bb so long in child care.. will trial few hours 1st week then drag to full day.. they will be more independent n learn faster..btw info..if we pick up bb late after 7pm there's fine depends $10 every 15mins
re: stroller

aiya popipi, i have been searching for such cheap, light-weight stroller for the longest time but fail terribly.
Until last sunday, bought one "made in C" one from a baby stall....sob sob..

not fated man
re: pre-school/ childcare/ playgroup

Yar me also intending to send him off to a half day thingy more for exposure to other kiddies (rather than just him), to learn about sharing and communication etc.

i guess the other skills that he will pick up from the school is a bonus.

Oh yar mummies be prepared for "teething" problems cos during the inital stage of baby attending school, they are bound to catch some virus and be sick.
I rem when my niece started out at 18 months, she went to school for one week and caught virus and became sick for a month.
Just to note in case such unexpected circumstances ruined ur plans.
Thanks popipi Haha i have ordered two of it. One is gift for my fren, she keep say she pay me cos she dun believe its cheap,i nvr tel her price but i just say cheap
popipi, thanks for sharing...i am also thinking of buying one since i find my graco a hassle now that naomi is bigger..SY, only skyblue available..hb says its ok to let Naomi use blue, what about you?
thanks for sharing, I also just ordered one and i already have 2 at home.

Sandy no problem with color, my boy is using pink capella since NB it was $80 chepaper during sales this mummy cheapo.
she gt leave her mobile no. , tmr mrn sms her, she wil giv u her acct no., its better to inform her first b4 transfer, otherwis i can send u he acct no.
Wah... The stroller lobang so hot arh haha
I found it late last nite n straight pm her n correspond this morning. Since then, got alot keen parties le

I so stressed cos she say it's first come first basis so I quickly ask my dad to send me there. I mng to get a new piece at $20 cos it was slightly scratch but works as good as new

the lady also very nice n friendly and her son even gave aaden a mini toy car.. So sweet hor so I say will recommend to my feb thread frens, so surprised alot of u so keen

I already used this evening to go for a stroll.. It's gd lor, really no regrets buying it.. Even my dad also can't believe the price she's letting go haha and ask me if I wanna get few more as gift haha
Ya man..

I kancheong alreadi as the thread are moving fast
pple ordering 2-3 sets each so I quickly action lor
but she will reserved it for once you confirm timing to collect it cos I pay COD

yes, she a Caucasian
i hav to pay deposit first cos i cant go dwn this wk..but i dun mind at least sm payment to secure my order hee..

haha so she really hav 3dogs at hm?wah i see her nick... i be scared to go if so many dogs!
whitegalz/sandy, i think not to wry, she shld be looking thru the thread for first cm first serve. sandy u nvr post in her thread, mayb its safer if u post in her thread instead of jus email her?
wow ... hot stroller!

yippie! Bb is now 1yr old! I told hb that exactly 1yr ago at this hour, I was already having super high fever, throwing up and shivering like mad from the epi after effects. nurses were busy cleaning me up then. wahahahahaa! time flies
going fridgets at turf city tmw morning to let bb explore around
Ya she got 3 huge beautiful golden retrievers!

Oh btw, dun end up on the wrong house.. Cos I went to the wrong street with same house no.. Haha
even the seller was telling me a few end up at wrong place

so u knw you got the right place when u c the 3 big dogs haha!
